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Harp Statue.png 这个页面因为查理的破坏所以现在尚未完成。
"I am one heck of a scientist."



你喜歡科學嗎? 威爾森

TabTools.png 工具


  • Axe.png斧頭- "It's my trusty axe."「這是我值得信賴的斧頭。」
  • Luxury Axe.png黃金斧頭- "That's one fancy axe."「那是一個花哨的斧頭。」
  • Shovel.png鏟子- "There's a lot going on underground."「地下發生了很多事情。」
  • Regal Shovel.png黃金鏟子- "I can't wait to dig holes."「我等不及要挖洞了。」
  • Pickaxe.png十字鎬- "Iconic, isn't it?"「這難道不是標誌性的嗎?」
  • Opulent Pickaxe.png黃金十字鎬- "Hey, isn't gold really soft?"「等等,黃金不是很軟的嗎?」
  • Razor.png剃刀- "A sharpened rock tied to a stick. Hygienic!"「棍子幫著鋒利的石頭。真衛生!」
  • Razor.png剃刀 (不能剃時)- "I can't shave that!"「我剃不了這個!」
  • Razor.png剃刀 (沒有剩餘時)- "There isn't even any stubble left!"「一點渣也不剩!」
  • Razor.png剃刀 (對醒著的野牛使用時)- "I'm not going to try that while he's awake."「在他醒著的時候我不會去嘗試的。」
  • Hammer.png錘子- "Stop! It's time! To hammer things!"「停一停!是時候去砸點東西了!」
  • Pitchfork.png草叉- "Maxwell might be looking for this."「麥斯威爾一定在找這個。」


  • Lucy the Axe.png露西斧- "It's a prettier axe than I'm used to."「它比我以往見過的斧頭都漂亮。」
  • Feather Pencil.png羽毛筆- "The feather increases the scientific properties of the writing."「羽毛增加了作品的科學性。」
  • Brush.png毛刷- "I bet the beefalo really like this."「我打賭野牛肯定喜歡這個。」
  • Saddle.png鞍- "Should let me mount some smelly animal."「可以讓我登上一些發臭的動物。」
  • War Saddle.png戰鞍- "The only problem is the saddle sores."「唯一的問題是鞍會磨損皮膚。」
  • Glossamer Saddle.png薄紗鞍-
  • Saddlehorn.png鞍角- "I can take the saddle off now."「我能立刻把鞍取下來。」
  • Salt Lick.png鹽舐磚- "How many licks does it take to get to the center?"「要舔幾下才能到中心?」
  • Salt Lick.png鹽舐磚(燃燒中)-
  • Burnt Salt Lick.png鹽舐磚(燒焦)-


  • Machete.png砍刀- "I like the cut of this blade."「我喜歡這刀片的形狀。」
  • Luxury Machete.png黃金砍刀- "Hack in style!"「有風度地揮砍!」

TabLight.png 光源


  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.png營火和火坑(被建立時)- "Sure beats darkness."「無疑擊敗了黑暗。」
  • Campfire.png營火(大火)- "That fire is getting out of hand!"「火焰就要失控了!」
  • Fire Pit.png火坑(大火)- "Good thing it's contained!"「好在它被控制了!」
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.png營火和火坑(中火)- "Nice and comfy."「好看又舒服。」
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.png營火和火坑(小火)- "The fire's getting a bit low."「火焰變得有點低了。」
  • Campfire.pngFire Pit.png營火和火坑(火苗)- "I should put something on the fire before it goes out."「在它燃盡之前我應該在火上放一些東西。」
  • Campfire.png營火(熄滅)- "Well, that's over."「好吧,結束了。」
  • Fire Pit.png火坑(熄滅)- "At least I can start it up again."「至少我可以再次點燃它。」
  • Torch.png火炬- "Something to hold back the night."「拿著在晚上擊退黑暗。」
  • Miner Hat.png礦工帽- "This will keep my hands free."「這能讓我騰出手。」
  • Torch.pngMiner Hat.png火炬和礦工帽(熄滅)- "My light just ran out!"「我的光剛剛燃盡了!」
  • Pumpkin Lantern.png南瓜燈籠- "Spooky!"「可怕!」
  • Lantern.png燈籠- "A more civilized light."「更文明的光。」


  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.png冰火和冰火坑- "Sure beats darkness."「無疑擊敗了黑暗。」
  • Endothermic Fire.png冰火(大火)- "That fire is getting out of hand!"「火焰就要失控了!」
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.png冰火坑(大火)- "Good thing it's contained!"「好在它被控制了!」
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.png冰火和冰火坑(中火)- "Nice and comfy."「好看又舒服。」
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.png冰火和冰火坑(小火)- "The fire's getting a bit low."「火焰變得有點低了。」
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.png冰火和冰火坑(火苗)- "I should put something on the fire before it goes out."「在它燃盡之前我應該在火上放一些東西。」
  • Endothermic Fire.png冰火(熄滅)- "Well, that's over."「好吧,結束了。」
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.png冰火坑(熄滅)- "At least I can start it up again."「至少我可以再次點燃它。」
  • Moggles.png鼴鼠帽- "A wretched stench but excellent visibility."「粗糙惡臭但能見度極佳。」


  • Mushlight.pngGlowcap.png蘑菇燈- "Blue is obviously the most scientific color."「藍色顯然是最科學的顏色。」
  • Willow's Lighter.png薇洛的打火機- "It's her lucky lighter."「這是她的幸運打火機。」


  • Chiminea.png防風火爐- "Take that, wind!"「大風,接招吧!」
  • Bottle Lantern.png瓶燈- "A bottle full of sunshine."「充滿陽光的瓶子。」
  • Obsidian Fire Pit.png黑曜石火坑- "This fire pit is a conductor for even more... fire."“这个火坑是一个导体,甚至更多…火。”

TabSurvival.png 生存


  • Backpack.png背包- "It's for me to put my stuff in."「它能讓我能把東西放進去。」
  • Piggyback.png小豬包- "I feel kinda bad for that."「我感到這樣不太好。」
  • Bird Trap.png捕鳥陷阱- "Gives me a net advantage!"「給了我網子優勢!」
  • Bug Net.png捕蟲網- "For catching bugs."「用來捉蟲子。」
  • Fishing Rod.png釣竿- "Hook, line and stick!"「鉤子,線和棍子!」
  • Straw Roll.png草蓆- "It smells like wet."「聞起來像潮了。」
  • Fur Roll.png毛毯- "It's so warm and comfy."「它非常溫暖舒適。」
  • Tent.png帳篷- "I get crazy when I don't sleep."「我沒睡覺的時候會發瘋。」
  • Trap.png陷阱- "I wove it real tight."「我把它編的很緊。」
  • Bandage.png蜂蜜藥膏- "Seems sterile enough."「看著足夠無菌。」
  • Healing Salve.png治療藥膏- "The stinging means that it's working."「痛就說明在生效。」
  • Umbrella.png雨傘- "This will keep my hair dry, at least."「至少它能讓我的頭髮保持乾燥。」
  • Compass.png指南針- 依面向的方位而定。可能的台詞有:
"North." 「北方。」;"Northeast." 「東北方。」; "East." 「東方。」; "Southeast." 「西南方。」; "South." 「南方。」;"Southwest." 「西南方。」;"West." 「西方。」;"Northwest." 「西北方。」


  • Insulated Pack.png隔熱背包- "The fur keeps the temperature inside stable."「毛皮使背包里面温度保持稳定。」
  • Luxury Fan.png精緻羽扇- "Down to bring my temperature down."「扇子扇下让我的体温降低。」
  • Siesta Lean-to.png簡易木棚- "A nice place for an afternoon rest out of the heat."「沒有炎热的午後休息的好地方。」
  • Siesta Lean-to.png簡易木棚(不能睡覺時)- "Night is for sleeping, not taking siestas."「晚上该睡觉,不能午睡。」
  • Siesta Lean-to.png簡易木棚(有怪物時)- "It's too dangerous right now!"「现在太危险了!」
  • Siesta Lean-to.png簡易木棚(飢餓時)- "I'm too hungry for a siesta!"「我太饿了睡不了午觉!」
  • Siesta Lean-to.png簡易木棚(在洞穴中)- "I don't think I could really relax down here."「我不觉得在这里我能真正休息。」
  • Tent.png帳篷(過熱)-
  • Tent Burnt.png帳篷(燒焦)- "Nothing left to sleep in."「没有东西能给我睡了。」
  • Siesta Lean-to Burnt.png簡易木棚(燒焦)- "It won't provide much shade now."「它现在无法提供足够的荫蔽。」
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3.png恆溫石- "I could manipulate its temperature."「我可以控制它的温度。」
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1.png恆溫石(冰)- "It's colder than ice."「它比冰还要冷。」
  • Thermal Stone.png恆溫石(冷)- "That's a cold stone."「那是一块冰冷的石头。」
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.png恆溫石(溫)- "It's quite warm and cuddly... for a rock!"「它非常温暖而且让我想把它抱在怀里...为了一块石头!」
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.png恆溫石(熱)- "Nice and toasty hot!"「舒适温暖!」
  • Pretty Parasol.png漂亮陽傘- "This will keep my hair moderately dry, at least."「这至少能保持我的头发适当干燥。」


  • Telltale Heart.png告密的心- "The beating of this hideous heart will bring a ghost back to life!"「这颗丑陋的心的跳动会使幽灵复活!」
  • Booster Shot.png強心針- "I seem to have discovered a cure!"「我似乎找到了一种治疗方案!」
  • Waterballoon.png水球 - "What a scientific marvel!"「这是一个科学的奇迹!」
  • Whirly Fan.png風車- "Somehow the breeze comes out the back twice as fast."「不知道为什么微风从后面吹来的速度是原来两倍。」
  • Bernie.png伯尼熊 (held)-
  • Bernie Active.png伯尼熊 (active)- "That teddy bear is moving around. Interesting."「那只泰迪熊正在四处移动。真有趣。」
  • Bernie Inactive.png伯尼熊 (inactive)- "It's all scorched."“这都烧焦了。”
  • DeadBernie.png伯尼熊 (broken)- "It finally fell apart."「它还是变的破碎不堪了。」
  • Bundling Wrap.png包裝紙- "Wrapping things up should make them easier to carry."「把东西包起来应该会使它们变得更容易携带。」
  • Bundled Supplies 4 Slot.png包裹- "Our supplies are in there!"「我们的物资都在那里!」
  • Candy Bag.png糖果包- "It's some sort of delicious pocket dimension for sugary treats."「它是某种装满糖果的美味的次元口袋。」
  • File:Festive Wrap.png禮物包裝紙-
  • Gifts.png禮物-


  • Thatch Pack.png編織袋- "I call it a thatchel."“我叫它茅草屋顶。”
  • Booty Bag.png海盗背包- "I can keep my booty in here."「我可以把我的战利品放在里面。」
  • Sea Sack.png保鲜袋- "I hate when food has that not-so-fresh taste."「我讨厌那些吃起来不大新鲜的食物。」
  • Tropical Fan.png热带羽扇- "Down to bring my temperature down."「扇子扇下使我的体温降低。」
  • Silly Monkey Ball.png猴子球- "I have a strange desire to name it after myself."「我有个奇怪的念头想把它以我的名字命名。」
  • Tropical Parasol.png热带阳伞l- "This will keep my hair moderately dry, at least."「这至少将会保持我的头发适当干燥。」
  • Anti Venom.png解毒剂- "Tastes horrible!"「尝起来太糟了!」
  • Palm Leaf Hut.png棕榈叶棚- "Shade sweet shade."「提供舒适的荫蔽。」

TabFood.png 食物


  • Crock Pot.png 烹饪锅(空的)- "It makes me hungry just to look at it."「仅仅是看着它我就饿了。」
  • Crock Pot.png烹饪锅 (烹饪中,剩余时间长)- "This is going to take a while."「这还要再花一点时间。」
  • Crock Pot.png烹饪锅 (烹饪中,剩余时间短)- "It's almost done!"「马上就完成了!」
  • Crock Pot.png烹饪锅 (烹饪完成)- "Mmmmm! It's ready to eat!"「嗯嗯嗯!可以开吃了!」
  • Crock Pot.png烹饪锅 (添加食材失败)-
  • Bee Box.png蜂箱- "Bees!"「蜜蜂蜂蜂!」
  • Bee Box Level 0.png蜂箱 (没有蜂蜜)- "It's empty."「它是空的。」
  • Bee Box Level 2.png蜂箱 (一些蜂蜜)- "I should wait a bit."「我还得等一会儿。」
  • Bee Box Level 3.png蜂箱 (装满蜂蜜)- "It's full of honey."「它装满了蜂蜜。」
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.png基本和改良农田- "I should try planting some crops."「我应该试着种一些作物。」
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.png基本和改良农田 (生长中)- "Go plants go!"「生长吧植物们!」
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.png基本和改良农田 (作物长成)- "Mmmm. Ready to harvest."「嗯嗯嗯!可以收获了。」
  • Basic Farm.pngImproved Farm.png基本和改良农田 (需要肥料)- "I think it needs to be fertilized."「我觉得它需要施肥。」
  • Ice Box.png冰箱- "I have harnessed the power of cold!"「我能够驾驭寒冷的的力量了!」
  • Drying Rack Build.png干肉架- "I should dry some meats."「我应该晒干一些肉。」
  • Drying Rack.png干肉架 (晾晒中)- "Meat takes a while to dry."「晒干一些肉需要花费一点时间。」
  • Drying Rack.png干肉架 (晾晒完成)- "Jerky time!"「吃肉干的时间!」


  • Crock Pot Burnt.png烹饪锅 (烧焦的)- "The pot got cooked."「这口锅煮熟了。」
  • Bee Box Burnt.png蜂箱 (烧焦的)- "How did it get burned?!!"「它是怎么烧起来的?!!」
  • Farmplot Burnt.png基本和改良农田 (烧焦的)- "I don't think anything will grow in a pile of ash."「我不觉得有什么能从一堆灰烬中长出来。」
  • Drying Rack.png干肉架 (在雨中晾晒)- "Meat takes even longer to dry in rain."「在雨中肉需要更长的时间才能晾干。」
  • Drying Rack Burnt.png干肉架 (烧焦的)- "The rack got dried."「干肉架干了。」
  • Bucket-o-poop.png堆肥桶- "That is definitely a bucket full of poop."「那一定是一个装满了粪便的桶。」


  • Mushroom Planter Build.png蘑菇农场 (空的)- "It could use a spore. Or a mushroom transplant."「它可以用孢子或者移植的蘑菇种植。」
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (一些蘑菇)- "It should keep growing now."「它现在应该继续生长。」
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (大量蘑菇)-
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (装满蘑菇)-
  • Mushroom Planter Exhausted.png蘑菇农场 (腐烂的)- "A log would probably be of more use."「一根木头本可能有更多用处。」
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (燃烧的)-
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (烧焦的)-
  • Mushroom Planter.png蘑菇农场 (被雪覆盖)-


  • Mussel Stick.png贻贝棍- "I'm really going to stick it to those mussels."「我真的打算把它粘在那些贻贝上。」
  • Mussel Bed.png贻贝床- "I should find a good spot for these."「我得为这些找个好地方。」
  • Portable Crock Pot.png便携烹饪锅 (携带)- "
  • Portable Crock Pot.png便携烹饪锅 (空)- "
  • Portable Crock Pot.png便携烹饪锅 (烹饪中)- "
  • Portable Crock Pot.png便携烹饪锅 (烹饪完成)- "
  • Fish Farm.png养鱼场 (空)- "I need to find some fish eggs for this."「我得为这个找一些鱼卵。」
  • Fish Farm.png养鱼场 (成长中)- "The fish babies haven't hatched yet."「小鱼们还没有孵化。」
  • Fish Farm.png养鱼场 (长成)- "

TabScience.png 科學


  • Science Machine.png科学仪器- "It breaks items into their scientific components.""它把物品分解成它们最基本的化学成分。"
  • Alchemy Engine.png炼金术引擎- "I am one heck of a scientist.""它甚至比上一个更科学了!"
  • Thermal Measurer.png温度计- “I am one heck of a scientist.”"我是个不错的科学家。"
  • Rainometer.png雨量计- "It measures cloudiness.""它能测出天气的阴沉程度。"
  • Lightning Rod.png避雷针- "I can harness the heavens!""我能主宰天堂!"
  • Lightning Rod.png避雷针 (充电)- "The power is mine!""电力都是我的!"
  • Gunpowder.png火药- "It looks like pepper.""它看起来像胡椒。"


  • Science Machine Burnt.png科学机器(烧毁)- "It won't be doing much science now."不能拿它做研究了。”
  • Alchemy Engine Burnt.png炼金引擎(烧毁)- "The extra science didn't keep it alive."“丰富的科技没能保证它存活。”
  • Thermal Measurer Burnt.png温度计(烧毁)- "Its measuring days are over."“他屈指可数的生命到头了”。
  • Rainometer Burnt.png雨量计(烧毁)- "The measuring parts went up in a cloud of smoke."“测量部件灰飞烟灭了。”
  • Ice Flingomatic.png雪球发射器(关)- "All quiet on the flinging front."“扔到的就不烧了。”
  • Ice Flingomatic.png雪球发射器(开)- "filing"“扔!”
  • Ice Flingomatic.png雪球发射器(燃料不足)- "The fuel tank is getting a bit low."“燃料变得有点少了。"
  • Electrical Doodad.png电器元件- "It's whirring with electricity."“带电的呜呜乱转的东西。”


  • Cartographer's Desk Build.pngCartographer's Desk- "Now I can show everyone what I found!"
  • Cartographer's Desk.pngCartographer's Desk (burning)- "So much for that."
  • Cartographer's Desk Burnt.pngCartographer's Desk (burnt)- "Nothing but ash now."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (normal and burning)- "We can make stone sculptures with this."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (burnt)- "Burnt right down."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (invalid material)-
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (Marble or Cut Stone placed)- "Ready for sculpting."
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (material already present)-
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (sculpture)- "A masterpiece!"
  • Potter's Wheel.pngPotter's Wheel (sketch already known)-


  • Sea Lab.png海上实验室- "For sea science!"“关于海上的科学!”
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000- "It's putting along!""它工作正常。"
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000 (high)- "It's running great!""它状态非常好!"
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000 (medium)- "It's putting along.""它工作正常。"
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000 (low)- "It seems to be slowing down.""它好像慢下来了。"
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000 (very low)- "I can hear it sputtering.""我能听到它越来越无力了。"
  • Ice Maker 3000.png制冰机3000 (out)- "It needs more fuel.""它需要更多燃料。"
  • Quacken Drill.png海妖撞锤- "I can get more tar if I used this at sea.""如果在海上使用,我会得到更多的焦油。"

TabFight.png 戰鬥


  • Spear.png矛- "That's one pointy stick.""好尖的一根棍子。"
  • Ham Bat.png火腿棒- "This seems unsanitary.""这好像不卫生。"
  • Boomerang.png回旋镖- "Aerodynamical!""空气动力学!"
  • Boomerang.png回旋镖(打到自己)- "Ow! I should try to catch that!""嗷!我应该尽量接住它!"
  • Blow Dart.png吹箭- "Good practice for my birthday cake!""我可以好好练习怎么吹生日蜡烛!"
  • Sleep Dart.png睡眠吹箭- "Just don't breathe in.""不要倒吸进去。"
  • Fire Dart.png火焰吹箭- "This seems fundamentally unsafe.""这东西似乎根本不安全。"
  • Football Helmet.png橄榄球头盔- "I don't like sports.""我不喜欢运动。"
  • Grass Suit.png草甲- "I hope there are no bugs in this.""我希望这里面没有虫子。"
  • Log Suit.png木甲- "That is a perfectly reasonable piece of clothing.""那是一件非常合适的衣服。"
  • Marble Suit.png大理石甲- "This looks really heavy.""这个看起来很沉。"
  • Bee Mine.png蜜蜂地雷- "It buzzes when I shake it.""当我摇动它时,它会发出嗡嗡声。"
  • Tooth Trap.png狗牙陷阱- "This is a nasty surprise.""真是糟糕的意外。"
  • Shelmet.png蜗牛帽- "I hope it doesn't mess up my hair.""希望这不会把我的发型弄乱。"
  • Snurtle Shell Armor.png蜗牛护甲- "It sticks to my back.""它黏在了我的后背上。"


  • Scalemail.png龙鳞甲- "Hot mail!""热呼呼的盔甲!"
  • Morning Star.png晨星- "It's electric!""它带电!"
  • Weather Pain.png风向标- "Spinning doom.""旋转的毁灭之力。"


  • Battle Helm.pngBattle Helm- "Pretty fancy hat, that."
  • Battle Spear.pngBattle Spear- "It feels very stabby."
  • Electric Dart.pngElectric Dart- "It has shocking accuracy."
  • Tail o' Three Cats.pngTail o' Three Cats- "Nothing like loud noises to help keep the peace."
  • Napsack.pngNapsack- "It makes snooze circles when I throw it."


