“It doesn't look particularly appetizing.”
“What a weird looking mushroom.”
“Wolfgang tired of mushrooms.”
“It took nourishment from dead things, now its death will nourish me.”
“It seems to possess strong sleep inducing properties.”
“Not sure if I should be eatin' that.”
“Strange, my eyelids are getting heavy just looking at it.”
“It would add a lovely pop of color... perhaps to a pasta dish.”
“Anyone wanna volunteer to try it?”
“Why not cap the day off with a little snooze? Hyuyuyu!”
“Glurgh, make eyes feel heavy.”
“Another mushroom that isn't in my handbook...”
“A mutated mushroom, what could go wrong?”
Moon Shroom(月のキノコ)はDon't Starve Togetherにおける「Return of Them」アップデートにて追加された野菜類の食料アイテムです。月の洞窟に存在する月のキノコの木やネイキッド・モールバットのねぐら、マッシュノームから入手できます。食べると12.5 と 10 回復し、6.6秒間ふらつき状態になりプレイヤーの移動速度が遅くなります。
Cooked Moon Shroom
“The things I do in the name of science...”
“Once again, fire makes it better.”
“All is malleable.”
“How odd. Once cooked, they seem to act as a stimulant.”
“The smell's enough to wake you up.”
“Odd, but not unpleasant.”
“Such a thing will never pass my lips!”
“We're not sure about this...”
“Hm. It has quite the... interesting aroma.”
“Wouldn't have minded having some of these around when I was pulling overtime.”
“Why you tricky thing, you've changed!”
“Taste diffent now.”
“This doesn't seem like the smartest idea.”
“Why does it have to smell like old cheese?”
Cooked Moon Shroom(調理済みの月のキノコ)は生の月のキノコを火で調理することで得られる野菜類の食料アイテムです。食べると12.5 と 10 減少し、ふらつき状態が治ります。
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- 月のキノコはReturn of Themの「Forgotten Knowledge」アップデートにて追加されました。
- 赤、緑、青のキノコ(採取後)のアイコンは向かって左向きのグラフィックですが、月のキノコは向かって右向きとなっています。