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This page explains quotes "said" by Wilbur. Wilbur cannot speak in a meaningful language, instead he makes random monkey-like noises (expressed as words on the screen as opposed to sound) when he announces or inspects something. These quotes give no useful information. They are also completely random, the quote will change even when examining the same object.

The quotes are generated with 1 to 6 "words", each of which contain 2

to 5 characters.

  • The first character in each word is always an "O".
  • The next 1 to 3 characters consist of an "o" (70% chance) or an "a".
  • There is a 1/3 chance the word ends there, if not the last character will be either an "e" or an "h" with equal chance.

Between each word, there is a 60% chance that there will only be a space. Otherwise, with equal likelihood, a comma, a period, a question mark or an exclamation mark can be placed.

The only 'real' word Wilbur can say is when examining Cave Bananas. He will say "Nanas!"

After all the words, the "sentence" will end with a period, a question mark or an exclamation mark with equal chance for each.

Example Wilbur quotes:

  • Ooo!
  • Ooh? Ooae!
  • Ooae Oooh Oaoa! Ooooe.
饑荒 Wilson portrait.png威爾森 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Willow portrait.png薇洛 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wolfgang portrait.png沃爾夫岡 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wendy portrait.png溫蒂 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
WX-78 portrait.png機械人 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wickerbottom portrait.png薇克巴頓 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodie portrait.png伍迪 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
Wes portrait.png 維斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Waxwell Portrait.png麥斯威爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wagstaff Portrait.png瓦格斯塔夫 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
巨人國 Reign of Giants icon.pngWigfrid portrait.png薇格弗德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Webber portrait.png韋伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
海難 Shipwrecked icon.pngWalani portrait.png瓦拉尼 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Warly portrait.png沃利 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wilbur portrait.png 威爾伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodlegs portrait.png木腿船長 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
豬鎮 Hamlet icon.pngWilba Portrait.png薇爾芭 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wormwood Portrait.png沃姆伍德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wheeler Portrait.png薇勒爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
聯機版 Don't Starve Together icon.pngWinona Portrait.png薇諾娜 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wortox Portrait.png沃拓克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wurt Portrait.png沃特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Walter Portrait.png沃爾特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wanda Portrait.png旺達 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
已移除 Map Icon Florid Postern.pngWarbucks Portrait.png沃巴克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
未實現 威爾頓 • 溫妮 • 華萊士 • 薇弗利 • 火焰兵