
提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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Blueprint.png アップデートが多いため、このガイドの情報はいくつか古いまたは不正確な場合があります。またこれらのガイドはReign of Giantsの情報を含みません。



  1. Pig King.pngブタ王のいるPig.pngブタの集落へ行く
  2. 集落の近くにクモの巣を設置する
  3. Pig.pngブタとSpider.pngクモが戦い始めるので落としたMeat.pngMonster Meat.pngモンスターの肉を拾う
  4. 肉はそのままブタ王へ、モンスターの肉は調理し焼いて鳥籠の鳥に与えEgg.pngにしてブタ王へ
  5. Gold Nugget.png金塊ザックザク
  6. ステップ3へ





  • Any weapon (Spear or Tentacle Spike are best but others may work, boomerang ect...)
  • Football helmet (optional but recommended)
  • Bird trap unlock
  • Spider nests/eggs
  • Twigs
  • Seeds (optional)
  • Honey production (optional)


  1. Locate a pig village with a king.
  2. Plant spider eggs near the village.
  3. Startle spiders and let the pigs kill them, loot dead spiders.
  4. Craft and set bird traps, and hunt birds, using seeds will enhance the process.
  5. Give morsels to the pig king and collect gold nuggets.
  6. Cook monster meat.
  7. Use or research gold nuggets and cooked monster meat.
  8. Go to step 3, or 2.
  9. {Kill pigs, give their meat to pig king, go to step 9. Don't die.}


  • Since honey is great for healing, the player can eat cooked monster meat with honey and stay healthy.
  • Silk is required for bird traps, the player will be able to get crafting materials for bird traps from spiders.
  • Gold nuggets, cooked monster meat, and bird feathers give 15, 7, and 5 research points, respectively.
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キャンプ ベースキャンプ | カエルの池キャンプ | 自給自足
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技術的なもの コンソールコマンド | 日本語化の方法
Dedicated Serverの建て方 Don't Starve Together icon.png
キャラクター Woodieの呪い | (各キャラクターの立ち回りまとめ Don't Starve Together icon.png