Ice Sheet

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Ice Sheet is a Biome consisting of an island and a small area of Ocean near the island with abundant Mini Glaciers all year around. The island have Ice Floe, so if the player moves too fast, he may slip and fall. On the island, there is an Ice Fishing Hole that the player can fish to spawn Frostjaw.

The size of Ice Surface will grow bigger in Winter thereby creating an island with a diameter of 11 turf vertically/horizontally and 6 turf diagonally. On Spring it will slowly collapse until the island becomes 5 turf vertically/horizontally and 3 turf diagonally.

After defeating Frostjaw, the island will start slowly collapsing from the edges. Also all the Mini Glacier will dissolve. After some time, the Ice Sheet biome (island and a small area of water around) will disappear. After 20 days the biome will respawn in random place on map. If it spawns on the revealed area, the player can spot it on the map.

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  • In Winter, once the player starts to fight Frostjaw, the island will begin to collapse after some time, making the island smaller and smaller. The player should be careful to not jump on the Ice Boat and drown.

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