
提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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Crock Pot ingredient
Aloe.png Aloe Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +8 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Aloe.png Cooked Aloe Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Asparagus.png Asparagus Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Asparagus.png Cooked Asparagus Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 0 +3 3 Veggie.png×1.0
Barnacles.png Barnacles Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -5 0 6 Meats.png×0.25 Fishes.png×0.25
Cooked Barnacles.png Cooked Barnacles Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 15 Meats.png×0.25 Fishes.png×0.25
Batilisk Wing.png Batilisk Wing +12.5 -10 +3 6 Meats.png×0.5
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Cooked Batilisk Wing.png Cooked Batilisk Wing +18.75 0 +8 10 Meats.png×0.5
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Bean Bugs.png Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Bean Bugs.png Cooked Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Berries.png Berries +9.375 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Roasted Berries.png Roasted Berries +12.5 0 +1 3 Fruit.png×0.5
Bile-Covered Slop.png Bile-Covered Slop Shipwrecked icon.png -10 0 -1 Never
Roasted Birchnut.png Roasted Birchnut Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 0 +1 6 Roasted Birchnut.png×1.0
Blooming Tuber.png Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +10 20
Fried Blooming Tuber.png Fried Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 +5 +3 6
Blubber.png Blubber Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 10
Brainy Matter.png Brainy Matter Shipwrecked icon.png +10 +50 -10 1
Bramble Bulb.png Bramble Bulb Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Butter.png Butter +25 0 +40 40 Dairy product.png×1.0
Butterfly Wings.png Butterfly Wings +9.375 0 +8 6 Butterfly Wings.png×1.0
Cactus Flesh.png Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 -5 -3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Cactus Flesh.png Cooked Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cactus Flower.png Cactus Flower Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +8 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Carrot.png Carrot +12.5 0 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Carrot.png Roasted Carrot +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Cave Banana.png Banana +12.5 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Cooked Cave Banana.png Cooked Banana +12.5 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Clippings.png Clippings Hamlet icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 Never
Halved Coconut.png Halved Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Roasted Coconut.png Roasted Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Coffee Beans.png Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Cooked Coffee Beans.png Roasted Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 0 15 Fruit.png×1.0
Corn.png Corn +25 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Popcorn.png Popcorn +12.5 0 +3 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Dead Dogfish.png Dead Dogfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Dead Jellyfish.png Dead Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Jellyfish.png Cooked Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dried Jellyfish.png Dried Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 20 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dead Rainbow Jellyfish.png Dead Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6
Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish.png Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10
Dead Swordfish.png Dead Swordfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6
Dead Wobster.png Dead Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3
Cooked Wobster.png Delicious Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6
Deerclops Eyeball.png Deerclops Eyeball +75 -15 +60 Never
Doydoy Egg.png Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +3 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Fried Doydoy Egg.png Fried Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Dragoon Heart.png Dragoon Heart Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -10 +11 10
Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Prepared Dragon Fruit.png Prepared Dragon Fruit +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Drumstick.png Drumstick +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Fried Drumstick.png Fried Drumstick +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Durian.png Durian +25 -5 -3 10 Fruit.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Extra Smelly Durian.png Extra Smelly Durian +25 -5 0 6 Fruit.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Eel.png Eel +9.375 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Eel.png Cooked Eel +12.5 0 +8 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Electric Milk.png Electric Milk Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 6 Dairy product.png×1.0
Egg.png Egg +9.375 0 0 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Cooked Egg.png Cooked Egg +12.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Eggplant.png Eggplant +25 0 +8 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Braised Eggplant.png Braised Eggplant +25 0 +20 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Eye of the Tiger Shark.png Eye of the Tiger Shark Shipwrecked icon.png +75 -15 +60 Never
Fig.png Fig Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Cooked Fig.png Cooked Fig Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 0 +1 3 Fruit.png×0.5
Fire Nettle Fronds.png Fire Nettle Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 -5 -3 3 Hot/60
Fish.png Fish +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Fish.png Cooked Fish +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Morsel.png Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Fish Morsel.png Cooked Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Flytrap Stalk.png Flytrap Stalk Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6
Foliage.png Foliage 0 0 +1 6 Veggie.png×1.0
(Hamlet icon.png only)
Forget-Me-Lots.png Forget-Me-Lots Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +1 0 3
