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  • 在每個世界的最後,以下物品會被帶進下一關:
    • 你目前的生命值飢餓值,和理智值會被帶進下一個世界。在傳送至下一個世界前,先把你的這些數值提高得越高越好。
    • 玩家解鎖的配方會被帶進下一關。
    • 只有4格物品能被帶到下一關。
    • 未放置的建築物(比如烹飪鍋,或篝火。只要在建造後取消放置)
  • 在每個關卡,其中1到2個四大資源更難獲得:
    • 燧石:燧石不會在開局生成。更多岩石會代替巨礫生成。
    • 木頭:常青樹會被尖刺樹或粗壯常青樹替代。
    • 草:草大多數被採摘過而且需要施肥。
    • 樹枝:灌木會被荊棘叢代替。
  • 另外,漿果叢和兔子洞會更少生成。
  • 薇克伯頓在早期有優勢(理智值高),威爾森對於冬季地圖有優勢(鬍子),WX-78在後期章節有優勢(齒輪升級),麥斯威爾和溫蒂在第五章(永夜)有優勢(庸人)。如果對於資源問題的玩家推薦使用伍迪或薇洛,因為他們自帶的物品(露西斧或打火機)。如果玩家可以收集足夠的食物和良好的計劃在該模式進行速通的話,可以試試沃爾夫岡。
  • 島與島之間的橋會被巨礫,三級蜘蛛巢,獵犬冢,方尖碑殺人蜂巢惡魔之花發條怪物觸手怪高腳鳥巢,和豬人堡壘攔住。
  • 為了通過方尖碑,玩家需要準備一些綠蘑菇改變理智值。一些方尖碑必須需要玩家的理智值小於20%才能通過。另一種方尖碑需要玩家的理智值很高。
  • 在第二關後,豬人堡壘必定開始刷新。因為強大的敵對生物豬人守衛,經過這裡會很危險。推薦至少裝備一套木製護甲來經過這裡。另一種可能就是燒了這裡然後風箏豬人守衛。乘機錘擊豬人火炬會阻止豬人守衛再生。
  • 如果你所處的地方有大量資源,並且你有一點點奢侈的時間,你可能會製作一些"可放置"的建築物品,然後再進入下一章。諸如冰箱,箱子,烹飪鍋。然後,不要放置它們,把它們都放在製作欄里,傳送至下一章然後再放置。當你在該章保留配方/藍圖,這些"將要放置"的物品也會被帶走。
  • 冒險模式的部分關卡適合建立基地,然而另外的關卡意味著要速通,因為它們隨著時間的推移會變得更糟糕。適合建立基地的關卡包括步步為營,群島,和兩個世界,然而意味著要速通的關卡包括冬季之王,冷淡的接待,和永夜。
  • 獵殺海象爸爸是非常值得的,因為它們有幾率掉落蘇格蘭帽海象長牙。兩個物品在冒險模式都非常有用。蘇格蘭帽有着第二的保暖程度,而且理智值會每分鐘回復6.7 (足以在夜晚回復理智值了)並且耐久度為24天。步行手杖是一個無限耐久的物品,會提高25%的速度,對於長途旅行和穿過危險地帶很有用(也是一個緊急武器,會造成17傷害)。它需要在煉金引擎上用2金塊,1海象長牙和4樹枝合成。





  • 做一把雨傘來防雨,一個恆溫石防止在冬天凍僵。
  • 至少農一個蜘蛛巢獲得。這在所有的世界都很有用而且很容易獲得。
  • 儘量使用更多的燃料來持續讓火在雨天和冬天燃燒。
  • 在早期遊戲中,理智值是一個問題。做一個紳士高帽可以幫助緩解。如果你能獲得怪物肉,有時豬人也會讓你的理智值快速恢復,尤其是它靠的很近。
  • 攻擊一隻青蛙會使附近的青蛙都會攻擊你。它們會很快終結一個沒有防備的玩家。陷阱可以在不驚動青蛙的情況下獲得大量食物,儘管會花很長時間。
  • 由於在這個世界會頻繁下雨,使用WX-78的話意味着會經常會被雨淋和被雷劈(系統過載),會很快使理智值下降並造成傷害,除非擁有預防措施。
  • 青蛙可以在早期用來清怪。它們會攻擊豬人,所以可以在到達豬人村前觸發青蛙雨,因為它們會很好風箏目標。警告,你必須要避開它們,如果你想撿它們的掉落物的話,所以如果你只是想過關的話不推薦。
  • 在青蛙雨之後製作陷阱是一個非常好的方案,青蛙會被陷阱抓住殺死。注意一點,青蛙會攻擊玩家,並且可能會跳過陷阱而不會抓到。

