
提供:Don't Starve Wiki
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What deliciousness shall you yield?




食料には、自分が食べる以外の用途もあります。例えば肉類ブタに与えて仲間になってもらったり、ブタの王様に与えて金塊と交換してもらったり、鳥籠に与えてにしたりするのに使えます。また、調理済みの肉身代わり人形の材料として使えます(Don't Starve Together(DST)では肉は必要ありません)。野菜類果物類ウサギゴブラーなどの草食動物を誘引するのに使えますし、ブタに与えて肥やしにしてもらうこともできます。ニンジンバニーマンに与えて仲間にすることができますが、肉類を所持していると逆に敵対され襲って来るので注意しましょう。鳥用の罠に設置して、捕まえるための餌にできます。

食料はゲームタイトル「Don't Starve(飢えるな)」にもある通りこのゲームで最も重要な要素です。しかし食料の入手は一筋縄ではいかないことが多いです。マップは新しくゲームを始める度ランダムな形に生成されるので、すぐに目的の物が見つかるか、もしくは見つかっても十分な量が集まるかどうかは運が絡んできます。加えて食料は季節の影響を受けます。その季節でしか入手できないものや反対にその季節では食料調達に制限がかかるものがあったり、また食料の鮮度に影響が生じる季節も存在します。

ダウンロードコンテンツ「Don't Starve: Reign of Giants」で熱中症システムが導入(Don't Starve: ShipwreckedやDSTにも導入)されて以降、食料にも温かいもの・冷たいものの分類が設定されました。それぞれ食べるとプレイヤーの体温が上昇・下降し、うまく利用すれば凍結や熱中症を遅らせることができます。





