Wortox (Don't Starve Together)

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Pardon me if I don't shake your hand.



Wortox is a DLC character, who must be woven using spools or purchased in the shop.


  • When a creature or player dies within 20 units of Wortox, they will drop a SoulWebber will drop two Souls, WX-78 drops none, and Giants will drop 7-8. Souls vanish after 10 seconds, but can be picked up by Wortox. Souls have four uses:
    • They can be eaten, restoring +25 Hunger Meter.png but costing -5 Sanity Meter.png.
    • They can be released to heal Wortox and nearby allies in a AOE, and give Wortox small amount of sanity.
    • They can be used to "Soul Hop" (teleport) a short distance away, functioning identically to The Lazy Explorer, before going on cooldown. Wortox can teleport twice in a row between cooldowns, if he is quick enough.
    • They can be used to teleport to any explored location on the map, costing up to 20 depending on distance.
  • Negative Sanity effects from monsters are 0.5x effective on Wortox.
  • Wortox's favourite food are Pomegranates, raw and cooked, which restore an additional +15 Hunger Meter.png than usual. However, his food penalty still applies to them.


  • Wortox's body craves Souls above all else, reducing the effects of other Foods by 0.5x; This applies to both positive and negative effects, however, meaning that Wortox loses less Health and/or Sanity from consuming foods like raw Meat.
  • Wortox can only hold up to 20 Souls, stating when he is nearly at his limit. If Wortox collects any more Souls, he will drop 10
  • Since Wortox is a demon, Pigs, Catcoons, and Bunnymen are hostile towards him and will attack on sight.

Insight.png Skill Tree

Parrot Pirate.png

This content is not available in the main game
The content on this page contains spoilers from the beta version of the game. All or some of the things listed on this page will most likely be added to the game later. Here you can see all articles related to beta content.

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

The Scales

Wortox's Skill Tree uses a unique Scales system that will significantly impact his playstyle. Choosing a skill on one side of the scale tips it towards that inclination. Once enough points are put into a side, Wortox will get his inclination changed. Choosing an affinity skews the scales, and both inclinations get a point applied to them.

Nice Inclination.png
Nice Inclination
The Scales.png
The Scales
Naughty Inclination.png
Naughty Inclination
Have 3 more Nice skills than Naughty skills Have 3 more Naughty skills than Nice skills
Your kindness has made your monster side no longer stir up trouble.
Eating or releasing Souls will change sanity at an increased amount.
Based off of how many Nice or Naughty skills selected, you will find yourself leaning towards a certain inclination. Choosing an affinity skews the scales and you will find your inclination coming sooner. Your greed stops you from overloading of Soul power, for a moment.
Eating or releasing Souls will no longer change sanity. Souls heal you for less.


When Nice inclined, Wortox will no longer be seen as a monster by mobs, and they will be neutral to him as a result. Each Soul released will now restore +5 Sanity Meter.png to Wortox, while eating one takes away -10 Sanity Meter.png.

Below is a list of skills on the Nice branch.

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Lifebringer I.png
Lifebringer I
Available from start Learn how to channel Souls into a Twintailed Heart, a creation used to revive ghostly friends.


Interface arrow right.png
Twintailed Heart.png
Lifebringer II.png
Lifebringer II
Unlock "Lifebringer I" Your ghostly friends will no longer suffer health penalties when you revive them with a Twintailed Heart.
Lifebringer III.png
Lifebringer III
  • Unlock "Lifebringer II"
  • Total 5 Nice and/or Neutral skills.
Allow the Twintailed Heart to be used by another which will pull them to you from near or afar.
Using it yourself will free the Souls inside.
● Other players can squeeze the Twintailed Heart to teleport to Wortox's place.

● If Wortox uses it, it will release all the souls out.

Reaching Souls I.png
Reaching Souls I
Available from start Dropped Souls will heal at an increased range.
Reaching Souls II.png
Reaching Souls II
Unlock "Reaching Souls I" Souls will come to you faster.
Dropped Souls will heal at an increased range.
Soul Bastion I.png
Soul Bastion I
  • Unlock "Reaching Souls II"
  • Total 5 Nice and/or Neutral skills.
Dropped Souls will do a second healing wave for a lower amount after a delay.
Soul Bastion II.png
Soul Bastion II
Unlock "Soul Bastion I" Reduce the delay for the second healing wave to happen.
Souls are more efficient at healing multiple players.
Lifted Spirits I.png
Lifted Spirits I
Available from start Souls waiting to be freed in a Soul Echo will enhance your movement speed. During a Soul Echo, Wortox gets a +20% movement speed increase.
Lifted Spirits II.png
Lifted Spirits II
Unlock "Lifted Spirits I" Soul Echo duration is increased. Soul Echo duration is 50% longer.
Unlock "Lifted Spirits II" Soul Echo will happen a second time.
This does not decrease Soul Hop costs from the Map.
Wortox can use Soul Echo up to two times instead of once per soul.
Capricious Movement.png
Capricious Movement
Unlock "Lifted Spirits II" Soul Hop cost from the Map will be reduced by how much of the current world's land has been explored.


Neutral skills do not impact The Scales in any way, but will contribute towards unlocking Lifebringer III, Soul Bastion I and Soul Pierce I.

