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Wilson Portrait.png
I'm a fishing heavyweight!

威尔森,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Willow Portrait.png
Ugh, this thing's heavy!

薇洛,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Good thing Wolfgang have big muscles for carrying!

沃尔夫冈,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wendy Portrait.png
Burdened with yet another terrible weight...

温蒂,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
This specimen is decidedly larger than average.

薇克伯顿,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Woodie Portrait.png
Not bad, eh?

伍迪,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Waxwell Portrait.png
Er... I don't suppose anyone would help me carry this?

麦斯威尔,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
By the göds, I've netted a mönster!

薇格弗德,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Webber Portrait.png
Woah, that's heavy!

韦伯,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Warly Portrait.png
Enough fish to feed an entire crew!

沃利,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wormwood Portrait.png

沃姆伍德,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Winona Portrait.png
I reeled in a whopper!

薇诺娜,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wortox Portrait.png
I got my wish, a hefty fish!

沃拓克斯,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wurt Portrait.png
Glurgh... is so heavy!

沃特,weighing a heavy fish with a Pocket Scale.

Wilson weighing a heavy fish.


一条鱼的重量是从那种鱼类的重量范围之间随机选择的。 海洋鱼类的重量是平均分布的:

體重 = 隨機數 * (最大重量 - 最小重量) + 最小重量


體重 = 隨機數^3 * (最大重量 - 最小重量) + 最小重量


體重 = ((2 * 隨機數 - 1)^3 - 1) * (最大重量 - 最小重量) + 最小重量

寄居蟹隐士只会接受某个鱼种中前 30% 重的鱼。重量级鱼饵则只会吸引某个鱼种中前 20% 重的鱼。


鱼类 名称 最小重量 最大重量 Crabby Hermit.png 阈值 Heavy Weighted Lure.png 阈值
Freshwater Fish.png 淡水鱼 40.89 55.28 N/A N/A
Live Eel.png 活鳗鱼 165.16 212.12 N/A N/A
Runty Guppy.png 小孔雀鱼 48.34 60.30 56.71 57.91
Needlenosed Squirt.png 针鼻喷水鱼 37.57 57.62 51.6 53.61
Bitty Baitfish.png 小饵鱼 39.66 63.58 56.4 58.8
Smolt Fry.png 鲑鱼苗 39.70 56.26 51.29 52.95
Popperfish.png 爆米花鱼 33.08 47.74 43.34 44.81
Fallounder.png 落叶比目鱼 28.87 44.44 39.77 41.33
Bloomfin Tuna.png 花鳍鲔鱼 53.64 63.36 60.44 61.42
Scorching Sunfish.png 炽热太阳鱼 41.14 56.78 52.09 53.65
Mudfish.png 泥鱼 154.32 214.97 196.77 202.84
Deep Bass.png 深海鲈鱼 172.41 228.88 211.94 217.59
Dandy Lionfish.png 浮夸狮子鱼 246.77 302.32 285.66 291.21
Black Catfish.png 黑鲶鱼 193.27 278.50 252.93 261.45
Corn Cod.png 玉米鳕鱼 161.48 241.80 217.7 225.74
Dappled Koi.png 花纹锦鲤 (Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png) 188.88 238.88 223.88 228.88
Golden Koi.png 金色锦鲤 (Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png) 188.88 238.88 223.88 228.88
Ice Bream.png 冰鲷鱼 190.90 270.70 246.76 254.74
Wobster (DST).png 龙虾 153.67 307.34 N/A 276.61
Lunar Wobster.png 月亮龙虾 112.06 224.12 N/A 201.71
活动 烹饪合成耕种钓鱼睡眠骑乘野牛
Shipwrecked icon.png乘船
环境 日夜周期月亮周期梦魇循环地震闪电雨天
Don't Starve Together icon.png 沙尘暴
Shipwrecked icon.png 强风迷雾海浪洪水火山爆发
Hamlet icon.png
季节 夏天冬天
Reign of Giants icon.png 秋天春天
Shipwrecked icon.png 温和季节飓风季节雨季旱季
Hamlet icon.png 平和季节潮湿季节繁茂季节
机制 胡须生态环境角色查理控制合成死亡耐久度经验食物腐败寒冷生命值饥饿值物品栏光源地图罪恶值不可再生资源理智值存档建筑
Reign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 潮湿过热
Don't Starve Together icon.png活动疾病再生玩家鬼魂造型启蒙
Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 中毒
Hamlet icon.png 花粉症大灾变猪人庆典可疑的物件
模式 冒险模式沙盒模式洞穴遗迹火山多人版饥荒自定义世界
其他 猪人村道路小径)• 墓地海洋深渊布景零件死亡纪录

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