Mini Glacier

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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Exclusive to: Reign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Rocks made of water.


Mini Glaciers are naturally occurring objects found in the Reign of Giants DLC. When mined, they will drop Ice and Rocks. Mini Glaciers are only at their fullest during the Winter and will begin to melt in the Spring. By Summer, all that will be left is a puddle of water, and the player will have to wait until Autumn for them to slowly begin to freeze again. If exposed to a heat source (such as a Campfire) Mini glaciers will melt, reducing down to the puddle state. Once the heat source is gone, and if the ambient temperature is low enough, the Mini Glacier will freeze again. It will return to the maximum state allowed by the current temperature. When mined, Mini Glaciers make a different sound from boulders.

Additionally, Mini Glaciers will appear next to Pengull breeding grounds during Winter, making them a renewable resource.