  • Poison Spear.pngPoison Spear- "Now it's extra deadly."
  • Poison Dart.pngPoison Dart- "The pointy end goes that way."
  • Coconade.pngCoconade- "I'll need to light it first."
  • Coconade.pngCoconade (lit)- "This seems dangerous."
  • Spear Gun.pngSpear Gun (empty)- "Science takes care of me."
  • Spear Gun Spear.pngSpear Gun- "Oh the science I could get up to with this!"
  • Spear Gun Poison.pngPoison Spear Gun- "Poison tipped."
  • Spear Gun Obsidian.pngObsidian Spear Gun- "Fire tipped."
  • Spear Gun Battle.pngBattle Spear Gun- "
  • Harpoon.pngHarpoon- "I don't intend to harp on the issue."
  • Cutlass Supreme.pngCutlass Supreme- "I hope this sword doesn't start to smell..."
  • Trident.pngTrident- "I wonder how old this artifact is?"
  • Cactus Spike.pngCactus Spike- "I'm glad I didn't step on this."
  • Peg Leg.pngPeg Leg- "I can perform amputations if anyone'd like to wear it for real."
  • Seashell Suit.pngSeashell Suit- "Arts and crafts!"
  • Limestone Suit.pngLimestone Suit- "I'm sure this will hold up great!"
  • Cactus Armour.pngCactus Armour- "The best defense is a good offense."

TabStructures.png 建築


  • Birdcage Build.png鳥籠- "I should put a bird in it."「我應該放一隻鳥進去。」
  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中)- "That's my bird!"「這是我的鳥!」
  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中,睡覺時)- "Awwww, he's asleep."「噢喔~,牠睡著了。」
  • Pig House Build.png豬人屋- "These pigs have pretty fancy houses."「這些豬人有著挺花俏的家。」
  • Pig House.png豬人屋(使用中,關燈時)- "Come ON! I know you're home!"「得了吧!我知道你在家!」
  • Pig House.png豬人屋(使用中,開燈時)- "I can see a snout pressed up against the window."「我能看見有個豬鼻貼在窗戶上。」
  • Rabbit Hutch Build.png胡蘿蔔屋- "That's not a real carrot."「那不是真正的胡蘿蔔。」
  • Hay Wall.png乾草牆(在身上時)- "This seems like a bad idea."「這看起來是個壞主意。」
  • Hay Wall Build.png乾草牆 "Hmmmm. I guess that'll have to do."「恩...我猜這是可行的。」
  • Hay Wall Build.png乾草牆(受損時)(- "Hmmmm. I guess that'll have to do. I think I can fix this!"「恩...我猜這還是可行的。我想我能夠修復它!」
  • Wood Wall.png木牆(在身上時)- "Pickets!"「木板!」
  • Wood Wall Build.png木牆- "Pointy!"「尖尖的!」
  • Wood Wall Build.png木牆(受損時)- "Pointy! I think I can fix this!"「尖尖的!我想我能夠修復它!」
  • Stone Wall.png石牆(在身上時)- "They make me feel so safe."「他們讓我感到很安全。」
  • Stone Wall Build.png石牆- "That's a nice wall."「這是個不錯的牆。」
  • Stone Wall Build.png石牆(受損時)- "That's a nice wall. I think I can fix this!"「這是個不錯的牆。我想我能夠修復它!」
  • Chest.png儲物箱- "It's my tickle trunk!"「這是我的寶物箱!」
  • Chest.png儲物箱(裝滿時)- "It's full."「它裝滿了。」
  • Chest.png儲物箱(不允許儲存時,像是背包)- "That can't go in there."「這不能放進去。」
  • Home Sign.png標示牌- "It says 'You are here'."「這邊寫著'你在這裡'。」
  • Potted Fern.png蕨類盆栽- "A fern in a pot."「一片蕨類植物在盆裡。」


  • Pig House Burnt.pngPig House (burnt)- "Not so fancy now, pig!"
  • Rabbit Hutch Burnt.pngRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "That's not a real roasted carrot."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall (burnt)- "That won't do at all."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall (burnt)- "Burnt!"
  • Chest Burnt.pngChest (burnt)- "That trunk was truncated."
  • Scaled Chest.pngScaled Chest- "Next best thing to a lockbox!"
  • Sign Burnt.pngSign (burnt)- "I can't read it any longer."


  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中,鳥餓了)- "He's looking a bit peckish."「他看起來有點餓。」
  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中,鳥飢餓中)- "Did I forget to feed you?"「我忘了餵你嗎?」
  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中,鳥死亡)- "Maybe he's just resting?"「也許他只是在休息?」
  • Birdcage.png鳥籠(使用中,鳥骷髏)- "That bird is definitely deceased."「這隻鳥確定死亡了。」
  • Home Sign.pngDirectional Sign.png標示牌和方向標示牌(空白)- "The sign is currently blank."「這標示牌很明顯是空白的。」
  • End Table.png一般茶几(空著且燃燒中)- "I should put something in there."「我應該放些東西在裡面。」
  • Stagehand.png一般茶几(花朵)- "A flower in a vase on a table."「在桌子上一朵花在花瓶中。」
  • Stagehand.png一般茶几(新的發光資源)- "It's nice to have a little light."「有著微弱的光還不錯。」
  • Stagehand.png一般茶几(舊的發光資源)-"Did we remember to pick up new bulbs?"「我們有記得去找新的球莖嗎?」
  • Stagehand.png一般茶几(枯萎)- "Not looking too fresh."「看起來不太新鮮。」
  • Stagehand.png一般茶几(燒毀)- "A burnt vase on a burnt table."「一個燒毀的花瓶在一張燒毀的桌子上。」
  • Friendly Scarecrow.png友善的稻草人- "All dressed up and no where to crow."「都裝扮好了且沒有位置留給烏鴉。」
  • Friendly Scarecrow.png友善的稻草人(燃燒中)- "Someone made that strawman eat crow."「有人逼著那稻草人吃烏鴉。」
  • Friendly Scarecrow.png友善的稻草人(燒毀)- "Someone MURDERed that scarecrow!"「有人謀殺了那稻草人!」
  • Moon Rock Wall.png月亮石牆(在身上時)- "Very light, but surprisingly tough."「非常輕,但出乎意料地堅固。】
  • Moon Rock Wall Build.png月亮石牆- "Spacey and smooth!"「太空感且平滑!」
  • Moon Rock Wall Build.png月亮石牆(受損時)- "Spacey and smooth! I think I can fix this!"「太空感且平滑!我想我能夠修復它!」
  • Scaled Furnace.png鱗甲爐- "It's scalding!"「它非常的燙!」
  • Wardrobe.png衣櫃- "It holds dark, forbidden secrets..."「他掌控著黑暗,禁忌的秘密...」
  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe (in use)- 
  • Wardrobe.png衣櫃(燃燒中)- "That's burning fast!"「它燒得非常快!」
  • Wardrobe Burnt.png衣櫃(燒毀)- "It's outta style now."「它現在失去了造型。」
  • Wardrobe.png衣櫃(無法換裝,通常)-"I don't want to change right now."「我現在不想要換衣服。」
  • Wardrobe.png衣櫃(無法換裝,著火時)-"It's too dangerous right now!"「現在換衣服太危險了!」
  • Wardrobe.png衣櫃(無法換裝,使用中)-"It can only handle one style change at a time."「他只能夠一次換一套裝扮。」
  • Potted Succulent.png多肉盆栽- "A succulent in a pot."「一個多肉植物在盆裡。」


  • Sand Castle.pngSand Castle- "Look what I made!"
  • Sand Castle Sand.pngSand Castle (sand)- "It's a sand castle in the sand!"
  • Limestone Wall.pngLimestone Wall (held)- "These would do more good if I placed them."
  • LimestoneWallStructure.pngLimestone Wall- "Sturdy."
  • LimestoneWallStructure.pngLimestone Wall (damaged)- "Sturdy. I think I can fix this!"
  • Sand Bag.pngSandbag (held)- "Sand technology on the go."
  • Sand Bag Structure.pngSandbag- "Keeps the water at bay."
  • Seaworthy.pngSeaworthy (Vanilla or ROG world)- "Ahoy!"
  • Seaworthy.pngSeaworthy (SW world)- "It's broken."
  • Buoy.pngBuoy- "Awww yaaaaa Buoy!"
  • Sea Chest.pngSea Chest- "Watertight, just like all my theories."
  • Sea Wall.pngSea Wall (held)- "I have to build it in the water."
  • Sea Wall Build.pngSea Wall- "
  • Sea Wall Build.pngSea Wall (damaged)- "

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomploshrine- "I want to use it, and I want the world to know that I did."

Grass Turf.png 地皮


  • Wooden Flooring.pngWooden Flooring- "These are floorboards."
  • Carpeted Flooring.pngCarpeted Flooring- "It's surprisingly scratchy."
  • Checkerboard-Flooring.pngCheckerboard Flooring- "These are pretty snazzy."
  • Cobblestones.pngCobblestones- "Hastily cobbled stones."
  • Fungus Turf Red.pngFungal Turf (red)- "Fungal red floor."
  • Fungus Turf Green.pngFungal Turf (green)- "Green fungus-y turf."
  • Forest Turf.pngGrass Turf.pngSavanna Turf.pngRocky Turf.pngMarsh Turf.pngOther Turfs (surface)- "A chunk of ground."
  • Fungal Turf.pngGuano Turf.pngMud Turf.pngSlimey Turf.pngCave Rock Turf.pngOther Turfs (cave)- "Yet another ground type."


  • Deciduous Turf.pngDeciduous Turf- "Yet another ground type."
  • Sandy Turf.pngSandy Turf- "Dirty turf."


  • Scaled Flooring.pngScaled Flooring- "You want proof it's fireproof?"


  • Snakeskin Rug.pngSnakeskin Rug- "Sssstyle ssssstatement."
  • Jungle Turf.pngJungle Turf- "Very gnarled ground."
  • Meadow Turf.pngMeadow Turf- "Meadow-y turf."
  • Magma Turf.pngMagma Turf- "Lava-y floor."
  • Tidal Marsh Turf.pngTidal Marsh Turf- "Marsh-y floor."
  • Ashy Turf.pngAshy Turf- "Ashy turf."
  • Volcano Turf.pngVolcano Turf- "Volcano-y turf."



  • Rope.pngRope- "Some short lengths of rope."
  • Boards.pngBoards- "Boards."
  • Cut Stone.pngCut Stone- "I've made them seductively smooth."
  • Papyrus.pngPapyrus- "Some sheets of paper."
  • Purple Gem.pngPurple Gem- "It contains the mysteries of the universe."
  • Nightmare Fuel.pngNightmare Fuel- "This stuff is crazy!"


  • Cratered Moonrock.pngCratered Moonrock- "I should stick something shiny in it. For research."
  • Marble Bean.pngMarble Bean- "I traded the old family cow for it."
  • Beeswax.pngBeeswax- "Beeswax is a scientifically proven preservative!"
  • Wax Paper.pngWax Paper- "Some sheets of wax paper."


  • Cloth.pngCloth- "Soft cloth made from hard root!"
  • Limestone.pngLimestone- "Looks like a useful building material."
  • Empty Bottle.pngEmpty Bottle- "Just an empty bottle."
  • Coral Nubbin.pngCoral Nubbin- "I want nubbin to do with that."



  • Meat Effigy.pngMeat Effigy- "What a handsome devil!"
  • Prestihatitator.pngPrestihatitator- "Who would name something that?"
  • Shadow Manipulator.pngShadow Manipulator- "What have I created?"
  • Pan Flute.pngPan Flute- "I can serenade the animals."
  • Night Light.pngNight Light- "It gives off a spooky light."
  • Night Armour.pngNight Armour- "Wearing this makes me feel safe and insecure."
  • Dark Sword.pngDark Sword- "I dreamed it myself!"
  • One-man Band.pngOne-man Band- "I should have added a beefalo bell."
  • Bat Bat.pngBat Bat- "I bet I could fly if I held two of these."
  • Belt of Hunger.pngBelt of Hunger- "A soggy, sustaining, succulent suit."
  • Chilled Amulet.pngChilled Amulet- "Cool as ice!"
  • Nightmare Amulet.pngNightmare Amulet- "It's whispering to me."
  • Life Giving Amulet.pngLife Giving Amulet- "I feel so safe when I'm wearing it."
  • Fire Staff.pngFire Staff- "I don't want to set the world on fire."
  • Ice Staff.pngIce Staff- "It's cold to the touch."
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "It can show me the world."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (full)- "It's ready to go."
  • Telebase.pngTelelocator Focus (missing gem)- "It needs more purple gems."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelolocator Socket (full)- "Looks ready."
  • Telelocator Focus.pngTelelocator Socket (missing gem)- "It needs a gem."


  • Meat Effigy Burnt.pngMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Not much use anymore."
  • Prestihatitator Burnt.pngPrestihatitator (burnt)- "Fire doesn't really solve naming issues..."
  • Shadow Manipulator Burnt.pngShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Whatever it was, it's burnt now."
  • Old Bell.pngOld Bell- "Dingalingaling."


  • Ocuvigil.pngBurnt Ocuvigil.pngOcuvigil (normal, burning, and burnt)- "That's an entirely scientific mapping tool."
  • Moon Dial.pngMoon Dial (generic)- "Water amplifies the science, allowing us to measure the moon."
  • Moon Dial Build.pngMoon Dial (new moon)-
  • Moon Dial Build.pngMoon Dial (waxing)- 
  • Moon Dial Build.pngMoon Dial (full moon)- 
  • Moon Dial Build.pngMoon Dial (waning)- "The moon is waning."
  • Moon Dial.pngMoon Dial (in Caves)-
  • The Lazy Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter- "This pyramid controls the sands."
  • The Lazy Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter (active)-


  • Piratihatitator.pngPiratihatitator- "It's twisting my tongue."
  • Prestihatitator Burnt.pngPiratihatitator (burnt)- "Fire doesn't really solve naming issues..."
  • Dripple Pipes.pngDripple Pipes- "Is it dripping...?"



  • Sewing Kit.pngSewing Kit- "Darn it! Darn it all to heck!"
  • Rabbit Earmuff.pngRabbit Earmuffs- "At least my ears won't get cold..."
  • Straw Hat.pngStraw Hat- "Hats always ruin my hair."
  • Beefalo Hat.pngBeefalo Hat- "That's a case of hat-hair waiting to happen."
  • Beekeeper Hat.pngBeekeeper Hat- "This should keep me protected."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "I AM A BIRD!"
  • Winter Hat.pngWinter Hat- "It'll be good for when winter comes."
  • Top Hat.pngTop Hat- "What a nice hat."
  • Dapper Vest.pngDapper Vest- "This vest is dapper as all get-out."
  • Breezy Vest.pngBreezy Vest- "Wilderness casual."
  • Puffy Vest.pngPuffy Vest- "Winter survival gear."
  • Bush Hat.pngBush Hat- "It's kind of scratchy."
  • Garland.pngGarland- "It smells like prettiness."
  • Walking Cane.pngWalking Cane- "It makes walking seem much easier!"


  • Cat Cap.pngCat Cap- "Ears hat!"
  • Fashion Melon.pngFashion Melon- "Let the juice run down your face."
  • Ice Cube.pngIce Cube- "Stay cool, boy."
  • Rain Coat.pngRain Coat- "Keeps the rain where it ought to be. Outside my body."
  • Rain Hat.pngRain Hat- "It'll mess up my hair, but I'll stay nice and dry."
  • Summer Frest.pngSummer Frest- "Keep off, evil sun!"
  • Floral Shirt.pngFloral Shirt- "It's not lab-safe!"
  • Eyebrella.pngEyebrella- "It will watch over me."
  • Hibearnation Vest.pngHibearnation Vest- "Welcome to hibernation station!"


