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Wilson Portrait.png
I don't think the science is working.

威尔森,when examining the Infroggles

Willow Portrait.png
Why would I want to wear a frog on my head?

薇洛,when examining the Infroggles

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is cute little froggy goggles. Hello froggy!

沃尔夫冈,when examining the Infroggles

Wendy Portrait.png
A pointless thing to put on my head.

温蒂,when examining the Infroggles

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining the Infroggles

Wickerbottom Portrait.png

薇克伯顿,when examining the Infroggles

Woodie Portrait.png
Doesn't work.

伍迪,when examining the Infroggles

Waxwell Portrait.png
What kind of ridiculous person made these?

麦斯威尔,when examining the Infroggles

Wagstaff Portrait.png
"I do hope to catch a glimpse of the night creature with these."

瓦格斯塔夫,when examining the Infroggles

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Öne of Löki's tricks.

薇格弗德,when examining the Infroggles

Webber Portrait.png
Is this what a frog sees?

韦伯,when examining the Infroggles

Walani Portrait.png
Looks like a frog. Acts like a fog.

瓦拉尼,when examining the Infroggles

Warly Portrait.png
If they worked, they'd be great for checking meat temperature.

沃利,when examining the Infroggles

Woodlegs portrait.png
Not fer ol'Woodleg's eyes.

伍德莱格,when examining the Infroggles

Wilba Portrait.png

薇尔芭,when examining the Infroggles

Wormwood Portrait.png
Ribbit? No

沃姆伍德,when examining the Infroggles

Wheeler Portrait.png
Swell. They don't work for me.

薇勒尔,when examining the Infroggles

红外线眼镜(Infroggles)瓦格斯塔夫专有的帽子物品,其他角色无法制造。 它可以在发明类找到,需要眼镜电子元件和两个火把来制作。当瓦格斯塔夫装备时,除了近视效果消失外,屏幕上显示的所有东西都将是红外线视角,导致所有生物都呈现出鲜艳的粉红色(除了冷血动体,例如发条怪物暗影生物)。除了瓦格斯塔夫以外的所有其他角色,红外线效果将无法工作,因为他们的视力将变得模糊。

