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Ui button variant 1 on.png
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What deliciousness shall you yield?


Glommer's Flower.png See also: Food Value

Food can be obtained by foraging, trapping, farming or hunting mobs. Food refills Hunger and may restore some Health along with Sanity, depending on the quality of the food eaten. Eating some foods, such as Monster Meat or Durians, can damage the player's health instead of restoring it. Some foods, such as raw Meat or Morsels, will damage a player's sanity if eaten. Mushrooms have varying effects on Health and Sanity depending on their color. Some special food items, such as Glow Berry, have additional effects when eaten.

Almost all raw food can be Cooked on a Campfire to increase the amount of Health/Hunger/Sanity restored or reduced, and sometimes remove Health/Sanity penalties from eating it. Some raw food items, most notably Meats, can be dried on a Drying Rack to produce long lasting food items with increased Health/Hunger/Sanity values. Additionally, a Crock Pot can be used for making foods that have additional benefits.

Food items also have other uses than eating them directly. Meat can be used as bait for carnivores, for the recruitment of Pigs, and as an offering to the Pig King for Gold Nuggets. A renewable way to gain Eggs is by giving meats to birds housed in Bird Cages. Meat is also a requirement to construct the Meat Effigy. Bunnymen can be befriended using Carrots and will become hostile if meat is in the player's inventory. Vegetables and Fruits can be used as bait for herbivores and given to Pigs to obtain Manure. Seeds can be used to bait Bird Traps.

Being of the most important items in the game, (and part of the game's namesake, to not starve) food is typically very valuable in any world; however, given the layouts of different maps and what spawns in them, food availability can vary from being abundant, to dangerously short. Food is affected by the seasons, which likely encourages the player to take advantages of seasonal diets and also take advantages of the food's shelf life.

With the introduction of Overheating mechanic in the Reign of Giants DLC (and carried over to Don't Starve Together and the Shipwrecked DLC), some foods are classified as hot or cold, providing an alternative way to combat Freezing and Overheating, respectively.

When players eat Foods that count as Meats, they will have a chewing animation and are not able to perform other actions for a relatively long duration. When eating Foods that are not Meats, they will just put it into their mouth very fast.

For Information on Food values and Priority, see the Crock Pot page.


There are several Food categories:

Perish Times

Most food and some non-edible items have a perish time, eventually turning into Rot, turning into another food or item, or disappearing completely.

Stage Effect
Green (50-100% Fresh) Restores the full amount of Hunger Meter.png, Health Meter.png and Sanity Meter.png for a given food.
Yellow (21-49% Stale) Restores 2/3 of Hunger Meter.png, 1/3 of Health Meter.png for a given food and doesn't restore any Sanity Meter.png.
Red (0-20% Spoiled) Restores 1/2 of Hunger Meter.png for a given food, doesn't restore any Health Meter.png and decreases Sanity Meter.png by 10.
Container Spoilage Rate (higher = spoils faster) Notes
Bundled Supplies.png 0 Several items cannot be put inside, such as itself and Chester's Eye Bone.
Honey Chest.png Hamlet icon.png 0 Only Honeys and Nectars can be put inside.
Birdcage.png 0 / 0.25 Don't Starve Together icon.png Only Birds can be put inside.
Ice Box.png 0.5 / -0.33 -0.33 only applies toIce.png/Hail.pngShipwrecked icon.png.
Insulated Pack.png 0.5
Sea Sack.png Shipwrecked icon.png 0.5
Snow Chester.png 0.5 / 0 Don't Starve Together icon.png 0 only applies to Ice.png.
Chef Pouch.png 0.5 Shipwrecked icon.png / 0.75 Don't Starve Together icon.png
In player's inventory, Chests, etc 1
Shadow Chester.png 1.5 / 3 3 only applies when poisoned (Shipwrecked icon.pngHamlet icon.png).
Player with Blue Funcap.png/Red Funcap.png/Green Funcap.png/equipped Don't Starve Together icon.png 1.5 Include items in inventory and equipment slots.
On ground, Ocean 1.5
Poisoned Packim Baggims.png Shipwrecked icon.png 3

In addition to above modifiers, the same items can be affected by some other modifiers if any of the condition below is true:

Condition Spoilage Rate (higher = spoils faster) Notes
When in inventory 0.25 Moon Moth.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