画像 名前 DLC Hunger Sanity Health 消費期限(日) 体温の変化/
Crock Pot ingredient
Aloe.png Aloe Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +8 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Aloe.png Cooked Aloe Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Asparagus.png Asparagus Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Asparagus.png Cooked Asparagus Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 0 +3 3 Vegetables.png×1.0
Barnacles.png Barnacles Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -5 0 6 Meats.png×0.25 Fishes.png×0.25
Cooked Barnacles.png Cooked Barnacles Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 15 Meats.png×0.25 Fishes.png×0.25
Batilisk Wing.png Batilisk Wing +12.5 -10 +3 6 Meats.png×0.5
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Cooked Batilisk Wing.png Cooked Batilisk Wing +18.75 0 +8 10 Meats.png×0.5
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Bean Bugs.png Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Bean Bugs.png Cooked Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Berries.png Berries +9.375 0 0 6 Fruits ava.png×0.5
Roasted Berries.png Roasted Berries +12.5 0 +1 3 Fruits ava.png×0.5
Bile-Covered Slop.png Bile-Covered Slop Shipwrecked icon.png -10 0 -1 Never
Roasted Birchnut.png Roasted Birchnut Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 0 +1 6 Roasted Birchnut.png×1.0
Blooming Tuber.png Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +10 20
Fried Blooming Tuber.png Fried Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 +5 +3 6
Blubber.png Blubber Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 10
Brainy Matter.png Brainy Matter Shipwrecked icon.png +10 +50 -10 1
Bramble Bulb.png Bramble Bulb Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Butter.png Butter +25 0 +40 40 Dairy product.png×1.0
Butterfly Wings.png Butterfly Wings +9.375 0 +8 6 Butterfly Wings.png×1.0
Cactus Flesh.png Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 -5 -3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Cactus Flesh.png Cooked Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cactus Flower.png Cactus Flower Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +8 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Carrot.png Carrot +12.5 0 +1 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roasted Carrot.png Roasted Carrot +12.5 0 +3 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cave Banana.png Banana +12.5 0 +1 10 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Cooked Cave Banana.png Cooked Banana +12.5 0 +3 6 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Clippings.png Clippings Hamlet icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 Never
Halved Coconut.png Halved Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 10 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Roasted Coconut.png Roasted Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 +1 10 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Coffee Beans.png Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 0 6 Fruits ava.png×0.5
Cooked Coffee Beans.png Roasted Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 0 15 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Corn.png Corn +25 0 +3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Popcorn.png Popcorn +12.5 0 +3 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Dead Dogfish.png Dead Dogfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Dead Jellyfish.png Dead Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Jellyfish.png Cooked Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dried Jellyfish.png Dried Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 20 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dead Rainbow Jellyfish.png Dead Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6
Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish.png Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10
Dead Swordfish.png Dead Swordfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6
Dead Wobster.png Dead Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3
Cooked Wobster.png Delicious Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6
Deerclops Eyeball.png Deerclops Eyeball +75 -15 +60 Never
Doydoy Egg.png Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +3 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Fried Doydoy Egg.png Fried Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Dragoon Heart.png Dragoon Heart Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -10 +11 10
Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Prepared Dragon Fruit.png Prepared Dragon Fruit +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Drumstick.png Drumstick +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Fried Drumstick.png Fried Drumstick +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Durian.png Durian +25 -5 -3 10 Fruits ava.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Extra Smelly Durian.png Extra Smelly Durian +25 -5 0 6 Fruits ava.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Eel.png Eel +9.375 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Eel.png Cooked Eel +12.5 0 +8 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Electric Milk.png Electric Milk Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 6 Dairy product.png×1.0
Egg.png Egg +9.375 0 0 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Cooked Egg.png Cooked Egg +12.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Eggplant.png Eggplant +25 0 +8 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Braised Eggplant.png Braised Eggplant +25 0 +20 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Eye of the Tiger Shark.png Eye of the Tiger Shark Shipwrecked icon.png +75 -15 +60 Never
Fig.png Fig Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Cooked Fig.png Cooked Fig Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 0 +1 3 Fruit.png×0.5
Fire Nettle Fronds.png Fire Nettle Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 -5 -3 3 Hot/60
Fish.png Fish +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Fish.png Cooked Fish +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Morsel.png Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Fish Morsel.png Cooked Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Flytrap Stalk.png Flytrap Stalk Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6
Foliage.png Foliage 0 0 +1 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
(Hamlet icon.png only)
