User blog:WX-100/Don't Starve Together's farm

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Basic Farm.png This page is about Don't Starve Together's farming system. For Don't Starve Alone's farming system, see this page.
Wes, Wilson, and Webber farming in the ''Reap What You Sow'' trailer.
Potato crop in the plant registry.

In Don't Starve Together, birds drop random seeds that can grow into crops and weeds. They provide fruits, vegetables, and more seeds. Woodworms can plant seeds anywhere. Other characters can use a garden digamajig to make farm tiles and use a garden hoe to plant seeds on the farm tiles. You can use the gardeneer hat to research crops and weeds, which lets you identify crops and weeds for your current and future games.

Farming is complicated but fruitful. A good farmer can feed 3 or 4 survivors in any season, and grow giant crops for decoration.

Time to grow and rot

Crops need sun light to grow. This means crops only grow during the day and dusk on the surface, near the sun light that seeps into the caves, and near a dwarf star. All crops can grow in all seasons.

Crops have 5 stages: seed, sprout, small, medium, and grown. Crops grow 1.75 times slower under high stress, and 2 times slower in the wrong seasons. Only stress from the current stage slows growth. Stress doesn't slow the seed stage.

Stage Days of sun light to grow
Normal High stress

(1.75 times longer)

Wrong season

(2 times longer)


(3.5 times longer)

Seed 0.375 to 0.5 0.375 to 0.5 0.75 to 1 0.75 to 1
Sprout 1 1.75 2 3.5
Small 0.6 1.05 1.2 2.1
Medium 0.4 0.7 0.8 1.4
Total 2.375 to 2.5 3.875 to 4 4.75 to 5 7.75 to 8

Unharvested grown crops and weeds rot in 4 days. Unharvested giant crops rot in 6 days. If Wormwood planted them, then they rot 50% slower. Rotten crops regrow in 4 to 5 days but they cannot grow into giant crops. Harvesting a non-giant rotten crop or weed has a 5% chance to spawn a Fruit Fly. If there are at least 15 grown or rotten plants in 1 tile radius, then there is a chance to spawn Lord of the Fruit Flies.


Stress makes crops grow normal size, slower, and have less seeds:

Total stress Yield
0 to 1 Giant Crop
2 to 6 1 crop and 2 seeds
7 to 11 1 crop and 1 seed
12 or more 1 crop

Crops can gain 7 stress per stage. They gain stress at the start of each stage. For example, if a crop grows 3 stages in the right season and 2 stages in the wrong season, then it would have +2 stress from the wrong season.

Stress Causes
+1 If it grows in the wrong season.
+1 If there is a garden detritus, rotten plant, or weed in 1.5 tile radius.
+1 If it is lonely (there is less than 4 of its species in 1 tile radius).
+1 If it is overcrowded (there are more than 10 plants in its tile).
+1 If it did not have enough nutrients.
+1 If it did not have enough water (its tile was dry for more than 90% of the time since its last stage).
+1 If nobody entertained it.

Crops don't need nutrients, water, and entertainment to grow. They just need them to reduce stress.


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Nutrient
Farm tiles have 0 to 100 nutrients. The nutrients are compost, formula, and manure. New farm tiles have 20 to 40 of each.

Crops convert nutrients, fertilizers add nutrients, and weeds subtracts nutrients. If you are Wormwood or wear a gardeneer hat, then you can see the nutrients in farm tiles. Crops not on farm tiles always have +4 stress from bad nutrition.


All tiles have 0 to 100 moisture, where 0 is dry and 1 to 100 is wet. Crops and weeds on wet tiles cannot smolder.

  • Crops and weeds reduce moisture because they drink water, even when they are not growing.
  • Ice adds 20 moisture when it melts.
  • Rain adds 90 moisture per minute max, depending on the rain rate.
  • Watering can, waterfowl can, and water balloon adds 25 moisture per use.
    • Watering can has 40 uses and is reusable.
    • Waterfowl can has 160 uses and is reusable.
    • Water balloon has 1 use.
  • World temperature affects moisture: 0° doesn't reduce moisture, while 70° reduces 3 moisture per minute.
  • World humidity is the minimum tile moisture, which means tile moisture cannot be drier than world humidity.

Crops that grow under a dwarf star use about 33% less water because they can grow at night. You only need to water crops once per stage to avoid stress.


You can entertain crops by talking to them. Wes cannot entertain crops by talking because he doesn't talk. You can also use a musical instrument to entertain many crops at the same time:

Item Tile radius

(1 tile = 4 range = 4 meters)

Beefalo Horn.png 5.25
Strident Trident.png Gnarwail Horn.png 5
Pan Flute.png 3.75
Chorusbox Circuit.png 3.5
One-man Band.png 3
Baritone Shell Bell.png 0.5

Wormwood can entertain crops in 1 tile radius when he is blooming. Friendly fruit fly can entertain crops automatically. Crops that are on fire or attacked by enemy fruit flies will need to be entertained again to avoid stress.

