Guides/World vs Caves

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Surface Cave Ruins
Affected by Day and Night Cycle Yes. Yes, the day/night cycle in this world is synchronized with the surfaces' cycle. No, its always night in this world.
Affected by Moon Cycle Yes. Yes. Yes.
Affected by Nightmare Cycle No. Yes, there are Nightmare Fissures that can be found in this world, however, they are not synchronized with the Ruins' Nightmare Cycle. Yes.
Affected by Earthquake No. Yes. Yes.
Affected by Rain and Lightning Yes, lightning will occur mostly in Summer during heavy rain. No. No, though lightning may occur in Ruins by destroying an Ancient Pseudoscience Station or Broken Clockworks.
Reign of Giants: Yes, lightning will occur mostly in Spring during heavy rain. Reign of Giants: There won't be any lightning, but there will be water droplets. Reign of Giants: No, though lightning may occur in Ruins by destroying an Ancient Pseudoscience Station or Broken Clockworks.
Affected by Summer No, characters in this world will not suffer from Overheating, as it is only available in RoG. No, surface temperature does not affect this world. No, surface temperature does not affect this world.
Reign of Giants: Yes, characters in this world will suffer from overheating. Reign of Giants: Yes, characters venturing into this world will suffer from overheating, but it will be longer before overheating takes effect. Reign of Giants: Yes, character venturing into this world will suffer from overheating, but it will be longer before overheating takes effect.
Affected by Autumn
Reign of Giants: Characters will not suffer from freezing or overheating in this season. This season is equivalent to Summer when not playing in RoG. Reign of Giants: Characters will not suffer from freezing or overheating in this season. Reign of Giants: Characters will not suffer from freezing or overheating in this season.
Affected by Winter Yes, character in this world will suffer from Freezing. No, freezing does not affect this world. No, freezing does not affect this world.
Reign of Giants: Yes, characters in this world will suffer from Freezing. Reign of Giants: Yes, characters venturing into this world will suffer from freezing, but it will be longer before freezing takes effect. Reign of Giants: Yes, characters venturing into this world will suffer from freezing, but it will be longer before freezing takes effect.
Affected by Spring

Reign of Giants: Yes, characters in this world will suffer from Wetness due to frequent rains, and may also experience freezing during dusk or night when wet.

Reign of Giants: Yes, characters venturing into this world will experience Wetness due to water droplets coming from the caves' ceiling. They may also experience freezing due to being wet. Reign of Giants: Yes, characters venturing into this world will experience Wetness due to water droplets coming from the ruins' ceiling. They may also experience freezing due to being wet.
Affected Structures and some Items

Pig Houses will spawn Pigs during day time.

Rabbit Hutches will only spawn Bunnymen during dusk and night.

Bees from Bee Boxes will start gathering honey at the start of day time, except in winter.

Basic and Improved Farms will grow Seeds into Fruits or Vegetables, except in winter.

Tents, Straws, and Fur Rolls can only be used at dusk and night.

Pig Houses will spawn Pigs during day time, but only if built near a shaft of light.

Rabbit Hutches will only spawn Bunnymen during dusk and night, regardless if they built near a shaft of light or not.

Bees will not go out from their respective Bee Boxes. But it is still possible to produce 1 honey per day.

Basic and Improved Farms will grow Seeds into Fruits and Vegetables, except in winter. They will function as normal, even without light sources.

Tents, Straw Rolls, and Fur Rolls can only be used at dusk and night.

Pigs will never leave their houses. If homeless, they will sleep forever.

Bunnymen will never return to their hutches. In this world, Bunnymen will never go to sleep.

Bees will not go out from their respective Bee Boxes. But it is still possible to produce 1 honey per day.

Basic and Improved Farms will grow Seeds into Fruits and Vegetables, except in winter. They will function as normal, even without light sources.

Tents, Straw Rolls, and Fur Rolls can be used anytime.

Reign of Giants: Siesta Lean-to can only be used during day time.

Reign of Giants: Siesta Lean-to can only be used during day time.

Reign of Giants: Siesta Lean-to can be used anytime.

Transplanted Plants Plants such as Berry Bushes, Grass Tufts, Saplingss, Spiky Bushes, and some Trees will grow as normal, but will be affected by the changing season. Transplanted plants will grow normally as if they were in the surface. The season on the surface does not affect the growth rate and production of plants in this world. Transplanted plants will grow normally as if they were in the surface. The season on the surface does not affect the growth rate and production of plants in this world.
Reign of Giants: Plants like Berry Bushes, and Grass Tufts will wither during Summer. Reign of Giants: affected in this world. The effects will depend on the current surface season. Reign of Giants: affected in this world. The effects will depend on the current surface season.
Periodic Threat

Guaranteed Hound attack every 3-12 game days.

Possible Deerclops in Winter.

Guaranteed Depths Worm attack every 3-12 game days

Guaranteed Depths Worm attack every 3-12 game days

Guaranteed spawn of Crawling Nightmares and Nightmarebeaks from Nightmare Lights and Fissures during the phase of Nightmare Cycle.

Possible Moose/Goose in Spring.

Possible Dragonfly in Summer.

Possible Bearger in Autumn.