Lucy the Axe
“ All work and no play makes me want to chop some trees. (勉強ばかりで遊んでいないと 木を切りたくなるわ) ”
–Lucy the Axe
Lucy the Axe(斧のルーシー) はWoodie(ウッディ) でゲームを開始した場合に初めから所持している専用アイテムです。耐久値 は無限で、他の斧 より少ない回数で木 を切り倒すことができます。ルーシーは感覚のある生き物としての振る舞いを見せますが、これが実際に生きているのかウッディの妄想なのかは不明です。彼女を装備すると「I missed you(寂しかったわ) 」「Did you miss me?(ワタシがいなくて寂しかった?) 」「You came back!(帰って来てくれたのね!) 」といったセリフを呟きます。普段彼女はウッディに木を切り倒すように囃し立てますが、ビーバーに変身する直前になると逆に落ち着かせようとします。そして変身まであと一歩というところでルーシーは警告をします。
近接武器 として使用することもできますが、ダメージ量は通常の斧の半分になります。
ルーシーはKrampus 、Splumonkey 、Prime Ape によって盗まれません。また、Eyeplant にも食べられません。しかし彼女を装備して悪夢の玉座 に攻撃を加えようとすると消失してしまいます。
"Let's chop some trees!"
"Nice day for a walk!"
"We make a good team!"
"There must be some trees around here somewhere."
"Woodie! Chop some trees!"
"All work and no play makes me want to chop some trees."
"Chop chop chop. Heh."
"Let's find a small grove and just go nuts!"
"Chop, c-c-chop!"
"This is perfect chopping weather."
"A perfect day for some chopping."
"You've got chops, buddy."
"Hey! Chop some trees!"
"So, stone trees... what's up with that?" ( )
"It's dark in here!"
"I'm scared!"
"Help! Get me out!"
"There's nothing to chop in here!"
"This sucks."
"Getttt meeee outttt!"
"I'm claustrophobic!"
"I have a fear of tight spaces!"
"I can't breathe! Wait."
"I can't see anything!"
"This is honestly the worst."
"I hate it in here."
"What did I ever do to you?"
"You'll come back, right?"
"What did I say?"
"Oh, that's low."
"I know this is only temporary..."
"Oh, is that how it is?!"
"Hey! I'd never throw you away!"
"Why would you throw me away?"
"Aren't we friends?"
"Who chucks a talking axe?!"
"I... don't understand!"
"Can we talk about this?"
"Don't forget about me!"
"I don't like where this is going."
"Are... are you gonna make like a tree?"
"Don't leave! I... I think I smell roses!" ( )
"Come back! Take we with you!"
"Where did you go?"
"Take me with you!"
"I'm getting dirty!"
"It's cold!"
"There's monsters around you know!"
"I resent that!"
"You're abandoning me?!"
"But... but we're inseparable!"
"Hey! Get back over here!"
"I can't chop trees by myself!"
"So... lonely..."
"I guess I'll just stay here then..."
"What if I get stolen?!"
"You came back!"
"I missed you so much!"
"Did you miss me?"
"Ahhh, I'm back where I belong."
"It feels so good to be reunited!"
"I was afraid you'd never come back."
"You came back for me!"
"Oh, thank goodness."
"Oh, it was awful!"
"Together again!"
"Never do that again! My little heart can't take it."
"From now on we'll be inseparable."
"Stupid tree!"
"Nom nom nom!"
"We did it!"
"I feel ALIVE!"
"This is what I live for!"
"Die! Die!"
"Chop! Chop!"
"This is AWESOME!"
"Death to all trees!"
"Again! Let's chop another!"
"Nice swing!"
"Too easy!"
"Are you OK?"
"You look distracted, Woodie."
"It's just a tree! Calm down!"
"Don't chop too fast. You know what will happen!"
"You might want to slow down a bit."
"Woodie? Can you hear me?"
"Careful, you're getting yourself worked up!"
"Woodie! Be careful!"
"It's starting!"
"You're not looking so good!"
"Your teeth are growing!"
"Watch out! You're going to turn!"
"That was a close one!"
"I think we'll be alright."