Crop and weed data

Random seeds have 80% of being a crop and 20% chance of being a weed. The exact chance depends on the species and season.

Crops convert nutrients. For example, tomato converts 4 manure to 2 compost and 2 formula, in other words, tomato has -4 manure and +2 other nutrients. The crop table below is sorted by nutrient and then alphabet.

Seed Grown Harvest Crop Season and chance from random seed (the right seasons are green) Nutrient per stage Wetness Meter.png per


Autumn Winter Spring Summer Compost.png Super Growth Formula.png Manure.png
Spiky Seeds.png Toma Root Plant.png Toma Root.png Tomato 13.2% 8.2% 12.4% 15.7% -2 -2 +4 2.1
Swirly Seeds.png Eggplant Stalk.png Eggplant.png Eggplant 2.7% 6.6% 5% 3.2% +2 +2 -4 1.2
Fluffy Seeds.png Potato Plant.png Potato.png Potato 13.2% 16.4% 12.4% 7.9% +2 +2 -4 2.7
Bulbous Seeds.png Dragon Fruit Vine.png Dragon Fruit.png Dragon fruit 1.4% 1.7% 2.5% 3.2% +4 +4 -8 1.2
Lumpy Seeds.png Pepper Plant.png Pepper.png Pepper 2.7% 1.7% 1.3% 3.2% +4 +4 -8 2.7
Oblong Seeds.png Carrot Plant.png Carrot.png Carrot 13.2% 16.4% 12.4% 7.9% +2 -4 +2 2.7
Sharp Seeds.png Pumpkin Plant.png Pumpkin.png Pumpkin 5.3% 6.6% 2.5% 3.2% +2 -4 +2 1.2
Pointy Seeds.png Onion Plant.png Onion.png Onion 2.7% 1.7% 2.5% 3.2% +4 -8 +4 2.1
Windblown Seeds.png Pomegranate Branch.png Pomegranate.png Pomegranate 1.4% 1.7% 2.5% 3.2% +4 -8 +4 1.2
Tubular Seeds.png Asparagus Fern.png Asparagus.png Asparagus 2.7% 6.6% 5% 3.2% -4 +2 +2 2.7
Clustered Seeds.png Corn Stalk.png Corn.png Corn 13.2% 8.2% 12.4% 15.7% -4 +2 +2 2.7
Brittle Seed Pods.png Durian Vine.png Durian.png Durian 1.4% 1.7% 2.5% 1.6% -8 +4 +4 2.7
Seed Pods.png Garlic Plant.png Garlic.png Garlic 2.7% 3.3% 2.5% 3.2% -8 +4 +4 2.7
Square Seeds.png Watermelon Plant.png Watermelon.png Watermelon 2.7% 3.3% 5% 6.3% -2 +4 -2 2.1

Weeds subtract nutrients and water. They are not affected by nutrients and water.

Sprout Grown Harvest Weed Chance from random seed Nutrient per stage Wetness Meter.png per


Compost.png Super Growth Formula.png Manure.png
Forget-Me-Lots Plant.png Forget-Me-Lots.png Forget-Me-Lots 15.40% -2
Fire Nettles.png Fire Nettle Fronds.png Fire nettles 1.54%
Spiny Bindweed.png Tillweeds.png Spiny bindweed 1.54%
Tillweed.png None Tillweed 1.54%



Good farm layouts depend on many things. Two of which are continuity and light to farm at night. For example:

2x2 continuous square has the most continuity:

Fire Pit.png
Potato.png Potato.png
Potato.png Potato.png

4x1 continuous line has less continuity and is equally easy to light:

Fire Pit.png
Potato.png Potato.png Potato.png Potato.png

Four 1x1 discrete tiles are the easiest to light, but many crop combinations need at least 2 continuous tiles:

Potato.png Fire Pit.png Potato.png

Continuous tiles are better at reducing stress from being lonely because you can plant the same species closer together, but if you plant too closely, then you might increase stress from being overcrowded. You can use mods like Geometric Placement to count the number of plants in farm tiles so you can avoid the stress from being overcrowded.

Forget-Me-Lots weed in the plant registry.


Gardeneer hat lets you research crops and weeds, which lets you identify crops, weeds, and seeds in your current and future games. If you right-click on the hat, then you can see your research in the plant registry. The most important research is weeds, especially Forget-Me-Lots, because the sooner you can identify the weeds, the faster you can kill them and reduce stress.

Growing crop seeds

If you keep crops under 12 stress, then they can make crop seeds. You only have to prevent about 4 out of 7 causes of stress to be sustainable. The best crop is dragon fruit because 1 dragon fruit and 3 twigs make 1 dragon pie. Other good crops are eggplant, pomegranate, potato, and tomato because you can cook them over a fire and they heal 20 health. Pumpkin restores 37.5 hunger.

