Crab Meat

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: The Gnaw.png The Gorge

Wilson Portrait.png
No imitations here.

Wilson, when examining Crab Meat.

Waxwell Portrait.png
Perfect with a bit of butter.

Maxwell, when examining Cooked Crab Meat.

Crab Meat is a Food Item exclusive to The Gorge event in Don't Starve Together. It is the product of capturing and murdering a Pebble Crab. Crab Meat can be cooked at the Campfire in the Swamp Pig village to produce Cooked Crab Meat. Crab Meat can also be used in a variety of Cooking Recipes exclusive to The Gorge.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • In the game files, Crab Meat and Cooked Crab Meat have the spawn codes "quagmire_crabmeat" and "quagmire_crabmeat_cooked". They cannot be spawned through the console.