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So, I was adding some quotes to Warly's (Unimplemented section specifically), but I noticed some quotes have duplicate lines?

Example: there's a line for Rubble, but then a couple of lines below it we have RUBBLE too?

Same thing for TREASURECHEST_TRAP, which is literally just written twice, not sure whether i have to delete the first instance or the second one, if we need to follow Generic Quotes's format then the first instance would have to be removed (although honestly it does seem more fitting to have it near the other trap related quotes), and there's also "Chest (trap)" which im not sure if it's referring to the same thing. Noticed that Wanda's page also has TREASURECHEST_TRAP twice.

Also is Generic Quotes a guideline or not? Because the page actually seems a bit broken? or at least outdated to some extent --ScrawnySurvivor (talk) 10:46, 11 September 2023 (UTC)

Correction about previous post

I realized some "duplicate lines" might instead be for Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together

(Although it wouldn't explain why Wanda has them, as she's a DST exclusive character)

Still, I have to say that's kind of unclear from the format ^^;

Is there no way to make it somewhat clearer? Maybe by adding sections to Unimplemented for Dont Starve and Don't Starve Together? (for the characters that are in both games, obviously), also because I see that Generic Quotes does have separate sections for the two games, if that's anything to go by (there's also a "shared" section before the ones for the two games?)

This is a problem that is also present in other incomplete character quotes pages, from what I'm seeing