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  • 使用WX-78的玩家建議儘快製作出雨傘。一把漂亮陽傘是另一種快捷的方法,這減少了在雨中消耗的生命值和理智值。
  • 一個草帽可以在任何時候避免潮濕。如果你總是在移動,對於存儲材料是理智的。
  • 在這個世界中玩家可以更快獲得大量東西,感謝短暫的季節。如果玩家想製作一個防寒背心,眼球傘或隔熱背包,對於製作它們是明智的。
  • 韋伯玩家在面對豬人村是存在劣勢的,而豬人村總是在一個橋梁後出現。試着在晚上時通過它,或者合成一個灌木帽。韋伯也可以在橋梁上經過蜘蛛巢來獲得隨從/守衛。
  • 薇格弗德玩家可以使用戰盔減少潮濕,使用戰矛擊殺生物獲得肉類。
  • 在潮濕機制下,管理理智值變得更困難了。薇洛可以快速用打火機點燃樹木把自己烤乾並回復理智值。在這漫長的周期中,你該試試做出雨衣或雨帽。



  • 每次跳進蟲洞會減少15理智值,所以玩家必須試圖把自己消耗的理智值回復回來。
  • 每個島嶼包括了只有1個到2個的生態群落。從每一個島獲得大量補給然後再計劃繼續。
  • 雖然初始的牧草地區域應該有燧石,如果沒有,玩家應該快速去別的島嶼去尋找燧石或製作火炬在晚上燒東西得以生存。
  • 殺人蜂巢在這一關很普遍。它們會非常危險。在滿是殺人蜂巢的牧草地會在其中一個島嶼非常常見。可以用豬人殺出一條路吸引蜜蜂的注意,但是這時間會花的更長並且有可能在某些世界找不到豬人。穿過這裡的最好方法是至少穿一件木製護甲,如果可以獲得養蜂帽的話也裝備上,並且當還不是有一群殺人蜂注意你時要保持移動,如果可以的話儘量不要衝到殺人蜂巢附近,因為它們會很快殺死一個沒有穿護甲的玩家。
  • 如果可以冒個險,殺人蜂巢地的花可以摘取來快速恢復因跳入蟲洞減少的理智值。
  • 如果你發現了樹人守衛或鹿角怪但是沒法安全的對付它們,可以利用附近的觸手怪來個漁翁得利。
  • 鹿角怪能輕易清理大量野牛,可以獲得相當多的肉和野牛角,可以用來合成野牛帽並帶入下一關。
  • 在冬季期間不進入沼澤是理智的,在這期間蜘蛛巢會快速長到3級,從而刷出蜘蛛女王。然而,你可以試着刷出蜘蛛帽對付後面的關卡。
  • 想避免絲/蜘蛛問題的玩家建議在關卡剛開始的時候摧毀摧毀1級巢,然後可以輕易用觸手怪對付之後刷出的蜘蛛女王。

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  • 群島經常缺乏大量木材。保留在初始島嶼獲得的白樺堅果,如果你要建一個營地你可以將它們種在旁邊。
  • 在該章節,韋伯有一個極好的優勢,你會出生在有一堆蜘蛛巢的島上。觸手怪、魚人和蜘蛛直接的互打可以讓你獲得怪物肉,絲綢,觸手釘錘,魚,蜘蛛腺體和斑點觸手皮。當韋伯沒有隨從的蜘蛛,你完全沒有問題去收集材料,另外還能在巢旁邊建造基地以獲得隨從和守衛。
  • 薇格弗德有一個優勢,她可以養殖蜘蛛和在岩石地製造大量護甲。這個世界會有大量的怪物,以及大量怪物肉來平衡她的理智值。




