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Wilson Portrait.png
That's the guy in charge here.


Willow Portrait.png
Pfft, I bet he can't even fight.


Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is important-looking man.


Wendy Portrait.png
A ruthless man.


WX-78 Portrait.png


Wickerbottom Portrait.png
He has a chip on his shoulder, though I couldn't say why.


Woodie Portrait.png
He seems confused, eh?


Waxwell Portrait.png
You seem severely deluded, good sir.


Wigfrid Portrait.png
Tis a cöward whö watches the fight.


Webber Portrait.png
Maybe he's nice?


Winona Portrait.png
Why don't you fight us yourself!


戰鬥大師普格納(Battlemaster Pugna)多人版饥荒中活动熔炉里独有的实体。他是熔炉维度居民们的领袖。

Gramophone.png Quotes

2018官方版本 (地狱独眼巨猪)


  • "看看我们这有什么?"
  • "守门人?你是来送我们回王座的吗?"
  • "哈!可笑。"
  • "我是战斗大师普格纳,我会保护属于我的东西。"
  • "战士们。放猪!"

Round 1 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "更多!淹没他们!"
  • "更多的猪!"
  • "能再一次挑战真是太好了!"

Round 1 End / Round 2 Intro

  • "不错。你们轻松搞定了我们的步兵。"
  • "但是我们的军队是为了共同作战而训练的。"
  • "你也能做到嘛?鳄鱼指挥,上场!"

Round 2 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "骄傲地挥舞你的旗帜吧,战士们!"
  • "对守门人绝不手软!"
  • "为了熔炉!"

Round 2 End / Round 3 Intro

  • "我们在这儿忍受的超出你的想象。"
  • "就像打铁炼钢,"
  • "困境只会让我们更加强大。"
  • "现在,尖甲龟。进攻!"

Round 3 End / Round 4 Intro

  • "...你了解你所侍奉的力量么?"
  • "我们被和王座切断了!"
  • "囚禁在石与火的世界里,没有授予任何王权。"
  • "为什么要侍奉一个遗弃了我的人民的力量?"
  • "它们摧毁它们碰到的一切..."
  • "这就是为什么我们不能让你赢。"

Round 4 Banter (randomly chosen)

  • "我们…不能失去熔炉..."
  • "现在结束这一切吧我的战士们!"

Sending Boarilla

  • "放出猪猩!"

Round 4 End / Round 5 Intro

  • "知道吗,守门人:"
  • "在你死后,我们将激活大门。"
  • "我们会回到中心,摧毁王座。"
  • "我们将终结这一切,一了百了。"

Round 5 Banter, part 1 (randomly chosen)

  • "绝不能让守门人夺走熔炉!"
  • "把入侵者赶回去!"
  • "不要手软!干掉他们!"

Round 5 Banter, part 2 (randomly chosen)

  • "解决他们!!"
  • "我们不会活在王座的阴影之下的!"
  • "为什么守门人还没有死?!"

Sending Boarrior

  • "大熔炉猪战士!"
  • "场地是你的了!摧毁他们,我的勇士!"

Round 6 Intro

  • "我们会不怕你。"
  • "而你将会害怕我们!"
  • "害怕我的新勇士!害怕犀牛兄弟!"

Round 7 Intro

  • "你有这么多次胜利了,守门人..."
  • "...但接下来从地牢出来的是我们最凶残的战士。"
  • "看哪:地狱独眼巨猪!"

Player Death (randomly chosen)

  • "哈!"
  • "你不配。"
  • "你气数已尽。"
  • "哈哈!"
  • "弱者。"
  • "我们更强。"
  • "干的漂亮!"


  • "你赢了这一战,"
  • "但战争仍在继续。"
  • "我们现在还没打算放弃呢。"


  • "终于,我们的国度重回辉煌!"
  • "战士们,重新激活大门..."
  • "今天我们问鼎王座!"

Official 2017 Version


  • "What have we here?"
  • "Gatekeepers? Have you come to return us to the Throne?"
  • "Ha! Laughable."
  • "I am Battlemaster Pugna, and I protect what is mine."
  • "Warriors. Release the pigs!"

Round 2

  • "More! Overwhelm them!" / "More pigs!" / "It's good to have a challenge once again!"

Round 3

  • "Impressive. You handled our foot soldiers with ease."
  • "But our battalions are trained to work together."
  • "Can you do the same? Crocommanders! To the ring!"

Round 4

  • "Fly your banners proudly, warriors!" / "Give the Gatekeepers no quarter!" / "For the Forge!"

Round 5

  • "We've endured more here than you know."
  • "And as forging fires temper steel,"
  • "Hardship has only made us stronger."
  • "Now, Snortoises. Attack!"

