Wortox (Origin)

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About the character

Wortox Original Portrait.png
Full Name Wortox
Born March 28.
Location Other World (not Constant)
Favorite Food Pomegranate.png and Sliced Pomegranate.png
Curio Cabinet Bio Wortox is a mischievous imp whose levity masks a deep well of guilt. He has taken many souls in his time.
Motto "Pardon me if I don't shake your hand."
Friends and Relatives Friends (Associated with Maxwell Statue), Mother (Associated with Maxwell Lavae Tooth), Krampus (Friend),

Hitting Constant

Wortox entered this world through a certain portal. Afterwards he finds Krampus as a friend


Wortox's backstory is revealed in the animated short Possessions, the details of which are summarized in his biography from the Compendium:

Wortox learned the hard way that one should always be mindful of the company they keep. Once a playful imp without a care in the world, Wortox spent his days helping a Krampus make mischief throughout the Constant. While the pair of rascals revelled in their roguery for a time, Wortox slowly began to see a darkness in the Krampus' heart, and the malice in his pranks. Not wishing for any real harm to come to anyone, the little imp finally put his cloven foot down, but in trying to stop his fiendish friend he unwittingly awakened a terrible power in himself...

Krampus and Wortox traipsed through the woods,

In the hopes to ruin goodness by being no good.

They both schemed with glee bearing grins of a fiend,

Oh you’re right, they’re quite wrong— they meant to be mean.

With their bounty of loot the haul was never enough,

Oh, what fun, to make glum by stealing one’s stuff.

But cruel-hearted fun still requires a heart,

And that’s where our two scoundrels drifted apart.

You see, mischief and malice is a line drawn quite thin,

And Wortox told Krampus: “This is where this one must end.”

Battling one’s nature is a most vicious affair,

But virtue gives vigor so that one might make a good tear!

And though Wortox felt better to have helped on the whole,

His fiendish half was still cursed to ensnare this foul soul.

So be careful what you wish for, a lesson worth mentioned,

For taking that which is not yours, can lead to possession.

Wortox, while walking with Krampus, was constantly doing all sorts of pranks. They stole items, spoiled things, etc. One day Krampus decided to steal Baby Beefalo. Wortox thought this was a really bad idea. So he hastened to confront his friend. It turned out that he has a curse that is passed on through kinship (apparently). If a creature with this curse goes against its natural design, it will be corrupted and given the color red. Due to the fact that Wortox, instead of continuing the prank, interfered with Krampus, he was spoiled due to which he swallowed Krampus and turned red. His curse comes from his hands, and he himself now feeds on souls.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • Wortox is described by Klei as "a fun, mischievous fellow with a big, kind heart… minus the fact that he eats souls for sustenance."
  • Unlike the other survivors, Wortox wasn't trapped in the Constant. He arrived through the Ancient Gateway, according to his examination quote for the structure when deactivated. His place of origin is unknown.
  • Wortox may know who the Ancient Statue depicts, judging by his quote. ("Hyuyu, did you lose a game?")
  • Wortox has a mother, according to his quote for the Lavae Tooth. ("My mom still has mine somewhere.")
  • Wortox's quotes reveal parts of his nature as an imp.
    • He might not have blood. (Held Mosquito- "I have no blood for you, sweet thing.")
    • The act of eating and preparing physical food is unpleasant and foreign. (Flower Salad- "I don't really like eating."/Froggle Bunwich- "Mortals are weird.")
    • He also can't digest food properly, and it might upset his stomach. (Pumpkin Cookies- "Real food is a bit hard on my stomach."/Spicy Chili- "I don't "digest" well."/ Hot Pumpkin- "Slightly easier on my impish tum.")
    • He is sensitive to the sound of the Lucky Whistle. ("Ooo, ouch! My ears!").
    • His curse manifests through his hands, and many of his lines suggest that he cannot touch others without risking the theft of their soul. (Failure to craft- "My hands are truly cursed."/Holding a Crow- "Careful, don't touch my hands.")
    • He dislikes Garlic and Salt, hissing at the items, and is glad when Salt Formations are destroyed. Despite this, he is able to consume both with no negative effects apart from the usual reduced stat gains.
    • He is unable to cry. (Onion- "You'll see no tears from my eye. I cannot cry!")
    • He might have regularly eaten physical food at some point in the past. (Fancy Spiralled Tubers- "I think I remember when I used to eat food. Maybe.")
  • Wortox's birthday is listed as March 28 in the Compendium. March 28, 2019 was the day Wortox was added to DST.
  • To the forum question "there's art with 2 separate characters eating cup noodles, where did the cup noodles come from?" developer nome replied: "Wortox gave it to the Survivors because he thought it was cups of worms and would be a fun prank. He was very disappointed to find out it is, in fact, food. Nobody knows where he got them from."[1]
  1. Nome on the forums 22 June 2023