  • 恆溫石放在物品欄。恆溫石在背包里不會提供熱量。當恆溫石變冷的時候,再把它放進背包。
  • 製作一個冬帽或獲取一個蘇格蘭帽可以保持理智並遠離寒冷。
  • 由於處於冬季,諸如胡蘿蔔、漿果和草之類的作物不會再生。
    • 一些玩家會發現部分資源是缺乏的,這是隨機決定的,即總有一種作物會嚴重缺乏的。
    • 一些玩家也發現在該世界無法耕種,但是他們也發現,在這個世界他們不想浪費時間在耕種上。
  • 然而,如果胡蘿蔔和漿果只限於抓兔子或野牛的話會成為很好的食物來源(若它們在該世界可用的話);所以推薦建一個靠近小兔/野牛的基地獲取食物。小心不要在獵殺野牛的時候被群毆。
  • 從灌木獲得的樹枝荊棘叢不會在該世界再生。大量物品的材料都需要它(包括所有工具類的物品),將它們作為燃料是不值得的,用來作為烹飪鍋的填充物比起普通填充物更浪費。
  • 獵殺你看見的所有高腳鳥是個好主意。它們其實很好打(風箏它),會獲得2個大肉,如果它下了高腳鳥蛋也順帶拿走。
  • 漿果長得很慢,大概在這個世界5-7天才會再長。所以玩家要牢牢記住看見的漿果叢位置。
    • 一些玩家發現了漿果叢不會再生或者世界根本不會刷它。
    • 在世界可摘取的再生物品,在20天後都不會出現。
  • 永冬意味着鹿角怪海象爸爸不會再生,即使一年過後。無論哪個生物都要妥善看管好。
  • 殺死鹿角怪是個好主意,如果玩家準備好就可以擊殺它,從而獲得它的眼睛,可以恢復飢餓值和生命值並且會減少理智值,如果玩家想要通過方尖碑。另外,眼睛不會變質。
    • 或者你可以利用鹿角怪這個強大的武器用它的範圍攻擊來清怪(最好用步行手杖,它沒有耐久度並可以很快讓你跑開) 。一個好的方法是,帶領一群野牛然後群毆它致死。這回給你帶來非常多的物資,包括牛號角,可以合成野牛帽,以及大量的大肉,可以用來製作肉乾
  • 最重要的是,保證能從海象爸爸搞到海象長牙,以合成步行手杖-堪稱走位神器,誰用誰愛!蘇格蘭帽也十分有用,用於防止理智值損失。玩家也可以靠鹿角怪清一群海象巡邏隊,也可以來清蜘蛛巢高腳鳥
    • 保證從沼澤生態環境收集蘆葦,因為你可以拿來做吹箭,對付海象爸爸很有用,只要兩發就可以置它於死地。同時,因為這是永冬,這意味着藍色羽毛總是可用,你至少可以找到一個帶有獵犬冢的橋梁來農狗牙。這意味着在該章節製作吹箭相當容易。


這個世界開始的時候,玩家可以在附近找到一個箱子,裡面通常是冬帽和一些原木。冬天只會持續10天並在這之後是無盡的夏天。這個世界的小技巧是:如果你要獲得一些零件,你需要穿過橋梁,它可能帶有蜘蛛巢,發條怪物,觸手怪或高腳鳥(即使這不一定是這些生物)。在另一個島上會有普通的樹,大理石樹或尖刺樹。有一定幾率有一個島與世界其他地方完全隔絕,需要玩家找到一個蟲洞才能到達。 首先製作一個營火,並尋找切斯特並製作一個花冠。這個世界上有很多野牛,如果你不想用原木來作為燃料,你可以用糞便