Forget-Me-Lots.png Forget-Me-Lots Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +1 0 3
Frog Legs.png Frog Legs +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Frog Legs.png Cooked Frog Legs +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Garlic.png Garlic Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 0 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roast Garlic.png Roasted Garlic Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 +1 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Gears.png Gears (WX-78 Portrait.png only) +75 +50 +60 Never
Glommer's Goop.png Glommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 -50 +40 Never
Glow Berry.png Glow Berry +25 -10 +10 10 Fruit.png×1
(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)
Lesser Glow Berry.png Lesser Glow Berry Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -10 +3 10 Fruit.png×0.5
Guardian's Horn.png Guardian's Horn +75 -15 +60 Never
Gummy Slug.png Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Gummy Slug.png Cooked Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Honey.png Honey +9.375 0 +3 40 Sweetener.png×1.0
Ice.png Ice Reign of Giants icon.png +2.3 0 +0.5 3 Cold/7.5 Ice.png×1.0
Juicy Berries.png Juicy Berries Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 2 Fruits ava.png×0.5
Roasted Juicy Berries.png Roasted Juicy Berries Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 0 +3 1 Fruits ava.png×0.5
Kelp Fronds.png Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 -1 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Cooked Kelp Fronds.png Cooked Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 0 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Dried Kelp Fronds.png Dried Kelp Fronds Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 +10 +1 20 Vegetables.png×0.5
Koalefant Trunk.png Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Winter Koalefant Trunk.png Winter Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Koalefant Trunk Steak.png Koalefant Trunk Steak +75 0 +40 15
Leafy Meat.png Leafy Meat +12.5 -10 0 6 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Cooked Leafy Meat.png Cooked Leafy Meat +18.75 0 +1 10 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Lichen.png Lichen +12.5 -5 +3 2 Vegetables.png×1.0
Light Bulb.png Light Bulb 0 0 +1 6
Limpets.png Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Limpets.png Cooked Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Lotus Flower.png Lotus Flower Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +5 +1 10
Cooked Lotus Root.png Cooked Lotus Root Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10
Lune Tree Blossom.png Lune Tree Blossom Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Magic Water.png Magic Water Hamlet icon.png +450 +150 +300 Never
Mandrake.png Mandrake +75 0 +60 Never Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Mandrake.png Cooked Mandrake +150 0 +100 Never
Meat.png Meat +25 -10 +1 6 Meats.png×1.0
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat +25 0 +3 10 Meats.png×1.0
Jerky.png Jerky +25 +15 +20 20 Meats.png×1.0
Milky Whites.png Milky Whites Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -20 +8 10 Dairy product.png×1.0
Monster Meat.png Monster Meat +18.75 -15 -20 6 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Monster Meat.png Cooked Monster Meat +18.75 -10 -3 15 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Monster Jerky.png Monster Jerky +18.75 -5 -3 20 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Moon Shroom.png Moon Shroom Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +10 0 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Cooked Moon Shroom.png Cooked Moon Shroom Don't Starve Together icon.png -12.5 -10 0 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Moon Moth Wings.png Moon Moth Wings Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 +15 +8 6 Moon Moth Wings.png×1.0
Morsel.png Morsel +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Morsel.png Cooked Morsel +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Small Jerky.png Small Jerky +12.5 +10 +8 20 Meats.png×0.5
Mussel.png Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -15 0 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Mussel.png Cooked Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Blue Cap.png Blue Cap +12.5 -15 +20 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Cooked Blue Cap.png Cooked Blue Cap 0 +10 -3 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Green Cap.png Green Cap +12.5 -50 0 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Cooked Green Cap.png Cooked Green Cap 0 +15 -1 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Red Cap.png Red Cap +12.5 0 -20 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Cooked Red Cap.png Cooked Red Cap 0 -10 +1 10 Vegetables.png×0.5
Naked Nostrils.png Naked Nostrils Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -10 +3 6 Meats.png×0.5
Charred Nostrils.png Charred Nostrils Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.5 0 +8 10 Meats.png×0.5
Nectar.png Nectar Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 40
Neon Quattro.png Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Neon Quattro.png Cooked Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Nettle.png Nettle Hamlet icon.png +10 0 +10 Never
Onion.png Onion Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 0 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roast Onion.png Roasted Onion Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -5 +1 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Pepper.png Pepper Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -15 -20 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roasted Pepper.png Roasted Pepper Don't Starve Together icon.png +9.375 -10 -3 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Petals.png Petals 0 0 +1 6
Dark Petals.png Dark Petals 0 -5 0 6
Pierrot Fish.png Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Pierrot Fish.png Cooked Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Phlegm.png Phlegm +12.5 -15 0 Never
Poison Dartfrog Legs.png Poison Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 -3 6
Cooked Dartfrog Legs.png Cooked Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 -1 10
Pomegranate.png Pomegranate +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Sliced Pomegranate.png Sliced Pomegranate +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruits ava.png×1.0
