Crop Seeds

提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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Willow Portrait.png
Some seeds.

Willow, examining Oblong Seeds.

Crop Seeds(作物の種)の一種で、ランダムな植物が育つ種とは異なり、育つ作物の種類が決まっています(たとえばニンジンの種を植えると確定でニンジンが育つ)。これらは食料としての用途の他、農業で使用する事ができます。基本的な農場または改良型農場に植えることができます。



Gift Icon.png ダウンロードコンテンツ

Reign of Giantsでは、友好的なキャットクーンが作物の種を吐き出す事があります。

Hamletでは、ブタの町にあるMiss Sow's Floral Arrangementsという店で、カボチャザクロナスドリアントウモロコシスイカの種を1オインクで、ドラゴンフルーツの種を10オインクで購入する事ができます。

Don't Starve Together icon.png Don't Starve Together

Don't Starve Togetherの作物の種は、見た目は異なりますが用途はシングル版と同じです。最初は見た目に準じた名前がついています(例:スイカの種=Square Seeds(四角い種))が、Gardeneer Hat農園の作物を調査すると正確な作物の名前に変わります。

作物の種は農園の作物を収穫するか、巨大作物をハンマーで破壊するか、鳥籠に調理前の作物を与える事で入手できます。ただし、Don't Starve Togetherでは鳥籠の鳥に作物を与えても種を1つしか落としません(鳥を利用した種の量産は不可能ということになる)。フルーツフライの王様を倒すことでも、4~8個の作物の種が入手できます。

Don't Starve Togetherでは作物ごとに栽培に最適な季節が決まっていますが、種は40日間(種子袋に入れておけば80日間)腐らないので、最適な季節まで種を保存しておく事ができます。



画像 Don't Starve icon.png 名称 DLC 画像 Don't Starve Together icon.png 仮の名前Don't Starve Together icon.png ドロップ デバッグ用コード
Carrot Seeds.png Carrot Seeds Oblong Seeds.png Oblong Seeds Carrat.png (33% Don't Starve Together icon.png) "carrot
Corn Seeds.png Corn Seeds Clustered Seeds.png Clustered Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png) "corn
Dragon Fruit Seeds.png Dragon Fruit Seeds Bulbous Seeds.png Bulbous Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×10 Hamlet icon.png) "dragonfruit
Durian Seeds.png Durian Seeds Brittle Seed Pods.png Brittle Seed Pods Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png)

King of the Merms.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

Eggplant Seeds.png Eggplant Seeds Swirly Seeds.png Swirly Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png)

King of the Merms.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

Pomegranate Seeds.png Pomegranate Seeds Windblown Seeds.png Windblown Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png) "pomegranate
Pumpkin Seeds.png Pumpkin Seeds Sharp Seeds.png Sharp Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png)

King of the Merms.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

Watermelon Seeds.png Watermelon Seeds Reign of Giants icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png Square Seeds.png Square Seeds Miss Sow's Floral Arrangements.png (Oinc.png×1 Hamlet icon.png) "watermelon
Sweet Potato Seeds.png Sweet Potato Seeds Shipwrecked icon.png "sweet_potato
Aloe Seeds.png Aloe Seeds Hamlet icon.png "aloe
Asparagus Seeds.png Asparagus Seeds Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png Tubular Seeds.png Tubular Seeds "asparagus
Radish Seeds.png Radish Seeds Hamlet icon.png "radish
Toma Root Seeds Don't Starve Together icon.png Spiky Seeds.png Spiky Seeds "tomato
Potato Seeds Don't Starve Together icon.png Fluffy Seeds.png Fluffy Seeds "potato
Onion Seeds Don't Starve Together icon.png Pointy Seeds.png Pointy Seeds King of the Merms.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png) "onion
Pepper Seeds Don't Starve Together icon.png Lumpy Seeds.png Lumpy Seeds "pepper
Garlic Seeds Don't Starve Together icon.png Seed Pods.png Seed Pods King of the Merms.png (Don't Starve Together icon.png) "garlic


Carrot Seeds.png Oblong Seeds.png Carrot Seeds (Oblong Seeds)

Wendy Portrait.png
It's a carrot that's waiting to be.


Corn Seeds.png Clustered Seeds.png Corn Seeds (Clustered Seeds)

Warly Portrait.png
The promise of so many more corn dishes!


Dragon Fruit Seeds.pngBulbous Seeds.png Dragon Fruit Seeds (Bulbous Seeds)

Willow Portrait.png
Seeds for that fire-looking fruit.


Durian Seeds.pngBrittle Seed Pods.png Durian Seeds (Brittle Seed Pods)

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Tiny baby spiky fruit plant.


Eggplant Seeds.png Swirly Seeds.png Eggplant Seeds (Swirly Seeds)

Waxwell Portrait.png
Such labor is beneath me.


