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食物 名称 DLC Health Hunger Sanity Perish time (days) Cook time (sec) Priority 食谱
需要* 填充物限制
Butter Muffin.png 奶油松饼 +20 +37.5 +5 15 40 1 Butterfly Wings.png×1 Vegetables.png×0.5 不能放 Meats.png
Fish Tacos.png 鱼塔可 +20 +37.5 +5 6 10 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Corns.png×1
Froggle Bunwich.png 蛙腿三明治 +20 +37.5 +5 15 40 1 Frog Leg.png×1 Vegetables.png×0.5
Mandrake Soup.png 曼德拉草汤 +100 +150 +5 6 60 10 Mandrake.png×1
Pierogi.png 波兰饺子 +40 +37.5 +5 20 20 5 All eggs.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
不能放 Twigs.png
Powdercake.png 粉末蛋糕 -3 0 0 18750 10 10 Corns.png×1 Honey.png×1
Pumpkin Cookie.png 南瓜饼干 0 +37.5 +15 10 40 10 Pumpkins.png×1 Sweetener.png×2
Ratatouille.png 蔬菜杂烩 +3 +25 +5 15 20 0 Vegetables.png×0.5 不能放 Meats.pngTwigs.png
Stuffed Eggplant.png 酿茄子 +3 +37.5 +5 15 40 1 Eggplant ava.png×1 Vegetables.png×0.5
Turkey Dinner.png 火鸡大餐 +20 +75 +5 6 60 10 Drumstick.png×2 Meats.png×0.5
Vegetables.png (Fruit.png)×0.5
Unagi.png 鳗鱼寿司 +20 +18.8 +5 10 10 20 Eel ava.png×1 Lichen.png×1
Flower Salad.png 花瓣沙拉 Reign of Giants icon.pngDST icon.png +40 +12.5 +5 6 10 10 Cactus Flower.png×1 Vegetables.pngx2.0 不能放 Fruit.pngMeats.pngAll eggs.pngSweetener.pngTwigs.png
Guacamole.png 鼹梨沙拉酱 Reign of Giants icon.pngDST icon.png +20 +37.5 0 10 10 10 Cactus Flesh.png×1 Moleworm.png×1 不能放 Fruit.png
Spicy Chili.png 辣椒炖肉 Reign of Giants icon.pngDST icon.png +20 +37.5 0 10 10 10 Vegetables.png×1.5 Meats.png×1.5
California Roll.png 加州寿司卷 Shipwrecked icon.pngDST icon.png +20 +37.5 +10 10 10 20 Seaweed.png×2 Fishes.png×1.0
Monster Tartare.png 鞑靼怪物肉 Shipwrecked icon.pngDST icon.png +3
10 20
30 Monster Foods.png×2.0 All eggs.pngx1.0
使用 Portable Crock Pot.png
Mussel Bouillabaise.png 马赛贻贝汤 Shipwrecked icon.png +20 +37.5 +15 10 20 30 Mussel.png×2
使用 Portable Crock Pot.png
Sweet Potato Souffle.png 地瓜舒芙蕾 Shipwrecked icon.png +20 +37.5 +15 10 20 30 Sweet Potato.png×2 All eggs.pngx2.0 使用 Portable Crock Pot.png
Caviar.png 鱼子酱 Shipwrecked icon.png +3 +12.5 +33 10 40 20 Roe.pngx1 (Cooked Roe.pngx3)
Tropical Bouillabaisse.png 马赛热带鱼汤 Shipwrecked icon.png +20 +37.5 +15 10 40 35 Purple Groupers.pngx1 Pierrot Fishes.pngx1
Neon Quattros.pngx1 Vegetables.pngx1
Asparagus Soup.png 芦笋汤 Hamlet icon.pngDST icon.png +20 +18.75 +5 15 10 10 Asparagus.pngx1
Vegetables.pngx0.5 (x1.5DST icon.png)
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png 蔬菜鸡尾酒 Hamlet icon.pngDST icon.png +3 +25 +33 15 10 15 (Asparagus.pngRadish.pngHamlet icon.png
Toma Roots.pngDST icon.png)x1
Vegetables.pngx1.5 Ice.pngx1
