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地圖在遊戲世界裏負責導航玩家。所有資源如植物海洋 還有蜂巢等都會在地圖上顯示圖示。不同的地域(一般稱為生態環境)以及海洋、水也會在地圖上被清楚描繪。地圖會顯示道路還有小徑,同時也會顯示木製傳送台麥斯威爾之門,建造或製造出的東西,例如背包農田等也會顯示在地圖上。玩家可以放大地圖來檢視細節,也可以縮小地圖來觀看世界全域。按下 TAB 可以開啟地圖,再次按下則會關閉地圖。PS4 版則是使用觸控面板來開啟地圖。


當遊戲世界初次生成時,地圖除了玩家角色站的位置周邊外一律漆黑。當世界被探索時地圖便會被逐漸補完。一般來說除了超出邊界的角落之外,螢幕上所看到的都會被填入地圖裏。 為了確保添加某些內容,請遠離至少半屏幕。

圖標 名字 地點
Evergreen Icon.png
常青樹 地面&洞穴
Lumpy Evergreen Icon.png
疙瘩樹 地面
Spiky Tree Icon.png
針刺樹 地面
Deciduous Tree Icon.png
白樺樹 地面
Red Mushtree Icon.png
紅蘑菇樹 洞穴
Green Mushtree Icon.png
綠蘑菇樹 洞穴
Blue Mushtree Icon.png
藍蘑菇樹 洞穴
Cave Banana Tree Icon.png
洞穴香蕉樹 遺蹟
Cave Lichen Icon.png
菌藻 遺蹟
Light Flower Icon.png
螢光花 洞穴&遺蹟
Grass Icon.png
乾草叢 地面&洞穴
Sapling Icon.png
樹苗 地面&洞穴
Berry Bush Icon.png
Berry Bush Icon 2.png
漿果叢 洞穴&地面
Cactus Icon.png
仙人掌 地面
Reeds Icon.png
蘆葦草 地面&洞穴
Lureplant Icon.png
食人花 地面
Totaly Normal Tree Icon.png
完全正常的樹 地面
圖標 名字 地點
Tall Stalagmite Icon.png
高石筍岩 洞穴
Large Stalagmite Icon.png
石筍岩 洞穴
Boulder Icon.png
巨礫和金礦礦脈 地面
Flintless Boulder Icon.png
無硝岩 地面, 洞穴&遺蹟
Glommer Statue Icon.png
咕嚕咪雕塑 地面
Marble Pillar Icon.png
大理石柱 地面
Marble Tree Icon.png
大理石樹 地面
Harp Statue Icon.png
豎琴雕像 地面
Maxwell Statue Icon.png
麥斯威爾的雕像 地面
Ancient Statue Icon.png
遠古雕像 遺蹟
Mini Glacier Icon.png
冰礦 地面
Basalt Icon.png
玄武岩 地面
Plugged Sinkhole Icon.png
洞穴入口 地面
Ruins Plugged Sinkhole Icon.png
遺蹟入口 洞穴
Ruins Pond Icon.png
遺蹟池塘 遺蹟
Pond Icon.png
地面池塘 地面
Swamp Pond Icon.png
沼澤池塘 地面
Broken Clockworks Icon.png
殘破的發條機器 遺蹟
Grave Icon.png
墳墓#墓碑 地面
Big Tentacle Icon.png
巨型觸手 洞穴
Icon Name Location
Advanced Farm Icon.png
Improved Farm Placeable on all Maps
Alchemy Engine Icon.png
Alchemy Engine Placeable on all Maps
Ancient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png
Ancient Pseudoscience Station Ruins
Bee Box Icon.png
Bee Box Placeable on all Maps
Bee Hive Icon.png
Bee Hive Surface
Bird Cage Icon.png
Bird Cage Placeable on all Maps
Buzzard Landing Ground Icon.png
Buzzard Landing Ground Surface
Chest Icon.png
Chest Placeable on all Maps
Crock Pot Icon.png
Crock Pot Placeable on all Maps
Dangling Deep Dweller Nest Icon.png
Dangling Depth Dwellers' Sticky Webbing Ruins
Drying Rack Icon.png
Drying Rack Placeable on all Maps
Endothermic Fire Pit Icon.png
Endothermic Fire Pit Placeable on all Maps
Farm Icon.png
Basic Farm Placeable on all Maps
Fire Pit Icon.png
Fire Pit Placeable on all Maps
Hollow Stump Icon.png
Hollow Stump Surface
Hound Mound Icon.png
Hound Mound Surface
Houndius Shootius Icon.png
Houndius Shootius Placeable on all Maps
Ice Box Icon.png
Ice Box Placeable on all Maps
Ice Flingomatic Icon.png
Ice Flingomatic Placeable on all Maps
Killer Bee Hive Icon.png
Killer Bee Hive Surface
Lightning Rod Icon.png
Lightning Rod Placeable on all Maps
Maxwell's Door Icon.png
Maxwell's Door Surface
Maxwell's Light Icon.png
Maxwell's Light Adventure Mode only
Meat Effigy Icon.png
Meat Effigy Placeable on all Maps
Night Light Icon.png
Night Light Placeable on all Maps
Nightmare Light Icon.png
Nightmare Light Ruins
Mini Obelisk Icon.png
Obelisk Surface and Adventure Mode
Mini Ornate Chest.png
Ornate Chest Ruins
Pig House Icon.png
Pig House Surface & Placeable on all Maps
Prestihatitator Icon.png
Prestihatitator Placeable on all Maps
Rabbit Hutch Icon.png
Rabbit Hutch Cave & Placeable on all Maps
Relics Icon.png
Relic Ruins
Resurection Stone Icon.png
Touch Stone Surface
Rundown House Icon.png
Rundown House Surface
Science Machine Icon.png
Science Machine Placeable on all Maps
Shadow Manipulator Icon.png
Shadow Manipulator Placeable on all Maps
Siesta Lean-To Icon.png
Siesta Lean-to Placeable on all Maps
Sign Icon.png
Sign Placeable on all Maps
Snurtle Mound Icon.png
Slurtle Mound Cave
Spider Den Icon.png
