Float Platform

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Boat Meter (DST).png
Is for making very nice boat.


Float Platforms are a type of structure in Don't Starve Together. They are round platforms that can move through the Ocean, carrying players, Mobs and Structures.


Float Platforms can take damage by colliding with certain objects in the water such as Sea Stacks or Salt Formations, coasts, or the border of the world.

When Boat Meter (DST).png reaches 0, Float Platforms will sink. When this happens, any structures and plants aboard will be destroyed and Players and non-flying and non-aquatic Mobs will drown.


Taking damage can create a leak in the boat that does constant damage (-0.5 Boat Meter (DST).png/s per small leak and -1 Boat Meter (DST).png/s per large leak) until a Kelp Patch, Boat Patch, Trusty Tape or Tree Jam is used on the leak.


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Mast

Float Platforms can be moved by players using Oar, Driftwood Oar, or the Malbatross Bill.

Alternatively, Masts can be built on a Boat to obtain a constant thrust. The Steering Wheel Kit is used to direct the thrust of all equipped masts. An Anchor Kit can be built on a Boat to stop or slow down its acceleration.

Any Float Platform moving faster than 1 will destroy what it hits on collision (if it is workable), and Float Platforms moving at a speed faster than 3 scare prey.


Type Durability Size Leaks? Repaired By Notes
File:Archaic Boat.png

Archaic Boat

400 4 Yes pxpxpxpxpxpxpxpx Has a unique 16 slot container at its center


200 4
Pirate Sloop.png

Pirate Sloop

200 4
Dragonfly Boat.png

Dragonfly Boat

200 3
Grass Raft.png

Grass Raft

100 3 No pxpx Sinks constantly at a rate of -0.2 Boat Meter (DST).png/s
Marotter Den.png

Marotter Den

100 3.75 px Spawns Marotters

Will sink at a rate of -1 Boat Meter (DST).png/s outside of coastal waters

Ice Boat.png

Ocean Ice

30 1.6 N/A Inflammable

Sinks constantly at a rate of -2 Boat Meter (DST).png/s

Prototype.png Tips

  • Float Platform are perfect for bridging small gaps in between stretches of land, thus creating shortcuts to desired locations.
  • Players can put Houndius Shootius on the boat and anchor the Float Platform offshore to cheese mobs and bosses on land. This method does not work on the Hounds though because they can swim on the ocean. Deerclops and Bearger will move out of the Houndius Shootius's range if they are hit and cannot reach Houndius Shootius to hit it back.
  • A few mobs can actually jump onto your Float Platform, including Pigs, Hounds, etc. You could use this to your advantage.
  • Deerclops, Moose/Goose, Klaus (including his Gem Deer, red Gem Deer's fire geyser does NOT ignite the Float Platform on fire) are unable to damage the boat by any means, Bearger can damage and push the Float Platform with his shockwave attack. This can be used to "cheese" certain bosses, as jumping on the Float Platform in the right time allows the player to avoid the damage and effect caused by the boss.
  • Lureplants don't spawn Eyeplants when on a Float Platform. You could use this to easily get Leafy Meat.

Blueprint.png Gallery