Eating crop seeds

You can eat unwanted seeds. Raw crop seeds restore 9.4 hunger, while cooked seeds and random seeds restore 4.7 hunger. It might be better to eat carrot, garlic, onion, pepper, and watermelon seeds than to grow them, because those seeds restore similar hunger as those crops without the farm work.

Nutrients: Getting nutrients

There are many ways to get nutrients. These are some of the best way:

Nutrient How to get the nutrient.
Compost.png Compost Compost has +24 compost. The composting bin can turn almost any 2 organic items into 1 compost per 0.56 to 1.12 day. You can use cheap organic items like grasses, twigs, rots, and unwanted seeds, which include tree seeds like pine cones. The bin can hold 6 organic items.
Super Growth Formula.png Formula Super growth formula has +32 formula and 5 uses, which is a total of 160 formula. You need an empty bottle, seaweed, and ash to make a growth formula starter and wait 5 days for it to turn into super growth formula. The bottle is reusable.
Manure.png Manure Manure has +8 manure.

Guano has +16 manure.

Beefalos make about 1 manure per 50 seconds if there is 0 manure in 2 tile radius and 0 or 1 manure in 5 tiles radius. You can use a beefalo bell to bond with a beefalo, and then leave it near your farm and let it make manures. You don't have to tame the beefalo, but you might have to move or kill the beefalo when it becomes aggressive.

Bats from cave entrances make about 3 guano per day, but you might want to build your farm far from bats because they are aggressive.

Pigs and werepigs make manure when they eat vegetables. If you drop a stack of vegetables in a pig village or near 1 werepig, then they can make manures quickly. Light bulbs are vegetables and they often grow in groups of 20 or 30 near cave entrances.

Nutrients: Using crops to convert nutrients

If you have extra nutrient, then you can use crops to convert it to other nutrients. For example, corn and asparagus has -4 compost and +2 other nutrients. So if you have extra compost, then you can use corn and asparagus to convert it to other nutrients.

Nutrients: Crop combinations

Some crops have nutrient requirements that balance each other. For example, potato has -4 manure and +2 other nutrients, while tomato has +4 manure and -2 other nutrients, and together they have 0 net nutrients, which means you don't have to fertilize them. Some popular combinations are:

Autumn Winter Spring Summer Crop combo

(the right seasons are green)

Eggplant.png Toma Root.png
Potato.png Toma Root.png
Potato.png Toma Root.png Toma Root.png
Potato.png Potato.png Toma Root.png
Dragon Fruit.png Toma Root.png Toma Root.png
Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit.png Toma Root.png
Corn.png Potato.png Pumpkin.png
Pomegranate.png Watermelon.png Watermelon.png
Pumpkin.png Watermelon.png Watermelon.png

You can grow crops in the wrong seasons. They grow slower and have +4 stress, which might be a good trade-off for having better crops, less combos to remember, and 0 net nutrients. For example:

  • Dragon fruit in the wrong season is often better than pepper in the right season because dragon pie is very good. They convert the same nutrients.
  • Pumpkin in the wrong season is often better than carrot in the right season because pumpkin restores 37.5 hunger. They also convert the same nutrients.

You can change the proportions to compensate for the slower growth, for example, grow 1 potato and 2 tomatoes in winter, and 2 potatoes and 1 tomato in summer.

Crop combinations that have at least 3 crops need 2 continuous tiles to reduce the stress from being lonely. The minority crops should be in the center. For example, the 1 dragon fruit and 2 tomatoes combo should have dragon fruit in the center like this:

Toma Root.png Toma Root.png Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit.png Toma Root.png Toma Root.png
Toma Root.png Toma Root.png Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit.png Toma Root.png Toma Root.png

You can use the crop and weed data on this page or Glurak's planner to make your own crop combinations, or you can use Ganter's list, which has all 2,161 crops combinations for 2 to 10 crops. You can also aim for almost 0 net nutrients and get the missing nutrients yourself.


You only need to water crops once per stage to avoid stress. If you don't live near a pond, or the ponds will freeze because of winter, then you can make multiple watering cans and fill them at the same time so you don't have refill often.

Seeds rot in 40 days, which is about 2 seasons. You can save seeds for spring or winter when the ground is wet so you don't have to water the crops often. You don't have to farm every season.

Entertainment: One-man band

The one-man band can entertain crops in 3 tile radius. You only have to equip it for about 2 seconds per stage. It lasts 3 minutes.

Storing farm tools, fertilizers, and seeds

You can make a separate backpack for farm tools, fertilizers, and seeds to quickly switch to farming mode. A normal backpack has 8 spaces and can hold anything. Seed pack-it has 14 spaces and makes speeds spoil 50% slower, but it can only hold seeds and needs 2 broken shells to make.