Spider Den Surface & Cave
Spilagmite Icon.png
Spilagmite Cave
Splumonkey Pod Icon.png
Splumonkey Pod Ruins
Tallbird Nest Icon.png
Tallbird Nest Surface
Telelocator Focus Icon.png
Telelocator Focus Placeable on all Maps
Tent Icon.png
Tent Placeable on all Maps
Thermal Measurer Icon.png
Thermal Measurer Placeable on all Maps
Walrus Camp Icon.png
Walrus Camp Surface
Winterometer Icon.png
Rainometer Placeable on all Maps
Wooden Thing Icon.png
Wooden Thing Surface
Pengull Nest Icon.png
Pengull nesting ground Surface
Turfs and Floorings
Icon Name Location
Blue Fungal Turf Icon.png
Blue Fungal Turf Cave
Red Fungal Turf Icon.png
Red Fungal Turf Cave
Green Fungal Turf Icon.png
Green Fungal Turf Cave
Cave Rock Turf Icon.png
Cave Rock Turf Cave & Ruins
Guano Turf Icon.png
Guano Turf Cave
Mud Turf Icon.png
Mud Turf Cave & Ruins
Slimey Turf Icon.png
Slimey Turf Cave
Deciduous Turf Icon.png
Deciduous Turf Surface
Forest Turf Icon.png
Forest Turf Surface & Cave
Grass Turf Icon.png
Grass Turf Surface & Cave
Marsh Turf Icon.png
Marsh Turf Surface & Cave
Rocky Turf Icon.png
Rocky Turf Surface & Cave
Sandy Turf Icon.png
Sandy Turf Surface
Savanna Turf Icon.png
Savanna Turf Surface
Turfless Ground Icon.png
Turfless Ground Surface, Cave, & Ruins
Dark Runic Turf Icon.png
Dark Runic Turf Ruins
Purple Runic Turf Icon.png
Purple Runic Turf Ruins
White Runic Turf Icon.png
White Runic Turf Ruins
Abbys-Ocean Icon.png
Abyss or Ocean Cave & Ruins 0r Surface respectively
Cobblestones Icon.png
Cobblestone Surface
Checkered Flooring Icon.png
Checkerboard Flooring Surface
Wooden Flooring Icon.png
Wooden Flooring Surface
Carpeted Flooring Icon.png
Carpeted Flooring Surface
Characters and other Mobs
Icon Name Description
Wilson Icon.png
Wilson Only visible on the map when playing as Wilson
Willow Icon.png
Willow Only visible on the map when playing as Willow
Wolfgang Icon.png
Wolfgang Only visible on the map when playing as Wolfgang
Wendy Icon.png
Wendy Only visible on the map when playing as Wendy
WX-78 Icon.png
WX-78 Only visible on the map when playing as WX-78
Wickerbottom Icon.png
Wickerbottom Only visible on the map when playing as Wickerbottom
Woodie Icon.png
Woodie Only visible on the map when playing as Woodie
Wes Icon.png
Wes Only visible on the map when playing as Wes
Maxwell Icon.png
Maxwell Only visible on the map when playing as Maxwell
Wigfrid Icon.png
Wigfrid Only visible on the map when playing as Wigfrid
Webber Icon.png
Webber Only visible on the map when playing as Webber
Chester Icon.png
Chester Can be found on the Surface
Glommer Icon.png
Glommer Can be found around Glommer Statues
Items and Character Specific
Icon Name Description
Bee Mine Icon.png
Bee Mine Only visible when dropped
Bird Trap Icon.png
Bird Trap Only visible when dropped
Tooth Trap Icon.png
Tooth Trap Only visible when dropped
Trap Icon.png
Trap Only visible when dropped
Divining Rod Icon.png
Divining Rod Only visible when dropped
Backpack Icon.png
Backpack Only visible when dropped
Piggy Back Icon.png
Piggyback Only visible when dropped
Krampus Sack Icon.png
Krampus' Sack Only visible when dropped
Pile o' Balloons Icon.png
Pile o' Balloons Only visible on the Map when dropped. Only available when playing as Wes
Willow's Lighter Icon.png
Willow's Lighter Only visible on the Map when dropped. Only available when playing as Willow
Lucy the Axe Icon.png
Lucy the Axe Only visible on the Map when dropped. Only available when playing as Woodie
Wendy's Flower Icon.png
Abigail's Flower Only visible on the Map when dropped. Only available when playing as Wendy
Icon Name Location
Road Icon.png
Road Surface
Trail Icon.png
Trail Surface
Sinkhole Exit Icon.png
Cave Exit

