Talk:Shadow Creature/@comment-

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These are the ancients. It is pretty much confirmed. What happened to the ancient is pretty mysterious, but here is what we know:

They were living happy, but one day winter came, so they had to run to the caves. There they either found, or built the ancient gateway, we don't know, however, They offered the ancients the power of dark and light. With the power of dark, the Ancient King Made food for his people, skeleton guardians, and all kinds of riches like gems and gold. With the power of light, the Ancient Queen couldn't do shit, so she was left in the shadows, while the king got all the popularity. Then, they probably overused the power of dark (AKA nightmare fuel), and some of them died, while others became corrupted, and became these Terrorbeaks and Crawling Horrors. The Queen was able to fend off the shadows via the power of light, but ultimately, she too became corrupted. She is now known as Metheus, probably (again, we don't know for sure), and she is the evil part of Charlie. The Ancient King, now alone got bound to the Nightmare Throne. Then, some time later Maxwell came, and we have no idea how, but somehow the soul and consciousness of the kig got transferred to the Shadow Atrium, and we have no idea what is the deal with the Shadow Pieces, but yeah. That is more or less it for the Ancients.