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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Festive Tree Icon.png Winter's Feast

Can be hung in special trees grown in a Festive Tree Planter.

-Scrapbook Description

The Ornaments are used to decorate Winter's Feast Tree, or to traded with Pig King for Gold Nuggets. Most Ornaments worth 1 Gold Nugget, while Fancy Festive Baubles worth 2 Gold Nuggets and Festive Lights worth 3Gold Nuggets.

Festive Bauble

Webber Portrait.png
Can we get a boost? We can't reach the treetop.


Festive Baubles are decorative items meant to be placed on a Winter's Feast Tree. Mobs drop them randomly with a 0.5% chance, with the exclusion of Tentacles, Frogs, Reanimated Skeletons, and Killer Bees. They are also found in at least one of the gifts dropped by the Loot Stash, and by fishing in the Oasis Lake during Summer. When fishing up a Crumpled Package that was supposed to contain a Trinket, there is a 1/6 chance for it to be replaced with a plain ornament, and a 1/6 chance for a fancy ornament.

Festive Baubles stack up to 40, their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_plain1...8" and "winter_ornament_fancy1...4".

In 2017, eight more Festive Baubles were added to the game. Their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_plain9...12" and "winter_ornament_fancy5...8".

Magnificent Adornment

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Tis nöt a celebratiön withöut a gööd battle!


Magnificent Adornments are Boss Monsters related Winter Ornaments. They are dropped when players kill the respective Boss and stack up to 40. Their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_boss_..." with the adjuncts Boss prefabs, except that spawn code for Ink Blight Adornment is "winter_ornament_shadowthralls".

One of the 4 Klaus related Ornaments will be inside the Gifts when opening Loot Stash.

The Crab King Magnificent Adornment with a Pearl is obtained by killing the Crab King with the Pearl's Pearl or with three Iridescent Gems if the Hermit crab has already given her pearl.

Upon Celestial Champion death, one of 4 Celestial Champion Adornments and a Wagstaff Magnificent Adornment will drop.

Code Dropped By Magnificent
Code Dropped By
Magnificent Adornment Bearger Hanged.png "bearger" Bearger Magnificent Adornment Deerclops Hanged.png "deerclops" Deerclops
Magnificent Adornment Gmoose Hanged.png "moose" Moose/Goose Magnificent Adornment Dragonfly Hanged.png "dragonfly" Dragonfly
Magnificent Adornment BeeQueen Hanged.png "beequeen" Bee Queen Magnificent Adornment Antlion Hanged.png "antlion" Antlion
Magnificent Adornment Toadstool Hanged.png "toadstool" Toadstool Magnificent Adornment Misery Toadstool Hanged.png "toadstool_misery" Misery Toadstool
Magnificent Adornment Ancient Guardian Hanged.png "minotaur" Ancient Guardian Magnificent Adornment Fuelweaver Hanged.png "fuelweaver" Fuelweaver
Magnificent Adornment Klaus Hanged.png "klaus" Klaus Magnificent Adornment Krampus Hanged.png "krampus" Klaus
Magnificent Adornment Gem Deer Red Hanged.png "noeyered" Klaus Magnificent Adornment Gem Deer Blue Hanged.png "noeyeblue" Klaus
Magnificent Adornment Crab King Regular Hanged.png "crabking" Crab King Magnificent Adornment Crab King Pearl Hanged.png "crabkingpearl" Crab King
Magnificent Adornment Celestial Champion 1 Hanged.png "celestialchampion1" Celestial Champion Magnificent Adornment Celestial Champion 2 Hanged.png "celestialchampion2" Celestial Champion
Magnificent Adornment Celestial Champion 3 Hanged.png "celestialchampion3" Celestial Champion Magnificent Adornment Celestial Champion 4 Hanged.png "celestialchampion4" Celestial Champion
Magnificent Adornment Wagstaff Hanged.png "wagstaff" Wagstaff Magnificent Adornment Malbatross Hanged.png "malbatross" Malbatross
Magnificent Adornment Retinazor Hanged.png "eyeofterror1" Retinazor Magnificent Adornment Spazmatism Hanged.png "eyeofterror2" Spazmatism
Magnificent Adornment Nightmare Werepig Hanged.png "daywalker" Nightmare Werepig Magnificent Adornment Scrappy Werepig Hanged.png "daywalker2" Scrappy Werepig
Magnificent Adornment Ink Blight Hanged.png "shadowthralls" Ink Blight Magnificent Adornment Armored Bearger Hanged.png "mutatedbearger" Armored Bearger
Magnificent Adornment Crystal Deerclops Hanged.png "mutateddeerclops" Crystal Deerclops Magnificent Adornment Possessed Varg Hanged.png "mutatedwarg" Possessed Varg
Magnificent Adornment Great Depths Worm Hanged.png "wormboss" Great Depths Worm Magnificent Adornment Frostjaw Hanged.png "sharkboi" Gift from first heavy fish trade with Frostjaw

Sentimental Adornment

In 2020, Sentimental Adornments were added to the game. Their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_boss_pearl" and "winter_ornament_boss_hermithouse".

The Sentimental Adornment featuring a pearl can be obtained in exchange for 8 Empty Bottles in the Bottle Exchange Filter after the Crabby Hermit gave players the Pearl's Pearl. The Sentimental Adornment featuring the hermit home can be obtained in exchange for 4 Empty Bottles after the Hermit Home has been fully upgraded.

Champion Adornment

Waxwell Portrait.png
A volatile decoration.


Champion Adornments are The Forge related Winter Ornaments added in 2018. They are dropped when sleeping under the fully decorated Winter's Feast Tree, either in the form of a present, and stack up to 40. Their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_festivalevents1...3".

Appeasing Adornment

Willow Portrait.png
So cute I don't even wanna burn it.


Appeasing Adornments are The Gorge related Winter Ornaments added in 2018. They are dropped when sleeping under the Winter's Feast Tree, either in the form of a present, and stack up to 40. Their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_festivalevents4...5".

Festive Light

Winona Portrait.png
Finally, something with wiring.


Festive Lights have an additional light radius in four different colors. They will twinkle constantly if used to decorate a tree or dropped on the ground, but have a limited duration lasting 160 days. However, their durability only depletes while in use. They currently only drop from Klaus and Deerclops, and can also be found by fishing in the Oasis Lake during Summer. When fishing up a Crumpled Package that was supposed to contain a Trinket, there is a 1/6 chance for it to be replaced with a Festive Light. Similar to Light Bulbs, they can also be used to refuel light sources such as Miner Hats, Hutch or Mushroom Lights, however they will not cause them to twinkle. Festive Lights are able to tint the Glowcap's light color.

Festive Lights do not stack, their spawn codes are "winter_ornament_light1...4".

In 2017, four more Festive Lights were added to the game. Their spawncodes are "winter_ornament_light5...8".