Potato.png Potato Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 -5 -3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roast Potato.png Roasted Potato Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 0 +20 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin +37.5 0 +3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Hot Pumpkin.png Hot Pumpkin +37.5 0 +8 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Purple Grouper.png Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Purple Grouper.png Cooked Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Radish.png Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +1 15 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Radish.png Cooked Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Raw Fish.png Raw Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Steak.png Fish Steak Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Roe.png Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Roe.png Cooked Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 0 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Rot.png Rot -10 0 -1 Never
Rotten Egg.png Rotten Egg -10 0 -1 Never
Royal Jelly.png Royal Jelly Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +15 +40 10 Sweetener.png×3.0
Seaweed.png Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -10 +1 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roasted Seaweed.png Roasted Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Dried Seaweed.png Dried Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 20 Vegetables.png×1.0
Seed Pod.png Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Cooked Seed Pod.png Cooked Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 6
Seeds.png Seeds +4.6875 0 0 40
Toasted Seeds.png Toasted Seeds +4.6875 0 +1 10
Crops.png Crop Seeds +9.375 0 +0.5 40
Shark Fin.png Shark Fin Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -15 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Ripe Stone Fruit.png Ripe Stone Fruit Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Stone Fruit.png Cooked Stone Fruit Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 2 Vegetables.png×1.0
Succulent.png Succulent Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Sweet Potato.png Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Cooked Sweet Potato.png Cooked Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Tallbird Egg.png Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never Eggs.png×4.0
Hatching Tallbird Egg.png Hatching Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never
Fried Tallbird Egg.png Fried Tallbird Egg +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×4.0
Tillweeds.png Tillweeds Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 0 +1 6
Toma Root.png Toma Root Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Vegetables.png×1.0
Roast Toma Root.png Roasted Toma Root Don't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 0 +20 10 Vegetables.png×1.0
Tropical Fish.png Tropical Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Tuber.png Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +8 20
Fried Tuber.png Fried Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 0 +3 6
Watermelon.png Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 8 Cold/5 Fruit.png×1.0
Grilled Watermelon.png Grilled Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +7.5 +1 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Asparagazpacho.png Asparagazpacho Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 +3 15 Cold/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Asparagus Soup.png Asparagus Soup Hamlet icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Bacon and Eggs.png Bacon and Eggs +75 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Banana Pop.png Banana Pop Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +12.5 +33 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Banana Shake.png Banana Shake Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +8 15 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Linguine.png Barnacle Linguine Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 +20 +10 6 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Nigiri.png Barnacle Nigiri Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Barnacle Pita.png Barnacle Pita Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Beefy Greens.png Beefy Greens Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 +5 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Bisque.png Bisque Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 +5 +60 20 Crock Pot.png
Bone Bouillon.png Bone Bouillon Don't Starve Together icon.png +150 +5 +32 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Breakfast Skillet.png Breakfast Skillet Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Bunny Stew.png Bunny Stew Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Butter Muffin.png Butter Muffin +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png California Roll Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Caviar.png Caviar Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Ceviche.png Ceviche Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +5 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Coffee.png Coffee Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Creamy Potato Purée.png Creamy Potato Purée Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Dragonpie.png Dragonpie +75 +5 +40 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Fancy Spiralled Tubers.png Fancy Spiralled Tubers Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +15 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Feijoada.png Feijoada Hamlet icon.png +75 +15 +20 8 Crock Pot.png
Fig-Stuffed Trunk.png Fig-Stuffed Trunk Don't Starve Together icon.png +56.25 0 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Figatoni.png Figatoni Don't Starve Together icon.png +56.25 +15 +30 6 Crock Pot.png
Figgy Frogwich.png Figgy Frogwich Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +10 +8 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Figkabab.png Figkabab Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +15 +20 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Fish Cordon Bleu.png Fish Cordon Bleu Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 -10 +20 8 Dry/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Fish Tacos.png Fish Tacos +37.5 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Fishsticks.png Fishsticks +37.5 +5 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Fist Full of Jam.png Fist Full of Jam +37.5 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Flower Salad.png Flower Salad Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Fresh Fruit Crepes.png Fresh Fruit Crepes Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +150 +15 +60 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Froggle Bunwich.png Froggle Bunwich +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Frozen Banana Daiquiri.png Frozen Banana Daiquiri Don't Starve Together icon.png +18.75 +15 +30 15 Cold/15 Crock Pot.png