0.0125 (Blue Spore.png/Red Spore.png/Green Spore.png) Don't Starve Together icon.png

World temperature below 0 Tallbird Egg Death Cold.png 0.75 / 0 Mostly in Winter, 0 only applies to Ice.png/Hail.pngShipwrecked icon.png.
World temperature above 70 Tallbird Egg Too Hot.png 1.25 Mostly in SummerReign of Giants icon.pngDon't Starve Together icon.png or Dry Season Shipwrecked icon.png.
Wet state Wetness Meter.png 1.3 Most food floating on Ocean is wet until picked up and dried off.
Aporkalypse Hamlet icon.png 1.5
Melting near Heat Source Fire Pit.png 30 Only applies to Ice.png/Hail.pngShipwrecked icon.png.

For example, according to tables above during winter, when temperature is below 0°, Soggy perishable items in the Ice Box or Snow Chester will spoil at 0.5 × 0.75 × 1.3 = 0.4875 rate.

  • Any kind of cooked meat lasts longer than any raw meat, but any kind of raw vegetable lasts longer than any cooked vegetable. The exceptions are Popcorn, which lasts longer than raw Corn; Mushrooms, which last the same amount of time whether cooked or raw; and Seaweed in Shipwrecked which lasts longer when cooked.
  • Cooking food on fire or in a Crock Pot halves the current spoilage of the food (e.g. if a food were at 80% freshness when raw (thus 20% spoiled), it would convert to 90% freshness after being cooked (10% spoiled)).
  • Monster meat is the only meat in the game that lasts longer overall the earlier it is cooked (i.e. monster meat will last 15 days total if cooked at 100% freshness, but will last 14.25 days total (3 days raw + 11.25 days cooked) if cooked at 50% freshness)
  • Being near the Spore Bomb of a Toadstool will accelerate spoiling rapidly.
  • Foods spoil 25% faster during the Summer.Reign of Giants icon.png
  • The negative effects characters get from eating stale and spoiled food do not apply to WX-78.
  • The effects of eating stale or spoiled food are worse when playing as Wickerbottom. Stale food will only give 1/3 of the hunger and 1/4 of health. Spoiled food will restore only 1/6 of the hunger. The rest of the values are the same as other characters.
  • Tallbird Eggs, Mandrakes (raw and cooked), the Deerclops Eyeball, Guardian's Horn, (Glommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon.png, Jellybeans Don't Starve Together icon.png) and ("Ballphin Free" Tuna Shipwrecked icon.png, which gives one Fish Steak when used) are the only Food items which don't spoil (despite Honey being the only food in real life that does not spoil).
  • Food cooked in the Crock Pot and meat dried on the Drying Rack do not begin to spoil until picked up. This was changed in the Reign of Giants DLC.
  • Spoiled Eggs become Rotten Eggs instead of Rot.
  • Spoiled Tea instead becomes Iced Tea, which can then turn into Rot.

Food Temperature

A food with a defined temperature effect will increase/decrease the player's perceived temperature by 40°, for varying lengths of time. This effect is not directly related to, or affected by the food's freshness.

Cold foods preserve their full effect until they rot.

Hot foods, however, will cool off over time (shortening the duration of the increased temperature effect, rather than decreasing in temperature) after being made (all hot foods are Crock Pot dishes). Hot foods will cool off four times as fast if put inside a functioning Ice Box. This cool-off increase will also happen inside Snow Chester. The Insulated Pack, Sea Sack, Chef Pouch and the Bundling Wrap will preserve the temperature effect indefinitely.

Splitting a stack of hot food will reset the temperature duration of the new stack, and combining stacks will set the duration to the same as the stack that is being added to.

