Unimplemented Biomes

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Tesla Biome

Initially, the Reign of Giants DLC was supposed to feature a Tesla Biome, but the idea was abandoned. It has purported concept art.[1]


Grotto biome

In the files of Don't Starve: Newhome, many files were found created in the style of Klei and at the same time with the prefix grotto, but not part of Don't Starve or Don't Starve Together. Judging by the modern style, they may have been originally designed for the "Return of Them" updates. Apparently it was supposed to be a cave biome.[Verification Needed]


Lava Cave

Initially, instead of ruins, there were supposed to be Lava Caves. In them, you could get a lot of useful staves and lava rivers (which functionally worked like roads on the map). Willow's fire immunity would have been extremely useful for lava caves.[Verification Needed]