Pomegranate Seeds.png Windblown Seeds.png Pomegranate Seeds (Windblown Seeds)

Woodlegs Portrait.png
Seeds thet grow more seeds.


Pumpkin Seeds.png Sharp Seeds.png Pumpkin Seeds (Sharp Seeds)

Webber Portrait.png
We could grow something with these.


Watermelon Seeds.png Square Seeds.png Watermelon Seeds (Square Seeds) Reign of Giants icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png

Walani Portrait.png
I love watermelon... but I hate farm work...


Sweet Potato Seeds.png Sweet Potato Seeds Shipwrecked icon.png

Warly Portrait.png
People often confuse yams and sweet potatoes. They're very different!


Aloe Seeds.png Aloe Seeds Hamlet icon.png

Warly Portrait.png
Ah, a fine addition to any garden.


Asparagus Seeds.png Tubular Seeds.png Asparagus Seeds (Tubular Seeds) Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png

Warly Portrait.png
This will grow some nice fresh vegetables.


Radish Seeds.png Radish Seeds Hamlet icon.png

Warly Portrait.png
Nice fresh vegetables for a salad.


Spiky Seeds.png Toma Root Seeds (Spiky Seeds) Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wortox Portrait.png
Strange little seeds, indeed, indeed.


Fluffy Seeds.png Potato Seeds (Fluffy Seeds) Don't Starve Together icon.png

Webber Portrait.png
We can find out what they are by planting them.


Pointy Seeds.png Onion Seeds (Pointy Seeds) Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
A handful of odd seeds.


Lumpy Seeds.png Pepper Seeds (Lumpy Seeds) Don't Starve Together icon.png

Willow Portrait.png
It's just a bunch of seeds.


Seed Pods.png Garlic Seeds (Seed Pods) Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Mutated seed of Allium cepa.