  • Trusty Tape.pngTrusty Tape- "Good for mending."
  • Feather Hat.pngFeather Hat- "BECOME THE BIRD!"
  • Fashion Goggles.pngFashion Goggles- "What a stylish pair of goggles."
  • Desert Goggles.pngDesert Goggles- "Quality eye protection."
  • Blue Funcap.pngGreen Funcap.pngRed Funcap.pngFuncap- "Makes the wearer look like a fun guy."


  • Brain of Thought.pngBrain of Thought- "Two brains means double the ideas!"
  • Snakeskin Hat.pngSnakeskin Hat- "Should repel the rain."
  • Snakeskin Jacket.pngSnakeskin Jacket- "How fashionable!"
  • Blubber Suit.pngBlubber Suit- "Well, it's something."
  • Windbreaker.pngWindbreaker- "The wind doesn't stand a chance!"
  • Tar Suit.pngTar Suit- "I'll pitch a fit if I have to wear that."
  • Particulate Purifier.pngParticulate Purifier- "Sucks all the stink out."
  • Sleek Hat.pngSleek Hat- "It really cuts through the air!"
  • Shark Tooth Crown.pngShark Tooth Crown- "What a dangerous looking hat."
  • Dumbrella.pngDumbrella- "The second umbrella keeps the first umbrella dry."

Icon Nautical.pngNautical Shipwrecked icon.png


  • Log Raft.pngLog Raft- "This looks... boat-like..."
  • Raft.pngRaft- "This looks... adequate..."
  • Row Boat.pngRow Boat- "It runs on elbow grease."
  • Cargo Boat.pngCargo Boat- "It has room for all my stuff!"
  • Armoured Boat.pngArmoured Boat- "That is one durable boat."
  • Encrusted Boat.pngEncrusted Boat- "A mere shell of a ship."
  • Surfboard.pngSurfboard- "
  • The 'Sea Legs'.pngThe "Sea Legs"- "A vessel fit for a scallywag."
  • Boat Repair Kit.pngBoat Repair Kit- "This will add some float to my boat."
  • Thatch Sail.pngThatch Sail- "This should really transform my boating experience."
  • Cloth Sail.pngCloth Sail- "That wind isn't getting away now!"
  • Snakeskin Sail.pngSnakeskin Sail- "Scale it and sail it!"
  • Feather Lite Sail.pngFeather Lite Sail- "It's feather-light!"
  • Iron Wind.pngIron Wind- "This is how a scientist should travel."
  • Boat Torch.pngBoat Torch- "This'll keep my hands free."
  • Boat Lantern.pngBoat Lantern- "This will do wonders for my night-vision!"
  • Boat Cannon.pngBoat Cannon- "The only thing better than a boat is a boat with a cannon."
  • Quackering Ram.pngQuackering Ram- "Does my ingenuity know no bounds?!"
  • Sea Trap.pngSea Trap (held and placed)- "For the deadliest catch."
  • Sea Yard.pngSea Yard (running)- "For keeping my ships in tiptop shape!"
  • Sea Yard.pngSea Yard (out of fuel)- "
  • Tar Extractor.pngTar Extractor (off)- "I have to turn it on."
  • Tar Extractor.pngTar Extractor (on)- "It's running smoothly."
  • Tar Extractor.pngTar Extractor (out of fuel)- "
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net- "Nothing but net."
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net (equipped)- "It's bulging with potential!"
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net (full)- "I think it's sinking."
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net (extremely full)- "It is definitely sinking."
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net (detached)- "
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net (sinking)- "
  • Spyglass.pngSpyglass- "I spy with my little eye..."
  • Super Spyglass.pngSuper Spyglass- "I can see forever!"
  • Captain Hat.pngCaptain Hat- "The proper boating attire!"
  • Pirate Hat.pngPirate Hat- "Fit for a cutthroat scallywag. Or me."
  • Lucky Hat.pngLucky Hat- "Does it make me look scurvy... I mean scary!?"
  • Life Jacket.pngLife Jacket- "Keeps me afloat without my boat!"

Icon Volcanic.png​Volcanic


  • Obsidian Machete.pngObsidian Machete- "It's hot to the touch."
  • Obsidian Axe.pngObsidian Axe- "A winning combination!"
  • Obsidian Spear.pngObsidian Spear- "This will leave a mark."
  • Obsidian Armour.pngObsidian Armour- "I'm a genius."
  • Obsidian Coconade.pngObsidian Coconade- "It's even bombier!"
  • Howling Conch.pngHowling Conch- "I can hear the wind trapped within."
  • Sail Stick.pngSail Stick- "There must be a scientific explanation for this."
  • Volcano Staff.pngVolcano Staff- "The label says 'Keep out of reach of children'."

Ancient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient


  • Thulecite.pngThulecite- "I wonder where this is from?"
  • Thulecite Wall.pngThulecite Wall (held)- "A solid piece of history."
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall- "An ancient piece of wall."
  • Thulecite Wall Build.pngThulecite Wall (damaged)- "An ancient piece of wall. I think I can fix this!"
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (min)- "All is well."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising low)- "Getting pretty magical around here."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (rising high)- "I think it's becoming more concentrated!"
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (max)- "It seems to be staying steady."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding high)- "Feels like it's receding."
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (receding low)- "The nightmare is almost gone!"
  • Thulecite Medallion.pngThulecite Medallion (outside ruins)- "There's no magic around here."
  • The Lazy Forager.pngThe Lazy Forager- "Teleportation can be so useful."
  • Magiluminescence.pngMagiluminescence- "Warm to the touch."
  • Construction Amulet.pngConstruction Amulet- "Just when I thought I couldn't get any better."
  • The Lazy Explorer.pngThe Lazy Explorer- "This beats walking."
  • Star Caller's Staff.pngStar Caller's Staff- "I put a gem on a stick."
  • Deconstruction Staff.pngDeconstruction Staff- "This will come in handy."
  • PickSlashAxe.pngPick/Axe- "It's brilliant!"
  • Thulecite Crown.pngThulecite Crown- "Fit for a king. Or me."
  • Thulecite Suit.pngThulecite Suit- "It's oddly light."
  • Thulecite Club.pngThulecite Club- "It has quite a heft to it."
  • Houndius Shootius.pngHoundius Shootius (held)- "I think it's sleeping."
  • Houndius Shootius Build.pngHoundius Shootius- "I hope it doesn't turn on me."



  • Birds of the World.pngBirds of the World- "No point studying when I can just wing it."
  • Applied Horticulture.pngApplied Horticulture- "I see no farm in reading that."
  • Sleepytime Stories.pngSleepytime Stories- "Strange, it's just 500 pages of telegraph codes."
  • The End is Nigh.pngThe End is Nigh!- "The beginning was dull, but got better near the end."
  • On Tentacles.pngOn Tentacles- "Someone'll get suckered into reading this."
  • Joy of Volcanology.pngJoy of Volcanology- "The foreword just says 'Hope you like dragoons.'"

Icon Cartography.png​Cartography


  • Map Scroll.pngMap Scroll (Cave).pngMap Scroll (empty)- "A blank map. Doesn't seem very useful."

Icon Critters.png​Critters


  • Kittykit.png小浣猫- "You'd make a good lab assistant."「你将会是超棒的实验助理」
  • Vargling.png小鬣犬- "Pretty cute for a lil monster!"「作为一个小怪物它实在是太可爱了!」
  • Ewelet.png小钢羊- "Much less mucusy than its momma."「没有它的妈妈那么黏糊糊」
  • Broodling.png小龙蝇- "It's wyrmed its way into my heart."「它在我的心上盘旋」
  • Glomglom.png小格洛姆- "What an aerodynamical creature!"「好一个气动生物!」
  • Giblet.png小火鸡- "My feathered friend."「我毛绒绒的朋友」

Icon Sculpt.png​Sculpt


  • Statue Hornucopia Marble.pngStatue Hornucopia Stone.pngCarved Hornucopia- "It makes me hungry just looking at it."「光看着就让我觉得饿了」
  • Statue Pipe Marble.pngStatue Pipe Stone.pngBubble Pipe Carving- "That was never really my thing"「我不抽烟」
  • Statue Pawn Marble.pngStatue Pawn Stone.pngPawn Figure- "I can relate."
  • Statue Rook Marble.pngStatue Rook Stone.pngRook Figure- "It's even heavier than it looks."「它比它看起来还要重」
  • Statue Knight Marble.pngStatue Knight Stone.pngKnight Figure- "It's a horse, of course."「这明显是马」
  • Statue Bishop Marble.pngStatue Bishop Stone.pngBishop Figure- "It's a stone bishop."「这是一个石头主教」
  • Statue Muse Marble.pngStatue Muse Stone.pngQueenly Figure- "Hmm...looks familiar."「呃...看起来有点眼熟」
  • Statue Formal Marble.pngStatue Formal Stone.pngKingly Figure- "That doesn't look so kingly to me."「我看这一点也不国王」
  • Statue Deerclops Marble.pngStatue Deerclops Stone.pngDeerclops Figure- "I feel like its eye follows you."「我觉得它的眼睛好像会跟着你」
  • Statue Bearger Marble.pngStatue Bearger Stone.pngBearger Figure- "It was a lot bigger up close."「靠近看会更大」
  • Statue MooseGoose Marble.pngStatue MooseGoose Stone.pngMoose/Goose Figure- "Eurgh. It's so lifelike."「这真是栩栩如生」
  • Statue Dragonfly Marble.pngStatue Dragonfly Stone.pngDragonfly Figure- "Ah, that brings back memories. Bad ones."「啊,它让我想起了不好的回忆」
  • Statue Knight Marble.pngStatue Knight Stone.pngStatue Bishop Marble.pngStatue Bishop Stone.pngStatue Rook Marble.pngStatue Rook Stone.pngKnight, Bishop, and Rook Figures (shaking on new moon)-



  • Candy Bag.pngCandy Bag- "It's some sort of delicious pocket dimension for sugary treats."
  • Candy Apple.pngCandy Apple- "The cavities are probably worth it, right?"
  • Candy Corn.pngCandy Corn- "What corruption of science grew these?"
  • Catcoon Candy.pngCatcoon Candy- "My teeth are going to have something to say about this tomorrow."
  • Choco Pigs.pngChoco Pigs- "Much better tasting than the real thing."
  • Ghost Pop.pngTentacle Lolli.pngGhost Pop and Tentacle Lolli- "Only a sucker wouldn't love this."
  • Gummy Spider.pngGummy Spider- "They wriggle on the way down."
  • Jelly Worm.pngJelly Worm- "Sticks to your teeth."
  • Not-So-Candy Corn.pngNot-So-Candy Corn- "It's... corn."
  • Raisins.pngRaisins- "Everyone'll be raisin' a fuss over these."
  • "Raisins".png"Raisins"- "I... don't think I'll be eating those."
  • Broken Stake.pngBroken Stake- "I don't believe in the supernatural."
  • Cubic Zirkonia Ball.pngCubic Zirkonia Ball- "I know someone who'd have a ball with this!"
  • Empty Elixir.pngEmpty Elixir- "Hard to find a good flask around here."
  • Faux Fangs.pngFaux Fangs- "I might need these after all that candy."
  • Monkey Paw.pngMonkey Paw- "Let's make a wish. For science."
  • Spider Ring.pngSpider Ring- "I hope this doesn't attract spiders."
  • Gift Wrap.pngGift Wrap- "That's a wrap!"
  • GiftLargeA.pngGiftLargeB.pngGiftMediumA.pngGiftMediumB.pngGiftSmallA.pngGiftSmallB.pngGift- "Is that for me?"
  • Festive Tree Planter.pngFestive Tree Planter- "I need a pine cone for that."
  • Festive Tree Planter Burnt.pngFestive Tree Planter (burnt)- "That puts a damper on the festivities."
  • Festive Tree Planter.pngWinter's Feast Tree ()-
  • Festive Tree.pngWinter's Feast Tree- "Happy Winter's Feast!"
  • Gingerbread Cookie.pngGingerbread Cookie- "The anatomy's not right, but I'll overlook it."
  • Eternal Fruitcake.pngEternal Fruitcake- "That experiment may have been a tiny bit unethical."
  • Sugar Cookie.pngSugar Cookie- "I'm going to eat forty. For science."
  • Candy Cane.pngCandy Cane- "A Yuletide toothache waiting to happen."
  • Chocolate Log Cake.pngChocolate Log Cake- "It's nice to eat something other than berries for once."
  • Plum Pudding.pngPlum Pudding- "I'm puddin' that straight in my mouth!"
  • Apple Cider.pngApple Cider- "It's a hollowed apple filled with yummy juice."
  • Hot Cocoa.pngHot Cocoa- "How does it stay warm? A thermodynamical mug?"
  • Heavenly Eggnog.pngHeavenly Eggnog- "Can science explain why it tastes so good?"
  • Festive Bauble.pngFestive Bauble 2.pngFestive Bauble 3.pngFestive Bauble 4.pngFestive Bauble 5.pngFestive Bauble 6.pngFestive Bauble 7.pngFestive Bauble 8.pngFestive Bauble Fancy.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 2.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 3.pngFestive Bauble Fancy 4.pngFestive Bauble- "Every scientist appreciates a good bauble."
  • Festive Light.pngFestive Light 2.pngFestive Light 3.pngFestive Light 4.pngFestive Light- "A tree's not complete without some electricity."
  • Magnificent Adornment Bearger.pngMagnificent Adornment Deerclops.pngMagnificent Adornment Gmoose.pngMagnificent Adornment Dragonfly.pngMagnificent Adornment BeeQueen.pngMagnificent Adornment Toadstool.pngMagnificent Adornment- "This one is especially impressive."
  • Gobbler Shrine.pngGobbler Shrine- "I feel like it wants something."
  • Gobbler Shrine Burnt.pngGobbler Shrine (burnt)- "That won't do at all."
  • Red Pouch.pngRed Pouch- "Is there something inside that?"
  • Lucky Gold Nugget.pngLucky Gold Nugget- "What a lucky find!"
  • Red Firecrackers.pngRed Firecrackers- "Filled with explosion science!"
  • Red Lantern.pngRed Lantern- "This lantern feels more special than the others."
  • Lucky Fan.pngLucky Fan- "It's inordinately large."
  • Lucky Beast Head.pngLucky Beast Head- "So who gets to be the head?"
  • Lucky Beast Body.pngLucky Beast Body- "I'm middling on this middle piece."
  • Lucky Beast Tail.pngLucky Beast Tail- "Someone has to bring up the rear."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants


  • Evergreen.pngEvergreen- "It's all piney."
  • A Lumpy Evergreen.pngLumpy Evergreen- "This sad tree has no cones."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree- "Those spikes look sharp!"
  • Evergreen Stump.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (stump)- "Take that, nature!"
  • Spiky Tree Stump.pngSpiky Tree (stump)- "Not so spiky now!"
  • Evergreen.pngA Lumpy Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burning)- "What a waste of wood."
  • Spiky Tree.pngSpiky Tree (burning)- "Spikes and fire!"
  • Burnt Evergreen.pngEvergreen and Lumpy Evergreen (burnt)- "I feel like I could have prevented that."
  • Spiky Tree Burnt.pngSpiky Tree (burnt)- "Now it's burnt and spiky."
  • Evergreen (sapling)- "It'll be a tree soon!"
  • Log.pngLog- "It's big, it's heavy, and it's wood."
  • Log.pngLog (burning)- "That's some hot wood!"
  • Charcoal.pngCharcoal- "It's small, dark and smells like burnt wood."
  • Pine Cone.pngPine Cone- "I can hear a tiny tree inside it, trying to get out."
  • Marble Tree.pngMarble Tree- "I don't think an axe will cut it."
  • Totally Normal Tree.pngTotally Normal Tree- "Is it watching me?"
  • Living Log.pngLiving Log- "It looks worried."
  • Sapling.pngSapling- "Baby trees are so cute!"
  • Sapling Picked.pngSapling (picked)- "That'll teach him."
  • Sapling.pngSapling (burning)- "That's burning fast!"
  • Sapling Dug.pngGrass Tuft Dug.pngBerry Bush Item.pngBerry Bush 2.pngSpiky Bush Dug.pngSapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Spiky Bush (held)- "I should plant this."
  • Twigs.pngTwigs- "It's a bunch of small twigs."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft- "It's a tuft of grass."
  • Grass Tuft Picked.pngGrass Tuft (picked)- "I cut it down in the prime of it's life."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (barren)- "It needs poop."
  • Grass Tuft.pngGrass Tuft (burning)- "It's burning fast!"
  • Cut Grass.pngCut Grass- "Cut grass, ready for arts and crafts."
  • Berry Bush.pngBerry Bush2.pngBerry Bush (normal and burning)- "Red berries taste the best."
  • Berry Bush Picked.pngBerry Bush (picked)- "Maybe they'll grow back?"
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (barren)- "I think it needs to be fertilized."
  • Reeds.pngReeds- "It's a clump of reeds."
  • Reeds Picked.pngReeds (picked)- "I picked all the useful reeds."
  • Reeds.pngReeds (burning)- "That's really burning!"
  • Cut Reeds.pngCut Reeds- "Cut reeds, ready for crafting and hobbying."
  • Plant.pngPlant- "Leafy!"
  • Plant.pngPlant (growing)- "Guh! It's growing so slowly!"
  • Plant.pngPlant (ready to be picked)- "Mmmm. Ready to harvest."
  • Marsh Plant1.pngMarsh Plant- "It's a plant."
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush- "It looks thorny."
  • Spiky Bush Picked.pngSpiky Bush (after picking)- "Ow!"
  • Spiky Bush.pngSpiky Bush (burning)- "That's burning fast!"
  • Flower.pngFlower- "It's pretty but it smells like a common laborer."
  • Petals.pngPetals- "I showed those flowers who's boss!"
  • Evil Flower.pngEvil Flower- "Augh! It's so evil!"
  • Dark Petals.pngDark Petals- "I'm not sure I want to hold these."
  • Red Mushroom.pngGreen Mushroom.pngBlue Mushroom.pngMushroom- "It's a mushroom."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngRed Mushroom (sleeping)- "It's sleeping."
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngGreen Mushroom (sleeping)-
  • Mushroom Sleeping.pngBlue Mushroom (sleeping)-
  • Mushroom Picked.pngMushroom (picked)- "I wonder if it will come back?"


