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Crab King.png

For personal reference.


Navbox templates


  1. Box title
  2. image_size
  3. image
  4. description
  5. description2
  6. description3
  7. description4
  8. description5
  9. description6
  10. description_tabber
  11. icon
  12. hungerRestored
  13. hpRestored
  14. sanityRestored
  15. inspirationRestored
  16. beavernessRestored
  17. health
  18. healthBoat
  19. naughtiness
  20. cooldown
  21. damage
  22. planar_damage
  23. attackPeriod
  24. attackRange
  25. equipslot
  26. protection
  27. planar protection
  28. planar_protection
  29. walkSpeed
  30. runSpeed
  31. diet
  32. foodValue
  33. foodType
  34. priority
  35. foodRecipe
  36. foodPortableCrockPot
  37. cooktime
  38. fertilize
  39. crafting_text
  40. crafting
  41. ingredient1~6
  42. multiplier1~6
  43. upgrade
  44. numtogive
  45. tab
  46. filter
  47. skill
  48. skillOwner
  49. tier_text
  50. tier
  51. cooktimeFeast
  52. cooktimeHallowed
  53. heal
  54. hungerbonus
  55. sanitybonus
  56. sanitydrain
  57. waterResistance
  58. freezingResistance
  59. overheatingResistance
  60. durability
  61. tool
  62. repaired
  63. max_oar_speed
  64. cast_range
  65. lure_radius
  66. wearsOut
  67. repaired_by_sewing
  68. spoil
  69. canBeBurned
  70. dischargeRate
  71. burnTime
  72. emitsLight
  73. lunarAligned
  74. shadowAligned
  75. range
  76. renew
  77. seasons
  78. water_consumption
  79. nutrient_cycling
  80. picked
  81. deconstract
  82. resources
  83. soldBy
  84. droppedBy
  85. drops
  86. spawns
  87. spawnFrom
  88. biome
  89. specialAbility
  90. perk
  91. stack
  92. spawnCode

Table Test 3
1 2
Update Skill Tree Winona Wurt Insight
Mob Crab King Rework Marotter
Other Surprising Seed Gourmet Salt Lick Archaic Boat