Unimplemented Structures

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Broken Bits and Pieces

Broken Bits and Pieces are objects found in the Ruins. They can be spawned into the game using the spawn code "rubble". When mined, they drop Rocks and Cut Stone, with a small chance of dropping additional Frazzled Wires, Gears, Gems, Nightmare Fuel or Thulecite.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Friend-o-matic

If I had any friends, this could take me to them.

Wilson, Generic Friend-o-matic

If I step through, will I still be me?

Wilson, Open Friend-o-matic

It seems to be popular over there.

Wilson, Full Friend-o-matic

The Friend-o-matic is a structure exclusive to Don't Starve Together that can be spawned via console and has artwork in the files. Its spawn code is "migration_portal". It functions like a Cave Entrance and allows players to move between servers shard.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Iceberg

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
We ought to steer the ships clear of that.

Wickerbottom, examining an iceberg.

Winona Portrait.png
It's just a lil ice cube now.

Winona, examining a melted iceberg.

In Don't Starve Together characters have quotes for an Iceberg and Melted Iceberg. According to the quotes, these could be icebergs in the Ocean that act as obstacles for boats.

Lava Pit

Good thing it's contained!


A Lava Pit is a naturally spawning object in the Caves looking identical to Nightmare Lights, except for being colorless. It used to be accessible using the spawn code "lavapit", but has since been removed from the game. When destroyed with a Hammer, the Lava Pit would emit light and start to slowly rebuild itself. Once it had rebuilt itself completely, it would no longer act as a light source.

Maxwell's Mosquito Trap

Wilson Portrait.png
Bottled mosquito rage!


Maxwell's Mosquito Trap is an unimplemented item that acts in the same way as the Bee Mine, but spawns Mosquitoes instead of Bees and cannot be picked up. It is activated when the player or another mob steps on it, causing the spawned Mosquitoes to attack them. Like Maxwell's Tooth Trap, it was meant to only emerge in Adventure Mode. Its spawn code is "beemine_maxwell".

Skull Chest

Warly Portrait.png
What an ominous container.


The Skull Chest is a structure that can be spawned via console and has artwork in the files. It is functionally identical to the Chest, except Krampus cannot steal from it. It also appears in the mod called Lost Fragment, a mod made by the developers which was part of the William Carter Puzzles. Its spawn code is "skullchest".

Sunk Boat

Wilson Portrait.png
It's no use to me out there!


The Sunk Boat is a structure that can be spawned via console and has artwork in the files. Its spawn code is "sunkboat", however, it will be invisible. A similar object, the Sunken Boat, was added to the game to promote the Shipwrecked DLC.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Target Dummy

The Target Dummy is a structure in Don't Starve Together that can be spawned via console using the spawn code "dummytarget" and has artwork in the files. It is an immortal mob that shows the damage dealt by the player when hit. It shares its artwork with the Meat Effigy.

Hamlet icon.png Cooking Spit

The Cooking Spit is an unimplemented Structure in the Hamlet DLC files.

Hamlet icon.png Quake Pillar

The Quake Pillar is an unimplemented Structure in the Hamlet DLC. It might have been an early Basalt Eruption.

Hamlet icon.png Whirlpool

The Whirlpool is an unimplemented hazard in the Hamlet DLC.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Grotto Pillar

The Grotto Pillar was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Grotto Bug House

The Bug House was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Grotto Grub Nest

The Grub Nest was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Boat Propelomatic

The Boat Propelomatic was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Boat Pointer

The Boat Pointer was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files. This Boat Pointer is unlike the smaller version used in the game that is located at the base of the mast.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Boat Plug

The Boat Plug was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Driftwood Boat

The Driftwood Boat was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Boat Containoar

The Boat Containoar was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Sea Cocoon

The Sea Cocoon was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Boat Barrel

The Boat Barrel was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Tornado

The Tornado was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Hamlet icon.png Castle

The Castle is an unused version of the Palace in the Hamlet DLC. Royal Guards would be able to buy spears from this store, including Wigfrid's Battle Spear, but this remained in the background of the game code.

Map Table

The Map Table was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Pyre Nest

The Pyre Nest was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files. Apparently this is a Brrrd nest.

Lamp Post and Lamp Post 2

The Lamp post and Lamp post 2 was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files. They are early concept for the Mushroom Lights.

Researchlab Green

The Researchlab Green was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Tumbleweed Ice

The Tumbleweed Ice was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Tumbleweed Icy

The Tumbleweed Icy was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Mega Chest

The Mega Chest was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Hutch Pigeon

The Hutch Pigeon was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.pngWinona's Catapult Damaged 3

The Winona's Catapult Damaged 3 was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files. Possibly it is a third stage of Winona's Catapult breakdown.


The Door is a structure with artwork in the files. Artworks for Moon Rock doors were added in the files of Don't Starve Together. Doors in the form of item were also found in the files

Keys and Locks

Keys and Locks are unused textures in the game files of Don't Starve Together.

