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耐久度 是一个游戏概念,它限制着物品或建筑能使用的次数,通常适用于能够被装备的物品。有些其他物品,例如針線包排簫,也有耐久度。有耐久度的物品在其图像下方会显示一个百分数。例如,一把新制造的斧頭图像下方会显示100%,随着斧头被使用这个数字会变小。不同的物品以不同的方式被消耗耐久度:


工具 在发挥本有功能和作为武器攻击其他东西的时候会失去耐久度. 3个最多使用的工具 (斧头, 十字镐, 和 铲子) 还有更高耐久的黄金工具 (分别为黄金斧头, 黄金十字镐, 和 黄金铲子 ).

Name # of Uses Special
斧頭 100 砍树
黃金斧頭 400 砍树
十字鎬 33 Mines mineable objects.
黃金十字鎬 132 Mines mineable objects.
鏟子 25 Digs up plants.
黃金鏟子 100 Digs up plants.
草叉 200 Digs up turfs.
錘子 75 Deconstructs structures.
縫衣針 5 Fixes up degraded clothing.
斧鎬 400 as Axe (and weapon), 134 as Pickaxe Chops trees and mines mineable objects.
野牛角 10 Makes up to 5 Beefalo follow the player.



Name Burn time Special
Template:PicName 4.5 min Provides light and warmth.
Template:PicName 6 min Provides efficient light and warmth.
Template:PicName 75 sec Illuminates a small area and gives a little warmth.
Template:PicName 1 Day Provides light.
Template:PicName 10 min in Summer, 13 min 20 sec in Winter Illuminates a small area.
Template:PicName 1 Day Provides light.
Template:PicName 11 min 40 sec Provides light, drains sanity.

Survival items

Survival items lose durability when used by the player or when triggered by mobs. Some of them can be used as weapons but will lose durability much faster.

Name # of Uses Special
Template:PicName 8 Captures Birds.
Template:PicName 8 Captures rabbits and other small animals.
Template:PicName 3 Restores sanity and health at the expense of hunger.
Template:PicName 6 Restores sanity and health at the expense of hunger.
Template:PicName 20 (Only when attacking) Prevents sanity loss from rain.
Template:PicName 10 (4 when attacking) Catches insects.
Template:PicName 9 (3 when attacking) Captures fish and eels in ponds.
Template:PicName 20 Grows seeds.
Template:PicName 30 Grows seeds faster.


Weapons use Durability to determine the number of times they can hit something before breaking. A Spear for example losses 0.66% of its durability each time it is used to attack something, allowing it to be used 150 times. Each weapon has a different number of uses.

Name # of Uses


Template:PicName 150
Template:PicName Unlimited Spoils like food in 10 days.
Template:PicName 100 Dropped by Tentacles.
Template:PicName 100 Drains Sanity.
Template:PicName 10 Ranged, must be caught.
Bat Bat.png Bat Bat 75 Leeches health at cost of sanity.
Tooth Trap.png Tooth Trap 10 Damages mobs that walk over it.
Template:PicName 150 Spawns shadow tentacles on hit
Template:PicName 10 Puts nearby mobs to sleep.


Protective items include Armors and Walls. Armors are items worn by the player. Armor's durability functions like extra Health for the character wearing it. Each type of Armor (Grass Suit, Log Suit, or Marble Suit) can absorb a certain amount of damage before breaking (225, 450, and 1050 respectively). When a character is hit, the armor takes a percentage of the total damage and the characters health takes the remainder. The number show on the armor's inventory icon is not actually the amount of damage it can still absorb, but the percentage of its own starting health (for example if a Grass Suit shows it has 50% durability left, it can still absorb 112 damage before breaking). Walls can be placed to protect or limit access to an area from other mobs. They can be attacked and destroyed, but can be repaired and even upgraded to last longer. Stone Walls and Thulecite Walls are the only non-flammable walls.

Name % Absorbed Durability Special
Template:PicName 60% 225
Template:PicName 80% 450
Template:PicName 95% 1050 30% Speed Reduction.
Template:PicName 95% 750 Drains Sanity.
Template:PicName 80% 1050 Absorbs 100% damage while hiding inside.
Template:PicName 90% 1800 Moderate sanity gain.
Template:PicName 80% 450
Template:PicName 80% 750 Only protects against Bees and Killer Bees.
Template:PicName 90% 750
Template:PicName 90% 1200 Summons protective forcefield.
Template:PicName 100% 50-100 Flammable.
Template:PicName 100% 100-200 Flammable.
Template:PicName 100% 200-400 Non-flammable.
Template:PicName 100% 500-800 Non-flammable.