An exception to the cooling-down effect of hot foods are several non-perishable food items available during Winter's Feast in Don't Starve Together. These foods will keep a long-lasting hot effect indefinitely, making them a great item to keep around static resurrection structures, especially during Winter:

Food Types

Icon Food DLC Hunger Sanity Health Perish time (days) Effect Value
Aloe.png Aloe Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +8 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Aloe.png Cooked Aloe Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Asparagus.png Asparagus Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Asparagus.png Cooked Asparagus Hamlet icon.png +25 0 +3 3 Veggie.png×1.0
Batilisk Wing.png Batilisk Wing +12.5 -10 +3 6 Don't Starve Together icon.png Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Batilisk Wing.png Cooked Batilisk Wing +18.75 0 +8 10 Don't Starve Together icon.png Meats.png×0.5
Bean Bugs.png Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Bean Bugs.png Cooked Bean Bugs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Berries.png Berries +9.375 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Roasted Berries.png Roasted Berries +12.5 0 +1 3 Fruit.png×0.5
Bile-Covered Slop.png Bile-Covered Slop Shipwrecked icon.png -10 0 -1 Never
Roasted Birchnut.png Roasted Birchnut Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 0 +1 6 Roasted Birchnut.png×1.0
Blooming Tuber.png Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +10 20
Fried Blooming Tuber.png Fried Blooming Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 +5 +3 6
Blubber.png Blubber Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 10
Brainy Matter.png Brainy Matter Shipwrecked icon.png +10 +50 -10 1
Bramble Bulb.png Bramble Bulb Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Butter.png Butter +25 0 +40 40 Dairy product.png×1.0
Butterfly Wings.png Butterfly Wings +9.375 0 +8 6 Butterfly Wings.png×1.0
Cactus Flesh.png Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 -5 -3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Cactus Flesh.png Cooked Cactus Flesh Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cactus Flower.png Cactus Flower Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +8 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Carrot.png Carrot +12.5 0 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Carrot.png Roasted Carrot +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Cave Banana.png Banana +12.5 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Cooked Cave Banana.png Cooked Banana +12.5 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Clippings.png Clippings Hamlet icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 Never
Halved Coconut.png Halved Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Roasted Coconut.png Roasted Coconut Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 +1 10 Fruit.png×1.0
Coffee Beans.png Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 0 0 6 Fruit.png×0.5
Cooked Coffee Beans.png Roasted Coffee Beans Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 0 15 Fruit.png×1.0
Corn.png Corn +25 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Popcorn.png Popcorn +12.5 0 +3 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Dead Dogfish.png Dead Dogfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Dead Jellyfish.png Dead Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Jellyfish.png Cooked Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dried Jellyfish.png Dried Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 20 Fishes.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Dead Rainbow Jellyfish.png Dead Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +10 0 +10 6
Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish.png Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 0 +10 10
Dead Swordfish.png Dead Swordfish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 6
Dead Wobster.png Dead Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3
Cooked Wobster.png Delicious Wobster Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6
Deerclops Eyeball.png Deerclops Eyeball +75 -15 +60 Never
Doydoy Egg.png Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +3 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Fried Doydoy Egg.png Fried Doydoy Egg Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Dragoon Heart.png Dragoon Heart Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -10 +11 10
Dragon Fruit.png Dragon Fruit +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Prepared Dragon Fruit.png Prepared Dragon Fruit +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Drumstick.png Drumstick +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Fried Drumstick.png Fried Drumstick +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Durian.png Durian +25 -5 -3 10 Fruit.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Extra Smelly Durian.png Extra Smelly Durian +25 -5 0 6 Fruit.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Eel.png Eel +9.375 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Eel.png Cooked Eel +12.5 0 +8 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Electric Milk.png Electric Milk Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 6 Dairy product.png×1.0
Egg.png Egg +9.375 0 0 10 Eggs.png×1.0
Cooked Egg.png Cooked Egg +12.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×1.0
Eggplant.png Eggplant +25 0 +8 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Braised Eggplant.png Braised Eggplant +25 0 +20 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Eye of the Tiger Shark.png Eye of the Tiger Shark Shipwrecked icon.png +75 -15 +60 Never
Fish.png Fish +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Fish.png Cooked Fish +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Morsel.png Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Fish Morsel.png Cooked Fish Morsel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Flytrap Stalk.png Flytrap Stalk Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6
Foliage.png Foliage 0 0 +1 6 Veggie.png×1.0

(Hamlet icon.png only)

Frog Legs.png Frog Legs +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Frog Legs.png Cooked Frog Legs +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Gears.png Gears (WX-78 Portrait.png only) +75 +50 +60 Never
Glommer's Goop.png Glommer's Goop Reign of Giants icon.png +9.375 -50 +40 Never
Glow Berry.png Glow Berry +25 -10 +10 10 Light/90 Fruit.png×1

(Don't Starve Together icon.png only)