  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree- "It's all leafy. Most of the time."
  • Birchnut Tree Stump.pngBirchnut Tree (stump)- "Take that, nature!"
  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree (burning)- "What a waste of wood."
  • Birchnut Tree Burnt.pngBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "I feel like I could have prevented that."
  • Birchnut Tree (sapling)- "It'll be a tree soon!"
  • Sapling Withered.pngSapling (withered)- "It might be okay if it was cooler."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (withered)- "It's not going to grow back while it's so hot."
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (withered)- "Nothing will grow in this heat."
  • Plant (withered)- "The heat killed it."
  • Birchnut.pngBirchnut- "There's definitely something inside there."
  • Cactus.pngCactus- "Sharp but delicious."
  • Cactus Picked.pngCactus (after picking)- "Ow!"
  • Cactus Picked.pngCactus (picked)- "Deflated, but still spiny."
  • Tumbleweed.pngTumbleweed- "Who knows what that tumbleweed has picked up."


  • Twiggy Tree.pngTwiggy Tree- "It's all sticky."
  • Evergreen Stump.pngTwiggy Tree (stump)- "Take that, nature!"
  • Twiggy Tree.pngTwiggy Tree (burning)- "What a waste of wood."
  • Twiggy Tree Burnt.pngTwiggy Tree (burnt)- "I feel like I could have prevented that."
  • Twiggy Sapling.pngTwiggy Tree (sapling)- "It doesn't need any help to grow."
  • Twiggy Tree Cone.pngTwiggy Tree Cone- "There's a sticky tree inside it that wants to get out."
  • Diseased Sapling.pngDiseased Grass Tuft.pngDiseased Berry Bush.pngDiseased Juicy Berry Bush.pngDiseased Sapling, Grass Tuft, Berry Bush, and Juicy Berry Bush- "It looks pretty sick."
  • Diseased Sapling (picked)-
  • Diseased Sapling.pngDiseased Sapling (burning)-
  • Diseased Sapling (withered)-
  • Diseased Grass Tuft (picked)-
  • Diseased Grass Tuft (barren)-
  • Diseased Grass Tuft.pngDiseased Grass Tuft (burning)-
  • Diseased Grass Tuft (withered)-
  • Diseased Berry Bush (picked)-
  • Diseased Berry Bush.pngDiseased Berry Bush (burning)-
  • Diseased Berry Bush (barren)-
  • Diseased Berry Bush (withered)-
  • Juicy Berry Bush.pngJuicy Berry Bush- "I should leave them there until it's time to eat."
  • Juicy Berry Bush Picked.pngJuicy Berry Bush (picked)- "The bush is working hard on the next batch."
  • Juicy Berry Bush.pngJuicy Berry Bush (burning)- "It's very much on fire."
  • Juicy Berry Bush Withered.pngJuicy Berry Bush (barren)- "It won't make any berries in this state."
  • Dug Juicy Berry Bush.pngJuicy Berry Bush (held)- "This could be replanted closer to home."
  • Juicy Berry Bush Withered.pngJuicy Berry Bush (withered)- "The heat even dehydrated the juicy berries!"
  • Diseased Juicy Berry Bush (picked)-
  • Diseased Juicy Berry Bush.pngDiseased Juicy Berry Bush (burning)-
  • Diseased Juicy Berry Bush (barren)-
  • Diseased Juicy Berry Bush (withered)-
  • Marble Sprout.pngMarble Sprout- "It looks carved."
  • Marble Shrub Small Round.pngMarble Shrub Medium Round.pngMarble Shrub Tall Round.pngMarble Shrub Small Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Medium Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Tall Cubic.pngMarble Shrub Small Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub Medium Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub Tall Pyramid.pngMarble Shrub- "Makes sense to me."
  • Flowers01-10.pngRose- "To match my rosy cheeks."
  • Flowers01-10.pngRose (after picking)-
  • Succulent Build.pngSucculent- "Aloe there."
  • Succulent.pngSucculent (held)- "I could eat that, but I'd rather not."


  • Bamboo Patch.pngBamboo Patch- "Looks pretty sturdy."
  • Jungle Tree.pngJungle Tree- "That tree needs a hair cut."
  • Viney Bush.pngViney Bush and Snake Den- "It's all viney!"
  • Jungle Tree Stump.pngViney Bush Stump.pngBamboo Patch, Jungle Tree, Viney Bush, and Snake Den (stump)- "Take that, nature!"
  • Bamboo Patch.pngBamboo Patch (burning)- "Bye bye, bamboo."
  • Jungle Tree.pngJungle Tree (burning)- "What a waste of wood."
  • Viney Bush.pngViney Bush and Snake Den (burning)- "Whoops."
  • Bamboo Patch Burnt.pngJungle Tree Burnt.pngViney Bush Burnt.pngBamboo Patch, Jungle Tree, and Viney Bush (burnt)- "I feel like I could have prevented that."
  • Viney Bush Burnt.pngSnake Den (burnt)-
  • Bamboo Patch Dug.pngBamboo Root- "I need to plant this."
  • Viney Bush Root.pngViney Bush Root- "I suppose I should pick it up."
  • Jungle Tree Seed.pngJungle Tree (sapling and seed)- "I can hear the hissing of tiny snakes."
  • Bamboo.pngBamboo- "Maybe I can bamboozle my enemies with this?"
  • Vine.pngVine- "Maybe I can tie stuff up with this."
  • Brainy Sprout.pngBrainy Sprout- "I wonder what it's plotting..."
  • Brainy Sprout Picked.pngBrainy Sprout (picked)-
  • Seaweed Planted.pngSeaweed (plant)- "Is that what passes for food around here?"
  • Seaweed Planted.pngSeaweed (picked)-
  • Mangrove Tree.pngMangrove- "I wonder if it's getting enough water?"
  • Mangrove Tree.pngMangrove (burning)-
  • Mangrove Tree Burnt.pngMangrove (burnt)- "I wonder how that happened."
  • Mangrove Tree.pngMangrove (stump)-
  • Palm Tree.pngPalm Tree- "How tropical."
  • Palm Tree.pngPalm Tree (burning)-
  • Palm Tree Burnt.pngPalm Tree (burnt)-
  • Palm Tree Stump.pngPalm Tree (stump)-
  • Palm Tree (sapling)- "It doesn't need my help to grow anymore."
  • Palm Leaf.pngPalm Leaf- "I'm fond of these fronds."
  • Regular Jungle Tree.pngRegular Jungle Tree- "Just like any other tree."
  • Plant.pngTidal Plant- "Look. A plant."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects


  • Beehive.pngBeehive- "It's buzzing with activity."
  • Killer Bee Hive.pngKiller Bee Hive- "I think those bees are mad."
  • Honeycomb.pngHoneycomb- "Bees used to live in this."
  • Hound Mound.pngHound Mound- "I wouldn't want to pick a bone with the owner."
  • Bones.pngBones- "Creepy."
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "What an odd looking stone."
  • Harp Statue.pngHarp Statue- "What has happened to the head?"
  • Marble Pillar.pngMarble Pillar- "I think I could use that."
  • Marble.pngMarble- "Fancy!"
  • Rundown House.pngRundown House- "Who would live here?"
  • Merm Head.pngMerm Head- "The stinkiest thing I'll smell all day."
  • Pig Head.pngPig Head- "Looks like an offering to the beast."
  • Pig Torch.pngPig Torch- "Sure looks cozy."
  • Basalt1.pngBasalt- "That's too strong to break through!"
  • Boulder.pngBoulder- "It wouldn't fit in my pocket."
  • Rocks.pngRocks- "I can make stuff with these."
  • Flint.pngFlint- "It's a very sharp rock."
  • Nitre.pngNitre- "I'm not a geologist."
  • Gold Nugget.pngGold Nugget- "I can't eat it, but it sure is shiny."
  • Gravestone.pngHeadstone (1)- "It says milk. Eggs. Bacon."
  • Gravestone.pngHeadstone (2)- "Here lies some guy. Blah blah blah."
  • Gravestone.pngHeadstone (3)- "Hey, that's my name!"
  • Gravestone.pngHeadstone (4)- "This headstone is blank."
  • Grave.pngGrave- "There was someone here before me!"
  • Grave Dug.pngGrave (dug)- "I should probably feel bad about that."
  • Suspicious Dirt Pile.pngSuspicious Dirt Pile- "It's a pile of dirt... or IS it?"
  • Shown track.pngAnimal Track- "Tracks left by food. I mean... an animal."
  • Shown track.pngAnimal Track (lost its trail)- "The trail ends here."
  • Shown track.pngAnimal Track (found)- "This track is fresh, the beast must be nearby."
  • Wooden Thing.pngWooden Thing Adventure Mode.pngWooden Thing- "This appears to be the nexus to another world!"
  • Wooden Thing (partially assembled)- "Soon my invention will be complete!"
  • Wooden Thing (locked)-
  • Wooden Thing (fully assembled)- "With this I can surely pass through space and time!"
  • Ring Thing.pngRing Thing Adventure Mode.pngRing Thing- "A ring that could focus dimensional energies."
  • Crank Thing.pngCrank Thing Adventure Mode.pngCrank Thing- "Tough enough to handle the most intense experiments."
  • Box Thing.pngBox Thing Adventure Mode.pngBox Thing- "This thing may control the polarity of the whole universe."
  • Metal Potato Thing.pngMetal Potato Thing Adventure Mode.pngMetal Potato Thing- "This metal contains great and feared power."
  • Worm Hole.pngWorm Hole- "Soft and undulating."
  • Wormhole.pngWorm Hole (open)- "Science compels me to jump in."
  • Worm Hole Eating.pngWorm Hole (exited)- "That was not a sane thing to do."
  • Pond.pngPond- "I can't see the bottom!"
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton- "Better him than me!"
  • Spider Den.pngSpider Den- "Sticky!"
  • Spider Eggs.pngSpider Eggs- "I hope these don't hatch in my pocket."
  • Rabbit Hole.pngRabbit Hole- "That must lead to the Kingdom of the Bunnymen."
  • Walrus Camp Winter.pngWalrus Camp- "It looks warm and cozy inside."
  • Walrus Camp Empty.pngWalrus Camp (empty)- "Looks like somebody was camping here."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Ship- "That fellow looks like he wants to talk."
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Ship (empty)- "This is why I hate the water."
  • Flotsam Build.pngFlotsam- "If only I had some way of hooking on to it from here."


  • Ice.pngIce- "Ice to meet you."
  • Mini Glacier.pngMini Glacier- "A very isolated glacier."
  • Mini Glacier.pngMini Glacier (melted)- "Nothing useful until it freezes again."
  • Shown track.pngAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "The wet ground won't hold a footprint."
  • Burrow.pngBurrow- "What a nice hole in the ground for a home!"
  • Rabbit Hole Collapsed.pngRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "The Kingdom of the Bunnymen is closed for the season."
  • Rundown House Burnt.pngRundown House (burnt)- "Nothing to live in, now."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngMerm Head (burnt)- "Burnt merm flesh somehow smells even worse."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngPig Head (burnt)- "Crispy."
  • Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump- "It's a den in a stump."
  • Dead Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump (empty)- "Its owner ran out of lives."
  • Glommer's Statue.pngGlommer's Statue- "I'm not sure what that's supposed to be."
  • Glommer's Statue (mined)- "I broke it. For science."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (self)- "Better him than... wait a minute!"
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Ship (burning)-
  • Wolly-2.pngSunken Ship (burnt)-


  • Florid Postern.pngFlorid Postern- "This ought to be a scientific impossibility."
  • Gigantic Beehive.pngGigantic Beehive- "How in science did it get so big?!"
  • Gigantic Beehive Hole.pngHoney Patch- "
  • Gigantic Beehive Growing 1.pngGigantic Beehive Growing 2.pngHoney Patch (growing)- "
  • Sculpture Rookbody.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, raw)- "It's some sort of marble statue."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, raw)- "It looks old, but it feels new."
  • Sculpture Knightbody.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, raw)- "It's an odd marble statue."
  • Marble Rook.pngMarble Sculpture (rook, mined)- "It's not in the best shape."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody Sculpted.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, mined)- "There's a big piece missing."
  • Sculpture Knightbody Sculpted.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, mined)- "I guess he cracked under the pressure."
  • Marble Sculpture (wrong piece, unable to repair)- "
  • Marble Sculpture (rook, repaired)- "All patched up."
  • Sculpture Bishopbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, repaired)- "Now what?"
  • Sculpture Knightbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, repaired)- "At least it's back in one piece now."
  • Marble Sculpture (rook, repaired, shaking on full/new moon)- "
  • Sculpture Bishopbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (bishop, repaired, shaking on full/new moon)- "
  • Sculpture Knightbody Repaired.pngMarble Sculpture (knight, repaired, shaking on full/new moon)- "
  • Magma.pngMagma- "Magmificent!"
  • Rock- "
  • Crispy Skeleton- "
  • Marble Comedy.pngMarble Statue (Comedy)- "Statuesque."
  • Marble Tragedy.pngMarble Statue (Tragedy)- "Don't lose your head now!"
  • Marble Pawn.pngMarble Vase.pngMarble Statue (Pawn and Vase)- "It's a fancy marble statue."
  • Moonrock boulder.pngMeteor- "
  • Moon Rock.pngMoon Rock- "That rock came from the moon."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone- "It's all smashed up."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired)- "There's a hole in the middle for something to go in."
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired, Star Caller's Staff placed)- "Now what?"
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (repaired, Moon Caller's Staff ready)- "
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (wrong staff)- "
  • Moon Stone.pngMoon Stone (not staff)- "
  • Moon Rubble Build.pngMoon Rubble- "I could probably break that."
  • Petrified Tree.pngPetrified Evergreen (normal and mined)- "It looks scared stiff."
  • Rock Den.pngRock Den- "Is there something in there?"
  • Stagehand.pngStagehand- "Something's odd here, but I can't put my finger on it."
  • Stagehand.pngStagehand (walking)- "Just keep your hand to yourself, alright?"
  • Sculpture Rooknose.pngSuspicious Marble (rook)- "Where did this come from?"
  • Sculpture Knighthead.pngSuspicious Marble (knight)- "Where's the rest of it?"
  • Sculpture Bishophead.pngSuspicious Marble (bishop)- "Is that a head?"
  • Moonrock Werepig.pngSuspicious Moonrock (Werepig)- "It looks very lifelike."
  • Moonrock Hound.pngSuspicious Moonrock (Hound)- "I don't like how it's looking at me."
  • Loot Stash.pngLoot Stash- "We should definitely open that."
  • Oasis Lake.pngLake- "Is that a mirage?"
  • Cave-in Boulder.pngCave-in Boulder- "I think I can lift this one."
  • Cave-in Boulder (tall)- "


  • Rabbit Hole.pngCrabbit Den- "They call a dug hole in the sand their home."
  • Rabbit Hole Collapsed.pngCrabbit Den (collapsed)- "
  • Mermhouse Fisher.pngFishermerm's Hut- "Doesn't smell very good."
  • Merm House Shipwrecked.pngMerm Hut- "
  • Prime Ape Hut Build.pngPrime Ape Hut- "Here be evil."
  • Wildbore House Build.pngWildbore House- "What a boreing house."
  • Shoal.pngShoal- "This area seems pretty fishy."
  • Wobster Den.pngWobster Den- "That Wascal is sleeping."
  • Ballphin Palace Build.pngBallphin Palace- "The place where the ballphins roost."
  • Coral Reef.pngCoral Reef- "The coral have formed a reef!"
  • Coral.pngCoral- "Living building material!"
  • Coral Larva.pngCoral Larva- "That's a baby coral reef."
  • Limpet Rock.pngLimpet Rock (normal and withered)- "I could fill a pail with all those snails."
  • Limpet Rock Picked.pngLimpet Rock (picked)- "I can't fill a pail without snails."
  • Magma Pile.pngMagma Pile- "I can dig it."
  • Krissure.pngKrissure- "Maybe I should stand back."
  • Steamer Trunk.pngSteamer Trunk- "It looks like a premier steamer trunk."
  • Sandy Pile.pngSandy Pile- "You better stay out of my shoes."
  • Sand.pngSand- "A handy pile of pocket sand."
  • Sharkitten den active.pngSharkitten Den- "Is that sand pile purring?"
  • Sharkitten Den (inactive)- "That is a rather large pile of sand."
  • Volcano.pngVolcano- "My scientific know-how tells me that's a perfectly safe mountain!"
  • Dragoon Egg.pngDragoon Egg- "Do I hear cracking?"
  • Suspicious Bubbles- "Something down there has bad breath."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (lost its trail)- "I wonder where it went..."
  • Suspicious Bubbles (found)- "Follow those bubbles!"
  • Tar Slick.pngTar Slick- "There must be a way to get that tar out."
  • Tar.pngTar- "Do I have to hold it with my bare hands?"
  • Tar Trap.pngTar Trap- "
  • Tidal Pool.pngTidal Pool- "A pool left by the tides."
  • Lava Pool.pngLava Pool- "A bit hot for my tastes."
  • Mussel Farm4-1.pngMussels- "I wonder if they are from Brussels."
  • Slotmachine.pngSlot Machine- "I suppose I could linger for a moment or two..."
  • Electric Isosceles.pngElectric Isosceles- "Gives me an uneasy feeling."
  • Octopus Chest Build.pngOcto Chest- "I hope that thing is water proof."
  • Debris.pngDebris- "Part of a wrecked ship."
  • Crate.pngCrate- "There must be a way to open it."
  • Wildbore Head.pngPig Head Burnt.pngWildbore Head (normal and burnt)- "It smells as bad as it looks."
  • Seashell.pngSeashell- "Sea refuse."
  • Poison Hole.pngPoisonous Hole- "I think I'll stay away from that."
  • Gunpowder Barrel.pngGunpowder Barrel- "How original."
  • X Marks The Spot.pngX Marks the Spot- "Please be a good treasure!"
  • Rawling.pngRawling- "It's my buddy!"
  • Watery Grave.pngWatery Grave- "Sure, I could fish it out of there. But should I?"
  • Wreck Midship.pngWreck- "Poor little boat."
  • Wooden Thing Shipwrecked.pngWooden Platform Thing (empty, partially assembled, and fully assembled)- "I think it's missing some parts."
  • Wooden Platform Thing (locked)- "
  • Grassy Thing.pngGrassy Thing- "Wonder what this is used for."
  • Screw Thing.pngScrew Thing- "Looks like a part of something."
  • Wooden Potato Thing.pngWooden Potato Thing- "Seems like it was made with a purpose in mind."
  • Ring Thing Shipwrecked.pngRing Thing- "Looks like I could use this."