Round 6

  • "... Do you understand the forces you serve?"
  • "We were severed from the Throne!"
  • "Trapped in a realm of stone and fire, with no scepter to provide."
  • "Why serve a power that deserted my people?"
  • "They destroy all They touch..."
  • "That is why we cannot let you win."

Round 7

  • "Poison them!" / "We... cannot lose the Forge..." / "End this now my warriors!"
  • Pause
  • "Send in the Boarilla."

Round 8

  • "Know this, Gatekeepers:"
  • "Once you are dead, we will activate the Gateway."
  • "We'll return to the hub and destroy the Throne."
  • "We will end this all, once and for all."
  • Long Pause
  • "The Gatekeepers must not take the Forge!"
  • Long Pause
  • "Destroy them!!" / "We will not live in the Throne's shadow!" / "Why are the Gatekeepers still not dead?!"
  • Long Pause
  • "Grand Forge Boarrior!"
  • "The ring is yours! Destroy them, my champion!"


  • "No! My Forge, felled by the Throne's lapdogs!"
  • "Please. No more, Gatekeepers. We surrender."
  • "The day is yours, as is the Gateway."


  • "At last, our realm returns to glory!"
  • "Warriors, rekindle the Gateway..."
  • "Today we take the Throne!"

Beta Version


  • "What have we here?"
  • "Gatekeepers? You dare return to the Forge?"
  • "Have you come to reunite us with the Throne?"
  • "Ha! Laughable."
  • "I am Battlemaster Pugna..."
  • "And I will protect what is rightfully mine."
  • "Warriors. Prepare for battle!"

Round 1

  • "To arms!"
  • "Release the pigs!"

Round 2

  • "Ha!"
  • "We've trained in solitude for so long." / Skip quote
  • "It's good to have a challenge once again."
  • "This should be fun."

Round 3

  • "More! Overwhelm them!" / "More pigs!"

Round 4

  • "Impressive, Gatekeepers."
  • "It seems you can handle foot soldiers."
  • "But our battalions are trained to work together."
  • "You'll need to do the same."
  • "That is, if you hope to stand a chance."
  • Pause
  • "Crocommanders! To the ring!"

Round 5

  • "Fly your banners proudly, warriors!" / "Give the Gatekeepers no quarter!" / "For the Forge!"

Round 6

  • "Do you think you can win?"
  • "We've endured more in this realm than you know."
  • "And as forging fires temper steel,"
  • "Hardship has only made us stronger."
  • "We will never join you."
  • Pause
  • "Snortoises! Attack!"

Round 7

  • "How could you understand?"
  • "We were severed from the Throne."
  • "Trapped in a realm of stone and fire,"
  • "With no scepter to provide for us."
  • "Why should I serve a power that deserted my people?"
  • Pause
  • "You would have been wise to find your own realm."
  • "Seek safe haven and sever yourselves from the hub."
  • "Yet here you are."
  • "I wonder."
  • "Do you understand the forces you serve?"
  • "... They destroy all They touch."
  • "Yet They Themselves are untouchable." / Skip this one and the next one
  • "Unknowable." / Skip this one and the one before
  • "But They Themselves are untouchable. Unknowable." / Skip
  • "That is why we cannot let you win."

Round 8

  • "Poison them!" / "We... cannot lose the Forge..." / "Grrr... End this now my warriors!"
  • Pause
  • "Send in the Boarilla."

Round 9

  • "Know this, Gatekeepers:"
  • "My warriors are proud and strong." /Skip quote
  • "Once you are dead..."
  • "We will activate the Gateway."
  • "We will return to the hub and destroy the Throne." / "We'll return to the hub and destroy the Throne."
  • "Whatever way we can." / "My warriors are proud and strong."
  • "We will end this all, for good." / "And we will end this all, for good."
  • Pause
  • "Let's finish it."
  • Long Pause
  • "Drive the interlopers back!" / "Do not hold back! Kill them!" / "They must not take the Forge!"
  • Long Pause
  • "Destroy them!!" / "We will not live in the Throne's shadow!" / "Why are the Gatekeepers still not dead?!"
  • Long Pause
  • "These marauders must be destroyed!"
  • "Grand Forge Boarrior!"
  • "I call on you! The ring is yours!"
  • "Destroy them, my champion!"


  • "No!"
  • "Eons of training, only to be felled by the Throne's lapdogs."
  • "Please. No more, Gatekeepers. We surrender."
  • "The day is yours, as is the Gateway."


  • "At last, our realm returns to glory!"
  • "Warriors, rekindle the Gateway..."
  • "Today we take the Throne!"


