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沃拓克斯是DST独有角色,他首次推出放28/3/2019[1]。不像其他角色,沃拓克斯需要解锁,可以购买沃拓克斯之箱或沃拓克斯豪华箱子, 也可以用2700丝线解锁

Minimap Maxwell's Door.png 故事

A playful imp with a colourful past, Wortox was once a gentle (if rascally) forest creature without a care in the world -- until the day he inherited a terrible curse, and lost a close friend. Unlike the other Survivors, he does not appear to be trapped in the Constant. Perhaps he views this as some sort of game?

– Official description for Possessions



Soul.png 特殊能力









当玩家拥有18个灵魂时,沃拓克斯会警告玩家,他会担心过于贪心。但是当玩家只有3个灵魂时,即使在饱食度在满的情况下他也会抱怨说很饿。 中立的生物(猪人,Boss和兔人)都会对他怀有敌意,而且无法像韦伯那样成为朋友。跟韦伯不同,蜘蛛也会对他怀有敌意。



  • 自2012年12月以来,沃拓克斯可以在Don't Starve的游戏文件中找到。 .[3][4]
    • 如果玩家达到XP上限,就会看到他的肖像。
    • 沃拓克斯的外观在更新之间发生了变化,从更加人性化的外观开始,变成了当前山羊般的外观。
  • 最初在论坛上,沃拓克斯在Don't Starve Together 2019路线图帖子中被戏弄为DLC角色,其中一个类似于他的轮廓出现在即将到来的角色的宣传图片中。[5]
  • 沃拓克斯的声音是小提琴。[6]
  • 沃拓克斯的游戏画面于2019年3月27日(发布前一天)被赞助商Twitch媒体RTGameCrowd泄露。 [7] 后来Klei证实,他们并不打算让这么早地透露沃拓克斯,也不是唯一能够接触Wortox的曝光。 [8]
  • 沃拓克斯是游戏中两个除了鬼外有其他外观的角色之一,另一个是伍迪。
  • 沃拓克斯是第二个Don't Starve Together的独家角色,第一个是薇诺娜


  • Wortox is described by Klei as "a fun, mischievous fellow with a big, kind heart… minus the fact that he eats souls for sustenance."
  • Klei这样描述沃拓克斯,“一个有趣的、淘气的,内心善良慷慨的家伙...以灵魂为食。”。
  • Unlike the other survivors, Wortox was not trapped in The Constant. He arrived through the Ancient Gateway according to his examination quote for the structure when deactivated. His place of origin is unknown.
  • Wortox has a mother, according to his quote for the Lavae Tooth. ("My mom still has mine somewhere.")
  • Wortox's quotes reveal parts of his nature as an imp.
    • He does not have blood. (Held Mosquito- "I have no blood for you, sweet thing.")
    • The act of eating and preparing physical food is unpleasant and foreign. (Flower Salad- "I don't really like eating."/Froggle Bunwich- "Mortals are weird.")
    • He is sensitive to the sound of the Lucky Whistle ("Ooo, ouch! My ears!").


  • Imps are mythological creatures. In German folklore they were considered lesser beings known for their prankish nature, but were later Christianized into being attendants of the devil himself.
  • Wortox is also the name of a Swedish Death Metal band. [9]
  • Wortox being voiced by a violin may be a reference to the cultural association of the violin (and music in general) with the devil.[10]

Blueprint.png Gallery

Gramophone.png Sounds

Wortox's voice.
Wortox getting hurt.
Wortox dying.
Wortox's ghost voice.
Wortox singing the Starver's Carol, as part of the /carol emote.
The sound of Wortox Soul Hopping into a portal.
The sound of Wortox Soul Hopping out of a portal.


饥荒 Wilson portrait.png威尔森 台词 ⋅ 服装Willow portrait.png薇洛 台词 ⋅ 服装Wolfgang portrait.png沃尔夫冈 台词 ⋅ 服装Wendy portrait.png温蒂 台词 ⋅ 服装
WX-78 portrait.png机器人 台词 ⋅ 服装Wickerbottom portrait.png薇克巴顿 台词 ⋅ 服装Woodie portrait.png伍迪 台词 ⋅ 服装
Wes portrait.png 维斯 台词 ⋅ 服装Waxwell Portrait.png麦斯威尔 台词 ⋅ 服装Wagstaff Portrait.png瓦格斯塔夫 台词 ⋅ 服装
巨人国 Reign of Giants icon.pngWigfrid portrait.png薇格弗德 台词 ⋅ 服装Webber portrait.png韦伯 台词 ⋅ 服装
海难 Shipwrecked icon.pngWalani portrait.png瓦拉尼 台词 ⋅ 服装Warly portrait.png沃利 台词 ⋅ 服装Wilbur portrait.png 威尔伯 台词 ⋅ 服装Woodlegs portrait.png木腿船长 台词 ⋅ 服装
猪镇 Hamlet icon.pngWilba Portrait.png薇尔芭 台词 ⋅ 服装Wormwood Portrait.png沃姆伍德 台词 ⋅ 服装Wheeler Portrait.png薇勒尔 台词 ⋅ 服装
联机版 Don't Starve Together icon.pngWinona Portrait.png薇诺娜 台词 ⋅ 服装Wortox Portrait.png沃拓克斯 台词 ⋅ 服装Wurt Portrait.png沃特 台词 ⋅ 服装Walter Portrait.png沃尔特 台词 ⋅ 服装Wanda Portrait.png旺达 台词 ⋅ 服装
已移除 Map Icon Florid Postern.pngWarbucks Portrait.png沃巴克斯 台词 ⋅ 服装
未实现 威尔顿 • 温妮 • 华莱士 • 薇弗利 • 火焰兵