Fruit Medley.png Fruit Medley +25 +5 +20 6 Cold/5 Crock Pot.png
Glow Berry Mousse.png Glow Berry Mousse Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +3 8 Light/2 days Portable Crock Pot.png
Grim Galette.png Grim Galette Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +5 +1 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Guacamole.png Guacamole Reign of Giants icon.png +37.5 0 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Gummy Cake.png Gummy Cake Hamlet icon.png +150 -5 -3 20 Crock Pot.png
Hard Shell Tacos.png Hard Shell Tacos Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Honey Ham.png Honey Ham +75 +5 +30 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Honey Nuggets.png Honey Nuggets +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Hot Dragon Chili Salad.png Hot Dragon Chili Salad Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 -3 15 Hot/5 minutes Portable Crock Pot.png
Ice Cream.png Ice Cream Reign of Giants icon.png +25 +50 0 3 Cold/15 Crock Pot.png
Iced Tea.png Iced Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 6 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Jellybeans.png Jellybeans Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +5 +122
(over 2 minutes)
Never Crock Pot.png
Jelly-O Pop.png Jelly-O Pop Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Jelly Salad.png Jelly Salad Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +50 0 6 Crock Pot.png
Kabobs.png Kabobs +37.5 +5 +3 15 Hot/15
(only in Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Crock Pot.png
Leafy Meatloaf.png Leafy Meatloaf Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +5 +8 20 Crock Pot.png
Mandrake Soup.png Mandrake Soup +150 +5 +100 6 Crock Pot.png
Meatballs.png Meatballs +62.5 +5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Meaty Stew.png Meaty Stew +150 +5 +12 10 Hot/15 (except Don't Starve Together icon.png) Crock Pot.png
Melonsicle.png Melonsicle Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +20 +3 3 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Lasagna.png Monster Lasagna +37.5 -20 -20 10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Tartare.png Monster Tartare Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5
+62.5 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)
10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Moqueca.png Moqueca Don't Starve Together icon.png +112.5 +33 +60 8 Portable Crock Pot.png
Mushy Cake.png Mushy Cake Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 0 15 Crock Pot.png
Mussel Bouillabaise.png Mussel Bouillabaise Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Nettle Rolls.png Nettle Rolls Hamlet icon.png +25 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Pierogi.png Pierogi +37.5 +5 +40 20 Crock Pot.png
Plain Omelette.png Plain Omelette Don't Starve Together icon.png +50 +5 +3 20 Crock Pot.png
Powdercake.png Powdercake 0 0 -3 18750 Crock Pot.png
Puffed Potato Soufflé.png Puffed Potato Soufflé Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Pumpkin Cookies.png Pumpkin Cookies +37.5 +15 0 10 Crock Pot.png
Ratatouille.png Ratatouille +25 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Salsa Fresca.png Salsa Fresca Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Seafood Gumbo.png Seafood Gumbo Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +20 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Shark Fin Soup.png Shark Fin Soup Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Snake Bone Soup.png Snake Bone Soup Hamlet icon.png +25 +10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Soothing Tea.png Soothing Tea Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 +45
(over 1 minute)
+3 3 Hot/5 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Chili.png Spicy Chili Reign of Giants icon.png +37.5 0 +20 9 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Spicy Vegetable Stinger Hamlet icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Vegetable Stinger Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Steamed Ham Sandwich.png Steamed Ham Sandwich Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +15 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Eggplant.png Stuffed Eggplant +37.5 +5 +3 15 Hot/5 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Fish Heads.png Stuffed Fish Heads Don't Starve Together icon.png +75 0 +20 3 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Pepper Poppers.png Stuffed Pepper Poppers Don't Starve Together icon.png +25 -5 +30 15 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Surf 'n' Turf.png Surf 'n' Turf Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Sweet Potato Souffle.png Sweet Potato Souffle Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Taffy.png Taffy +25 +15 -3 15 Crock Pot.png
Tall scotch eggs.png Tall Scotch Eggs Don't Starve Together icon.png +150 +5 +60 15 Crock Pot.png
Tea.png Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 1 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Trail Mix.png Trail Mix Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +30 15 Crock Pot.png
Tropical Bouillabaisse.png Tropical Bouillabaisse Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Turkey Dinner.png Turkey Dinner +75 +5 +20 6 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Unagi.png Unagi +18.75 +5 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Veggie Burger.png Veggie Burger Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +33 +30 6 Crock Pot.png
Volt Goat Chaud-Froid.png Volt Goat Chaud-Froid Don't Starve Together icon.png +37.5 +10 +3 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Waffles.png Waffles +37.5 +5 +60 6 Crock Pot.png
Wet Goop.png Wet Goop 0 0 0 6
Wobster Bisque.png Wobster Bisque Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +10 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Wobster Dinner.png Wobster Dinner Shipwrecked icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png +25 +50 +60 10 Crock Pot.png