  • "Crocoviles! To the ring!" (Round 4, final line)
  • "Tortanks! Attack!" (Round 6, final line)

Placeholder.png 你知道嗎?

  • Battlemaster Pugna's spawn code is "boarlord". However, it is impossible to spawn Battlemaster Pugna in the regular game, while the Console is not available at all on The Forge servers.
  • According to Rhymes with Play #162, Pugna was originally from "our world", most likely referring to Earth, before he arrived at The Forge.
  • Hazard from Hot Lava, another one of Klei Entertainment's games, can briefly be seen in Pugna's laughing animation.
  • Pugna's voice was changed multiple times during The Forge beta.

Blueprint.png 畫廊

主动生物 蝙蝠發條主教發條犀牛發條騎士深淵蠕蟲青蛙豬人守衛鬼魂暗影生物獵犬 (火獵犬冰獵犬) • 殺人蜂食人花海象小海象魚人蚊子蜘蛛蜘蛛戰士喷吐蜘蛛洞穴蜘蛛穴居悬蛛啜食獸高鸟觸手 (巨型觸手觸手寶寶) • 钢羊
(毒桦栗树桦栗果精座狼 Reign of Giants icon.png) (浮船骑士沼泽鱼毒蚊子毒蛇蜘蛛戰士(劇毒)海獵犬松鼠鱼劍魚白鯨呆龙 Shipwrecked icon.png) (远古之魂巨型蛆虫虫群悬挂的藤蔓蚁人蒙面猪人箭毒蛙蝎子利齿蜘蛛猴吸血蝙蝠蝰蛇象鼻鼠虫 Hamlet icon.png) (粘土猎犬粘土座狼宝石鹿大黄蜂岩漿蟲暗影棋子饼干切割机破碎蜘蛛 • 岩石大白鲨 • 海黾 • 嫌疑窥视者 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
中立生物 蜜蜂皮弗娄牛兔人 (胡须领主) • 考拉象坎普斯企鷗豬人 (狂暴豬人) • 石龍蝦蝸牛龜蛞蝓龜小高腳鳥穴居猴
(禿鷹浣熊貓伏特山羊 Reign of Giants icon.png) (藍鯨宽吻海豚猿猴水牛野豬 Shipwrecked icon.png) (曼德拉长者河鹿蚁人异食松鼠鸭嘴豪猪哈巴狸 Hamlet icon.png)(沙拉蝾螈乌贼一角鲸海草怪 • 草鳄鱼 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
被动生物 野牛寶寶蝴蝶切斯特烏鴉火雞曼德拉草小兔 (毛毛兔) • 紅鳥高腳雛鳥雪鳥
(咕嚕咪鼴鼠(地鼠) Reign of Giants icon.png) (螃蟹狗魚渡渡鸟漁人水母鵜鶘鸚鵡海盗鸚鵡海鷗海豹虎鯊寶寶巨嘴鳥龍蝦 Shipwrecked icon.png) (蜣螂翠鸟淘金兽呆头孔雀罗宾雷鸟 Hamlet icon.png) (超可愛岩漿蟲草壁虎哈奇金丝雀月蛾无眼鹿编织暗影 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Boss级生物 远古守护者獨眼巨鹿蜘蛛女王樹人守衛
(熊獾龍蠅麋鹿鵝 Reign of Giants icon.png (棕櫚樹人守衛海怪旋风海豹虎鯊 Shipwrecked icon.png) (铁巨人远古先驱蚁后翘鼻蛇怪 Hamlet icon.png) (毒菌蟾蜍蟻獅女王蜂克勞斯復活骸骨(远古织影者)邪天翁帝王蟹 • 果蝇王 • 天体英雄恐怖之眼双子魔眼激光眼魔焰眼 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
交易者 豬豬國王
(海盜章魚 Shipwrecked icon.png) (银行家美容師收藏家Erudite农民花商Hatmaker猎人 • 矿工 • 松露斯坦镇长玛法拉法女王 • 教授 • 店主 • 侍者 • 工人 Hamlet icon.png) (蚁狮 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
其他 阿比蓋爾查理(黑暗)麥斯威爾(NPC)
(BFB麦斯避役 Hamlet icon.png) (伯尼熊小动物 • 虚影 • 大虚影 Don't Starve Together icon.png)
熔炉 Don't Starve Together icon.png 战斗大师普格纳野猪猩鳄鱼指挥官大熔炉猪战士地狱独眼巨猪熔岩傀儡猪斗士犀牛兄弟剧毒蝎尖甲龟
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon.png 比利玛姆茜老皮弗娄牛卵石蟹鸽子彼顿山米沼泽猪人沼泽猪人长老