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Wilson Portrait.png
Are those natural formations?

威尔森,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Willow Portrait.png
Huh. That's... weird.

薇洛,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Weird statues.

沃尔夫冈,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wendy Portrait.png
Those figures can't be natural.

温蒂,when examining a full Salt Formation.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Intriguing... just how were those figures constructed?

薇克伯顿,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Woodie Portrait.png
Nature's full of amazing things, eh?

伍迪,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Maxwell Portrait.png

麦斯威尔,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Tis the form of a sea nymph!

薇格弗德,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Webber Portrait.png
They're kind of spooky.

韦伯,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Warly Portrait.png
What beautiful formations!

沃利,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wormwood Portrait.png

沃姆伍德,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Winona Portrait.png
Now that's just unsettlin'

薇诺娜,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wortox Portrait.png

沃拓克斯,when examining a full Salt Formation.

Wilson Portrait.png
I guess it just grows like that.

威尔森,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Willow Portrait.png
Okay, hear me out... what if I tried burning it.

薇洛,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Weird statues growing back.

沃尔夫冈,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wendy Portrait.png
The cycle begins anew.

温蒂,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Oh my... they seem to form that way naturally.

薇克伯顿,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Woodie Portrait.png
Lookit that, it's growing back!

伍迪,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Maxwell Portrait.png
It seems to be growing back...

麦斯威尔,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Formed as if by Odin's hand!

薇格弗德,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Webber Portrait.png
Hey, it's growing back!

韦伯,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Warly Portrait.png
The sea is capable of amazing things.

沃利,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wormwood Portrait.png
Growing back

沃姆伍德,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Winona Portrait.png
Huh, I wonder why they grow like that?

薇诺娜,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wortox Portrait.png
Oh joyous day. More salt.

沃拓克斯,when examining a medium or small Salt Formation.

Wilson Portrait.png
It's mined... it's all mined!

威尔森,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Willow Portrait.png
Someone got all the salt already.

薇洛,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Nothing left for Wolfgang to break.

沃尔夫冈,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wendy Portrait.png
It's been utterly destroyed.

温蒂,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
The salt has already been harvested.

薇克伯顿,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Woodie Portrait.png
Guess that's that.

伍迪,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Maxwell Portrait.png
It's been mined down to nothing.

麦斯威尔,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Naught but a stump!

薇格弗德,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Webber Portrait.png
Someone already took all the salt.

韦伯,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Warly Portrait.png
Nothing left, I'm afraid.

沃利,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wormwood Portrait.png
All gone

沃姆伍德,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Winona Portrait.png
Ain't nothin left of that one.

薇诺娜,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

Wortox Portrait.png
Heehee, hoho, it had to go.

沃拓克斯,when examining an empty Salt Formation.

盐堆(Salt Formation)多人版饥荒的独有建筑且在旧神归来加入。 盐堆是海洋中的固体障碍物。 当被击中时,盐堆会对船造成伤害。 如果撞击过猛,盐堆也可能被摧毁。

盐堆的形成分为三个阶段。 开采最小或中间的阶段会掉落1个盐晶和1个圆石。 开采完整阶段会掉落3+50%的盐晶和1个圆石。 可以使用十字镐来开采任意阶段。 当盐晶漂浮在水上时,一些岩石可能会沉入海洋,无法取回。 每个阶段都能在7到11天内再生。

Placeholder.png 你知道吗?

  • 盐堆是在盐狗更新中加入的。

Blueprint.png 画廊

植物 浆果丛胡萝卜洞穴香蕉树洞穴菌藻花朵 (恶魔之花, 蕨类) • 干草丛萤光花食人花曼德拉草蘑菇蘑菇树植物芦苇草树苗荆棘丛完全正常的树
(Reign of Giants icon.png白桦树仙人掌风滚草 )
(Don't Starve Together icon.png多汁浆果丛绿洲仙人掌枝条树)
(Shipwrecked icon.png竹子丛智慧树咖啡树巨型仙人掌丛林树红树棕榈树正常的丛林树红薯藤蔓 )
(Hamlet icon.png芦荟芦笋荆棘爪棕榈树布满蛛网的树奇异花朵树篱杂乱的植物 • 草坪装饰 • 睡莲荨麻藤雨林树高草丛茶树块茎树 )
生物与其居住小屋 蜂巢猎犬冢池塘猪人屋猪猪国王猪人火炬胡萝卜屋破旧鱼屋甲壳石墩蜘蛛巢石笋蛛巢穴居猴窟兔子窝高脚鸟巢海象冰屋虫洞
(Reign of Giants icon.png鼹鼠穴浣熊窝 )
(Don't Starve Together icon.png蚁狮Bat Cave女王蜂巢岩浆池)
(Shipwrecked icon.png螃蟹窝龙骑士巢穴龙蛋渔人屋破旧鱼屋猿猴屋鱼群野猪屋龙虾巢海盗章鱼)
(Hamlet icon.png粪堆虫丘 • 睡莲 • 曼德拉丘蚁丘雷鸟鸟巢城镇房屋瞭望塔 )
资源 远古雕像骨头巨砾漂浮物坟墓竖琴雕像大理石柱大理石树麦斯威尔的雕像鱼人头猪人头远古遗物洞口骸骨石笋岩
(Reign of Giants icon.png迷你冰川)
(Shipwrecked icon.png智慧树木炭岩珊瑚礁木板箱残骸火山池帽贝岩熔岩矿贻贝石灰岩黑曜石巨砾毒池沙堆焦油浮膜水墓野猪头残骸)
(Hamlet icon.png易碎的瓦罐小石板 )
(Don't Starve Together icon.png洼洞LakeMarble SculpturesMeteor BoulderPetrified Tree月亮孢子 )
静止物件 远古祭坛玄武岩留声机坟墓麦斯威尔之门麦斯威尔之灯梦魇灯座梦魇匣锁梦魇王座方尖碑华丽箱子Pillars沉船Suspicious Dirt PileTouch StoneThulecite Wall
(Reign of Giants icon.png咕噜咪雕像 )
(Shipwrecked icon.pngElectric IsoscelesGunpowder BarrelKrissure石灰石墙Obsidian WorkbenchRawlingSteamer Trunk神州飞船角子机Suspicious Bubbles火山火山祭坛伍德莱格的笼子藏宝地 )
(Hamlet icon.png裂开的洞穴不老泉废墟入口秘密营地许愿井 )
(Don't Starve Together icon.png远古宝箱远古入口远古壁画远古方尖碑华丽传送门赃物袋月亮祭坛石窝舞台茶几可疑的大理石可疑的月石远古哨站远古窑远古吊灯神秘能量)
零件 眼骨 • (Don't Starve Together icon.png星-空) • (Shipwrecked icon.png鱼骨) • (Hamlet icon.png岩蛋)
(Shipwrecked icon.png木制平面传送台草柄零件螺丝零件木制球状零件波环零件)
暴食 Don't Starve Together icon.png 磨石 • 盐池斑点灌木糖槭树噬咬祭坛