Frog Legs.png Frog Legs +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Frog Legs.png Cooked Frog Legs +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Garlic.png Garlic Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 0 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Roast Garlic.png Roasted Garlic Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Gears.png Gears (WX-78 Portrait.png only) +75 +50 +60 Never
Glommer's Goop.png Glommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 -50 +40 Never
Glow Berry.png Glow Berry +25 -10 +10 10 Fruit.png×1
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Lesser Glow Berry.png Lesser Glow Berry Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -10 +3 10 Fruit.png×0.5
Guardian's Horn.png Guardian's Horn +75 -15 +60 Never
Gummy Slug.png Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Gummy Slug.png Cooked Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Honey.png Honey +9.375 0 +3 40 Sweetener.png×1.0
Ice.png Ice Reign of Giants icon.png +2.3 0 +0.5 3 Cold/7.5 Ice.png×1.0
Juicy Berries.png Juicy Berries Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 2 Fruit.png×0.5
Roasted Juicy Berries.png Roasted Juicy Berries Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 0 +3 1 Fruit.png×0.5
Kelp Fronds.png Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 -1 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Kelp Fronds.png Cooked Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 0 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Dried Kelp Fronds.png Dried Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 +10 +1 20 Veggie.png×0.5
Koalefant Trunk.png Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Winter Koalefant Trunk.png Winter Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Koalefant Trunk Steak.png Koalefant Trunk Steak +75 0 +40 15
Leafy Meat.png Leafy Meat +12.5 -10 0 6 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Cooked Leafy Meat.png Cooked Leafy Meat +18.75 0 +1 10 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Lichen.png Lichen +12.5 -5 +3 2 Veggie.png×1.0
Light Bulb.png Light Bulb 0 0 +1 6
Limpets.png Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Limpets.png Cooked Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Lotus Flower.png Lotus Flower Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +5 +1 10
Cooked Lotus Root.png Cooked Lotus Root Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10
Lune Tree Blossom.png Lune Tree Blossom Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Magic Water.png Magic Water Hamlet icon.png +450 +150 +300 Never
Mandrake.png Mandrake +75 0 +60 Never Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Mandrake.png Cooked Mandrake +150 0 +100 Never
Meat.png Meat +25 -10 +1 6 Meats.png×1.0
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat +25 0 +3 10 Meats.png×1.0
Jerky.png Jerky +25 +15 +20 20 Meats.png×1.0
Milky Whites.png Milky Whites Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -20 +8 10 Dairy product.png×1.0
Monster Meat.png Monster Meat +18.75 -15 -20 6 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Monster Meat.png Cooked Monster Meat +18.75 -10 -3 15 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Monster Jerky.png Monster Jerky +18.75 -5 -3 20 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Moon Shroom.png Moon Shroom Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +10 0 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Moon Shroom.png Cooked Moon Shroom Don't Starve Together icon.png -12.5 -10 0 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Moon Moth Wings.png Moon Moth Wings Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 +15 +8 6 Moon Moth Wings.png×1.0
Morsel.png Morsel +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Morsel.png Cooked Morsel +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Small Jerky.png Small Jerky +12.5 +10 +8 20 Meats.png×0.5
Mussel.png Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -15 0 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Mussel.png Cooked Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Blue Cap.png Blue Cap +12.5 -15 +20 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Blue Cap.png Cooked Blue Cap 0 +10 -3 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Green Cap.png Green Cap +12.5 -50 0 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Green Cap.png Cooked Green Cap 0 +15 -1 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Red Cap.png Red Cap +12.5 0 -20 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Red Cap.png Cooked Red Cap 0 -10 +1 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Naked Nostrils.png Naked Nostrils Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -10 +3 6 Meats.png×0.5
Charred Nostrils.png Charred Nostrils Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.5 0 +8 10 Meats.png×0.5
Nectar.png Nectar Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 40
Neon Quattro.png Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Neon Quattro.png Cooked Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Nettle.png Nettle Hamlet icon.png +10 0 +10 Never
Onion.png Onion Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 0 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Onion.png Roasted Onion Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Pepper.png Pepper Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -15 -20 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Pepper.png Roasted Pepper Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 -3 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Petals.png Petals 0 0 +1 6
Dark Petals.png Dark Petals 0 -5 0 6
Pierrot Fish.png Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Pierrot Fish.png Cooked Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Phlegm.png Phlegm +12.5 -15 0 Never
Poison Dartfrog Legs.png Poison Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 -3 6
Cooked Dartfrog Legs.png Cooked Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 -1 10