Guardian's Horn.png Guardian's Horn +75 -15 +60 Never
Gummy Slug.png Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +9.375 -10 0 40 Bugs.png×1.0
Cooked Gummy Slug.png Cooked Gummy Slug Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -5 +1 10 Bugs.png×1.0
Honey.png Honey +9.375 0 +3 40 Sweetener.png×1.0
Ice.png Ice Reign of Giants icon.png +2.3 0 +0.5 3 Cold/7.5 Ice.png×1.0
Koalefant Trunk.png Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Winter Koalefant Trunk.png Winter Koalefant Trunk +37.5 0 +30 6
Koalefant Trunk Steak.png Koalefant Trunk Steak +75 0 +40 15
Leafy Meat.png Leafy Meat +12.5 -10 0 6 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Cooked Leafy Meat.png Cooked Leafy Meat +18.75 0 +1 10 (Meats.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Lichen.png Lichen +12.5 -5 +3 2 Veggie.png×1.0
Light Bulb.png Light Bulb 0 0 +1 6
Limpets.png Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 0 6 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Limpets.png Cooked Limpets Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Lotus Flower.png Lotus Flower Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +5 +1 10
Cooked Lotus Root.png Cooked Lotus Root Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +15 +1 10
Magic Water.png Magic Water Hamlet icon.png +450 +150 +300 Never
Mandrake.png Mandrake +75 0 +60 Never Sleep Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Mandrake.png Cooked Mandrake +150 0 +100 Never Sleep
Meat.png Meat +25 -10 +1 6 Meats.png×1.0
Cooked Meat.png Cooked Meat +25 0 +3 10 Meats.png×1.0
Jerky.png Jerky +25 +15 +20 20 Meats.png×1.0
Monster Meat.png Monster Meat +18.75 -15 -20 6 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Cooked Monster Meat.png Cooked Monster Meat +18.75 -10 -3 15 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Monster Jerky.png Monster Jerky +18.75 -5 -3 20 Meats.png×1.0 Monster Foods.png×1.0
Morsel.png Morsel +12.5 -10 0 6 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Morsel.png Cooked Morsel +12.5 0 +1 10 Meats.png×0.5
Small Jerky.png Small Jerky +12.5 +10 +8 20 Meats.png×0.5
Mussel.png Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -15 0 3 Fishes.png×0.5
Cooked Mussel.png Cooked Mussel Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×0.5
Blue Cap.png Blue Cap +12.5 -15 +20 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Blue Cap.png Cooked Blue Cap 0 +10 -3 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Green Cap.png Green Cap +12.5 -50 0 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Green Cap.png Cooked Green Cap 0 +15 -1 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Red Cap.png Red Cap +12.5 0 -20 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Cooked Red Cap.png Cooked Red Cap 0 -10 +1 10 Veggie.png×0.5
Nectar.png Nectar Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 40
Neon Quattro.png Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Neon Quattro.png Cooked Neon Quattro Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Nettle.png Nettle Hamlet icon.png +10 0 +10 Never
Petals.png Petals 0 0 +1 6
Dark Petals.png Dark Petals 0 -5 0 6
Pierrot Fish.png Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Pierrot Fish.png Cooked Pierrot Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Phlegm.png Phlegm +12.5 -15 0 Never
Poison Dartfrog Legs.png Poison Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 -10 -3 6
Cooked Dartfrog Legs.png Cooked Dartfrog Legs Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 -1 10
Pomegranate.png Pomegranate +9.375 0 +3 6 Fruit.png×1.0
Sliced Pomegranate.png Sliced Pomegranate +12.5 0 +20 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Pumpkin.png Pumpkin +37.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Hot Pumpkin.png Hot Pumpkin +37.5 0 +8 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Purple Grouper.png Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Purple Grouper.png Cooked Purple Grouper Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Radish.png Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +1 15 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Radish.png Cooked Radish Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Raw Fish.png Raw Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Fish Steak.png Fish Steak Shipwrecked icon.png +25 0 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Roe.png Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Cooked Roe.png Cooked Roe Shipwrecked icon.png +4.6875 0 0 10 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Rot.png Rot -10 0 -1 Never