Destroyed Pig Houses

There are textures for unbuilt and destroyed Pig Houses in the game files. The destroyed Pig Houses were eventually implemented in The Gorge event for Don't Starve Together and destroyed Town House for Hamlet DLC.

Tesla Tree

The Tesla Tree is an object that would have been included in the Reign of Giants DLC. The developers said that they wanted to make a "Tesla Biome" in which the Volt Goat was supposed to appear. This biome was supposed to be a key part of a larger system, but this idea was removed. However, the developers really liked the Volt Goat, so it was left in the expansion.[1]


The Barbeque is a structure found in the beta files of Don't Starve with the name "bbq.zip"


The Scarecrow is an item/structure with artwork in the files. It was created at the same time as Farms.[2] A similar structure, the Friendly Scarecrow, was added to Don't Starve Together in A New Reign.

Home Sign

The Home Sign is a structure found in the beta files of Don't Starve. The Sign uses all quotes of Home Sign.

Powder Barrel

Hamlet icon.png Roc Eggs Shells


Hamlet icon.png Unused Ruinsentrance

Hamlet icon.png Ant Chests

An unused version of Honey Chests.

Original Ant Chest

Nectar Ant Chest

Pollen Ant Chest

Most likely spawned filled with Pollen.

Ant Honey Cache

Hamlet icon.png Town Houses

There are 3 types of pig houses in the game, but in the files they are numbered as types 1, 5 and 6. The remaining 3 types of houses are not used

Houses 2

Houses 3

Houses 4

Shipwrecked icon.png Teeth Mine

Don't Starve Together icon.png Marble Pawn

The Marble Pawn was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files. Possibly an old version or a mobile version of pawn marble statues

Don't Starve Together icon.png Low Destroyed Marble Sculptures Rook

The Low Destoryed Marble Sculptures Rook was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Low Destroyed Marble Sculptures Knight

The Low Destoryed Marble Sculptures Knight was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Low Destroyed Marble Sculptures Bishop

The Low Destoryed Marble Sculptures Bishop was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Otter Den

Found in June 2023 Don't Starve: NewHome beta test. Apparently it was the home of an unrealized mob Otter

Telelocator ground-portal

Found in June 2023 Don't Starve: NewHome beta test.

Rock cave ceiling

The Rock cave ceiling was found in the Don't Starve: Newhome beta files.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Moonglass rock charged

Found in June 2023 Don't Starve: NewHome beta test. Possibly distant prototypes of Ryftstal. There are 4 versions and possible. Many of them just look like ordinary moon crystals with light on top, but the very first option has an individual texture.

Don't Starve Together icon.png Lunar Crater

Found in June 2023 Don't Starve: NewHome beta test.

Lava Spout

Found in June 2023 Don't Starve: NewHome beta test.

Hamlet icon.png Items and Structures in Renovate Tab

Name Recipe Description Spawn Code
File:Round Wall.png
Round Window
Oinc.png×8 "Have a look around." window_round
Wilson Portrait.png
Out there is the outside.

Wilson, when examining a Round Window

File:Hook Shelf.png
Hook Shelf
Oinc.png×6 "Get hooked." shelves_hooks
Wilson Portrait.png
A place to hang stuff.

Wilson, when examining a Hook Shelf

File:Metal Shelf.png
Metal Shelf
Oinc.png×6 "Don't mettle with it." shelves_metal
Wilson Portrait.png
A metal place to put stuff.

Wilson, when examining a Metal Shelf

"Character" Tree.png
"Character" Tree
Oinc.png×2 Twigs.png×1 "It's the thought that counts." deco_plantholder_winterfeasttreeofsadness
Wilson Portrait.png
It's bent out of shape over something.

Wilson, when examining a "Character" Tree

Character Tree Full.png
Festive Tree (Hamlet).png
Festive Tree
Oinc.png×50 "Pure majesty." deco_plantholder_winterfeasttree
Wilson Portrait.png
Is it that time of year already?

Wilson, when examining a Festive Tree

Festive Tree (Hamlet) Full.png

Concept art of unused items


Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The Tesla Tree was named after Tesla coils, high voltage transformers which in turn were named after their inventor Nikola Tesla.
  1. https://forums.kleientertainment.com/forums/topic/32242-tesla-tree/?do=findComment&comment=423973
  2. Kevin on the forums: "In most games, a lot of assets that get made never actually make it into the final game. We're actually pretty good about using most things in Don't Starve, although some things live in limbo for quite some time before they go live.It's actually kind of nice to have some stuff in reserve. If an update is looking a bit thin, or people are away on vacation, we're able to get at least *something* into the game on time.Take slurtle for example. He was made... er... sometime last summer, I think. But he's only going to make it into the game in the next update. There's still some scarecrow art in there that was originally made at the same time as the farm plots. Haven't found a good use for that yet, but I wouldn't be surprised if we work it in eventually!" Posted on April 23, 2013.