Exclusive to Pocket Edition

  • Compromising Statue- "I made a compromise with wilderness."

CaveEntrance1.pngNature - Caves


  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "I wonder if that rock could be moved."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole- "The earth itself rejects me!"
  • Rope to Surface- "I've had enough discovery for now."
  • MushtreeRed.pngRed Mushtree- "These used to grow in my bathroom."
  • MushtreeGreen.pngGreen Mushtree- "A magic mushroom?"
  • Mushtree.pngBlue Mushtree- "That mushroom got too big for its own good."
  • Light Flower.pngLight Flower- "Science makes it glow."
  • Light Bulb.pngLight Bulb- "It's strangely tasty looking."
  • Stalagmite.pngStalagmite- "Looks like a rock to me."
  • StalagmiteTall.pngStalagmite (pointy)- "Rocks, rocks, rocks, rocks..."
  • Spilagmite.pngSpilagmite- "It's encrusted with old webbing."
  • Slurtle Mound.pngSlurtle Mound- "A den of 'ew'."
  • Monkey Totem.pngSplumonkey Pod- "Did that just move?"
  • Fern.pngFern- "It's a fern."
  • Foliage.pngFoliage- "Some leafy greens."
  • Cave Banana Tree.pngCave Banana Tree- "It's dubiously photosynthetical."


  • Batcave.pngBat Cave- "I don't want to wake them."
  • Red Mushtree Blooming.pngRed Mushtree (blooming)- "I'm mildly offended by this."
  • Green Mushtree Blooming.pngGreen Mushtree (blooming)- "It's trying to reproduce."
  • Blue Mushtree Blooming.pngBlue Mushtree (blooming)- "You can't tell from far away, but it's quite smelly."
  • Blue Mushtree Webbed.pngBlue Mushtree (webbed)- "The spiders thought this one was important."
  • Red Spore.pngRed Spore-
  • Green Spore.pngGreen Spore-
  • Blue Spore.pngBlue Spore- "It's just drifting around."
  • Depths Worm Lure.pngMysterious Plant-
  • Fossils.pngFossil Fragment- "Science bones! We should put them back together."
  • Odd Skeleton (incomplete)- "Still missing some pieces."
  • Odd Skeleton (incorrect)- "My scientific instincts say this isn't quite right."
  • Odd Skeleton Build.pngOdd Skeleton (complete)- "It's alive! Oh wait, no, it's not."
  • Shadow Atrium.pngOdd Skeleton Build.pngOdd Skeleton (improper revival)-

Thulecite Fragments.pngNature - Ruins


  • Ruins Entrance.png Plugged Ruins Sinkhole-
  • Ruins Entrance.pngRuins Sinkhole-
  • Ancient.pngAncient Face.pngAncient Statue- "It seems to throb out of tune with the world."
  • Broken Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station.pngAncient Pseudoscience Station (broken and normal)- "An ancient and mysterious structure."
  • Algae.pngAlgae- "Some algae by a pond."
  • Broken Clockworks1.pngBroken Clockworks (type 1)- "A pile of broken chess pieces."
  • Broken clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 2)- "Another pile of broken chess pieces."
  • Broken clockworks.pngBroken Clockworks (type 3)- "Even more broken chess pieces."
  • Relic Chair.pngRelic Table.pngRelic Vase.pngRelic Plate.pngRelic Bowl.pngRelic Chipbowl.pngRelic- "Ancient household goods."
  • Relic Chair Rubble.pngRelic Table Rubble.pngRelic Vase Rubble.pngRelic (broken)- "Nothing to work with here."
  • Thulecite Fragments.pngThulecite Fragments- "It's some smaller chunks of Thulecite."
  • Cave Lichen.pngCave Lichen- "Only a cyanobacteria could grow in this light."
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest- "It may contain something fantastic! Or horrible."
  • Ornate Chest.pngOrnate Chest (triggered trap)-
  • Ornate Chest.pngLarge Ornate Chest- "It may contain a bigger something fantastic! Or horrible."
  • Nightmare Light.pngNightmare Light- "I wonder what function this served."


  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest- "I hear whispers. It wants something."
  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest (shaking)- 
  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest (failed)- "It didn't like that."
  • Ancient Chest.pngAncient Chest (successful)- "I guess I'm worthy."
  • Ancient Key.pngAncient Key- "There is power emanating from it."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (inactive)- "The essential components are still intact."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (powering up)- "It's gaining power."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (activated)- "Back in working order."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (unstable)- "The gateway is destabilizing."
  • Ancient Gateway.pngAncient Gateway (on cooldown)- "It needs time to recover. Me too."
  • Ancient Obelisk.pngAncient Obelisk- "I don't recognize any of these symbols."
  • Ancient Beacon.pngAncient Beacon- "Something must power it."
  • Ancient Beacon.pngAncient Beacon (active)- "A truly unsettling light."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (first)- "It depicts an old civilization. The people look hungry and scared."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (second)- "This tablet is too worn to make out."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (third)- "Something dark creeps over the city and its people."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (fourth)- "The people are shedding their skins. They look different underneath."
  • Ancient Mural.pngAncient Mural (fifth)- "It shows a massive, technologically advanced city."
  • Atrium Statue.pngAtrium Statue- "It doesn't seem fully real."

Nature - Volcano


  • Obsidian Workbench.pngObsidian Workbench- "I feel inspired."
  • Coffee Plant.pngCoffee Plant- "This is a plant I could learn to love."
  • Coffee Plant Picked.pngCoffee Plant (picked)- "Maybe they'll grow back?"
  • Coffee Plant Withered.pngCoffee Plant (barren)- "I think it needs to be fertilized."
  • Coffee Plant Withered.pngCoffee Plant (withered)- "Looks malnourished."
  • Coffee Plant Dug.pngCoffee Plant (held)- "This belongs in the ground!"
  • Elephant Cactus.pngElephant Cactus- "That cactus seems abnormally pokey."
  • Withered Elephant Cactus.pngElephant Cactus (withered)- "Yikes! I could poke my eye out!"
  • Elephant Cactus Stump 2.pngElephant Cactus Stump- "It'll sprout more pokers again some day."
  • Elephant Cactus Dug.pngElephant Cactus (held)- "A portable poker plant."
  • Obsidian Boulder.pngObsidian Boulder- "Blast it! It won't be mined!"
  • Obsidian.pngObsidian- "It's a fire rock."
  • Rock charcoal.pngCharcoal Boulder- "Would need an awfully big stocking..."
  • Ash Tree.pngBurnt Ash Tree- "You look ashen."
  • Dragoon Den.pngDragoon Den- "Even goons gotta sleep."
  • Dragoon Saliva.pngDragoon Saliva- "It's SPITacularly disgusting!"
  • Woodlegs' Cage.pngWoodlegs' Cage- "That seems like an excessive amount of locks."
  • Woodlegs' Cage.pngWoodlegs (free)-
  • Volcano Altar.pngVolcano Altar of Snackrifice- "It appears to be closed."
  • Volcano Altar.pngVolcano Altar of Snackrifice (active)- "The altar is open and ready to accept offerings!"
  • Volcano (exit)- "I can feel a cool breeze outside."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters


  • Clockwork Knight.pngClockwork Knight- "Check it out!"
  • Clockwork Bishop.pngClockwork Bishop- "Back off, preacherman!"
  • Clockwork Rook.pngClockwork Rook- "Storm the castle!"
  • Damaged Knight.pngDamaged Knight- "It's a knightmare!"
  • Damaged bishop.pngDamaged Bishop- "It's falling apart!"
  • Damaged Clockwork.pngDamaged Rook- "Terrifying!"
  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "What was that?!"
  • Charlie (attacked by)- "OW! Something bit me!"
  • Hound.pngHound- "You ain't nothing, hound dog!"
  • Red Hound.pngRed Hound- "That one is glowy."
  • Blue Hound.pngBlue Hound- "Are there hounds for every season?"
  • Hound's Tooth.pngHound's Tooth- "It's sharp!"
  • Spider.pngSpider- "I hate spiders."
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior- "Looks even meaner than usual."
  • Spider Sleeping.pngSpider (sleeping)- "I'd better not be here when he wakes up."
  • Spider Warrior Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (sleeping)- "I should keep my distance."
  • Spider.pngSpider (dead)- "Ewwww!"
  • Spider Warrior.pngSpider Warrior (dead)- "Good riddance!"
  • Spider Gland.pngSpider Gland- "It has a tangy, antiseptic smell."
  • Silk.pngSilk- "It comes from a spider's butt."
  • Krampus.pngKrampus- "He's going after my stuff!"
  • Krampus Sack.pngKrampus Sack- "Ew. It has Krampus slime all over it."
  • Merm.pngMerm- "Smells fishy!"
  • Tentacle.pngTentacle- "That looks dangerous."
  • Tentacle Spike.pngTentacle Spike- "It's pointy and slimy."
  • Tentacle Spots.pngTentacle Spots- "I think these were its genitalia."
  • Tentapillar.pngBig Tentacle- "A slimy pole."
  • Baby Tentacle.pngBaby Tentacle- "Little slippery arms."
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig- "He doesn't look as friendly as the others."
  • Guardian Pig.pngGuardian Pig (dead)-
  • Werepig.pngWerepig- "He's not friendly!"
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "This offends me as a scientist."
  • MacTusk.pngMacTusk- "Walruses are natural predators."
  • WeeTusk.pngWee MacTusk- "He won't be cute and cuddly forever."
  • Walrus Tusk.pngWalrus Tusk- "I'm sure I'll find a use for it eventually."
  • Tam o' Shanter.pngTam o' Shanter- "It's covered with walrus hairs."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "Disgusting little bloodsucker."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito (held)- "Hey, is that my blood?"
  • Mosquito Sack.pngMosquito Sack- "It's probably not someone else's blood..."
  • Mosquito.pngNearby Mosquitoes- "Aaah! Bug off!"
  • Cave Spider.pngCave Spider- "Gah! More spiders!"
  • Spitter.pngSpitter- "I hate spiders!"
  • Batilisk.pngBatilisk- "Ack! That's terrifying!"
  • Snurtle.pngSnurtle- "He's less gross, but still gross."
  • Slurtle.pngSlurtle- "Ew. Just ew."
  • Slurtle Slime.pngSlurtle Slime- "If it wasn't useful, I wouldn't touch it."
  • Broken Shell.pngBroken Shell- "A puzzle with no solution."
  • Lureplant.pngMeat Bulb- "It's so alluring."
  • Fleshy Bulb.pngFleshy Bulb- "Now I can start my very own meat farm."
  • Eyeplant.pngEyeplant- "I think I'm being watched."
  • Slurper.pngSlurper- "It's so hairy!"
  • Dangling Depth Dweller.pngDangling Depth Dweller- "Note to self: Don't look up."
  • Depths Worm.pngDepths Worm (emerged)- "It's a worm!"
  • Depths Worm Lure.pngDepths Worm (lure)- "Seems safe to me."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngDirt Mound (burrowed Depths Worm)- "Just looks like a pile of dirt."


  • Varg.pngVarg- "You might be something to reckon with, big dog."
  • Poison Birchnut Tree.pngPoison Birchnut Tree- "It looks unhappy about me stealing those Birchnuts!"
  • Poison Birchnut Tree (stump)- "Take that, nature!"
  • Birchnutter.pngBirchnutter- "A mad little nut."


  • Charlie (the darkness monster)- "That presence... it's familiar! Hello?"
  • Ewecus.pngEwecus- "What a crusty looking animal."
  • Red Gem Deer.pngBlue Gem Deer.pngGem Deer- "It's being controlled by that beast!"
  • Guardian Bee.pngGrumble Bee- "It's guarding the queen."
  • Lavae.pngLavae- "Too hot to handle."
  • Shadow Knight.pngLevel 2 Shadow Knight.pngLevel 3 Shadow Knight.pngShadow Bishop.pngLevel 2 Shadow Bishop.pngLevel 3 Shadow Bishop.pngShadow Rook.pngLevel 2 Shadow Rook.pngLevel 3 Shadow Rook.pngShadow Piece-


  • Crocodog.pngCrocodog- "I'd rather stay away from the business end of that jerk."
  • Yellow Crocodog.pngYellow Crocodog- "That looks like an experiment gone wrong."
  • Blue Crocodog.pngBlue Crocodog- "It's a dog-eat-me world out here."
  • Floaty Boaty Knight.pngFloaty Boaty Knight- "Get off the water you maniac!"
  • Flup (in ground).pngFlup (in ground)- "
  • Flup.pngFlup- "Leave me alone!"
  • Eyeshot.pngEyeshot- "Eye see."
  • Poison Mosquito.pngPoison Mosquito- "These blasted mosquitos carry a sickness."
  • Yellow Mosquito Sack.pngYellow Mosquito Sack- "Part of a yellow mosquito."
  • Snake.pngSnake- "I wonder if it'll sell me some oil?"
  • Poison Snake.pngPoison Snake- "Even worse than a common snake!"
  • Snakeskin.pngSnakeskin- "I'm intrigued AND repelled."
  • Spider Warrior (Venomous).pngSpider Warrior (venomous)- "Looks even meaner than usual."
  • Poison Spider Sleeping.pngSpider Warrior (venomous, sleeping)- "I should keep my distance."
  • Spider Warrior (Venomous).pngSpider Warrior (venomous, dead)-
  • Sea Hound.pngSea Hound- "These things sure are persistent."
  • Stink Ray.pngStink Ray- "I think I'll keep my distance."
  • Swordfish.pngSwordfish- "I think this fish evolved to run me through."
  • White Whale.pngWhite Whale- "Looks like a fighter."
  • White Whale Carcass.pngWhite Whale Carcass- "I think bloating has begun..."
  • White Whale Carcass.pngWhite Whale Carcass (bloated stage 1)-
  • White Whale Carcass.pngWhite Whale Carcass (bloated stage 2)-
  • Dragoon.pngDragoon- "You're a quick one, aren't you?"

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals


  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo- "It's a beefalo!"
  • Beefalo.pngBeefalo (follower)- "He's coming along peacefully."
  • Beefalo Sleeping.pngBeefalo (sleeping)- "These guys are really heavy sleepers."
  • Beefalo Naked.pngBeefalo (naked)- "Aww, he's so sad."
  • Beefalo Wool.pngBeefalo Wool- "It smells like beefalo tears."
  • Beefalo Horn.pngBeefalo Horn- "It sounds like a beefalo field in there."
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo- "Awwww. So cute!"
  • Baby Beefalo.pngBaby Beefalo (sleeping)- "Go to good world of dreams little beefalo."
  • Bee.pngNearby Bees- "He's watching me."
  • Bee.pngBee- "To bee or not to bee."
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee- "Oh no! It's a killer bee!"
  • Bee.pngBee (held)- "Careful!"
  • Killer Bee.pngKiller Bee (held)- "This seems dangerous."
  • Stinger.pngStinger- "Looks sharp!"
  • Pig.pngPig (normal and sleeping)- "They kind of creep me out."
  • Pig.pngPig (follower)- "He's part of my entourage."
  • Pig.pngPig (dead)- "Someone should tell his family."
  • Pig Skin.pngPig Skin- "It still has the tail on it."
  • Bunnyman2.pngBeardlord.pngBunnyman and Beardlord- "I am filled with an irresistible urge to do science."
  • Bunny Puff.pngBunny Puff- "I just like holding it."
  • Frog.pngFrog- "He's so cute!"
  • Frog Sleeping.pngFrog (sleeping)- "Aww, look at him sleep!"
  • Frog.pngFrog (dead)- "He's croaked it."
  • Koalefant.pngKoalefant- "Adorably delicious."
  • Winter Koalefant.pngWinter Koalefant- "It looks warm and full of meat."
  • Rock Lobster.pngRock Lobster- "It has terrifying claws."
  • Pengull.pngPengull- "Must be breeding season."
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "Curious little guy."


  • Buzzard.pngBuzzard- "What a bizarre buzzard!"
  • Catcoon.pngCatcoon- "A playful little thing."
  • Cat Tail.pngCat Tail- "I think it's still swishing."
  • Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat- "'Baaaah' yourself!"
  • Charged Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat (charged)- "I don't think it liked being struck by lightning."
  • Volt Goat Horn.pngVolt Goat Horn- "It's like a miniature lightning rod."


  • DefaultDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated)- "This one is slightly less smelly than the others."
  • PudgyDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, pudgy)- "Hmmm, there may be too much food inside it."
  • RiderDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, docile)- "This fellow appears quite ridable."
  • OrneryDomesticatedBeefalo.pngBeefalo (domesticated, ornery)- "It looks deeply angry."


  • Blue Whale.pngBlue Whale- "This whale has emotional issues."
  • Blue Whale Carcass.pngBlue Whale Carcass- "I think bloating has begun..."
  • Blue Whale Carcass.pngBlue Whale Carcass (bloated stage 1)-
  • Blue Whale Carcass.pngBlue Whale Carcass (bloated stage 2)-
  • Bottlenosed Ballphin.pngBottlenose Ballphin- "Such a round, rubbery fellow."
  • Dorsal Fin.pngDorsal Fin- "Guess that house is FINished."
  • Jellyfish.pngJellyfish- "Science works in mysterious, blobby ways."
  • Jellyfish.pngJellyfish (held)- "Now this creature is pure science!"
  • Water Beefalo.pngWater Beefalo (normal and sleeping)- "These creatures seem reasonable."
  • Water Beefalo.pngWater Beefalo (follower)- "
  • Horn.pngHorn- "I grabbed the ox by the horn."
  • Baby Water Beefalo (normal and sleeping)- "It's a tiny meat beast."
  • Prime Ape.pngPrime Ape- "Those things are going to be the end of me."
  • Wildbore.pngWildbore- "Looks aggressive."