Cave & Ruins

Sinkhole Entrance Icon.png
Cave Entrance

Surface & cave

Only Visible after the Plugged Sinkhole has been removed

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The new map generation method (with rough landmasses rather than circles) was introduced in the Long Live the Queen update, and the old map generation algorithm was deprecated in Progress!.

Blueprint.png Gallery

活動 烹飪合成耕種釣魚睡眠騎乘野牛
Shipwrecked icon.png乘船
環境 日夜週期月亮週期夢魘循環地震閃電雨天
Don't Starve Together icon.png 沙塵暴
Shipwrecked icon.png 強風迷霧海浪洪水火山爆發
Hamlet icon.png
季節 夏天冬天
Reign of Giants icon.png 秋天春天
Shipwrecked icon.png 溫和季節颶風季節雨季旱季
Hamlet icon.png 平和季節潮濕季節繁茂季節
機制 鬍鬚生態環境角色查理控制合成死亡耐久度經驗食物腐敗寒冷生命值飢餓值物品欄光源地圖罪惡值不可再生資源理智值存檔建築
Reign of Giants icon.pngShipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 潮濕過熱
Don't Starve Together icon.png活動疾病再生玩家鬼魂造型啓蒙
Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png 中毒
Hamlet icon.png 花粉症大災變豬人慶典可疑的物件
模式 冒險模式沙盒模式洞穴遺跡火山多人版饑荒自定義世界
其他 豬人村道路小徑)• 墓地海洋深淵佈景零件死亡紀錄