鮮度 効果
緑(50-100% 新鮮) 食料に定められているHunger Meter.pngHealth Meter.pngSanity Meter.pngの全割合が回復
黄(21-49% 痛みかけ) 食料に定められている2/3のHunger Meter.pngと、1/3のHealth Meter.pngが回復、Sanity Meter.pngは回復しません。
赤(0-20% 腐る寸前) 食料に定められている1/2Hunger Meter.pngが回復、Health Meter.pngは回復せずSanity Meter.pngは10減る。


収納先 腐敗速度倍率
Bundled Supplies 4 Slot.png 0
GiftLargeB.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png 0
Tin Fishin' Bin.png Don't Starve Together icon.png -0.33(回復します)
Mushlight.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png 0.25
Glowcap.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png 0.25
Salt Box.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png 0.25
Wurt Portrait.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 0.25 (インベントリにいる生きた魚のみ)
Honey Chest.png Hamlet icon.png 0
Birdcage.png 0 / 0.25 Don't Starve Together icon.png
Ice Box.png 0.5 / 0 (Ice.pngHail.png(Shipwrecked icon.png)のみ)
Insulated Pack.png 0.5
Snow Chester.png 0.5 / 0 (Ice.pngHail.png(Shipwrecked icon.png)のみ)
Chef Pouch.png 0.5 / 0.75 Don't Starve Together icon.png
プレイヤーのインベントリ 1
Shadow Chester.png 1.5 / 3 (毒状態の時 Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png)
毒状態の Packim Baggims.png Shipwrecked icon.png 3
Sporecloud.png Don't Starve Together icon.png 不明
プレイヤーが装備しているBlue Funcap.png/Red Funcap.png/Green Funcap.png/Don't Starve Together icon.png 1.5 (装備品も含めたすべてのインベントリ)
床の上、もしくは海上 1.5


