Survive and Thrive

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Icon Books.png This article may contain instructional language and subjective recommendations. Readers should read the content carefully, and follow accordingly.

Survive and Thrive in the Constant(WIP)

Welcome to the constant survivor. Below you will find a variety of guides to help you survive in the constant of Don't Starve Together. I am not going to explain characters in this guide because it creates massive amounts of variability. This guide is being made assuming you are playing Wilson or understand how to translate this guide into other characters.

Finding food and tools

This step is often done at the same time for most players so we will assume the same thing. Notably each character loses 75 hunger each in game day. you have a vast swath of food sources wildly available in the early game. Some notable foods found early game are...

While gathering food you should also be gathering resources for tools, and structures. The resources you are looking for as follows...