Garden Detritus

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Warly Portrait.png
There's a bit of unwanted garnish in my garden.


Garden Detritus is an object exclusive to Don't Starve Together and introduced in Return of Them.

Two to four Garden Detritus appear after creating a Farm Soil Turf by using a Garden Digamajig. They aim to interfere with the farm. They can be dug with a Shovel and have a 75% chance to drop nothing, a 10% chance to yield one Twig, a 6.25% chance for one Rock, a 5% chance for one Flint, a 2.5% chance for one Nitre, and a 1.25% chance for one Gold Nugget. Fully grown Tillweed tries to spawn up to five Garden Detritus around it.