工具 Dont Starve icon.png斧头黄金斧头)• 鹤嘴锄黄金鹤嘴锄)• 铲子黄金铲子)• 草叉锤子剃刀羽毛笔战鞍薄纱鞍) • 毛刷鞍角
Don't Starve Together icon.png盐舐砖
Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png砍刀黄金砍刀
Hamlet icon.png剪刀
光源 Dont Starve icon.png营火火坑火炬矿工帽南瓜灯笼矿灯
Reign of Giants icon.png冰火冰火坑鼹鼠帽
Don't Starve Together icon.png蕈灯辉光灯薇洛的打火机
Shipwrecked icon.png防风火炉海上防风火炉瓶灯黑曜石火坑船头火炬船灯焦油灯
Hamlet icon.png软木蜡烛帽蝙蝠帽
航海Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png Shipwrecked icon.png幸运帽‘海脚’号冲浪板木筏竹筏木船货船装甲船硬壳船修船工具草帆布帆蛇皮帆羽毛帆螺旋桨船炮海上陷阱拖网望远镜超级望远镜)• 船长帽海盗帽救生衣浮标船头海怪锤焦油抽取器海上修船器
Hamlet icon.png碗状软木舟
生存 Dont Starve icon.png捕鸟陷阱陷阱指南针背包小猪包恒温石治疗药膏蜂蜜药膏草席毛毯帐篷雨伞捕虫网钓竿
Reign of Giants icon.png漂亮阳伞精致羽扇隔热背包简易木棚
Don't Starve Together icon.png告密的心强心针水球风车伯尼熊维斯的气球打包带糖果袋礼物包装纸
Shipwrecked icon.png厨师袋猴子球热带阳伞解毒剂编织包棕榈叶棚热带羽扇保鲜袋渡渡鸟巢
Hamlet icon.png驱虫剂鸟哨
食物 Dont Starve icon.png基础农田改良农田蜂箱干肉架烹饪锅冰箱
Reign of Giants icon.png堆肥桶
Don't Starve Together icon.png蘑菇播种机
Shipwrecked icon.png贻贝棍养鱼场贻贝石灰岩
Hamlet icon.png洒水器
科学 Dont Starve icon.png科学仪器炼金引擎占卜棒温度计雨量计火药避雷针
Reign of Giants icon.png雪球发射机电子元件
Don't Starve Together icon.png制图台雕塑轮盘
Shipwrecked icon.png海上仪器制冰机 3000海怪钻子
Hamlet icon.png炼钢炉摆动风扇
战斗 Dont Starve icon.png长矛火腿棍草制护甲木制护甲大理石护甲橄榄球头盔麻醉吹箭火焰吹箭吹箭回力镖蜜蜂地雷尖牙陷阱
Reign of Giants icon.png战盔战矛晨星天气风向标鳞片护甲
Don't Starve Together icon.png导电吹箭猫尾鞭
Shipwrecked icon.png毒矛贝壳护甲石灰石护甲仙人掌护甲角盔毒吹箭椰子炸弹鱼枪超级短剑
Hamlet icon.png软木棒象鼻鼠虫披风蚁人面具蚁人套装华丽头盔锡制护甲火枪
建筑 Dont Starve icon.png储物箱标示牌干草墙木墙石墙猪人屋胡萝卜屋鸟笼地板卵石地板木质地板棋盘地板地毯地板)• 蕨类盆栽
Reign of Giants icon.png鳞片箱蜘蛛卵
Don't Starve Together icon.png方向标示牌迷你标示牌舞台茶几友善的稻草人月亮石墙鳞片地板鳞甲炉衣柜木制篱笆木门多肉盆栽远古遗物复制品盛宴之树盆栽火鸡圣像
Shipwrecked icon.png章鱼宝箱石灰石墙海草墙野猪屋猿猴屋沙袋沙堡龙骑士巢穴海豚宫殿蛇皮地毯
Hamlet icon.png软木桶胡须地毯草坪地皮耕地地皮茂密地皮
精制 Dont Starve icon.png绳索木板石砖莎草纸噩梦燃料紫宝石
Don't Starve Together icon.png月石坑大理石豆厚毛皮蜂蜡蜡纸
Shipwrecked icon.png布料石灰石金块空瓶子珊瑚礁块
Hamlet icon.png爪棕榈树幼苗毒腺
魔法 Dont Starve icon.png复活肖像灵子分解器暗影操纵者催眠排笛独奏乐器暗影灯暗影护甲暗影剑蝙蝠棍生命护符寒冰护符梦魇护符火焰法杖冰冻法杖传送法杖传送点饥饿腰带
Reign of Giants icon.png老钟
Don't Starve Together icon.png侦查守卫阿比盖尔的花映月池强征传送塔
Shipwrecked icon.png魔法海盗帽降雨吹奏管神舟飞船
Hamlet icon.png石猪引擎天空之椅蛇怪骨杖树根箱子
服装 Dont Starve icon.png针线包花环小兔耳罩草帽野牛帽养蜂帽羽毛帽灌木帽冬帽绅士高帽步行手杖格纹背心凉爽背心松软背心
Reign of Giants icon.png潮流西瓜帽冰块帽夏季背心碎花衬衫猫帽雨衣冬熊背心雨帽眼球伞
Don't Starve Together icon.png时尚护目镜沙漠护目镜蓝蘑菇帽绿蘑菇帽红蘑菇帽
Shipwrecked icon.png思维风暴帽子鲨齿王冠蛇皮帽蛇皮外套双层伞鲸脂大衣焦油大衣风衣防毒面具鲨鱼帽
Hamlet icon.png防毒面具软木帽雷电帽莎姆雷特面具
书本 Dont Starve icon.png世界鸟类图鉴实用园艺集睡前故事黑夜的终结在触手之上
Shipwrecked icon.png火山学的乐趣
远古 Dont Starve icon.png图勒信物图勒墙图勒勋章图勒皇冠图勒护甲图勒棒强征护符魔光护符建造护符探险法杖唤星法杖解构法杖斧镐眼睛炮塔
Shipwrecked icon.png
寻宝 Hamlet icon.png 拆除工具圆头锤淘金盘放大镜
绿拇指Hamlet icon.png 活木毒药膏荆棘躯壳荆棘陷阱堆肥包
制图Don't Starve Together icon.png 地图卷轴
天体Don't Starve Together icon.png 月石神像传送门升级工具月光玻璃斧玻璃砍刀月面环形山地皮浴球月亮雕塑草图月娥雕塑草图
暗影Don't Starve Together icon.png 暗影法典暗影伐木工暗影矿工暗影挖掘者暗影决斗者
工程Don't Starve Together icon.png 可靠的胶带薇诺娜的投石器薇诺娜的聚光灯薇诺娜的发电机薇诺娜的宝石发电机
航行Don't Starve Together icon.png 船套装船只补丁锚套件飞翼风帆舵轮套件锡鱼罐夹夹绞盘甲板照明灯避雷导线消防泵设计图
灵体草药Don't Starve Together icon.png 亡者补药灵魂万灵药不屈药剂蒸馏复仇夜影万精油强健体油
弹弓弹药Don't Starve Together icon.png 卵石弹黄金弹大理石弹大便弹冰冻弹缓速弹诅咒弹