The durability of clothing indicates the amount of wear-and-tear the clothing has suffered. When equipped, a piece of clothing will gradually wear out, and its durability will decrease. Each clothing item wears at a different rate, so if a vest and a hat are equipped at the same time, one may wear out before the other. Additionally, clothing is the only item type which can have its durability restored, which is done by using the Sewing Kit.

Name Wear Time Special
Template:PicName 6 Days Minor sanity gain, spoils like food.
Template:PicName 10 Days Moderate sanity gain, minor insulation.
Template:PicName 15 Days Minor sanity gain, moderate insulation.
Template:PicName 15 Days Minor sanity gain, great insulation.
Template:PicName 5 Days Minor insulation.
Template:PicName 8 Days Moderate sanity gain.
Template:PicName 8 Days More birds land, minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 10 Days Tiny sanity gain, moderate insulation.
Template:PicName 10 Days Great insulation, Beefalo don't attack during mating season.
Template:PicName 25 Days Great sanity gain, moderate insulation.
Template:PicName 8 Days Hunger loss is slowed by 60%, minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 3 min Makes up to 9 followers out of Pigs and Bunnymen at the expense of sanity.
Template:PicName 2 min Makes followers out of Spiders at the expense of sanity.

Amulets and staves

Staves lose durability when they are used while Amulets usually lose it over time while being worn. Chilled Amulets and Nightmare Amulets wear out in the same way as clothing, staves wear out as weapons or tools and Life Giving Amulet will lose durability itself by healing the character every 30 seconds if their health is not full.

Name Wear Time/No. of uses Special
Template:PicName 20 uses (healing)

1 (resurrection)

Converts 5 hunger points and 5% or its durability into 5 HP. Revives the player on death. Minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 6 min Drops body temperature, can freeze attacking mobs. Minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 4 min The character experiences insanity, minor sanity loss.
Template:PicName 225 uses Picks up items on the ground automatically.
Template:PicName 8 min Provides light and speed boost, minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 5 uses Items require half the resources to be built, minor sanity gain.
Template:PicName 20 uses Sets burnable objects and mobs on fire.
Template:PicName 20 uses Freezes monsters and animals.
Template:PicName 5 uses Teleports a mob or the character to a random location or to a Telelocator Focus if built.
Template:PicName 20 uses Teleports the player to cursor if available, boosts speed.
Template:PicName 20 uses Summons a star to provide light, and heat, with a big sanity aura.
Template:PicName 5 uses Destroys a structure or item for up to 100% of items, minus gems.


Books are exclusive items to Wickerbottom. Each one of them has a different amount of uses and their own special effect.

Name No. of uses Special
Template:PicName 3 Spawns 30 birds in a ring formation. 
Template:PicName 5 Regrows picked plants, advances trees in their life cycle, immediately makes crops harvestable.
Template:PicName 5 Puts nearby mobs to sleep.
Template:PicName 5 Causes 16 lightning strikes around the player.
Template:PicName 5 Summons 3 tentacles.

Note : Any item or structure not listed above has either 1 or unlimited uses.

活動 烹飪合成耕種釣魚睡眠骑乘野牛
Shipwrecked icon.png乘船
環境 日夜週期月亮週期夢魘循環地震閃電雨天
Don't Starve Together icon.png 沙塵暴
Shipwrecked icon.png 強風迷霧海浪洪水火山爆發
Hamlet icon.png
季節 夏天冬天
Reign of Giants icon.png 秋天春天
Shipwrecked icon.png 溫和季節颶風季節雨季旱季
Hamlet icon.png 平和季节潮湿季节繁茂季节
機制 鬍鬚生態環境角色查理控制合成死亡耐久度經驗食物腐敗寒冷生命值飢餓值物品欄光源地圖罪惡值不可再生資源理智值存檔建築
Reign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 潮濕過熱
Don't Starve Together icon.png活動疾病再生玩家鬼魂造型啓蒙
Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 中毒
Hamlet icon.png 花粉症大灾变猪人庆典可疑的物件
模式 冒險模式沙盒模式洞穴遺跡火山多人版饑荒自定義世界
其他 豬人村道路小徑)• 墓地海洋深淵佈景零件死亡紀錄