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals


  • Butterfly.pngButterfly- "Butterfly, flutter by."
  • Butterfly.pngButterfly (held)- "Now I have you!"
  • Crow.pngCrow- "Creepy!"
  • Crow.pngCrow (held)- "He's not very happy in there."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Does that mean spring is coming?"
  • Redbird.pngRedbird (held)- "He likes my pocket."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird- "Life in the frozen wastes."
  • Snowbird.pngSnowbird (held)- "It's so soft."
  • Jet Feather.pngJet Feather- "A crow feather."
  • Crimson Feather.pngCrimson Feather- "A redbird feather."
  • Azure Feather.pngAzure Feather- "A snowbird feather."
  • Gobbler.pngGobbler- "Stupid bird! Stay away from my berries!"
  • Eye Bone.pngSnow Eyebone.pngShadow Eyebone.pngEye Bone- "It's looking at me."
  • Eye Bone.pngSnow Eyebone.pngShadow Eyebone.pngEye Bone (Chester dead)- "It went to sleep."
  • Ash.pngEye Bone (ashes)- "The eyebone was consumed by fire when I teleported!"
  • Chester.pngChester- "Otto von Chesterfield, Esq."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling- "He's looking for carrots."
  • Rabbit.pngWinter Rabbit.pngBeardling.pngRabbit and Beardling (held)- "Do you like science?"
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies- "If only I could catch them!"
  • Fireflies.pngFireflies (held)- "They make my pocket glow!"
  • Planted Mandrake.pngMandrake (planted)- "I've heard strange things about those plants."
  • Mandrake Mob.pngMandrake (follower)- "Stop following me!"
  • Mandrake.pngMandrake (dead)- "Mandrake roots have strange properties."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (cooked)- "Poor little guy."
  • Cooked Mandrake.pngMandrake (knocked out by)- "Ugh, my head!"


  • Glommer.pngGlommer- "It's cute, in a gross kind of way."
  • Glommer.pngGlommer (sleeping)- "
  • Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower- "The petals shimmer in the light."
  • Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower (dead)- "The petals droop and shimmer in the light."
  • Ash.pngGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "The flower was consumed by fire when I teleported!"
  • Glommer's Wings.pngGlommer's Wings- "These would look awesome on a helmet!"
  • Glommer's Goop.pngGlommer's Goop- "This goop smells foul."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngRaised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "Something's under there, searching for minerals."
  • Moleworms.pngMoleworm (aboveground)- "I'd sure like to whack that mole... thing."
  • Moleworm.pngMoleworm (held)- "Nowhere left to dig, my friend."
  • Redbird.pngRedbird- "Does that mean winter is gone?"


  • Grass Gekko.pngGrass Gekko- "It's an extra leafy lizard."
  • Star-Sky.pngStar-sky- "I always wanted one of these."
  • Dead Star-Sky.pngStar-sky (dead)- "Maybe he needs some science?"
  • Hutch.pngHutch- "Hutch Danglefish, P.I."
  • Canary.pngCanary- "Some sort of yellow creature made of science."
  • Canary.pngCanary (held)- "I'm not squishing you, am I?"
  • Canary (Volatile).pngCanary (poisoned)- "It's probably fine."
  • Saffron Feather.pngSaffron Feather- "A canary feather."
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (very happy)- "Aww. Who's a good monster?"
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (happy)- "
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (hungry)- "I hear a tiny stomach grumbling."
  • Lavae.pngExtra-Adorable Lavae (starving)- "Poor thing must be starving."
  • Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg- "There's a faint warmth coming from inside."
  • Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg (cracked)- "I never thought I would see a happy egg."
  • Lavae Egg.pngLavae Egg (too cold)- "I don't think that egg is warm enough."
  • Lavae Tooth.pngLavae Tooth- "It's an egg tooth!"
  • Chilled Lavae.pngChilled Lavae- "Cooled off and chilled out."
  • No-Eyed Deer.pngNo-Eyed Deer Horned.pngNo-Eyed Deer- "Is it staring at me? ...No, I guess not."
  • Deer Antler A.pngDeer Antler B.pngDeer Antler C.pngDeer Antler- "Was that supposed to come off?"


  • Bioluminescence.pngBioluminescence- "These make a soothing glow."
  • Crabbit.pngCrab (insanity).pngCrabbit and Beardling (normal and held)- "Don't get snappy with me, mister."
  • Shifting Sands- "I wonder where that crabbit went?"
  • Dogfish.pngDogfish- "It has that wet-dog smell."
  • Sharkitten.pngSharkitten- "You have got to be kitten me."
  • Fishbone.pngFishbone (normal and Packin dead)- "Looks like something I want to carry around."
  • Ash.pngFishbone (ashes)- "All that's left after the fire has done its job."
  • Packim Baggims.pngPackim Baggims- "I bet I could pack'im full of stuff."
  • Rainbow Jellyfish.pngRainbow Jellyfish- "A colorful blob of science."
  • Rainbow Jellyfish.pngRainbow Jellyfish (held)- "
  • Parrot.pngParrot (normal and held)- "I find myself fresh out of crackers."
  • Parrot Pirate.pngParrot Pirate- "I try not to eat anything with a name."
  • Parrot Pirate.pngParrot Pirate (held)- "
  • Seagull.pngSeagull (normal and held)- "Shoo! Find some other land!"
  • Seagull.pngSeagull (normal and held, in water)- "Shoo! Find some other water!"
  • Toucan.pngToucan (normal and held)- "What a show-off."
  • Cormorant.pngCormorant- "I bet it eats a lot of fish."
  • Cormorant.pngCormorant (held)- "
  • Doydoy.pngDoydoy (normal and held)- "I feel oddly protective of this dumb bird."
  • Doydoy Nest.pngDoydoy Nest- "It's for doydoy eggs, dummy."
  • Doydoy Feather.pngDoydoy Feather- "Soft AND endangered!"
  • Doydoy Egg.pngDoydoy Egg- "Maybe I should have let it hatch."
  • Doydoy Egg.pngHatching Doydoy Egg- "
  • Fried Doydoy Egg.pngFried Doydoy Egg- "A controlled chemical reaction has made this egg matter more nutritious."
  • Baby Doydoy.pngBaby Doydoy (normal and held)- "What a cute little... thing."
  • Teen Doydoy.pngTeen Doydoy- "
  • Teen Doydoy.pngTeen Doydoy (held)- "
  • Wobster.pngWobster- "What a Wascally Wobster."
  • Fishermerm.pngFishermerm- "You better not try anything fishy."

Smallbird.pngMobs - Tallbird family


  • Tallbird.pngTallbird- "That's a tall bird!"
  • Tallbird Nest.pngTallbird Nest (empty)- "The nest is empty."
  • Tallbird Nest Full.pngTallbird Nest (with egg)- "That's quite an egg."
  • Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg- "Will it hatch?"
  • Fried Tallbird Egg.pngTallbird Egg (cooked)- "Delicious and nutritional."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg- "Looks like it's hatching."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (dead, eating the egg)- "Mmm. Beaky."
  • Tallbird Egg Too Hot.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too hot)- "Are eggs supposed to sweat?"
  • Tallbird Egg Too Cold.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (too cold)- "Brrrr!"
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (long time left)- "I have a feeling this is going to take a while..."
  • Hatching Tallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg (short time left)- "It should hatch any time now."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird- "That's a rather small bird."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (hungry)- "It looks hungry."
  • Smallbird.pngSmallbird (starving)- "It must be starving."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird- "Not a very tall bird."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (hungry)- "I'd better find it some food."
  • Teenbird.pngSmallish Tallbird (starving, attacking)- "It has a dangerous look in its eye."
  • Teenbird.pngPecked by a Smallish Tallbird- "Ow! Quit it!"

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses


  • Treeguard.pngTreeguard (Leif)- "He's huge!"
  • Treeguard (lumpy)-
  • Spider Queen.pngSpider Queen- "AHHHHHHHH! That spider is huge!"
  • Spiderhat.pngSpiderhat- "I hope I got all of the spider goo out of it."
  • Deerclops.pngDeerclops- "It's enormous!!"
  • Deerclops Eyeball.pngDeerclops Eyeball- "This is really gross."
  • Ancient Guardian.pngAncient Guardian- "That thing doesn't look happy."
  • Guardian's Horn.pngGuardian's Horn- "Wow! I'm glad that didn't gore me!"


  • Bearger.pngBearger- "What a bear of a badger."
  • Thick Fur.pngThick Fur- "A mat of thick fur."
  • Goose.pngMoose/Goose- "I don't exactly know what that thing is."
  • Goose Egg.pngMoose/Goose Egg- "Its contents are like excited electrons trying to escape."
  • Mosling.pngMosling- "Aaah! You are definitely not an electron!"
  • Down Feather.pngDown Feather- "Fluffy!"
  • Dragonfly.pngDragonfly- "That's one fly dragon!"
  • Scales.pngScales- "They're still warm."
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "Hot spit!"
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "I like to call it 'Basaliva'."


  • Bee Queen.pngBee Queen- "Keep that stinger away from me!"
  • Bee Queen Crown.pngBee Queen Crown- "The world seems less a little crazy when I wear it."
  • Klaus.pngKlaus- "What on earth is that thing!"
  • Klaus2.pngKlaus (second form)- "Its chains came off!"
  • Stag Antler.pngStag Antler- "It's really fancy for a deer antler."
  • Toadstool Cap.pngToadstool Cap- "That toadstool's just asking to be cut down."
  • Toadstool Cap Stump Icon.pngToadstool Cap (Hole)- "Just a hole in the ground."
  • Toadstool.pngMisery Toadstool.pngToadstool and Misery Toadstool- "Yeesh! I'm not kissing that!"
  • Sporecap build.pngMisery Sporecap build.pngSporecap and Misery Sporecap- "How scientific!"
  • Boomshroom build.pngMisery Boomshroom build.pngBoomshroom and Misery Boomshroom- "A mushroom cloud in the making!"
  • Shroom Skin.pngShroom Skin- "Warts and all!"
  • Reanimated Skeleton Forest.pngReanimated Skeleton Caves.pngReanimated Skeleton Atrium.pngReanimated Skeleton- "The skeleton fused with the shadows!"
  • Reanimated Skeleton Caves.pngReanimated Skeleton Atrium.pngBone Snare (Reanimated Caves Skeleton and Ancient Fuelweaver)- "Sharp! Sharp bones!!"
  • Reanimated Skeleton Atrium.pngAncient Fuelweaver (hitting Shadow Shield)- "It's shielded!"
  • Stalker minion1.pngStalker minion2.pngWoven Shadow- "Anklebiters!"
  • Bone Armor.pngBone Armor- "No bones about it."
  • Bone Helm.pngBone Helm- "It gives me terrible visions."
  • Shadow Thurible.pngShadow Thurible- "It smells like chemicals."
  • Shadow Thurible.pngShadow Thurible (out)- "It's been thuribly depleted."


  • Palm Treeguard.pngPalm Treeguard- "Someone gimme a hand with this palm!"
  • Quacken.pngQuacken- "Now's not the time for me to be Quacken wise!"
  • Quacken Tentacle.pngQuacken Tentacle- "A beast that never sleeps."
  • Chest of the Depths.pngChest of the Depths- "To the victor, the spoils."
  • Quacken Beak.pngQuacken Beak- "I'd say I made the pecking order around here quite clear."
  • Sealnado.pngSealnado- "I thought it was oddly windy around here."
  • Sealnado.pngSealnado (failed attack)- "
  • Seal.pngSealnado (seal form)- "D'awww."
  • Turbine Blades.pngTurbine Blades- "Perhaps this powered the fury of that beastly storm?"
  • Magic Seal.pngMagic Seal- "This is a powerful artifact."
  • Tiger Shark.pngTiger Shark- "Well that's terrifying."
  • Eye of the Tiger Shark.pngEye of the Tiger Shark- "More eyes means better sight... right?"
  • Shark Gills.pngShark Gills- "I wish I had gills."

Abigail build.pngMobs - Other


  • Maxwell ingame.pngMaxwell- "I hate that guy."
  • Pig King.pngPig King- "Ewwww, he smells!"
  • Wes.pngWes (trapped)- "Maxwell's statues are trapping him."
  • Abigail build.pngAbigail- "Awww, she has a cute little bow."


  • Bigfoot- "That is one biiig foot."
  • Webber.pngWebber (grave)- "I wonder what he did."


  • Telltale Heart.pngAbigail build.pngAbigail (revival failed)- "It was worth a shot."
  • Telltale Heart.pngGhost Build.pngGhost (revival failed)-
  • Antlion.pngAntlion- "It wants something from me."
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (happy)-
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (upset)- "It looks mad."
  • Antlion.pngAntlion (giving tribute)-
    • "A tribute for you, great Antlion."
    • "Allow me to pay tribute."
  • Desert Stone.pngDesert Stone- "A mini departiculator."
  • Desert Stone Active.pngDesert Stone (active)-
  • Sand Spike-
  • Sand Castle-
  • Glass Spike Short.pngGlass Spike Medium.pngGlass Spike Tall.pngGlass Spike- "Memories of the time I wasn't skewered."
  • Glass Castle.pngGlass Castle- "That's science for you."


  • Wilbur.pngSoggy Monkey (Wilbur)- "He looks kind of regal."
  • Yaarctopus.pngYaarctopus- "He seems open to trading."

Other Players (Don't Starve Together icon.pngonly)

Wilson Portrait.pngWilson

  • Wilson.pngGeneric- "Stars and atoms! It's %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Yeesh. Do I always look that creepy?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Your existence is an affront to the laws of science, %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s has expertly put our theories into practice."
  • Ghost Wilson.pngGhost- "Better concoct a revival device. Can't leave a fellow scientist floating."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Burning that wasn't very scientific, %s."

Willow Portrait.pngWillow

  • Willow.pngGeneric- "Good day to you, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s is holding that lighter pretty tightly..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s, friend of ghosts."
  • Ghost Willow.pngGhost- "I bet you're just burning for a heart, %s."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Again?"

Wolfgang Portrait.pngWolfgang

  • Wolfgang.pngGeneric- "It's good to see you, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Let's not start a fight with the strongman..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer! I can take you!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s, friend of ghosts."
  • Ghost Wolfgang.pngGhost- "I told you you couldn't deadlift that boulder, %s. The numbers were all wrong."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "You can't actually 'fight' fire, %s!"

Wendy Portrait.pngWendy

  • Wendy.pngGeneric- "Greetings, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s doesn't have any sharp objects, does she?"
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s, friend of ghosts."
  • Ghost Wendy.pngGhost- "I'm seeing double! I'd better concoct a revival device."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "I know you set those flames, %s."

WX-78 Portrait.pngWX-78

  • WX-78.pngGeneric- "Good day to you, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I think we need to tweak your primary directive, %s..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "You've violated the first law!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "Looks like %s got that empathy module up and running."
  • Ghost WX-78.pngGhost- "I always thought %s could use a heart. Now I'm certain!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "You look like you're gonna melt, %s. What happened?"

Wickerbottom Portrait.pngWickerbottom

  • Wickerbottom.pngGeneric- "Good day, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I think she's planning to throw the book at me."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Here comes my peer review!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "I have deep respect for %s's practical theorems."
  • Ghost Wickerbottom.pngGhost- "This doesn't seem very scientific, does it, %s?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "I'm sure you had a very clever reason for that fire."

Woodie Portrait.pngWoodie

  • Woodie.pngGeneric- "Good day, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s has been a bit of a sap lately..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murder! Bring me an axe and we'll get in the swing of things!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s saved everyone's backbacon."
  • Ghost Woodie.pngGhost- "Does 'universal' coverage include the void, %s?"
  • Werebeaver.png Werebeaver- "%s's gone on a wood chucking rampage!"
  • Werebeaver Ghost.png Ghost Werebeaver- "Will you bea-very mad if I don't revive you, %s?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Don't burn yourself out, %s."

Wes Portrait.pngWes

  • Wes.pngGeneric- "Greetings, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s is silent, but deadly..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Mime this!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s thinks outside the invisible box."
  • Ghost Wes.pngGhost- "How do you say 'I'll conduct a revival device' in mime?"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Wait, don't tell me. You lit a fire."

Waxwell Portrait.pngMaxwell

  • Maxwell.pngGeneric- "Decent day to you, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "Seems you've gone from 'dapper' to 'slapper'."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "I'll show you Logic and Reason... those're my fists!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s is using his powers for good."
  • Ghost Maxwell.pngGhost- "Don't look at me like that, %s! I'm working on it!"
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s's just asking to get roasted."

Wigfrid Portrait.pngWigfrid

  • Wigfrid.pngGeneric- "Good day, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I'd like to avoid a punch from %s, if possible."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "She's gone berserk!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s has full command of spirits."
  • Ghost Wigfrid.pngGhost- "Nice try. You're not escaping to Valhalla yet, %s."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "%s is really heating things up today."

Webber Portrait.pngWebber

  • Webber.pngGeneric- "Good day, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "I'm gonna roll up a piece of papyrus newspaper, just in case."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer! I'll squash you, %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s is playing well with others."
  • Ghost Webber.pngGhost- "%s is really buggin' me for a heart."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "We need to have a group meeting about fire safety."

Winona Portrait.pngWinona

  • Winona DST.pngGeneric- "Good day to you, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s is a safety hazard."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "It ends here, %s!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "It's pretty handy having you around, %s."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "That probably threw a wrench into her plans."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Things are burning up at the factory today."

Placeholder.pngOther (Mod Characters)

  • Placeholder.pngGeneric- "Greetings, %s!"
  • Spear.pngAttacker- "%s looks shifty..."
  • Skeleton.pngMurderer- "Murderer!"
  • Telltale Heart.pngReviver- "%s, friend of ghosts."
  • Ghost Build.pngGhost- "%s could use a heart."
  • Fire Willow.pngFirestarter- "Burning that wasn't very scientific, %s."

Meat.pngFood - Meats


  • Egg.pngEgg- "A small, normal egg."
  • Cooked Egg.pngEgg (cooked)- "Sunny side yum!"
  • Monster Meat.pngMonster Meat- "Ugh. I don't think I should eat that."
  • Meat.pngMeat- "It's a bit gamey, but it'll do."
  • Morsel.pngMorsel- "A tiny chunk of dead animal."
  • Cooked Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat- "That's only somewhat more appetizing than when it was raw."
  • Cooked Meat.pngCooked Meat- "Char broiled to perfection."
  • Cooked Morsel.pngCooked Morsel- "Now I don't have to worry about getting worms!"
  • Monster Jerky.pngMonster Jerky- "Strange-smelling jerky."
  • Jerky.pngJerky- "Just jerky enough."
  • Small Jerky.pngSmall Jerky- "A little jerky."
  • Leafy Meat.pngLeafy Meat- "That doesn't look very appealing."
  • Cooked Leafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat- "At least it's warm now."
  • Drumstick.pngDrumstick- "I should gobble it."
  • Fried Drumstick.pngFried Drumstick- "Now it's even tastier."
  • Fish.pngFish- "Now I shall eat for a day."
  • Cooked Fish.pngCooked Fish- "Grilled to perfection."
  • Eel.pngEel- "This will make a delicious meal."
  • Cooked Eel.pngCooked Eel- "Smells great!"
  • Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk- "A light breezy trunk."
  • Winter Koalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk- "A thick, hairy trunk."
  • Koalefant Trunk Steak.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak- "Somehow even more nasal than before."
  • Frog Legs.pngFrog Legs- "I've heard it's a delicacy."
  • Cooked Frog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs- "Tastes like chicken."
  • Batilisk Wing.pngBatilisk Wing- "I hate these things, even when they're dead."
  • Cooked Batilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing- "At least it's not coming back."


