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I am a red hound!

My hobbies include: Playing Don't Starve, setting fire to everyone's farms, and arguing with ice hounds about who is better at being awesome and raiding bases.

I also like providing to the wiki. :3

My favorite pages


Pyro hounds appear in hound attacks, or by themselves. When attacking they JUMP over your walls (if they are below their forth state of tallness), then attack you and your farms or tree farms. It is advised to RUN AWAY WITH AS MUCH STUFF AS YOU CAN CARRY when you see one of these little buggers. They look exactly like normal hounds, so you don't notice them until your farms are gone.

Taming that particular mob

Pyro hounds can also be tamed! You take a jerky (Monster or normal, not small) or a dragonfruit, and give it to them. After being tamed, they will fight and protect you. They even pick up items for you (1-2 at a time) and carry them over. Pyrohounds will need to be fed everyday with meat/jerky (2 meat, or 1 jerky) or they will leave after gnawing a hole in your wall to get out. They will also, if hungry, eat meat that they find from killing monsters.