Mandrake Forest

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Mandrake Forest or "For a nice walk" biome is a biome which always spawns in the world. It consists of 3 different turfs that divide the biome into several parts (turfs parts can be repeated in a biome). On this biome you can find Conspicuous Chest Set Piece, Junk Yard and Chess Set Piece

On Forest Turf you can find Evergreens, Lumpy Evergreen, Grass Tufts, Sapling and other common forest objects. With some chance you can find Totally Normal Tree here. You can also find a lot of Spider Dens here and Pig Houses.

On Savanna Turf you can find Grass Tufts and there always spawns some Beefalos.

On Grass Turf area you always can find minimun 2 Mandrakes.