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Rocks will be ours!


Rockyland is one of the Biomes in the game.

Rockyland is categorized by an abundance of Boulders (both normal and gold vein versions) and Mini Glaciers, with a combination of Rocky Turf and barren turf. This is one of the native habitats of Tallbirds and their Nests; there can be as many as four or five in the biome. Redbirds and Snowbirds do not spawn here, only Crows.

Rockylands tend to have few plants growing on them, although the occasional Evergreen Tree, Sapling, or Grass Tuft may sneak in on the edge.

Rarely, there is a branch of this biome which is infested with Spider Dens packed together, making travel quite dangerous. Gold Nuggets may also be found on the ground in this biome branch, making it a good, albeit risky, biome to obtain gold to craft a Science Machine.

Berry Bushes, Saplings, Grass Tufts, Spiky Bushes and Evergreens cannot be planted on Rocky Turf. It must first be removed with a Pitchfork in order to plant. This turf can be combined with 1 Boards to produce Cobblestones, which are placeable Roads.

In Don't Starve Together, Grass Gekkos may spawn in groups in Rockyland. This is also one of the biomes where Meteors will fall, alongside the Mosaic biome.

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