  • 製作花環(但是冬帽可以替代花環的理智恢復效果),鏟子,砍掉儘可能多的樹並製作木製盔甲。
  • 在10天後可以通過殺蝴蝶來作為緊急回血用品,但是要小心坎普斯
  • 當面對蜘蛛時,溫蒂阿比蓋爾對於清理蜘蛛尤其有用。非溫蒂玩家要小心,及時打掉蜘蛛巢,不要冒不必要的風險,可以用陷阱抓它們。
  • 野牛一般會在屏障後面被發現。
  • 開局的時候,由於是冬天,食物難以去獲得,但是你經常會在高腳鳥橋梁發現蜘蛛巢。嘗試讓它們互打,高腳鳥死亡時會掉落2個大肉。另外,它的在高腳鳥被擊殺後可以安全帶走。注意蜘蛛,因為它們會把掉落的肉快速吃掉。
  • 在西洋棋地生態環境會有大量惡魔之花,使得精煉夢魘燃料變得簡單。考慮到在靈子分解器上合成-你會做出大量魔法物品。
  • 基於開局會有10天的冬天,玩家可能會在初始島上遇到鹿角怪。下面有3種方法來對付它:
  1. 擊殺它以獲取大量資源。這需要好的武器和盔甲,但最重要的是依靠火來擊殺它。黃昏的很早意味着溫度會下降地很快,使得該戰鬥風險很大。沃爾夫岡,升級的機器人,溫蒂或麥斯威爾角色可以輕鬆搞定。
  2. 避開它。這個方法有缺點,你不會在這一章節再找機會去殺了它,但是部分角色可以。沒有具體的基地的玩家用這個方法可能會有更多用途,但是一般情況下這是對付它最差的一個方法。訣竅是當他生成的時候讓它分散注意力,this means creating distance between the beast or distracting him with spiders, then keeping track of him and building temporary fires away from him at night, only to keep warm. When Summer comes, he will despawn and you can collect the resources he leaves from his destruction.
  3. Manipulate him. This is the most difficult, yet rewarding, tactic. You need to find either a Pig Fortress, Level 3 Spider Eggs/Den, Tallbird Nest, Beefalo herd or even a Pengull Herd. Lure Deerclops into chasing you and run through one of these or attract the mobs to his presence. This can be risky, since some mobs will outrun the Deerclops whilst chasing you. You can use this to clear blockades and get rid of Deerclops, but this is still risky.

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In RoG, players are now given a permanent Spring after the 10 day Winter. This makes the gimmick more challenging, as you'll have to cope with constant rain. On top of that, day and night will both be extremely short now (1-2 segments maximum): you'll spend the majority of your stay here in the dusk.

  • As soon as spring hits, you won't be able to catch rabbits anymore - making building the Prestihatitator impossible unless you dig up the holes. If you want to build one (and it's a good idea - there are so many evil flowers around you'll be able to make plenty of Nightmare Fuel), you'll need to either catch the rabbits during the winter, or dig up the holes and lure them into traps.
  • The constant rain makes farms more effective than usual. Conversely, it makes drying racks take a lot longer to produce jerky.
  • You'll want to make a Rain Hat as soon as possible - the ingredients are comparatively-easy to come by. A Rain Coat is of course more useful, but getting the tentacle spots might be tricky.
  • Build a tent as soon as you can - sleeping in one restores sanity and removes wetness.
  • Getting soaked can cause you to freeze. Consider investing in light winter gear like the Breezy Vest so you don't have to worry about the cold as much. As an added bonus, the Breezy Vest also provides wetness resistance.
  • Webber has an advantage in this level, since one of the bridges are certain to be Spider Dens/Queens (which you can simply walk through). Also, the starting zone has a large amount of dens, making Silk, food, health, and followers not a problem.
  • Deerclops is now much more dangerous, but has the reward of the Eyebrella. If you can kill him and craft the hat, you won't have to worry about the rain for a while.
  • Wigfrid can farm sanity and meat from the spiders and tentacles found on the bridges. She also has an early advantage against the Deerclops.


The level is divided, as the name implies, into 2 islands. For convenience's sake they will be termed Paradise and Pandemonium. The player spawns on Paradise, with a Fire Pit, a Tent and plenty of resources on the immediate vicinity.

天堂: The island has an abundance of almost every resource imaginable available to the player. The Day-Night Cycle here is very different; the Day phase lasts almost the entire day, while Dusk and Night only last one segment each. It never rains, and besides the periodic hound attacks, there are almost no threats here. Chester may also be found on the island. 

Plenty of carrots, berries, pigs, beefalos, bee hives, and trees are on the island, with a lack of flint present. Some boulders and tallbirds may also be found. Usually there is a big group of Guardian Pigs protecting a Maxwell Statue; it is recommended that the player should keep a distance until properly prepared. In the case of a full moon, extreme caution should be taken when visiting this area. When fully prepared, the player may hop in the Worm Hole to proceed to Pandemonium.