状態 腐敗速度倍率
濡れている 1.3
ワールドの気温が0度以下 (たいていの場合のみ) 0.75 / 0 (Ice.png/Hail.png(Shipwrecked icon.png)のみ)
熱源の近く 30 (Ice.png/Hail.png(Shipwrecked icon.png)のみ)
ワールドの気温が70度以上 (たいていの場合ドライシーズン(Shipwrecked icon.png)) 1.25
アポークカリプス期間中 Hamlet icon.png 1.5
特記すべき例外 0.25 Moon Moth.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

0.0125 (Blue Spore.png/Red Spore.png/Green Spore.png) Don't Starve Together icon.png

  • 肉類は火を通した方が日持ちします。逆に野菜類は生のままの方が日持ちします。(ただしトウモロコシ、キノコ類、Shipwrecked海藻、調理鍋の料理は除く)
  • WX-78は痛みかけ・腐る寸前の食料も全て新鮮状態と同等に扱われます。
  • ウィッカーボトムは痛みかけ・腐る寸前の食料を食べた際のペナルティが増えます。痛みかけは満腹度の回復量が1/3、体力の回復量が1/4になり、腐る寸前は満腹度の回復量が1/6、体力の回復量が0になり、さらに正気度が10減少します。
  • 焼いたり調理鍋で料理することで、食料の腐敗度は半分になります。例えば未調理で新鮮度80%(腐敗度20%)の食材は、調理後には腐敗度が20%→10%に減少、すなわち新鮮度が90%になります。調理鍋の場合は、4つの材料の腐敗度を平均した値から半分になります(この際、腐敗度の存在しない材料は無視します)。
  • トールバードの卵マンドレイク(生と調理済み両方)、ディアクロップスの目玉守護者の角グロマーの粘液Reign of Giants icon.png)、開封前の「ボールフィン・セーフ」のツナ缶Shipwrecked icon.png)、ゼリービーンズDon't Starve Together icon.png)は腐りません。
  • 調理鍋で料理したものや乾燥棚で乾燥させたものは、それらから取り出さない限りは腐り始めることはありません。しかしReign of Giantsおよびそれ以降のDLCではこれらは適用されず、料理が完成した時点で腐り始めます。
  • 卵は腐敗すると腐った卵になります。
  • 紅茶は腐っても生ゴミにはならず、アイスティーに変わります。






Don't Starve Togetherのイベント「Winter's Feast」に登場する以下のWinter Foodsは腐らず、かつ冷めません。復活アイテムのそばに置いておけば、冬の間に復活しかつ防寒具が揃っていなくてもこれを食べることで凍結までの時間稼ぎができます。

好きな食べ物 Don't Starve Together icon.png

Don't Starve Togetherでは各キャラ毎に好きな食べ物が設定されており、食べると満腹度が15 Hunger Meter.png(鮮度が痛みかけのときは10 Hunger Meter.png、腐る寸前の時は7.5 Hunger Meter.png)多く回復します。


キャラクター 好きな食べ物
Wilson Portrait.png Wilson Bacon and Eggs.png Bacon and Eggs
Willow Portrait.png Willow Spicy Chili.png Spicy Chili
Wendy Portrait.png Wendy Banana Pop.png Banana Pop
Wolfgang Portrait.png Wolfgang Roasted Potato.png Roasted Potato
Woodie Portrait.png Woodie Honey Nuggets.png Honey Nuggets
Wickerbottom Portrait.png Wickerbottom Surf 'n' Turf.png Surf 'n' Turf
WX-78 Portrait.png WX-78 Butter Muffin.png Butter Muffin
Wes Portrait.png Wes Fresh Fruit Crepes.png Fresh Fruit Crepes
Waxwell Portrait.png Maxwell Lobster Dinner (DST).png Lobster Dinner
Wigfrid Portrait.png Wigfrid Turkey Dinner.png Turkey Dinner
Webber Portrait.png Webber Ice Cream.png Ice Cream
Winona Portrait.png Winona Vegetable Stinger.png Vegetable Stinger
Wortox Portrait.png Wortox Pomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate.png Pomegranate
Wormwood Portrait.png Wormwood Cooked Cave Banana.png Cooked Cave Banana
Warly Portrait.png Warly 無し
Wurt Portrait.png Wurt Durian.pngExtra Smelly Durian.png Durian
Walter Portrait.png Walter Trail Mix.png Trail Mix
Wanda Portrait.png Wanda Taffy.png Taffy

