
提供:Don't Starve Wiki
Centapiece Oincから転送)
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登場作品:Hamlet icon.png

Walani Portrait.png
Heads I take a nap, tails I go to bed.

Walani, when examining an Oinc.

Oinc(オインク)はダウンロードコンテンツ「Don't Starve: Hamlet」に登場するブタの店からアイテムを取引する際に使用できる通貨です。プレイヤーは様々なブタの商人とアイテムを取引することでオインクを獲得できます。


Tenpiece Oinc.png Tenpiece Oinc

Wilson Portrait.png
I'm rich!

Wilson, when examining a Tenpiece Oinc.

Tenpiece Oincは10オインクの価値がある特別なコインです。 Tenpiece Oincは珍しいアイテム(Lost Relics、宝石、悪夢の燃料など)をブタの商人と交換するか、Swinesbury Mineral Exchangeで10個のオインクと交換することで入手できます。

Centapiece Oinc.png Centapiece Oinc

Wilson Portrait.png
A coin worth my gentlemanly stature.

Wilson, when examining a Centapiece Oinc.

Centapiece Oincは100オインクの価値がある特別なコインです。Centapiece Oincは、Swinesbury Mineral Exchangeで100個のオインクと交換することで入手できます。

Icon Tools.png 使用方法



Key to the City.png
Security Contract.png




Cut Stone.png
Cut Stone.png
Cut Stone.png
Key to the City.png
Slanty Shanty.png


Key to the City.png
Layer Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Irregular Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Umbrella Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Floopy Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Funbrella Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Flowering Tree.png


Key to the City.png
Spiral Tree.png
Tenpiece Oinc.png
Alchemy Engine.png

Placeholder.png トリビア

Truffles in an early concept of Don't Starve.
  • The word Oinc is a portmanteau of the onomatopoeia "oink" (the sound that pigs make), and an anagram of the word "coin".
  • Oincay or oinc-ay is the Pig Latin word for "coin".
  • The symbol in both Oinc, Tenpiece & Centapiece version is a truffle. This might be a reference to how pigs are trained to hunt for truffles. It may also be a reference to an early alpha Don't Starve concept of using truffles as trading currency.
  • In the game files, the Tenpiece Oinc is named Silver Coin, the Centapiece Oinc is named Jade Coin and the Oinc is named Coin.
  • Before the Hamlet update 309895, an easy way to get Oincs later in the game is to find the End's Well in the same Ancient Pig Ruins as the Aporkalypse Calendar. At the End's Well, the player can farm Nightmare Fuel, and offer it to the well in return for Purple Gems. These gems can then be given to the Banker at the Swinesbury Mineral Exchange for a Tenpiece Oinc each, a unlimited amount of times, which makes for an extremely easy and efficient way to make Oincs.