  • Dead Dogfish.pngDead Dogfish- "Good dog."
  • Dead Swordfish.pngDead Swordfish- "I better not run with this."
  • Tropical Fish.pngTropical Fish- "What a tropical looking fish."
  • Dead Jellyfish.pngDead Jellyfish- "He lived a good life."
  • Cooked Jellyfish.pngCooked Jellyfish- "It's all wriggly."
  • Dried Jellyfish.pngDried Jellyfish- "I'd be a jerk not to eat this."
  • Raw Fish.pngRaw Fish- "A chunk of fish meat."
  • Tuna Can.png"Ballphin Free" Tuna- "Where did this can come from?"
  • Fish Steak.pngFish Steak- "Grilled to perfection."
  • Fish Morsel.pngFish Morsel- "A small bit of fish."
  • Cooked Fish Morsel.pngCooked Fish Morsel- "A small bit of cooked fish."
  • Limpets.pngLimpets- "Limpets Bizkets."
  • Cooked Limpets.pngCooked Limpets- "Escargotcha!"
  • Mussel.pngMussel- "Could use some flexing."
  • Cooked Mussel.pngCooked Mussel- "I cook a mean mussel."
  • Shark Fin.pngShark Fin- "A sleek fin."
  • Dead Wobster.pngDead Wobster- "You should cook up nicely."
  • Cooked Wobster.pngDelicious Wobster- "I can't wait to eat you."
  • Bile-Covered Slop.pngBile-Covered Slop- "I'm not dissecting that."
  • Dragoon Heart.pngDragoon Heart- "Where the dragoon once stored its feelings."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits


  • Berries.pngBerries- "Red berries taste the best."
  • Cave Banana.pngCave Banana- "It's mushy."
  • Dragon Fruit.pngDragon Fruit- "What a weird fruit."
  • Durian.pngDurian- "Oh it smells!"
  • Pomegranate.pngPomegranate- "It looks like the inside of an alien's brain."
  • Roasted Berries.pngRoasted Berries- "I don't think heat improved them."
  • Cooked Cave Banana.pngCooked Cave Banana- "Yum!"
  • Prepared Dragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit- "Still weird."
  • Extra Smelly Durian.pngExtra Smelly Durian- "Now it smells even worse!"
  • Sliced Pomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate- "Haute Cuisine!"


  • Watermelon.pngWatermelon- "Sticky sweet."
  • Grilled Watermelon.pngGrilled Watermelon- "Juicy and warm."


  • Juicy Berries.pngJuicy Berries- "Extra tasty, though they won't last long."
  • Roasted Juicy Berries.pngRoasted Juicy Berries- "Better eat them before they spoil!"


  • Banana.pngBanana-
  • Cooked Banana.pngCooked Banana-
  • Coconut.pngCoconut- "It requires a large nut hacker."
  • Halved Coconut.pngHalved Coconut- "When I click them together, they make horsey sounds!"
  • Cooked Coconut.pngRoasted Coconut- "Now I just need a cake."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables


  • Corn.pngPopcorn.pngCorn and Popcorn- "High in fructose!"
  • Carrot Planted.pngCarrot (planted)- "The earth is making plantbabies."
  • Carrot.pngCarrot- "Yuck. It's all vegetabley."
  • Pumpkin.pngPumpkin- "It's as big as my head!"
  • Eggplant.pngEggplant- "It doesn't look like an egg."
  • Roasted Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot- "Mushy."
  • Hot Pumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin- "How did it not turn into a pie?"
  • Braised Eggplant.pngBraised Eggplant- "It's even less eggy."
  • Red Cap.pngRed Cap- "It smells funny."
  • Green Cap.pngGreen Cap- "It seems pretty normal."
  • Blue Cap.pngBlue Cap- "It's weird and gooey."
  • Cooked Red Cap.pngCooked Green Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap.pngCooked Cap- "It's different now..."
  • Glow Berry.pngGlow Berry- "Looks delicious."
  • Lichen.pngLichen- "Nutritious, but it won't last long."


  • Cactus Flesh.pngCactus Flesh- "There are still some spines between me and a tasty meal."
  • Cooked Cactus Flesh.pngCooked Cactus Flesh- "Grilled fruit of the desert."
  • Cactus Flower.pngCactus Flower- "A pretty flower from a prickly plant."


  • Lesser Glow Berry.pngLesser Glow Berry- "Kinda wrinkled."


  • Seaweed.pngSeaweed- "A weed. Of the sea."
  • Roasted Seaweed.pngRoasted Seaweed- "Crispy."
  • Dried Seaweed.pngDried Seaweed- "Salty!"
  • Sweet Potato Planted.pngSweet Potato (planted)- "That's an odd looking carrot."
  • Sweet Potato.pngSweet Potato- "Looks yammy!"
  • Cooked Sweet Potato.pngCooked Sweet Potato- "Looks even yammier!"
  • Coffee Beans.pngCoffee Beans- "They could use some roasting."
  • Cooked Coffee Beans.pngRoasted Coffee Beans- "Heat definitely improved them."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot


  • Bacon and Eggs.pngBacon and Eggs- "The perfect breakfast for a man of science."
  • Butter Muffin.pngButter Muffin- "I threw the recipe away and just kind of winged it."
  • Dragonpie.pngDragonpie- "The dragonfruit is very filling."
  • Fishsticks.pngFishsticks- "Sticks to my ribs."
  • Fish Tacos.pngFish Tacos- "Crunchy and delicious!"
  • Fist Full of Jam.pngFist Full of Jam- "I probably should have made a jar."
  • Froggle Bunwich.pngFroggle Bunwich- "A very leggy sandwich."
  • Fruit Medley.pngFruit Medley- "Fruity."
  • Honey Ham.pngHoney Ham- "Sweet and savory."
  • Honey Nuggets.pngHoney Nuggets- "Tastes like chicken, but I don't think it is."
  • Kabobs.pngKabobs- "Lunch on a stick."
  • Mandrake Soup.pngMandrake Soup- "Well, he won't be waking up again."
  • Meatballs.pngMeatballs- "I cooked it myself!"
  • Meaty Stew.pngMeaty Stew- "A stew to put some meat on my bones."
  • Monster Lasagna.pngMonster Lasagna- "It's an affront to science."
  • Pierogi.pngPierogi- "These turned out pretty good."
  • Powdercake.pngPowdercake- "I don't know if I'm hungry enough."
  • Pumpkin Cookies.pngPumpkin Cookies- "That's a pretty gourd cookie!"
  • Ratatouille.pngRatatouille- "An excellent source of fibre."
  • Stuffed Eggplant.pngStuffed Eggplant- "I'll be stuffed after eating this!"
  • Taffy.pngTaffy- "My dentist'd get mad if I ate this... but I don't have one."
  • Turkey Dinner.pngTurkey Dinner- "Mmmm."
  • Unagi.pngUnagi- "I hope this doesn't make me feel eel!"
  • Waffles.pngWaffles- "I'm waffling on whether I should add more syrup."
  • Wet Goop.pngWet Goop- "It tastes like nothing."


  • Flower Salad.pngFlower Salad- "A bowl of foliage."
  • Guacamole.pngGuacamole- "Avogadro's favorite dish."
  • Ice Cream.pngIce Cream- "I scream for ice cream!"
  • Melonsicle.pngMelonsicle- "Cryogenic watermelon."
  • Spicy Chili.pngSpicy Chili- "Five alarm!"
  • Trail Mix.pngTrail Mix- "A healthy, natural snack."


  • Jellybeans.pngJellybeans- "One part jelly, one part bean."


  • Banana Pop.pngBanana Pop- "No, not brain freeze! I need that for science!"
  • Bisque.pngBisque- "Cooking that sure kept me bisque-y!"
  • California Roll.pngCalifornia Roll- "But I don't have chopsticks."
  • Ceviche.pngCeviche- "Can I get a bigger bowl? This one looks a little shrimpy."
  • Coffee.pngCoffee- "Smells delicious and energizing!"
  • Jelly-O Pop.pngJelly-O Pop- "Jelly-O pop it right in my mouth!"
  • Lobster Bisque.pngLobster Bisque- "Could use more salt, but that's none of my bisque-ness."
  • Lobster Dinner.pngLobster Dinner- "If I eat it in the morning is it still dinner?"
  • Seafood Gumbo.pngSeafood Gumbo- "It's a jumbo seafood gumbo."
  • Shark Fin Soup.pngShark Fin Soup- "It's shark fin-ished!"
  • Surf 'n' Turf.pngSurf 'n' Turf- "It's perf!"
  • Fresh Fruit Crepes.pngFresh Fruit Crepes- "Sugary fruit! Part of a balanced breakfast."
  • Monster Tartare.pngMonster Tartare- "There's got to be something else to eat around here."
  • Mussel Bouillabaise.pngMussel Bouillabaise- "Imagine the experiments I could run on it!"
  • Sweet Potato Souffle.pngSweet Potato Souffle- "Sweet potato souffles are a rising trend."
  • Caviar.pngCaviar- "I never had it before I came here."
  • Tropical Bouillabaisse.png Tropical Bouillabaisse- "I seasoned it with a dash of science."

Rot.pngFood - Other


  • Seeds.pngSeeds- "Each one is a tiny mystery."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCarrot Seeds- "It's a carrot seed."
  • Corn Seeds.pngCorn Seeds- "It's a corn seed."
  • Dragon Fruit Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds- "It's a weird fruit seed."
  • Durian Seeds.pngDurian Seeds- "It's a durian seed."
  • Eggplant Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds- "It's an eggplant seed."
  • Pomegranate Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds- "It's a pome-whatsit seed."
  • Pumpkin Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds- "It's a pumpkin seed."
  • Toasted Seeds.pngToasted Seeds- "I cooked all the life out of 'em!"
  • Honey.pngHoney- "Looks delicious!"
  • Butterfly Wings.pngButterfly Wings- "Without these, it's just a butter."
  • Butter.pngButter- "I can't believe it's butter!"
  • Rot.pngRot- "It's a furry ball of rotten food."
  • Rotten Egg.pngRotten Egg- "Ew! It stinks!"


  • Roasted Birchnut.pngRoasted Birchnut- "Roasted to perfection."
  • Electric Milk.pngElectric Milk- "It's buzzing with tastiness!"
  • Watermelon Seeds.pngWatermelon Seeds- "It's a melon seed."


  • Phlegm.pngPhlegm- "It's thick and pliable. And salty."
  • Royal Jelly.pngRoyal Jelly- "It infuses the eater with the power of science!"


  • Blubber.pngBlubber- "Squishy."
  • Brainy Matter.pngBrainy Matter- "Food for thought."
  • Roe.pngRoe- "Fish babies."
  • Cooked Roe.pngCooked Roe- "Roe, sunny side up."
  • Sweet Potato Seeds.pngSweet Potato Seeds- "My very own plant eggs."

Trinkets.pngMisc Items


  • Abigail's Flower.pngAbigail Flower.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 1 and held)- "It's hauntingly beautiful."
  • Abigail Flower2.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 2)- "It's giving me the creeps."
  • Abigail Flower2.pngAbigail's Flower (stage 3)- "It's not the weirdest thing I've seen..."
  • Abigail Flower Haunted.pngAbigail's Flower (ready, held)- "I don't know if I should hang on to this."
  • Abigail Flower Haunted.pngAbigail's Flower (ready)- "I'm dying to find out what it does."
  • Blueprint.pngBlueprint- "It's scientific!"
  • Gears.pngGears- "A pile of mechanical parts."
  • Ash.pngAshes- "All that's left after fire has done its job."
  • Red Gem.pngRed Gem- "It sparkles with inner warmth."
  • Blue Gem.pngBlue Gem- "It sparkles with cold energy."
  • Yellow Gem.pngYellow Gem- "This gem is yellow."
  • Green Gem.pngGreen Gem- "It's green and gemmy."
  • Orange Gem.pngOrange Gem- "It's an orange gem."
  • Beard Hair.pngBeard Hair- "I made them with my face."
  • Manure.pngManure- "I should fill my pockets!"
  • Guano.pngGuano- "Another flavor of poop."
  • Melty Marbles.pngMelty Marbles- "They are all melted together."
  • Fake Kazoo.pngFake Kazoo- "It's just a cheap replica."
  • Gord's Knot.pngGord's Knot- "The knot is stuck. Forever."
  • Gnome.pngGnome- "It must be some kind of religious artifact."
  • Tiny Rocketship.pngTiny Rocketship- "Sadly, it's too small for me to escape on."
  • Frazzled Wires.pngFrazzled Wires- "Their electricity carrying days are over."
  • Ball and Cup.pngBall and Cup- "I have no time for fun and games!"
  • Hardened Rubber Bung.pngHardened Rubber Bung- "Great. All of my tub stopping needs are met."
  • Mismatched Buttons.pngMismatched Buttons- "I'm more of a zipper person, myself."
  • Second-hand Dentures.pngSecond-hand Dentures- "I hope I get out of here before I need these."
  • Lying Robot.pngLying Robot- "He whispers beautiful lies to me."
  • Dessicated Tentacle.pngDessicated Tentacle- "I'm not sure what I should do with a dessicated tentacle."
  • Slurper Pelt.pngSlurper Pelt- "Doesn't look much different dead."
  • Star Stafflight.pngDwarf Star-


  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "Poor little guy. He deserves a proper funeral."
  • Bone Shards.pngBone Shards- "Bits of bone."


  • Blueprint (rare).pngBlueprint (rare)-
  • Pile o' Balloons.pngPile o' Balloons- "It looks like clown currency."
  • Balloon-
  • Codex Umbra.pngCodex Umbra- "Spooky."
  • Fur Tuft.pngFur Tuft- "Black and white fur."
  • Sketch.pngSketch- "A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it."
  • Steel Wool.pngSteel Wool- "Scratchy metal fibers."
  • Leaky Teacup.pngLeaky Teacup- "Now if I only had some tea..."
  • White Bishop.pngBlack Bishop.pngWhite and Black Bishop- "Maxwell left his stuff out again."
  • Bent Spork.pngBent Spork- "A horrifyingly failed utensil fusion. I guess science *can* go too far."
  • Toy Trojan Horse.pngToy Trojan Horse- "I wonder what it's hiding?"
  • Unbalanced Top.pngUnbalanced Top- "It doesn't spin very well."
  • Back Scratcher.pngBack Scratcher- "Now I can scratch my back; all my problems are solved!"
  • Beaten Beater.pngBeaten Beater- "This egg beater is all bent out of shape."
  • Frayed Yarn.pngFrayed Yarn- "Maybe I'll brush up on some string theory."
  • Shoe Horn.pngShoe Horn- "I can put my shoes on without help, thanks."
  • White Knight.pngBlack Knight.pngWhite and Black Knight- "Honestly, he just leaves them out wherever."
  • Lucky Cat Jar.pngLucky Cat Jar- "I think the librarian had a cat."
  • Air Unfreshener.pngAir Unfreshener- "It smells kind of stale."
  • Potato Cup.pngPotato Cup- "Food and a cup! The ultimate survival container."
  • White Rook.pngBlack Rook.pngWhite and Black Rook- "How Machiavellian."
  • Wire Hanger.pngWire Hanger- "Good, I can hang my clothes up if I ever find a hook."
  • Blue Moonlens.pngBlue Moonlens- "It's always smart to keep an eye out."
  • Green Moonlens.pngGreen Moonlens- "That'll keep a watchful eye on the place."
  • Red Moonlens.pngRed Moonlens- "It can see and be seen for miles!"
  • Orange Moonlens.pngOrange Moonlens- "No one could get lost with that thing looking out for them."
  • Purple Moonlens.pngPurple Moonlens- "Makes a good marker, but I wish it'd stop looking at me."
  • Yellow Moonlens.pngYellow Moonlens- "That ought to show everyone the way."
  • Iridescent Gem.pngIridescent Gem- "This gem seems special."
  • Moon Caller's Staff.pngMoon Caller's Staff- "It's scientifically proven that gems look better on top of sticks."
  • Polar Light- "Brr! Chilling."
  • Shadow Atrium.pngShadow Atrium- "The power of science must have reanimated it..."
  • Beach Toy.pngBeach Toy- "Someone might be interested in this."
  • Crumpled Package.pngCrumpled Package- "This package is barely holding together."


  • Venom Gland.pngVenom Gland- "Only poison can cure poison."
  • Dubloons.pngDubloons- "I'm rich!"
  • Hail.pngHail- "Chilling."
  • Message in a Bottle.pngMessage in a Bottle- "Someone wrote me a note!"
  • Spoiled Fish.pngSpoiled Fish- "I'm not terribly curious about the smell."
  • Snake Oil.pngSnake Oil- "The label says 'Jay's Wondrous Snake Oil!'"
  • Orange Soda.pngOrange Soda- "What is this substance?"
  • Voodoo Doll.pngVoodoo Doll- "This thing gives me the creeps..."
  • Ukulele.pngUkulele- "Incredible! This guitar has undergone shrinkification!"
  • License Plate.pngLicense Plate- "How did this get all the way out here?"
  • Ancient Vase.pngAncient Vase- "A relic of a bygone era!"
  • Brain Cloud Pill.pngBrain Cloud Pill- "Clouding of the brain... never heard of it..."
  • Wine Bottle Candle.pngWine Bottle Candle- "I'm sure someone would like this."
  • Broken AAC Device.pngBroken AAC Device- "Someone lost their words."
  • One True Earring.pngOne True Earring- "I wonder where the false one is?"
  • Old Boot.pngOld Boot- "Where's the other one?"
  • Sextant.pngSextant- "An instrument of some sort."
  • Toy Boat.pngToy Boat- "I ought to measure it to make sure it's to scale."
  • Wine Bottle Candle.pngSoaked Candle- "Looks kinda soggy."
  • Sea worther.pngSea Worther- "Scientific!"
  • Iron Key.pngIron Key- "That's a key."
  • Bone Key.pngBone Key- "Something somewhere must be locked."
  • Golden Key.pngGolden Key- "This key probably unlocks something."
  • Tarnished Crown.pngTarnished Crown- "It's oddly monkey-sized."