Prototype.png ワンポイント

  • 食料を最大限長持ちさせるためには調理前と調理後の消費期限の変化の見極めが必要です。調理前と比較した調理後の変化には①消費期限が2倍より短くなる(大抵の食べ物はこちら)②2倍ちょうど(など)③2倍より長くなる(モンスターの肉コアラぞうの鼻など)と、3つのパターンがあります。①のときはすぐ焼く必要はなく、なるべくギリギリまで保持してから調理するようにしましょう。②のときは特に指定はありません。③の時はなるべく早く調理してしまうのが良いでしょう。
  • 正気度を回復させる食料は痛みかけになった時点で効果が0となってしまうため、あまり満腹度や体力が減っていなくても正気度を回復させる余地があるのならなるべく早めに食べきってしまいましょう。正気度回復効果を持つ食料は大抵は特殊な食材を使ったものであるため、なおさら無駄にするのは惜しいです。


分類別食料一覧 Don't Starve Together icon.png
Veggie.png 野菜 Carrot.pngRoasted Carrot.pngCorn.pngPopcorn.pngEggplant.pngBraised Eggplant.pngPumpkin.pngHot Pumpkin.pngBlue Cap.pngCooked Blue Cap.pngGreen Cap.pngCooked Green Cap.pngRed Cap.pngCooked Red Cap.pngMoon Shroom.pngCooked Moon Shroom.pngMandrake.pngCooked Mandrake.pngFoliage.pngLichen.pngCactus Flesh.pngCooked Cactus Flesh.pngCactus Flower.pngAsparagus.pngCooked Asparagus.pngKelp Fronds.pngCooked Kelp Fronds.pngDried Kelp Fronds.pngRipe Stone Fruit.pngCooked Stone Fruit.pngGarlic.pngRoast Garlic.pngOnion.pngRoast Onion.pngPepper.pngRoasted Pepper.pngPotato.pngRoasted Potato.pngToma Root.pngRoast Toma Root.pngDurian.pngExtra Smelly Durian.pngRoasted Birchnut.pngMoon Moth Wings.pngButterfly Wings.pngBanana.pngCooked Banana.pngDragon Fruit.pngPrepared Dragon Fruit.pngPomegranate.pngSliced Pomegranate.pngBerries.pngRoasted Berries.pngJuicy Berries.pngRoasted Juicy Berries.pngGlow Berry.pngLesser Glow Berry.pngWatermelon.pngGrilled Watermelon.pngFig.pngCooked Fig.pngFire Nettle Fronds.pngForget-Me-Lots.pngLight Bulb.pngLune Tree Blossom.pngPetals.pngDark Petals.pngSucculent.pngTillweeds.pngSyrup of Ipecaca.pngEternal Fruitcake.pngPlum Pudding.pngApple Cider.pngRaisins.png"Raisins".pngLava Pepper.pngNot-So-Candy Corn.pngPopperfish.pngCorn Cod.png
Asparagazpacho.pngFresh Fruit Crepes.pngGlow Berry Mousse.pngGrim Galette.pngHot Dragon Chili Salad.pngPuffed Potato Soufflé.pngAsparagus Soup.pngBanana Pop.pngBanana Shake.pngButter Muffin.pngCreamy Potato Purée.pngDragonpie.pngFancy Spiralled Tubers.pngFigatoni.pngFist Full of Jam.pngFlower Salad.pngFruit Medley.pngMandrake Soup.pngMelonsicle.pngPowdercake.pngPumpkin Cookies.pngRatatouille.pngSalsa Fresca.pngSpicy Vegetable Stinger.pngVegetable Stinger.pngStuffed Eggplant.pngTrail Mix.pngWaffles.png
Plant Seeds.png Seeds.pngToasted Seeds.pngOblong Seeds.pngClustered Seeds.pngBulbous Seeds.pngBrittle Seed Pods.pngSwirly Seeds.pngWindblown Seeds.pngSharp Seeds.pngSquare Seeds.pngSpiky Seeds.pngFluffy Seeds.pngPointy Seeds.pngLumpy Seeds.png
Meats.png Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat.pngMonster Jerky.pngMeat.pngCooked Meat.pngJerky.pngBarnacles.pngCooked Barnacles.pngDrumstick.pngFried Drumstick.pngFrog Legs.pngCooked Frog Legs.pngMorsel.pngCooked Morsel.pngSmall Jerky.pngNaked Nostrils.pngCharred Nostrils.pngEel.pngCooked Eel.pngFish.pngCooked Fish.pngFish Morsel.pngCooked Fish Morsel.pngTallbird Egg.pngHatching Tallbird Egg.pngFried Tallbird Egg.pngEgg.pngCooked Egg.pngBatilisk Wing.pngCooked Batilisk Wing.pngLeafy Meat.pngCooked Leafy Meat.pngDeerclops Eyeball.pngGuardian's Horn.pngKoalefant Trunk.pngWinter Koalefant Trunk.pngKoalefant Trunk Steak.pngWobster (DST).pngDead Wobster (DST).pngWarrior Switcherdoodle.pngDangler Switcherdoodle.pngCave Switcherdoodle.pngSpitter Switcherdoodle.pngShatter Switcherdoodle.pngNurse Switcherdoodle.pngStrider Switcherdoodle.pngKitschy Beaver Idol.pngKitschy Moose Idol.pngKitschy Goose Idol.pngHeavenly Eggnog.pngRunty Guppy.pngNeedlenosed Squirt.pngBitty Baitfish.pngSmolt Fry.pngFallounder.pngBloomfin Tuna.pngScorching Sunfish.pngSpittlefish.pngMudfish.pngDeep Bass.pngDandy Lionfish.pngBlack Catfish.pngDappled Koi.pngGolden Koi.pngSweetish Fish.png
Bone Bouillon.pngFish Cordon Bleu.pngMonster Tartare.pngMoqueca.pngVolt Goat Chaud-Froid.pngBacon and Eggs.pngBarnacle Linguine.pngBarnacle Nigiri.pngBarnacle Pita.pngBeefy Greens.pngBreakfast Skillet.pngBunny Stew.pngCalifornia Roll.pngCeviche.pngFig-Stuffed Trunk.pngFiggy Frogwich.pngFigkabab.pngFish Tacos.pngFishsticks.pngFroggle Bunwich.pngGuacamole.pngHard Shell Tacos.pngHoney Ham.pngHoney Nuggets.pngJelly Salad.pngKabobs.pngLeafy Meatloaf.pngMeatballs.pngMeaty Stew.pngMonster Lasagna.pngPierogi.pngPlain Omelette.pngSeafood Gumbo.pngSpicy Chili.pngStuffed Fish Heads.pngStuffed Pepper Poppers.pngSurf 'n' Turf.pngTall Scotch Eggs.pngTurkey Dinner.pngVeggie Burger.pngWobster Bisque (DST).pngWobster Dinner.pngUnagi.png
Goodies.png 美味しいもの Dram of Psychic Fortitude.pngTumblerful of Psychic Fortitude.pngCandy Apple.pngCandy Corn.pngGummy Spider.pngCatcoon Candy.pngGhost Pop.pngJelly Worm.pngTentacle Lolli.pngChoco Pigs.pngCandy Lice.pngOtherworldly Jawbreaker.pngCookie Crumbles.pngGingerbread Cookie.pngSugar Cookie.pngCandy Cane.pngChocolate Log Cake.pngHot Cocoa.png
Mushy Cake.pngJellybeans.pngIce Cream.pngTaffy.pngFrozen Banana Daiquiri.png
Generic.png ジェネリック Royal Jelly.pngHoney.pngIce.pngButter.pngElectric Milk.pngMilky Whites.pngGlommer's Goop.pngPhlegm.pngRot.pngSpoiled Fish (DST).pngSpoiled Fish Morsel.pngRotten Egg.png
Soothing Tea.pngWet Goop.png
Horrible.png 恐ろしい Pig Skin.pngBunny Puff.pngSlurper Pelt.png
Roughage.png 食物繊維豊富 Twigs.pngCut Grass.pngCut Reeds.png
Beefalo Treats.pngSteamed Twigs.png
Elemental.png エレメンタル Rocks.pngFlint.pngNitre.pngGold Nugget.pngLucky Gold Nugget.pngPebbles.pngGold Rounds.pngMarbles.pngFreeze Rounds.pngSlow-Down Rounds.pngPoop Pellets.pngCursed Rounds.pngSalt Crystals.pngStone Fruit.pngMoon Rock.pngThulecite.pngThulecite Fragments.pngCollected Dust.pngBlue Gem.pngRed Gem.pngPurple Gem.pngGreen Gem.pngOrange Gem.pngYellow Gem.pngIridescent Gem.png
Burnt.png 黒焦げ Ashes.pngCharcoal.png
Gears.png ギア Gears.png