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Impromptu Flautist.png
Impromptu Flautist
Available from start You periodically feel a musical pull to play your flute. Pan Flutes will not lose durability one time when feeling this urge to play. Every 7-9 minutes, Wortox will feel a musical pull to play the Pan Flute. Using it during the effect will not cause durability loss and give +5 Sanity Meter.png.
Pleasant Pastorale.png
Pleasant Pastorale
Unlock "Impromptu Flautist" Playing your Pan Flute with such pleasing notes will bring lost Souls around for a listen. When playing the Pan Flute, it summons 6 Souls around Wortox.
Cloudy Carmen.png
Cloudy Carmen
Unlock "Impromptu Flautist" Things waking up after your Pan Flute playing will not be able to become hostile towards you for a moment. Mobs slept by Wortox won't target him. The effect lingers for 5 seconds after they wake up.


When Naughty inclined, Wortox will be able to hold in a Soul Overload for a couple of seconds before eventually losing half of them. This gives Wortox a brief window to release Souls before it happens. Eating or releasing Souls will no longer affect his Sanity. Souls will also heal Wortox for 25% less but will still heal other Survivors to its fullest potential.

Below is a list of skills on the Naughty branch.

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Available from start You've hung around Krampus enough to create a Knabsack for your own item stealing desires. Packs a punch depending on how full your inventory is. Unlock a new recipe for Wortox:




Interface arrow right.png
Soul Jar (Skill).png
Soul Jar
Unlock "Knabsacker" Learn how to craft and use a Soul Jar to store Souls for later use.
Soul Jars will leak Souls over time when not in your inventory.
Unlock a new storage recipe for Wortox:
Empty Bottle (DST).png
Red Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png
Soul Jar.png
Overflowing Greed.png
Overflowing Greed
Unlock "Soul Jar" Holding Soul Jars increases your maximum Souls allowed to be held at once by 5 each, stopping you from overloading of Soul power.
Covetous Collector.png
Covetous Collector
Unlock "Soul Jar" Held Souls and Souls inside of Soul Jars increases both the damage of the Knabsack and the damage of Souls, up to 100 total Souls collected. Knabsack and Soul Damages are boosted based on how many Souls Wortox has in his possession, up to a maximum of +100% for the Knabsack and +25% for Soul Damage at 100 Souls.
Soul Thief I.png
Soul Thief I
Available from start Souls are created and attracted to you from further away. Soul creation range from Wortox is increased by +10 units. Wortox's Soul stealing range is also increased by +4 units.
Soul Thief II.png
Soul Thief II
Unlock "Soul Thief I" Souls will last longer while being attracted to you. Souls last an additional 2 seconds before they despawn when being pulled towards Wortox.
Soul Pierce I.png
Soul Pierce I
  • Unlock "Soul Thief II"
  • Total 5 Naughty and/or Neutral skills.
Souls attracted to you will hurt other creatures with Souls along its path. Has a base damage of 25.5. Can be boosted by Covetous Collector, will not harm soulless enemies and counts towards a boss' explosive resistance.
Soul Pierce II.png
Soul Pierce II
Unlock "Soul Pierce I" Souls attracted to you will repel away initially before coming towards you. Repelling souls also do damage when they bounce away from Wortox.
Soul Decoy I.png
Soul Decoy I
Available from start Soul Hopping for the first hop leaves behind a Soul Decoy to draw the attention of nearby creatures with Souls targeting you. The decoy lasts for 2 seconds. Soulless enemies won't be fooled by it.
Soul Decoy II.png
Soul Decoy II
Unlock "Soul Decoy I" Soul Decoys will stay around for a bit longer if they are unharmed. The decoy gets an extra 3 seconds increase to its lifetime.
Soul Decoy III.png
Soul Decoy III
Unlock "Soul Decoy II" Soul Decoys will now explode and inflict damage on things lured by it or attacking you upon expiration. Explosion base damage is 51 and is an AoE. Can be boosted by Covetous Collector, will not harm soulless enemies and counts towards a boss' explosive resistance.


Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Shadow Harvester.png
Shadow Harvester
● Defeat Ancient Fuelweaver

● Have no Lunar Affinity

The Queen will reward your loyalty by unlocking power from wielding a Shadow Reaper. Souls waiting to be freed in a Soul Echo will cause damage dealt to spread out to close enemies, or hit one target twice, and expire the timer.
Lunar Swindler.png
Lunar Swindler
● Defeat Celestial Champion

● Have no Shadow Affinity

The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity by showing you power from wearing a Brightshade Helm or Armor. Souls waiting to be freed in a Soul Echo will absorb the damage from enemies, and expire the timer.

Prototype.png Tips

  • To easily farm Souls, players can keep a few Flowers around their base and kill the Butterflies that spawn.
    • This method also allows the player to easily regain sanity by catching, planting, and picking Butterflies.
    • Other easy moveable mob spawners are spidernests & beehives.
  • Because he's invincible while Soul Hopping, Wortox can use his Soul Hop ability to easily kite large mobs such as Deerclops and Bearger. Players can simply attack until the opponent is about to attack back, then Soul Hop while the enemy is attacking.
  • Wortox can release Souls he has captured after a fight to heal himself and his allies.
  • Wortox can be extremely powerful when paired with a Wickerbottom, as reading Birds of the World and Sleepytime Stories in quick succession can result in many Souls captured.
    • He also works well with a Wolfgang, as Wolfgang can easily destroy enemies for souls and Wortox can leave all of the physical food for Wolfgang.
  • In a PvP server, killing a Wortox will result in all of his Souls being released.
    • This can used to the player's personal advantage, targeting Wortox so they can heal themselves after he is killed.
  • Wortox's favorite food is both raw and cooked Pomegranate, meaning he gains 2.8125 / 1.25 bonus Hunger Meter.png when consuming the food despite his usual aversion to normal foods.