"You're looking much better now."
"It's passed. For now."
"It's back in the lodge. Phew!"
"Oh no!"
"You have to fight it!"
"No! Fight it!"
"You've gotta resist!"
"It happened again!"
"The curse!"
"Not again!"
"You don't have to do this!"
"I warned you!"
"You're back!"
"Quick! Pick me up!"
"Are you okay?"
"Don't let that happen again!"
"Everything is going to be fine. Just focus!"
"You scared me!"
"I'm so glad you're alright!"
"Whew! Still in one piece?"
"It's good to have you back, buddy."
"You look much better."
"Phew! That was scary!"
"I'm glad it's over..."
"Let's not do that again."
"Remember your breathing exercises!"
変身の前兆(低):( ):
"Are you okay?"
"You alright, big guy?"
"What's wrong?"
"Are you sure you're feeling alright?"
"You're looking extra gruff today."
"You look distracted."
"Why are you making that face?"
"Try to take deep breaths, okay?"
"Calm down! Maybe you need to chew on a twig or something."
"Chewing some wood will help you focus."
変身の前兆(中):( ):
"Hello? Can you hear me?"
"Isn't it about time for a nice wood snack?"
"Woodie! Remember to eat your twigs!"
"You might want to eat a log."
"Mmm, bark... doesn't that sound good right now? Hm?"
"Have you been putting off your wood meals again?"
"Hey, hey, have a woodchip."
"You know what happens if you don't eat enough wood!"
変身の前兆(高): ( ):
"No! Don't chop any more!"
"The transformation is starting!"
"One more chop and you're in trouble!"
"You're overdoing it!"
"You're not pacing yourself!"
"You're about to change!"
"Take it easy!"
"Ease up, you're looking a little bucktoothed!"
"You've gotta slow down!"
"Stop chopping, I'm getting nervous!"
"Slow down, I'm worried about you!"
"Watch out! You're going to turn!"
変身せずにやり過ごしたとき:( ):
"That was a close one!"
"I think we'll be alright."
"You're looking much better now."
"It's passed. For now."
"I was silly to doubt you."
"Wow, I was afraid you were in for it!"
"I think the colour's returning to your cheeks."
"It's back in the lodge. Phew!"
すでにルーシーを所持している状態で別のルーシーを拾おうとしたとき ( ):
"You two-timer!"
"But I'M your one and only Lucy!"
"There can be only one!"
"How dare you do this to me!"
"You're replacing me?!"
"That's not me!"
"Ooo I'll remember that!"
"Hey! Can't you tell us apart?"
"She's an impostor!"
"It's like you don't even know me!"
"Get rid of her! It's freaking me out."
"I'm having an identity crisis over here."
"Oh, you're just AXING for trouble!"
"You can't have two Lucys!"
"You can't have him! He's mine!"
別のキャラクターでルーシーを拾おうとしたとき ( ):
"You're not Woodie!"
"Put me down!"
"Hey! Fresh!"
"Excuse you!"
"Ummmm, EXCUSE me??"
"Leave me alone, you brute!"
"Put me down! You smell!"
"Did I say you could take me?"
"Get your mitts off me!"
"Drop me this instant!"
"How dare you pick me up?!"
"Yuck, your hands are greasy!"
"Let me go!"
"Help! I'm being kidnapped."
"Stranger danger!"
"I don't know you."
ゴーストとなったキャラクターでルーシーに憑依したとき ( ):
"Ouch, that hurts."
"ooOOoooOO to you too."
"Now I'm a HAUNTED axe."
"I'm not scared of you, ghost!"
"Boo who?"
"I've seen scarier."
"You think I'm afraid of you?"
"Do you worst, ghost."
"Go bother someBODY else! Haha."
"What did I ever do to you!?"
"You're the ghostest with the mostest!"
"Don't take it out on me just 'cause you're dead!"
"If you were corporeal I'd chop you!"
"OOooOOooOOoo! Haha, just kidding."
"Brrr! You're cold!"
"You got ectoplasm on my handle!!"
"Knock it off!"
"I am an axe possessed!"
"Pick on someone your own size!"