分類別食料一覧 Don't Starve Together icon.png
Veggie.png 野菜 Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot.pngCorn.pngPopcorn.pngEggplant.pngBraised Eggplant.pngPumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin.pngBlue Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap.pngGreen Cap.pngCooked Green Cap.pngRed Cap.pngCooked Red Cap.pngMoon Shroom.pngCooked Moon Shroom.pngMandrake.pngCooked Mandrake.pngFoliage.pngLichen.pngCactus Flesh.pngCooked Cactus Flesh.pngCactus Flower.pngAsparagus.pngCooked Asparagus.pngKelp Fronds.pngCooked Kelp Fronds.pngDried Kelp Fronds.pngRipe Stone Fruit.pngCooked Stone Fruit.pngGarlic.pngRoasted Garlic.pngOnion.pngRoasted Onion.pngPepper.pngRoasted Pepper.pngPotato.pngRoasted Potato.pngToma Root.pngRoasted Toma Root.pngDurian.pngExtra Smelly Durian.pngRoasted Birchnut.pngMoon Moth Wings.pngButterfly Wings.pngBanana.pngCooked Banana.pngDragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit.pngPomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate.pngBerries.pngRoasted Berries.pngJuicy Berries.pngRoasted Juicy Berries.pngGlow Berry.pngLesser Glow Berry.pngWatermelon.pngGrilled Watermelon.pngFig.pngCooked Fig.pngFire Nettle Fronds.pngForget-Me-Lots.pngLight Bulb.pngLune Tree Blossom.pngPetals.pngDark Petals.pngSucculent.pngTillweeds.pngSyrup of Ipecaca.pngEternal Fruitcake.pngPlum Pudding.pngApple Cider.pngRaisins.png"Raisins".pngLava Pepper.pngNot-So-Candy Corn.pngPopperfish.pngCorn Cod.png
Asparagazpacho.pngFresh Fruit Crepes.pngGlow Berry Mousse.pngGrim Galette.pngHot Dragon Chili Salad.pngPuffed Potato Soufflé.pngAsparagus Soup.pngBanana Pop.pngBanana Shake.pngButter Muffin.pngCreamy Potato Purée.pngDragonpie.pngFancy Spiralled Tubers.pngFigatoni.pngFist Full of Jam.pngFlower Salad.pngFruit Medley.pngMandrake Soup.pngMelonsicle.pngPowdercake.pngPumpkin Cookies.pngRatatouille.pngSalsa Fresca.pngSpicy Vegetable Stinger.pngVegetable Stinger.pngStuffed Eggplant.pngTrail Mix.pngWaffles.png
Plant Seeds.png Seeds.pngToasted Seeds.pngOblong Seeds.pngClustered Seeds.pngBulbous Seeds.pngBrittle Seed Pods.pngSwirly Seeds.pngWindblown Seeds.pngSharp Seeds.pngSquare Seeds.pngSpiky Seeds.pngFluffy Seeds.pngPointy Seeds.pngLumpy Seeds.png
Meats.png Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat.pngMonster Jerky.pngMeat.pngCooked Meat.pngJerky.pngBarnacles.pngCooked Barnacles.pngDrumstick.pngFried Drumstick.pngFrog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs.pngMorsel.pngCooked Morsel.pngSmall Jerky.pngNaked Nostrils.pngCharred Nostrils.pngEel.pngCooked Eel.pngFish.pngCooked Fish.pngFish Morsel.pngCooked Fish Morsel.pngTallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg.pngEgg.pngCooked Egg.pngBatilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing.pngLeafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat.pngDeerclops Eyeball.pngGuardian's Horn.pngKoalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak.pngWobster (DST).pngDead Wobster (DST).pngWarrior Switcherdoodle.pngDangler Switcherdoodle.pngCave Switcherdoodle.pngSpitter Switcherdoodle.pngShatter Switcherdoodle.pngNurse Switcherdoodle.pngStrider Switcherdoodle.pngKitschy Beaver Idol.pngKitschy Moose Idol.pngKitschy Goose Idol.pngHeavenly Eggnog.pngRunty Guppy.pngNeedlenosed Squirt.pngBitty Baitfish.pngSmolt Fry.pngFallounder.pngBloomfin Tuna.pngScorching Sunfish.pngSpittlefish.pngMudfish.pngDeep Bass.pngDandy Lionfish.pngBlack Catfish.pngDappled Koi.pngGolden Koi.pngSweetish Fish.png
Bone Bouillon.pngFish Cordon Bleu.pngMonster Tartare.pngMoqueca.pngVolt Goat Chaud-Froid.pngBacon and Eggs.pngBarnacle Linguine.pngBarnacle Nigiri.pngBarnacle Pita.pngBeefy Greens.pngBreakfast Skillet.pngBunny Stew.pngCalifornia Roll.pngCeviche.pngFig-Stuffed Trunk.pngFiggy Frogwich.pngFigkabab.pngFish Tacos.pngFishsticks.pngFroggle Bunwich.pngGuacamole.pngHard Shell Tacos.pngHoney Ham.pngHoney Nuggets.pngJelly Salad.pngKabobs.pngLeafy Meatloaf.pngMeatballs.pngMeaty Stew.pngMonster Lasagna.pngPierogi.pngPlain Omelette.pngSeafood Gumbo.pngSpicy Chili.pngStuffed Fish Heads.pngStuffed Pepper Poppers.pngSurf 'n' Turf.pngTall Scotch Eggs.pngTurkey Dinner.pngVeggie Burger.pngLobster Bisque.pngWobster Dinner.pngUnagi.png
Goodies.png 美味しいもの Dram of Psychic Fortitude.pngTumblerful of Psychic Fortitude.pngCandy Apple.pngCandy Corn.pngGummy Spider.pngCatcoon Candy.pngGhost Pop.pngJelly Worm.pngTentacle Lolli.pngChoco Pigs.pngCandy Lice.pngOtherworldly Jawbreaker.pngCookie Crumbles.pngGingerbread Cookie.pngSugar Cookie.pngCandy Cane.pngChocolate Log Cake.pngHot Cocoa.png
Mushy Cake.pngJellybeans.pngIce Cream.pngTaffy.pngFrozen Banana Daiquiri.png
Generic.png ジェネリック Royal Jelly.pngHoney.pngIce.pngButter.pngElectric Milk.pngMilky Whites.pngGlommer's Goop.pngPhlegm.pngRot.pngSpoiled Fish (DST).pngSpoiled Fish Morsel.pngRotten Egg.png
Soothing Tea.pngWet Goop.png
Horrible.png 恐ろしい Pig Skin.pngBunny Puff.pngSlurper Pelt.png
Roughage.png 食物繊維豊富 Twigs.pngCut Grass.pngCut Reeds.png
Beefalo Treats.pngSteamed Twigs.png
Elemental.png エレメンタル Rocks.pngFlint.pngNitre.pngGold Nugget.pngLucky Gold Nugget.pngPebbles.pngGold Rounds.pngMarbles.pngFreeze Rounds.pngSlow-Down Rounds.pngPoop Pellets.pngCursed Rounds.pngSalt Crystals.pngStone Fruit.pngMoon Rock.pngThulecite.pngThulecite Fragments.pngCollected Dust.pngBlue Gem.pngRed Gem.pngPurple Gem.pngGreen Gem.pngOrange Gem.pngYellow Gem.pngIridescent Gem.png
Burnt.png 黒焦げ Ashes.pngCharcoal.png
Gears.png ギア Gears.png