  • NOTE: A Sick Worm Hole is guaranteed to be on the island, while a regular Worm Hole may not be present. If the latter is true, the player WILL NOT be able to return to Paradise so players are strongly advised to thoroughly prepare and collect anything they might need before proceeding through the Worm Hole. There also may be two Worm Holes, one sick and one normal.
  • NOTE: It is also possible for the two islands to be connected, simply through land. This enables the player to simply avoid wormholes and just walk into the Pandemonium.

混沌: When the player leaves Paradise via a Sick Worm Hole, the land changes to make way for rainy misery. Rain is abundant, and the Day-Night Cycle is adjusted back to normal. The biomes are primarily swamps, heavily infested by Merms and Tentacles. Rocks and Tallbirds are more abundant here though. 

There are also plenty of Spiders, Hound Mounds, Chess Monsters, and Maxwell's Tooth Traps. It is a highly inhospitable land. All Things will be found on Pandemonium.


  • It seems rabbits are one of the few resources which are rare in this world, creating an issue with beard hair. Making meat effigies is difficult or even impossible if you did not "pre-build" it in the previous world.
  • Fireflies are also rare and can be entirely absent, both on Paradise and Pandemonium. Do not count on being able to prototype a Miner Hat here or keep an existing one fueled.
  • Players should prepare on Paradise not only for Pandemonium, but also for the extremely challenging level of The Darkness, and for other levels you will encounter before Darkness.


Darkness is the final level. It is a Rush-Style level, with a more-or-less linear progression -Get a Thing, then move on to the next area. The level has a Day-Night Cycle, but darkness is permanent. There are almost no food resources for you to collect and your only source of natural light is Maxwell's Light. There are no seasons either, only an eternal summer. You spawn with a bunch of campfires and fire pits surrounding you and there will be a backpack nearby, which contains the following:

Now those might sound like a lot but they're really not going to help you much if you didn't come prepared yourself. There are Pigs sleeping on the map which you can kill for meat however with their kiting A.I. they can be a bit tricky. There is a chance you will find Tallbirds in this map which are in your best interest to try and kill especially if they have laid an Egg. Koalefant is also quite worth it, if you haven't found any of these food sources and you're getting desperate for food, you're going to have to resort to Spiders and Mushrooms.

One of the islands will be connected to the rest of the world by a bridge (similar to the ones in "King of Winter") that may be blocked by the following.

  • Boulders
    • Make sure you have a Pickaxe or gunpowder ready to blow through them, as it can potentially ruin your run if not prepared.
  • Obelisks
    • It might not be a bad idea to bring some Taffy with you from the previous world to help manage Sanity.
    • It is also very easy to recover sanity using a Tent multiple times in a row since it is of the eternal night.
      • Note that tents consume hunger like Bed Rolls, but heal you as well.

Killing spiders along with Spider Dens on the way will provide plenty of Monster Meat and Silk for survival. Don't be afraid to burn the forests stuffed with Spider Dens, you'll get much better view of the area plus burn some of the dens and spiders, which will drop so much needed loot. Also dig up any mushrooms that you find for healing, sanity management and cooking purposes.

This level should put players' survival skills to the ultimate test. There are quite a few spider nests around and it can be easy to run onto the web and alarm spiders. Resources will be extremely scarce. There are fields of Maxwell Traps and there are Hound Mounds.