Maxwell Head.pngAdventure Mode


  • Skeleton.pngFailed- "That didn't go well. I'll have to try again."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, down)- "It's more of a pyramid than an obelisk."
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, up)- "TAKE THAT, SANE SELF!"
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (sane, up)- "That's a CRAZY looking rock!"
  • Obelisk.pngObelisk (insane, down)- "Where did the rest of it go?"
  • Ash.pngAshes of Divining Rod-
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (before picked up from its starting base)- "That rod looks useful!"
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod- "It's some kind of homing device."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (cold)- "The signal is very faint."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warm)- "I'm headed in the right direction."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (warmer)- "I must be getting pretty close."
  • Divining Rod.pngDivining Rod (hot)- "This thing's going crazy!"
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder- "I wonder what it does."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngDivining Rod Holder (ready to unlock)- "It looks like it needs a large key."
  • Divining Rod Holder.pngDivining Rod Holder (unlocked)- "Now my machine can work!"
  • Maxwell's Door.pngMaxwell's Door- "I'm not sure I want to fall for that a second time."
  • Gramophone.pngMaxwell's Phonograph- "So that's where the music was coming from."
  • Maxwell's Light.pngMaxwell's Light- "I wonder how they work."
  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "It really captures his personality."
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap- "I'll want to avoid stepping on that!"
  • Maxwell's Tooth Trap.pngMaxwell's Tooth Trap (went off)- "Oops."
  • File:Minetranspattempt2.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap- "Bottled mosquito rage!"
  • File:Minetranspattempt2.pngMaxwell's Mosquito Trap (went off)-
  • Sick Worm Hole.pngSick Worm Hole- "Guh, that thing looks worse off than usual."
  • Nightmare Lock.pngNightmare Lock- "Looks almost like a key hole."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngNightmare Throne- "That doesn't look very comfortable."
  • Nightmare Throne.pngMale character on Nightmare Throne- "He's trapped!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngFemale character on Nightmare Throne- "She's trapped!"
  • Nightmare Throne.pngOther character on Nightmare Throne- "It's trapped!"


  • Maxwell Statue.pngMaxwell Statue- "He's a lot shorter in person."



  • Generic-
  • Freedom- "I'm free! I'm finally free!"「我自由了!我終於自由了!」
  • 寒冷- "So Cold!"「真冷!」
  • 進入冬季-
  • 戰吼- "Go for the eyes!"「攻擊要害!」
  • 戰吼 (被動生物)- "I will destroy you!"「我將毀滅你!」
  • 戰吼 (豬人)- "Here piggy piggy!"「小豬豬到這來!」
  • 戰吼 (蜘蛛)- "I'm going to stomp you dead!"「我要把你踩死!」
  • 戰吼 (蜘蛛戰士)- "Better you than me!"「最好是你死我活!」
  • 脫離戰鬥- "I sure showed him!"「我給他們顏色看了!」
  • 脫離戰鬥(被動生物)- "He's too fast!"「他太快了!」
  • 脫離戰鬥(豬人)- "I'll let him go. This time."「我放他走了,暫時!」
  • 脫離戰鬥(蜘蛛)- "He's too gross anyway."「他各種意義上都太惡心了!」
  • 脫離戰鬥(蜘蛛戰士)- "Shoo, you nasty thing!"「咻,你這可惡的東西!」
  • 觸發一個蜜蜂地雷- "BEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!"「蜜蜂啊啊啊啊啊啊啊!!!!」
  • 黃昏- "It's getting late. It will be dark soon."
  • 進入光亮中- "I can see again!"
  • 進入黑暗中- "It's so dark!"
  • 在黑暗中操作- "It's too dark to see!"
  • 操作失敗- "I can't do that."
  • 製造物品失敗- "I don't have all the ingredients."
  • 嘗試在白天睡覺- "It's too bright out."
  • 在洞穴中嘗試在白天睡覺- "I'm not tired."
  • 嘗試在飢餓時睡覺- "I'm too hungry to sleep, the growling will keep me up!"
  • 嘗試在怪物附近睡覺- "It's too dangerous right now!"
  • 嘗試將東西給忙碌的npc- "I'll try again in a second."
  • 獵犬即將來襲- "Did you hear that?"
  • 深淵蠕蟲即將來襲-
  • 獨眼巨鹿即將來襲- "That sounded big!"
  • 物品欄滿了- "I can't carry any more stuff!"
  • 進食- "Yum!"
  • 進食 (不新鮮的食物)- "I think that was starting to turn."
  • 進食 (變質的食物)- "Yuck! That was terrible!"
  • 進食 (造成傷害的食物)- "I don't feel so good."
  • 飢餓- "I'm so hungry!"
  • 地震- "That doesn't sound good."
  • 離開洞穴-


  • 閃電未擊中- "Safe from that frightening lightning!"
  • 過熱- "Need... ice... or... shade!"
  • 受樹保護- "Thanks for protection from the elements, tree!"
  • 潮濕(低)- "Oh, H2O."
  • 潮濕(中)- "My clothes appear to be permeable."
  • 潮濕(高)- "Water way to go!"
  • 潮濕(最高)- "I've nearly reached my saturation point."
  • Dropping tool while wet- "Wow that tool is slippery!"
  • Smoldering item- "That thing is about to catch fire."
  • Burnt- "Yikes! That was hot!"
  • Giant arrival- "That sounded big!"
  • Trying to sleep on fire- "I don't exactly have a burning desire to sleep in that."


  • Antlion appeased-
  • Blueprint already known- "I already know that one."
  • Battlecry (Deer)- "Die, doe!"
  • Eternal Fruitcake.pngRefusing to eat Eternal Fruitcake- "Putting that in my mouth would be disgusting!"
  • Sinkhole Cracks.pngSinkhole warning- "The ground is destabilizing!"
  • Cave-in warning- "The ceiling is destabilizing!"
  • Encumbered (carrying heavy object)-
    • "Pant... Pant..."
    • "Lift... with your back..."
    • "For... science... oof!"
    • "Hngh...!"
    • "Huff... Pant..."
    • "This isn't... gentleman's... work..."
    • "Is this... messing up my hair?"
    • "This is the worst... experiment..."
  • Klaus.pngKrampus.pngKlaus summoning Krampii- "It called for help!"
  • Loot Stash.pngDeer Antler A.pngDeer Antler B.pngDeer Antler C.pngLoot Stash (wrong key)-
  • The Lazy Deserter.pngThe Lazy Deserter (teleported)- "I'm not sure that was science."
  • Atrium destabilizing-
    • "What's that?!"
    • "I think it's time to leave!"
  • Ruins renewal- "All the monsters came back!"
  • Structure occupied-
  • Unable to give item (busy)-
  • Unable to give item (dead)-
  • Unable to give item (inventory full)- "Your pockets are too full!"
  • Unable to give item (sleeping)-
  • Unable to give all items (not enough room)-


  • Volcano eruption warning- "That doesn't sound good."
  • Volcano eruption- "That can't be good."
  • Sea Hounds are coming- "I'm going to need a bigger boat..."
  • Sealnado is coming- "That sounded big!"
  • Map border approaching- "Here there be monsters."
  • Entering map border- "It would seem my future is foggy."
  • Exiting map border- "I think I felt something brush against my leg..."
  • Wave.pngRiding wave- "Weeeee!"
  • Boat losing durability- "I need to get to land!"
  • Boat leak- "I think I sprung a leak."
  • Boat sinking- "I seem to be sinking."
  • Crabbit escape- "I could've sworn it was right there..."

Exclusive to PS4

  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment- "I feel so accomplished!"
  • Accomploshrine.pngAccomplishment completed- "If only my friends could see me now..."



  • Maxwell Head.pngMaxwell's Head- "I can see into his pores."
  • Skull Chest.pngSkull Chest- "I'm not sure if I want to open it."
  • Golden Pitchfork- "Why did I even make a pitchfork this fancy?"
  • Boat- "Is that how I got here?"
  • Home- "Someone must live here."
  • Boat.pngSunk Boat- "It's no use to me out there!"
  • Lava Pit.pngLava Pit- "Good thing it's contained!"
  • Tree Clump- "It's almost like someone is trying to prevent me from going somewhere."
  • Pig Tent- "Smells like bacon."
  • Friend-o-matic- "If I had any friends, this could take me to them."
  • Friend-o-matic (open)- "If I step through, will I still be me?"
  • Friend-o-matic (full)- "It seems to be popular over there."
  • Frog Poison.pngPoison Frog- "It looks meaner than usual."
  • Peacock- "Nothing more than a dressed up thief."
  • Mending Tape- "For making some much needed repairs."



  • Fur Roll.pngFur Roll- "It's better to sleep."
  • Tent.pngTent- "I can sleep in here when I'm hurt."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 3.pngHeat Stone- "I could heat this up near the fire."
  • Thermal Stone.pngHeat Stone (cold)- "It's stone cold."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.pngHeat Stone (warm)- "It's warm and cuddly... for a rock!"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.pngHeat Stone (hot)- "Nice and toasty hot!"
  • Meaty Stew.pngDeadly Feast- "A most potent dish."
  • Livinglog-crafted staffs (prior to release)- "It doesn't look finished. It could be dangerous!"
  • Livinglog-crafted staffs (after using)- "Ow! I don't think it's finished yet!"
  • Telelocator Staff.pngTelelocator Staff- "This science is now out of control!"
  • Straw Hat.pngBeefalo Hat.pngStraw Hat and Beefalo Hat- "What a nice hat."
  • Grave.pngGrave- "I bet there's all sorts of good stuff down there!"
  • Sinkhole.pngPlugged Sinkhole- "I wonder if I could move that rock."
  • Sinkhole.pngSinkhole- "I bet there's all sorts of things to discover down there."
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "Such a touching stone."
  • Touch Stone.pngTouch Stone- "What an odd looking stone."
  • Mosquito.pngMosquito- "What a nasty little blood sucker."
  • Splumonkey.pngSplumonkey- "A monkey with little brain."
  • Carrot Seeds.pngCorn Seeds.pngDragon Fruit Seeds.pngDurian Seeds.pngEggplant Seeds.pngPomegranate Seeds.pngPumpkin Seeds.pngSeeds (specific)- "It's a seed."
  • Research (high value)- "I feel so smart now!"
  • Research (normal value)- "Never stop learning!"
  • Research (low value)- "I didn't learn very much from that."
  • Researching an item- "In you go!"
  • Research Poop- "Poooop!"
  • Research an Axe- "Let me axe you a question!"
  • Research Cut Grass- "I will unlock the secrets of ... grass."
  • Research Cut Reeds- "I can learn stuff by reeding!"
  • Research some Flint- "This probably isn't the best use of flint."
  • Research a Log- "There must be science hiding somewhere in there."


  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "Poor guy. I should put him to rest."
  • Watermelon Seeds.pngWatermelon Seeds- "It's a seed."


  • Wardrobe.pngWardrobe- "Maybe I can be even more handsome!"
  • Wardrobe Burnt.pngWardrobe (burnt)- "So long, style."
  • Jury-Rigged Portal.pngJury-Rigged Portal- "It's rickety, but it appears to function. After a fashion..."
  • Diseased Twiggy Tree.pngDiseased Twiggy Tree- "It looks sick. More so than usual."
  • Diseased Grass Gekko.pngDiseased Grass Gekko- "It looks pretty sick."
  • Barrel.pngBarrel- "Did that just move?"
  • Long Pig.pngLong Pig- "Flesh is flesh. Where do I draw the line?"
  • Cooked Long Pig.pngCooked Long Pig- "Cooked nice and pink, but still morally gray."
  • Long Pig Jerky.pngLong Pig Jerky- "Letting it dry makes it not come from a human, right?"
  • No-Eyed Deer.pngNo-Eyed Deer Horned.pngNo-Eyed Deer- "Is it staring at me? ...No, maybe not."
  • Antlion appeased- "That'll appease her, for now..."


  • Sand Bag Structure.pngSandbag- "This should keep the water out."
  • Trawl Net.pngTrawl Net- "I see no possible downsides to using this."
  • Seaworthy.pngSeaworthy (SW world)- "And so I sail away into the horizon..."
  • Coconut.pngCoconut- "That is a large nut."
  • Palm Tree (sapling)- "It requires a large nut hacker."
  • Shoal.pngShoal- "I can't see the bottom!"
  • Volcano.pngVolcano- "That seems safe."
  • Seashell.pngSeashell- "Maybe I could sell these."
  • Shifting Sands- "I wonder where that crab went?"
  • Limpets.pngLimpets- "Maybe starving wouldn't be so bad..."


  • Compromising Statue- "The wilderness and I came to a compromise."


  • TREASURECHEST_TRAP- "How convenient!"
  • ANNOUNCE_NO_TRAP- "Well, that was easy."



  • Miner Hat (out)- "My torch just ran out!"

Placeholder.png 你知道嗎?

  • Wilson's quote for the Fire Staff ("I don't want to set the world on fire.") is a reference to the 1941 song of the same title by The Ink Spots.
  • His quote for the Ice Cube ("Stay cool, boy.") is from the American musical West Side Story's musical number "Cool".
  • His quote for a Bee ("To bee or not to bee.") is a reference to Hamlet, a play by Shakespeare.
  • His quote for the Sewing Kit ("Darn it! Darn it all to heck!") is a pun, as "darning" is a sewing technique for repairing holes in damaged clothing. It may also be a reference to the famous final line of Planet of the Apes: "Damn you! Damn you all to hell!"
  • His quote for a regular Hound ("You ain't nothing, hound dog!") is a reference to Elvis Presley's song, "Hound Dog".
  • When Sea Hounds are approaching, Wilson may comment, "I'm going to need a bigger boat...." This is a reference to the movie Jaws, in which a lead character says, "We're gonna need a bigger boat," while being stalked by a shark.
  • His quote for a burnt Bee Box ("How did it get burned?!!") is a reference to a famous Nicholas Cage movie, The Wicker Man.
  • His quote for an active Ice Fling-o-matic ("Fling on!") could possibly be a reference to the song "Dream On", by Aerosmith.
  • Wilson's quote on the turned-off Ice Flingomatic "All quiet on the flinging front." may be a reference to Erich Maria Remarque's novel, All Quiet on the Western Front.
  • When Wilson examines the Pig Heads surrounding a Touch Stone, he will say, "It looks like an offering to the beast." This may be a reference to the book Lord of the Flies by William Golding. In the book, Jack and his group of hunters place a sow's head on top of a sharpened pole as an offering to the Beast that supposedly lives on their island.
  • His quote for the Rabbit Hole ("That must lead to the Kingdom of the Bunnymen.") may have provided the inspiration for the Bunnymen found in Caves.
  • His quote for the Hammer ("Stop! It's time! To hammer things!") is a reference to the well known line "Stop! Hammer Time!" from the song "U Can't Touch This" by MC Hammer.
  • His quote for the Morning Star ("It's electric!") could be a reference to the song Electric Slide.
  • His quote for Maxwell's Door ("I'm not sure I want to fall for that a second time.") is a clear reference to Wilson's origin.
  • Wilson's examination of the Bunny Puff (“I just like holding it.”) may be a reference to the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck.
  • Upon examining Guacamole, Wilson will proclaim that it is "Avogadro's favorite dish." This is a reference to Amadeo Avogadro, who first created the unit of measurement "moles" for describing the number of molecules of a substance in a sample.
  • Wilson's examination quote of the Salt Lick (“How many licks does it take to get to the center?”) 'is a reference to the famous "Tootsie Roll" Commercial, which asks how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop (Answer: 364).
  • Wilson's examination quote for the Silly Monkey Ball, "I have a strange desire to name it after myself.", may be a reference to the movie Cast Away, in which the main character makes a companion out of a volleyball, which he names "Wilson".
  • Wilson's examination quote of the Halved Coconut (“When I click them together, they make horsey sounds.”) is a reference to the movie Monty Python's The Holy Grail, in which knights tap coconuts together to imitate the sound of horse hooves.
  • Wilson's examination quote for Logs ("It's big, it's heavy, and it's wood.") is a reference to the Log song from the show Ren and Stimpy.
  • His quote for WX-78 as a murderer ("You've violated the first law!") is a reference to the Three Laws of Robotics found in the works of sci-fi writer Isaac Asimov, the first of which states that robots are not allowed to harm humans.
  • Wilson's quote when nearing Fog, ("Here be monsters") is a reference to old map making, in which mapmakers would mark "here be dragons" to signify unexplored areas.
  • Wilson's quote for the Chest (“It is my tickle trunk!”) references the old 80's TV show Mr. Dressup, in which the eponymous character possessed a chest that he named the "tickle trunk."
  • When examining underwater Mussels, Wilson will say ("I wonder if they're from Brussels."), which may be a reference to Men at Work - Down Under or the Belgian actor Jean-Claude Van Damme, known as the "Muscles from Brussels".
饥荒 Wilson portrait.png威爾森 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Willow portrait.png薇洛 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wolfgang portrait.png沃爾夫岡 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wendy portrait.png溫蒂 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
WX-78 portrait.png機器人 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wickerbottom portrait.png薇克巴顿 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodie portrait.png伍迪 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
Wes portrait.png 維斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Waxwell Portrait.png麥斯威爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wagstaff Portrait.png瓦格斯塔夫 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
巨人国 Reign of Giants icon.pngWigfrid portrait.png薇格弗德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Webber portrait.png韋伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
海难 Shipwrecked icon.pngWalani portrait.png瓦拉尼 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Warly portrait.png沃利 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wilbur portrait.png 威爾伯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Woodlegs portrait.png木腿船長 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
猪镇 Hamlet icon.pngWilba Portrait.png薇尔芭 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wormwood Portrait.png沃姆伍德 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wheeler Portrait.png薇勒爾 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
联机版 Don't Starve Together icon.pngWinona Portrait.png薇諾娜 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wortox Portrait.png沃拓克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wurt Portrait.png沃特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Walter Portrait.png沃爾特 台詞 ⋅ 服裝Wanda Portrait.png旺达 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
已移除 Map Icon Florid Postern.pngWarbucks Portrait.png沃巴克斯 台詞 ⋅ 服裝
未实现 威爾頓 • 温妮 • 華萊士 • 薇弗利 • 火焰兵