Quacken Beak
“I'd say I made the pecking order around here quite clear.”
“Never stick your beak where is doesn't belong.”
“Wolfgang is very proud of bird souvenir!”
“Its gnashing days are over.”
“If that brute can't hold its mouth then I will.”
“A nightmare made real.”
“Just look at the size of that thing.”
“The remains öf a thrilling battle.”
“Can it still eat me?”
“He was probably a bit peckish when he died.”
“Imagine the meals it could've eaten with that thing!”
“Twas a mighty maw on thet one.”
Quacken BeakはShipwrecked専用アイテムです。 Quackenを倒すことで入手でき、Quackering RamとQuacken Drillを作るために必要になります。
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- The Quacken Beak was added to the Shipwrecked DLC more than a year after its official completion in the Home Sea Home update, after being tested in a beta branch for several months.
- Despite being apparently taken from the Quacken's body, the Quacken Beak is rewarded inside the Chest of the Depths, which the Quacken drops when defeated.