  • This is a Rush level; each Thing is on a more or less linear path toward the exit. Without a walking cane it can be reasonably completed in 8–12 days. Do not plan on building a base or having somewhere to return to. Always be moving forward.
    • Make sure to check the edges of each island even if you have already found the Thing on that island, as well as the passage to the next. During world generation it is possible to have two islands overlap, essentially putting two Things on the same (very large) island.
  • If you take your time on this map you will have to deal with Hound waves, which follow the same progression of numbers and frequency as in Sandbox Mode. Rushing the level means you will only see the first wave, or perhaps none at all if you complete it in good time.
  • Bring a Miner Hat with you from the previous stage; this is essential to a reasonable run. Do not worry about bringing Gold Nuggets or Fireflies; Fireflies are abundant and easy to catch.
    • You will also need to have researched the Bug Net on a previous chapter in order to reliably craft nets as needed.
  • It will be very difficult to not run out of Grass and Twigs if you plan on using torches for this level.
  • Pre-build any objects you think you might need for Chapter 5 in the previous chapter(s). Having a pre-built Crock Pot, TentFire Pit and Campfire will make it quick and easy to do some 'refueling' some point after finding your third Thing.
  • Craft a Shovel right away, and dig up all of the Mushrooms you find. Use them along with any Monster Meat you have to make several dishes of Meatballs in your pre-built Crock Pot.
    • Save a few Green Mushrooms for sanity manipulation in case you run in to obelisks.
    • If you have sufficient food consider using your pre-built Tent for a sanity and health boost before leaving your crock-pot to finish the adventure.
  • Bring a Walking Cane with you. It's arguably the best item in the game.
  • Bring at least a Log Suit for farming spiders; if possible bring a Marble Suit.
  • The second great source of food is fishing and cooking Fishsticks, they are very easy to cook and provide good healing. If you find a safe Pond in an open area, it's good to make a camp near it. It will provide 5-7 fish every day.
  • The level will initially provide enough materials to make a Straw Hat. Kill some spiders, get 2 Silk, make a Bug Net, and catch Fireflies. With some gold, a miner's hat can be made.
  • If need be, harvest Spiky Bushes while wearing an armor. It is worth it to lose one health point to get a twig on this map.
  • If you take your time on this map you will have to deal with Hound waves, which follow the same progression of numbers and frequency as in Sandbox Mode. This includes the appearance of Red Hounds in the second wave and onwards. Rushing the level means you will only see the first wave, or perhaps none at all if you complete it in good time.
  • If you have a walking cane, sufficient resources for Miners hats, and enough food to last you about 10–15 days, it is easily possible to "rush" the chapter - which means ignoring every enemy if possible, just on the lookout for the things. As the map has about the same shape every time (6 islands connected by bridges), it is easy to figure out where the next bridge is, which saves you a lot of time. A stack of Jerky is a perfect food source as it spoils slowly and replenishes health, hunger and sanity at the same time.
  • Amusingly, Maxwell is very good for this chapter. His natural sanity gain gives players more time to search without needing to boost his sanity. 

Reign of Giants icon.png巨人王朝DLC

This chapter is the same, except maybe the addition of a few sleeping giants to kill. Since the world is in permanent night, you will still need to deal with the darkness.

  • The full moon will not provide extra light as it does in Sandbox Mode, although the world will still have the blue tint.
  • Webber can pass spider dens and befriend spiders, meaning bridges/spider queens are less daunting.
  • Wigfrid can gain sanity by killing mobs, meaning players can kill mobs which are sleeping and gain easy sanity.
  • If you've managed to get a hold of the Scalemail somehow, you can use it to burn attackers and start safe fires to light their path without fear of damage. This prevents the fear of defending against mobs which are awake.


Checkmate is the epilogue. It is basically a long road with a few stops for resources. There are several small halls full with graves, skeletons, and two others with the Teleportato and with beefalos. Just like all the previous levels you will have the Divining Rod with you. There is permanent night and Maxwell's Lights are showing your way. No matter what level your sanity may be, eyes can be seen in the darkness.

  • Don't wait around in this chapter. Hound attacks and sanity loss are still affecting you here, meaning you can still die here from being distracted.
  • Don't mine the Maxwell Statues as they will lower your sanity and spawn Clockworks, and this is not something that you should do.
基本 遊戲開始整體概況關於夜晚
DLC 巨人王朝巨人王朝的終極指南船難
露營 Base Camp • Frog Pond Camp • Self-sustaining Settlement • Marsh Camp • Camping Underground • Summer Cave Base
農場 Gold Nugget Farm • Renewable Farming • Farming • Nightmare Fuel Farming • Farming the Caves • Slurtle Slime • Krampii • Fire Farm
生存 冒險模式狩獵生物如何不挨餓 • 如何生存 • Hound Wave Survival • 蘑菇 • Boss Drops • 探索洞穴 • 冬天 • 烹飪鍋料理 • Panic Room Guide • Just Spawned • 進階的世界世界與洞穴 • 永遠生存的終極指南
技術性 Physical Damage Absorption • Console Commands • (Automatically Start Dedicated Server (Linux) • Simple Dedicated Server Setup • Don’t Starve Together Dedicated Servers Don't Starve Together icon.png)
角色 薇洛沃爾夫岡溫蒂薇克柏頓的書伍迪的詛咒 • 麥斯威爾