Hard Shell Tacos.png 硬壳塔可 Hamlet icon.png +20 +37.5 +5 15 20 1 Weevole Carapace.pngx2 Vegetables.pngx0.5
Steamed Ham Sandwich.png 清蒸火腿三明治 Hamlet icon.png +40 +37.5 +15 6 40 5 Meat.png (Cooked Meat.png)x1
Vegetables.pngx1.0 Foliage.pngx1
No Monster Meat.png
Asparagazpacho.png 芦笋冷汤 DST icon.png +3 +25 +10 15 10 30 Asparagus.pngx2 Ice.pngx2 Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Linguine.png 藤壶中细面 Don't Starve Together icon.png 10 75 20 6d 40s 25 Barnacle.png×2Vegetables.png×2.0
Barnacle Nigiri.png 藤壶握寿司 Don't Starve Together icon.png 40 37.5 5 10d 10s 30 Barnacle.png + Kelp Frond.png + All eggs.png
Barnacle Pita.png 藤壶皮塔饼 Don't Starve Together icon.png 20 37.5 5 15d 40s 25 Barnacle.png + Vegetables.png×1.0
Beefy Greens.png 牛肉绿叶菜 Don't Starve Together icon.png 40 75 5 6d 40s 25 Leafy Meats.png + Vegetables.png×3.0
Bone Bouillon.png 骨头汤 Don't Starve Together icon.png +32 +150 +5 10d 40s 30 Bone Shards.png×2 Onions.png×1 No Inedible.png
Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Creamy Potato Puree.png 奶油土豆泥 Don't Starve Together icon.png +20 +37.5 +33 15d 20s 20 Potatoes.png×2 Garlics.png×1 No Meats.pngInedible.png
Fancy Spiralled Tubers.png 花式回旋块茎 Don't Starve Together icon.png +3 +37.5 +15 10d 15s 10 Potatoes.png×1 Twigs.png×1 No Meats.png
Inedible.png限1Monster Foods.png限1
Grim Galette.png 恐怖国王饼 Don't Starve Together icon.png +1 +25 +5 10d 40s 30 Nightmare Fuel.png×2Potatoes.png×1
Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Hot Dragon Chili Salad.png 热龙椒沙拉 Don't Starve Together icon.png -3 +25 +10 15d 15s 30 Dragon Fruits.png×1 Peppers.png×1 No Meats.pngInedible.pngAll eggs.png
Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Moqueca.png 海鲜杂烩 Don't Starve Together icon.png +60 +112.5 +33 8d 40s 30 Toma Root.png×1 Onions.png×1
No Inedible.png
Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Mushy Cake.png 蘑菇蛋糕 Don't Starve Together icon.png +0 +25 +10 15d 20s 55 Moon Shroom.png + Red Cap.png + Blue Cap.png + Green Cap.png
Puffed Potato Souffle.png 马铃薯舒芙蕾 Don't Starve Together icon.png +20 +37.5 +15 10d 40s 30 Potatoes.png×2 All eggs.png×1 No Meats.pngInedible.png
Cooked in Portable Crock Pot.png
Salsa Fresca.png 生鲜萨尔萨酱 Don't Starve Together icon.png +3 +25 +33 15d 10s 20 Toma Root.png×1 Onions.png×1 No Meats.pngInedible.png
Stuffed Pepper Poppers.png 爆炒填馅辣椒 Don't Starve Together icon.png +30 +25 -5 15d 40s 20 Peppers.png×1 Meats.png×0.25 No Inedible.png
Veggie Burger.png 素食堡 Don't Starve Together icon.png +30 +37.5 +33 6d 40s 25 Leafy Meats.png×1 Onions.png×1