Wes quotes

提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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Harp Statue.png この記事は未完成のため加筆依頼が出されています。(理由:it needs gifs of the new pantomimes from Wes' DST rework update.)


Don't Starve

Don't Starve Together icon.png Don't Starve Together


Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Wes will still say "I can't do that" when attempting to do an impossible action (this is corrected in Don't Starve Together icon.png).
  • Wes's original pantomime movements were animated by Alex Savin.[1]
  • During the preview stream for A Little Rain Must Fall, developers said that Wes has an invisible bicycle, a likely reference to his cycling action.[2]
  • Additional pantomimes were added to DST for Wes's refresh update.
  • According to Rhymes with Play #279, the pantomime in which Wes waves both his hands is based on the American Sign Language (ASL) sign for applause.
  • The pantomime in which Wes puts a hand to his forehead and looks around is recycled from an animation for the Crabby Hermit Don't Starve Together icon.png.
  • Wes is the only character without an actual quote


  1. Alex Savin on Tumblr: "Wes the Mime! Because he didn’t have any dialog strings in the game I animated these loop-able actions that he uses instead!" Posted on August 20, 2014.
  2. Archive of forum thread "What the Devs said during the live stream", March 11, 2013
Don't Starve Wilson Head.pngWillow Head.pngWolfgang Head.pngWendy Head.pngWX-78 Head.pngWickerbottom Head.pngWoodie Head.pngWes Head.pngMaxwell Head (not in game).pngWagstaff Head.png
Reign of Giants Wigfrid Head.pngWebber Head.png
Shipwrecked Walani Head.pngWarly Head.pngWilbur Head.pngWoodlegs Head.png
Hamlet Wilba Head.pngWormwood Head.pngWheeler Head.png
Don't Starve Together WinonaHead.pngWalter Head.pngWarly Head.pngWormwood Head.pngWortox Head.pngWurt Head.pngWanda Head (not in game).pngWonkey Head.png
削除されたキャラ Warbucks Head.png
未実装キャラ Wilton Head.pngWinnie Head.pngWallace Head.pngWaverly Head.pngPyro Head.pngMod Player Head.pngFrog Webber Head.pngFake Ghosthunter002 Head.png
その他 Crabby Hermit Head.pngGrainy Transmission Head.pngMumsy Head.pngBattlemaster Pugna Head.pngMaxwell NPC Head.pngCharlie Head.pngMoon Alter reveal.png