Oasis Desert

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It's a wonder anything grows in this climate at all.


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Badland

The Antlion Desert, Desert, Oasis Desert or "Lightning Bluff" is one of biome that spawns always in the world. You can distinguish it from Badland by the long Cactuses. There, one is guaranteed to find the Oasis Set Piece, which features a small circle of of Grass Turf with 12 Birchnut Trees surrounding a dried-up Lake, which will spawn 18 Succulents during Summer; additionally, the Lake will fill up with water during said season with multiple Fireflies illuminating it. During Summer, the Antlion will spawn in this desert, and Sandstorms will occur through this entire desert except in the area of the Oasis.

As nothing in the Oasis Set Piece or in Sandstorms will smolder, and the fact that the lake can be fished in for Fish and unique drops (such as the blueprints for Desert Goggles and the Red Crown which can be exchanged with the Antlion for the Humble Lamb Idol), it is an ideal area for surviving Summer, provided the player sets up a proper base before the season arrives. Note that an Oasis base can still be set ablaze through burning Tumbleweeds.

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