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All work and no play makes
me want to chop some trees.

Lucy the Axe








Don't Starve Together icon.png 多人版饑荒


Placeholder.png 你知道嗎

  • 露西是否為真正的生命,到目前為止還不得而知。對於此事已有大量的揣測,如精神錯亂、詛咒或過去的關係。開發團隊對這個問題守口如瓶,但他們表示伍迪相當的冷靜,而另一方面露西則十分愛說話。
    • 露西在多人版饑荒中對其他玩家的發言也許意味著露西真的能說話。
  • 露西是第一個可以說話的物品並且有著單獨的字幕,不只是像活木那樣僅僅發出聲音。
  • 露西是用鋸琴(musical saw)配音的
  • 當玩家在冒險模式中,露西不會使用傳送門的插槽,她會在伍迪抵達新世界的時候出現在他的物品欄裡。
  • 露西的發言,「All work and no play makes me want to chop trees(一直工作不玩耍讓我想砍樹了)」來自一個英文諺語"All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy"(一直工作不玩耍讓傑克變成無聊的男孩)。也可能是來自史蒂芬˙金的電影鬼店[1],其中瘋狂的角色傑克不停地打這句話,並且在之後使用了一把很像露西的斧頭。

link = Quotes

  • 閒置時 (裝備著)
    • "There must be some trees around here..."
    • "Hey, let's go chop some trees!"
    • "All work and no play makes me want to chop trees"
    • "Chop chop chop. Heh."
    • "Woodie! Chop some trees!"
    • "Let's chop some trees!"
    • "Nice day for a walk!"
  • When put in a container:
    • "It's dark in here!"
    • "I'm scared!"
    • "I can't see anything!"
    • "I hate it in here."
  • 丟在地上時:
    • "You'll come back, right?"
    • "What did I say?"
    • "I... I don't understand..."
    • "Can we talk about this?"
    • "Don't forget about me!"
  • 在地板上:
    • "Come back! Take me with you!"
    • "Where did you go?"
    • "Take me with you!"
    • "What if I get stolen?"
  • 當裝備起來:
    • "Did you miss me?"
    • "You came back!"
    • "I missed you so much!"
  • 砍下一棵樹:
    • "Death to all trees!"
    • "Nice swing!"
    • "Woooooo!"
    • "This is AWESOME!"
    • "Too easy!"
    • "Again! Let's chop another!"
    • "Nom nom nom!"
    • "Stupid tree!"
    • "We did it!"
  • 當裝備著一隻露西又試圖撿起露西 (Don't Starve Together icon.png):
    • "You can't have Two Lucys!"
    • "You two-timer!"
    • "You can't have him! He's mine!"
    • "But I'M your one and only Lucy!"
    • "You're AXING for trouble!"
    • "You're replacing me?"
    • "Get rid of her! It's freaking me out!"
    • "I'm having an identity crisis over here!"
    • "How dare you do this to me!"
    • "She's an impostor!"
    • "There can only be one!"
    • "Betrayal!"
  • 快要變成海狸 (low):
    • "Are you OK?"
    • "You look distracted, Woodie."
    • "It's just a tree! Calm down!"
  • 快要變成海狸 (med):
    • "Don't chop too fast. You know what will happen!"
    • "You might want to slow down a bit."
    • "Woodie? Can you hear me?"
    • "Careful, you're getting yourself worked up!"
  • 快要變成海狸 (high):
    • "Woodie! Be careful!"
    • "It's starting!"
    • "You're not looking so good!"
    • "Your teeth are growing!"
    • "Watch out! You're going to turn!"
  • 當伍迪沒有變成海狸就降下變身危險:
    • "That was a close one!"
    • "I think we'll be alright."
    • "You're looking much better now."
    • "It's passed. For now."
    • "It's back in the lodge. Phew!"
  • 當伍迪變成海狸:
    • "It happens again!"
    • "The Curse!"
    • "I warned you."
  • 當伍迪變回來:
    • "You're back!"
    • "Quick! Pick me up!"
    • "Are you OK?"
    • "Don't let that happen again!"
    • "Everything is going to be fine. Just focus!"
  • 被其他腳色試圖撿起 (Don't Starve Together icon.png):
    • "You're not Woodie!"
    • "Put me down!"
    • "I don't know you."
    • "Stranger danger!"
    • "Help! I'm being kidnapped!"
  • 被鬼魂玩家作祟 ((Don't Starve Together icon.png):
    • "Ouch, that hurts."
    • "You're looking boo-tiful today."
    • "I'm white as a sheet"
    • "Boo who?"
    • "ooOOoooOO to you, too."
    • "Now I'm a HAUNTED axe."

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pl:Siekiera "Lucy"