"Jeez! Did I anger you in a past life?"
"I'm white as a sheet."
"You're looking boo-tiful today."
ルーシーは赤地に銀の刃、木製の柄という消防斧に似たデザインをしています。彼女は甲高い音声とともにセリフを発しますが、ウッディのセリフと区別しやすいように彼女のセリフは赤文字で表記され、テキストの位置もウッディのセリフの下に表示されます。地面に置いている場合はマップ 上に彼女のアイコンが表示されます。このアイコンを利用すればビーバー状態から戻った時にどこで自分の荷物を落としたかを確認しやすくなります。
Don't Starve Together
“ That's a prettier axe than I'm used to. ”
“ We could be good friends, you and I. ”
“ Wolfgang like a sharp missus. ”
“ Hello... "Lucy"... I'd like you to meet my sister. ”
“ Ah. How have you been, Lucy? ”
“ It's nice, but it's nö spear. ”
“ If we talk to it will it talk back? ”
“ You're alright for an axe. ”
Don't Starve Together (DST) ではルーシーの使用方法自体は変わりませんが、セリフがいくつか追加され、他のプレイヤーにルーシーを拾うことは不可能という仕様になりました。(インベントリ に入った瞬間滑り落ちて地面に落ちる)さらに何らかの理由でルーシーを無くしてしまった、もしくは回収不可能な状況になってしまったときは通常の斧を作成し木を切ることで持っている斧とルーシーが入れ替わるようになりました。
The Forge
“ That weapon's for throwing. ”
–Wilson , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ That's Woodie's axe. ”
–Willow , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ Is beard's axe. ”
–Wolfgang , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ Hello again, Lucy. ”
–Wendy , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
–WX-78 , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ Quite the unusual axe. ”
–Wickerbottom , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ Something's different about you, Lucy. ”
–Woodie , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ I have no desire to use that. ”
–Maxwell , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ Thy axe is filled with burning passiön this day! ”
–Wigfrid , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ You look different, Lucy. Did you get a haircut? ”
–Webber , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
“ I could take a swing at it. Ha! ”
–Winona , when examining Riled Lucy in the Forge
Don't Starve Togetherのイベント「The Forge 」ではルーシーはRiled Lucy(怒りのルーシー) という名称でウッディの武器アイテムとして参戦します。アビリティ技は彼女を敵に投げつける遠距離攻撃で、当たった敵は必ずウッディにヘイトが向くようになります。従来のルーシーとの変更点はセリフを話さないことと、他のキャラにも彼女を拾う/使うことができるということです。
ルーシーはLiving Log のような叫び声しか出さないアイテムと異なり、はっきりとセリフをしゃべる最初のアイテムとなります。
ルーシーの声はミュージックソー です。
アドベンチャーモード をプレイしている際、ルーシーをテレポート装置 に入れる必要はありません。次のワールド開始時に自動的にウッディのインベントリに追加されます。
ルーシーのセリフ「All work and no play makes me want to chop trees.(勉強ばかりで遊んでいないと木を切りたくなるわ) 」の元ネタは「All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.(勉強ばかりで遊ばない、ジャックは今に気が狂う) 」という英語の格言です。また、おそらくスティーヴン・キング 原作のホラー映画「(映画) シャイニング 」からも着想を得ていると考えられます。作中の人物ジャック・トランスは上記の文章を何度も綴り、さらに斧を武器のように使用します。
Maxwell でルーシーを調べた時に「Ah. How have you been, Lucy?(おぉ。久しぶりだな、ルーシー?) 」と呟くことから、彼は以前から彼女の存在を知っていたようです。
従来のDSTと異なり、The Forgeでは他のプレイヤーもルーシーを拾って武器として使用することができます。ただしアビリティ技で彼女を投げるとウッディのように自動で手元には戻ってこないため自分で回収しに行く必要があります。
Woodie holding Lucy the Axe. Lucy's text appears below Woodie.
Lucy commenting while being dropped as Woodie turns.
Woodie with Lucy in the Strange New Powers trailer.
Lucy Speaking despite Woodie not being in the server.