MacTusk Plains

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MacTusk Plains or Triple MacTusk or "The hunters" is a small biome that have a chance to be generated on your world. The biome consists of Forest Turf, Grass Turf and Rocky Turf surrounded by Savanna Turf. There are always 3 Walrus Camps in this biome. One of them is always in the Rocky Turf zone, the second in the Grass Turf, and the third in the Savanna Turf.

In the Grass Turf area you can find Grass Tufts, Beehives, Evergreens, Saplings, Berry Bushes, Flints, Carrots, Mushrooms, Birchnut Trees, Rabbit Holes, Burrows, Frog Ponds and Flowers.

In the Rocky Turf area you can find Flints, Boulders, Gold Veins, Mini Glaciers, Grass Gekkos, and Tallbirds with Nests.

In the Savanna Turf area you can find Grass Tufts, Flowers, Rabbit Holes and Spider Dens.

In the Forest Turf area you can find Grass Tufts, Saplings, Berry Bushes, Evergreens, Beehives, Flowers, Mushrooms and Fireflies.

Realy rare here can appear Worm Holes and/or Sinkholes