Pomegranate.png Pomegranate +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Sliced Pomegranate.png Sliced Pomegranate +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Potato.png Potato Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -5 -3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Potato.png Roasted Potato Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 0 +20 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin +37.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Hot Pumpkin.png Hot Pumpkin +37.5 0 +8 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Purple Grouper.png Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Purple Grouper.png Cooked Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Radish.png Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +1 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Radish.png Cooked Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Raw Fish.png Raw Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Steak.png Fish Steak Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Roe.png Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Roe.png Cooked Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 0 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Rot.png Rot -10 0 -1 Never
Rotten Egg.png Rotten Egg -10 0 -1 Never
Royal Jelly.png Royal Jelly Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +15 +40 10 Sweetener.png×3.0
Seaweed.png Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -10 +1 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Seaweed.png Roasted Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Dried Seaweed.png Dried Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 20 Veggie.png×1.0
Seed Pod.png Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Cooked Seed Pod.png Cooked Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 6
Seeds.png Seeds +4.6875 0 0 40
Toasted Seeds.png Toasted Seeds +4.6875 0 +1 10
Crops.png Crop Seeds +9.375 0 +0.5 40
Shark Fin.png Shark Fin Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -15 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Ripe Stone Fruit.png Ripe Stone Fruit Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Stone Fruit.png Cooked Stone Fruit Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 2 Veggie.png×1.0
Succulent.png Succulent Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Sweet Potato.png Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Sweet Potato.png Cooked Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Tallbird Egg.png Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never Eggs.png×4.0
Hatching Tallbird Egg.png Hatching Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never
Fried Tallbird Egg.png Fried Tallbird Egg +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×4.0
Tillweeds.png Tillweeds Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Toma Root.png Toma Root Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Roast Toma Root.png Roasted Toma Root Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +20 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Tropical Fish.png Tropical Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Tuber.png Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +8 20
Fried Tuber.png Fried Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 0 +3 6
Watermelon.png Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 8 Cold/5 Fruit.png×1.0
Grilled Watermelon.png Grilled Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +7.5 +1 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Asparagazpacho.png Asparagazpacho Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 +3 15 Cold/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Asparagus Soup.png Asparagus Soup Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Bacon and Eggs.png Bacon and Eggs +75 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Banana Pop.png Banana Pop Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +33 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Banana Shake.png Banana Shake Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +8 15 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Linguine.png Barnacle Linguine Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 +20 +10 6 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Nigiri.png Barnacle Nigiri Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Pita.png Barnacle Pita Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Beefy Greens.png Beefy Greens Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 +5 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Bisque.png Bisque Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 +5 +60 20 Crock Pot.png
Bone Bouillon.png Bone Bouillon Don't Starve Together icon.png +150 +5 +32 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Breakfast Skillet.png Breakfast Skillet Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Bunny Stew.png Bunny Stew Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Butter Muffin.png Butter Muffin +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png California Roll Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Caviar.png Caviar Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Ceviche.png Ceviche Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +5 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Coffee.png Coffee Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Creamy Potato Purée.png Creamy Potato Purée Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Dragonpie.png Dragonpie +75 +5 +40 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Fancy Spiralled Tubers.png Fancy Spiralled Tubers Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +15 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Feijoada.png Feijoada Hamlet icon.png +75 +15 +20 8 Crock Pot.png
Fig-Stuffed Trunk.png Fig-Stuffed Trunk Don't Starve Together icon.png +56.25 0 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Figatoni.png Figatoni Don't Starve Together icon.png +56.25 +15 +30 6 Crock Pot.png
Figgy Frogwich.png Figgy Frogwich Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +10 +8 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Figkabab.png Figkabab Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +15 +20 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Fish Cordon Bleu.png Fish Cordon Bleu Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 -10 +20 8 Dry/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Fish Tacos.png Fish Tacos +37.5 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Fishsticks.png Fishsticks +37.5 +5 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Fist Full of Jam.png Fist Full of Jam +37.5 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Flower Salad.png Flower Salad Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Fresh Fruit Crepes.png Fresh Fruit Crepes Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +150 +15 +60 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Froggle Bunwich.png Froggle Bunwich +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Frozen Banana Daiquiri.png Frozen Banana Daiquiri Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +15 +30 15 Cold/15 Crock Pot.png