Rotten Egg.png Rotten Egg -10 0 -1 Never
Seaweed.png Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -10 +1 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Roasted Seaweed.png Roasted Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Dried Seaweed.png Dried Seaweed Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 20 Veggie.png×1.0
Seed Pod.png Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +1 20
Cooked Seed Pod.png Cooked Seed Pod Hamlet icon.png +9.375 0 +3 6
Seeds.png Seeds +4.6875 0 0 40
Toasted Seeds.png Toasted Seeds +4.6875 0 +1 10
Crops.png Crop Seeds +9.375 0 +0.5 40
Shark Fin.png Shark Fin Shipwrecked icon.png +25 -15 +20 6 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Sweet Potato.png Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 10 Veggie.png×1.0
Cooked Sweet Potato.png Cooked Sweet Potato Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +3 6 Veggie.png×1.0
Tallbird Egg.png Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never Eggs.png×4.0
Hatching Tallbird Egg.png Hatching Tallbird Egg +25 0 +3 Never
Fried Tallbird Egg.png Fried Tallbird Egg +37.5 0 0 6 Eggs.png×4.0
Tropical Fish.png Tropical Fish Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +1 3 Fishes.png×1.0 Meats.png×0.5
Tuber.png Tuber Hamlet icon.png +12.5 0 +8 20
Fried Tuber.png Fried Tuber Hamlet icon.png +18.75 0 +3 6
Watermelon.png Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +3 8 Cold/5 Fruit.png×1.0
Grilled Watermelon.png Grilled Watermelon Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +7.5 +1 3 Fruit.png×1.0
Asparagus Soup.png Asparagus Soup Hamlet icon.png +18.75 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Bacon and Eggs.png Bacon and Eggs +75 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Banana Pop.png Banana Pop Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 +33 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Bisque.png Bisque Shipwrecked icon.png +18.75 +5 +60 20 Crock Pot.png
Butter Muffin.png Butter Muffin +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
California Roll.png California Roll Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +10 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Caviar.png Caviar Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Ceviche.png Ceviche Shipwrecked icon.png +25 +5 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Coffee.png Coffee Shipwrecked icon.png +9.375 -5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Dragonpie.png Dragonpie +75 +5 +40 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Feijoada.png Feijoada Hamlet icon.png +75 +15 +20 8 Crock Pot.png
Fish Tacos.png Fish Tacos +37.5 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Fishsticks.png Fishsticks +37.5 +5 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Fist Full of Jam.png Fist Full of Jam +37.5 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Flower Salad.png Flower Salad Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Fresh Fruit Crepes.png Fresh Fruit Crepes Shipwrecked icon.png +150 +15 +60 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Froggle Bunwich.png Froggle Bunwich +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Fruit Medley.png Fruit Medley +25 +5 +20 6 Cold/5 Crock Pot.png
Gummy Cake.png Gummy Cake Hamlet icon.png +150 -5 -3 20 Crock Pot.png
Hard Shell Tacos.png Hard Shell Tacos Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +5 +20 20 Crock Pot.png
Honey Ham.png Honey Ham +75 +5 +30 15 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Honey Nuggets.png Honey Nuggets +37.5 +5 +20 15 Crock Pot.png
Ice Cream.png Ice Cream Reign of Giants icon.png +25 +50 0 3 Cold/15 Crock Pot.png
Iced Tea.png Iced Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 6 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Jelly-O Pop.png Jelly-O Pop Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 0 +20 10 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Kabobs.png Kabobs +37.5 +5 +3 15 Don't Starve Together icon.png Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Mandrake Soup.png Mandrake Soup +150 +5 +100 6 Sleep Crock Pot.png
Meatballs.png Meatballs +62.5 +5 +3 10 Crock Pot.png
Meaty Stew.png Meaty Stew +150 +5 +12 10 Reign of Giants icon.pngHamlet icon.png Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Melonsicle.png Melonsicle Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +20 +3 3 Cold/10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Lasagna.png Monster Lasagna +37.5 -20 -20 10 Crock Pot.png
Monster Tartare.png Monster Tartare Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5

