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That looks out-of-place.


Mosaic biomes are typically restricted to one per map (though they also tend to be rather large). A signature of the Mosaic biome is the presence of lakes (several small holes of ocean), identical to the edges of islands, in the appearance of a circular shape or other obscure polygon, along with sporadic patches of various Turfs, hence the name.


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Section/DST


Graveyard is the section with Forest Turf. There always spawn 4-8 Graveyards, 3 Evergreens, 4-8 Graves and 1-5 Gold Nuggets


Rocky section is with Rocky Turf. There always spawn 1 Meteor Boulder, 3-5 faded burnt ground and 1 Tallbird Nest. Also there is 1-2 invisible area where meteorites will fall periodically. You can find here Boulders, Gold Vein Boulders, Mini Glaciers, other Tallbird Nests, Spider Dens, Grass Gekkos and Blue Mushrooms.

Critter Den

Critter Den is the section with main Forest Turf and some Grass Tuft, Marsh Turf, Rocky Turf, Savanna Turf, Cobblestones and Dirt. You always can find here one Rock Den. Also there generates Boulders, Gold Vein Boulders, dropped Flints, Fireflies, Grasses, Saplings, Twiggy Trees, dropped Twigs, Berry Bushes, Juicy Berry Bushes, all types of Mushrooms, Evergreens, Lumpy Evergreens, Grass Gekkos. Sometimes an Eye Bone will appear here


Forest is the section with Forest Turf. You can find here Evergreens or Lumpy Evergreens, Fireflies, Boulders, Grasses, Saplings, Twiggy Trees, Twigs, Berry Bushes, Juicy Berry Bushes, Red Mushrooms and Green Mushrooms. Some times you can find here Sinkhole and Eye Bone.


Clearing is the section with Grass Turf. You can find here Pig Houses, Fireflies, Grasses, Saplings, Twiggy Trees, Twigs, Berry Bushes, Juicy Berry Bushes, Beehives, Red Mushrooms, Green Mushrooms and Evergreens. Some times you can find here Sinkhole, Eye Bone and Junk Yard. Also there is 1.5% chance that a mushroom ring will spawn in the section.

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  • Ghosts will come out of all graves on Full Moons, making a Graveyard a relatively dangerous place to be in.
  • Wendy can safely base near or within a graveyard as ghosts will be passive, Pipspooks are plenty, and insanity auras emitted by the undead do not affect Wendy.

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