Fruit Medley.png Fruit Medley +25 +5 +20 6 Cold/5 Crock Pot.png
Glow Berry Mousse.png Glow Berry Mousse Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +3 8 Light/2 days Portable Crock Pot.png
Grim Galette.png Grim Galette Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +5 +1 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Guacamole.png Guacamole Reign of Giants icon.png +37.5 0 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Gummy Cake.png Gummy Cake Hamlet icon.png +150 -5 -3 20 Crock Pot.png
Hard Shell Tacos.png Hard Shell Tacos Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Honey Ham.png Honey Ham +75 +5 +30 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Honey Nuggets.png Honey Nuggets +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Hot Dragon Chili Salad.png Hot Dragon Chili Salad Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 -3 15 Hot/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Ice Cream.png Ice Cream Reign of Giants icon.png +25 +50 0 3 Cold/15 Crock Pot.png
Iced Tea.png Iced Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 6 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Jellybeans.png Jellybeans Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +5 +122
(over 2 minutes)
Never Crock Pot.png
Jelly-O Pop.png Jelly-O Pop Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Jelly Salad.png Jelly Salad Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +50 0 6 Crock Pot.png
Kabobs.png Kabobs +37.5 +5 +3 15 Hot/15
(only in Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Crock Pot.png
Leafy Meatloaf.png Leafy Meatloaf Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +8 20 Crock Pot.png
Mandrake Soup.png Mandrake Soup +150 +5 +100 6 Crock Pot.png
Meatballs.png Meatballs +62.5 +5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Meaty Stew.png Meaty Stew +150 +5 +12 10 Hot/15 (except Don't Starve Together icon.png) Crock Pot.png
Melonsicle.png Melonsicle Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +20 +3 3 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Lasagna.png Monster Lasagna +37.5 -20 -20 10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Tartare.png Monster Tartare Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5
+62.5 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Moqueca.png Moqueca Don't Starve Together icon.png +112.5 +33 +60 8 Portable Crock Pot.png
Mushy Cake.png Mushy Cake Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 0 15 Crock Pot.png
Mussel Bouillabaise.png Mussel Bouillabaise Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Nettle Rolls.png Nettle Rolls Hamlet icon.png +25 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Pierogi.png Pierogi +37.5 +5 +40 20 Crock Pot.png
Plain Omelette.png Plain Omelette Don't Starve Together icon.png +50 +5 +3 20 Crock Pot.png
Powdercake.png Powdercake 0 0 -3 18750 Crock Pot.png
Puffed Potato Soufflé.png Puffed Potato Soufflé Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Pumpkin Cookies.png Pumpkin Cookies +37.5 +15 0 10 Crock Pot.png
Ratatouille.png Ratatouille +25 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Salsa Fresca.png Salsa Fresca Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Seafood Gumbo.png Seafood Gumbo Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +20 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Shark Fin Soup.png Shark Fin Soup Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Snake Bone Soup.png Snake Bone Soup Hamlet icon.png +25 +10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Soothing Tea.png Soothing Tea Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +45
(over 1 minute)
+3 3 Hot/5 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Chili.png Spicy Chili Reign of Giants icon.png +37.5 0 +20 9 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Spicy Vegetable Stinger Hamlet icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Vegetable Stinger Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Steamed Ham Sandwich.png Steamed Ham Sandwich Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +15 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Eggplant.png Stuffed Eggplant +37.5 +5 +3 15 Hot/5 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Fish Heads.png Stuffed Fish Heads Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 0 +20 3 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Pepper Poppers.png Stuffed Pepper Poppers Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 -5 +30 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Surf 'n' Turf.png Surf 'n' Turf Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Sweet Potato Souffle.png Sweet Potato Souffle Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Taffy.png Taffy +25 +15 -3 15 Crock Pot.png
Tall Scotch Eggs.png Tall Scotch Eggs Don't Starve Together icon.png +150 +5 +60 15 Crock Pot.png
Tea.png Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 1 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Trail Mix.png Trail Mix Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +30 15 Crock Pot.png
Tropical Bouillabaisse.png Tropical Bouillabaisse Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Turkey Dinner.png Turkey Dinner +75 +5 +20 6 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Unagi.png Unagi +18.75 +5 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Veggie Burger.png Veggie Burger Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +30 6 Crock Pot.png
Volt Goat Chaud-Froid.png Volt Goat Chaud-Froid Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +3 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Waffles.png Waffles +37.5 +5 +60 6 Crock Pot.png
Wet Goop.png Wet Goop 0 0 0 6
Wobster Bisque.png Wobster Bisque Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Wobster Dinner.png Wobster Dinner Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +50 +60 10 Crock Pot.png