+62.5 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)


-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)


-20 (Don't Starve Together icon.png)

10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Mussel Bouillabaise.png Mussel Bouillabaise Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Nettle Rolls.png Nettle Rolls Hamlet icon.png +25 +5 +20 6 Crock Pot.png
Pierogi.png Pierogi +37.5 +5 +40 20 Crock Pot.png
Powdercake.png Powdercake 0 0 -3 18750 Crock Pot.png
Pumpkin Cookies.png Pumpkin Cookies +37.5 +15 0 10 Crock Pot.png
Ratatouille.png Ratatouille +25 +5 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Seafood Gumbo.png Seafood Gumbo Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +20 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Shark Fin Soup.png Shark Fin Soup Shipwrecked icon.png +12.5 -10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Snake Bone Soup.png Snake Bone Soup Hamlet icon.png +25 +10 +40 10 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Chili.png Spicy Chili Reign of Giants icon.png +37.5 0 +20 9 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Spicy Vegetable Stinger.png Spicy Vegetable Stinger Hamlet icon.png +25 +33 +3 15 Crock Pot.png
Steamed Ham Sandwich.png Steamed Ham Sandwich Hamlet icon.png +37.5 +15 +40 6 Crock Pot.png
Stuffed Eggplant.png Stuffed Eggplant +37.5 +5 +3 15 Hot/5 Crock Pot.png
Surf 'n' Turf.png Surf 'n' Turf Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +33 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Sweet Potato Souffle.png Sweet Potato Souffle Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Portable Crock Pot.png
Taffy.png Taffy +25 +15 -3 15 Crock Pot.png
Tea.png Tea Hamlet icon.png +12.5 +33 +3 1 Hot/15 Crock Pot.png
Trail Mix.png Trail Mix Reign of Giants icon.png +12.5 +5 +30 15 Crock Pot.png
Tropical Bouillabaisse.png Tropical Bouillabaisse Shipwrecked icon.png +37.5 +15 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Turkey Dinner.png Turkey Dinner +75 +5 +20 6 Hot/10 Crock Pot.png
Unagi.png Unagi +18.75 +5 +20 10 Crock Pot.png
Waffles.png Waffles +37.5 +5 +60 6 Crock Pot.png
Wet Goop.png Wet Goop 0 0 0 6 Crock Pot.png
Wobster Bisque.png Wobster Bisque Shipwrecked icon.png +25 +10 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Wobster Dinner.png Wobster Dinner Shipwrecked icon.png +25 +50 +60 10 Crock Pot.png
Pig Skin.png Pig Skin
(Non-survival food)
+10 0 +10 1
Bunny Puff.png Bunny Puff
(Non-survival food)
+10 0 +10 1
Slurper Pelt.png Slurper Pelt
(Non-survival food)
+10 0 +10 1
Twigs.png Twigs
(Non-survival food)
+0.5 0 +9.4 Never Inedible.png×1.0
Weevole Carapace.png Dorsal Fin
(Not a food)
Hamlet icon.png None None None Never Inedible.png×1.0
Dorsal Fin.png Dorsal Fin
(Not a food)
Shipwrecked icon.png None None None Never Inedible.png×1.0
Cut Grass.png Cut Grass
(Non-survival food)
+4.7 0 +1 Never
Cut Reeds.png Cut Reeds
(Non-survival food)
+4.7 0 +1 Never
Rocks.png Rocks
(Non-survival food)
+1 0 +10 Never
Nitre.png Nitre
(Non-survival food)
+1 0 +10 Never
Gold Nugget.png Gold Nugget
(Non-survival food)
+2 0 +10 Never
Thulecite.png Thulecite
(Non-survival food)
+3 0 +10 Never
Thulecite Fragments.png Thulecite Fragments
(Non-survival food)
+1 0 +10 Never
Gems Icon.png Gems
(Non-survival food)
+5 0 +10 Never
Ashes.png Ashes
(Non-survival food)
+20 0 +20 Never
Charcoal.png Charcoal
(Non-survival food)
+20 0 +20 Never

Prototype.png Tips

  • Meatballs should be prioritized for most characters excluding those unable to consume meat during the early game as a decent way of dealing with hunger before moving down the list with more elaborated food, such as Honey Ham.
  • In order to maximize the endurance of a food item, the player can cook it in a suitable time. Taking into account the difference of spoil rate of the cooked version and the raw version of a certain food can be useful to the player to know whether it's best to cook it or not.
  • When cooking sanity restoring food, one should be wary of their freshness, as when they turn stale, they no longer restore sanity. Since most sanity restoring food items require specific ingredients, it's recommended to consume them as soon as possible in order to benefit from the sanity gain without wasting expensive ingredients for small amounts of hunger and little to no health gains.

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