Wigfrid (Reign of Giants)

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Exclusive to: Reign of Giants icon.png Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wigfrid wearing her Battle Helmet and holding her Battle Spear.

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Battle Spear and Battle Helm

Wigfrid starts the game with the Battle Spear and Battle Helm, two craftable items that are exclusive to her. The Helm protects for 80% of incoming damage and has nearly double the durability of a Football Helmet, while the Battle Spear deals 42.5 damage and has 200 uses. Both these items prove incredibly useful in the early days of the game, due to their cheap cost and high stats.

Wigfrid does 25% more damage (melee and ranged combat). She alao has 25% Damage Reduction, this act on physical damage, fire damage, freezing damage, overheating damage, and every other kind of damage.

When she kills an enemy, she gains Health and Sanity, allowing her to continue fighting enemy after enemy, Health & sanity gain = Mob's damage × 0.25. For example, if she kills a Spider, she gains 5 Health and Sanity (20 × 0.25 = 5)


Wigfrid has a Meat-only diet, limiting her choice of food greatly and requiring her to always be hunting for food in the early days instead of a more relaxed approach. Her maximum Hunger and Sanity are also comparatively low, each at a value of 120.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Wigfrid can eat all Meat type foods, even those that are not entirely meat, such as meatballs. Eggs are an animal product and thus count as meat.
  • Wigfrid's diet can be detrimental in a few ways:
    1. She is unable to fully take advantage of beneficial food, such as Berries, Carrots and Butterfly Wings during early exploration, Green Mushrooms and Cooked Cacti Flesh for Sanity management.
      • Once a Crock Pot is crafted she can use these foods as filler.
    2. Her options using a Crock Pot become limited, as she misses out on some useful recipes like Dragonpie, Butter Muffin and Taffy. Taffy is edible in DST.
    3. In the Shipwrecked DLC, she is unable to drink Coffee and thus misses out on the massive speed bonus.
  • Carrying Meat while exploring Caves can be dangerous, because it will automatically trigger Bunnymen to attack, though this can be avoided by storing Meat items in Chester, or its Don't Starve Together counterpart, Hutch.
  • As a temporary measure, eating Monster Meat can be used as a means of survival, especially since she can regain lost Health and Sanity from killing mobs.
  • Farms and some other structures can still be beneficial to Wigfrid. Crops from Farms can make good filler and are sometimes essential in some Meat-based recipes. Carrots can be used to befriend Bunnymen. Berry Bushes can be used to hunt Gobblers. Berries can be used as filler or turned into Manure/Rot for easy fire fuel. A Bird Cage can be used to turn rotting meat into Eggs. Honey from Bee Boxes can be used to make Honey Ham and Honey Nuggets or Honey Poultice. Seeds can be used to bait Bird Traps.
  • A base/camp near a Sinkhole allows Wigfrid to kill the Batilisks that spawn at Dusk for some easy Health and Sanity.
    • A base/camp near Spider Dens can be used in a similar way. This will also provide a lot of monster meat, which can be cooked and fed to an imprisoned bird in a Bird Cage to obtain eggs.
  • Meatballs may be the best Crock Pot dish for Wigfrid, as it's the most cost effective Hunger-wise.
  • Wigfrid's Battle Helm and Battle Spear are stronger (and cheaper to make) than the Spear and Football Helmet. Her items will be outclassed by Ham Bats, Shelmets and anything better though.
  • A Pig Village can be a good resource for Meat early in the game, and it's possible to kill the Pigs with little to no trouble. This can be further improved by feeding the pigs four (4) Monster Meats, which will transform them into Werepigs (resulting in more Meat and Pig Skin).
  • During the early days of the game, it can be a good idea to keep a pet Catcoon and use it to get the aggro of Koalefants for easy meat.
  • Pig Villages, Spider Dens and Ponds are some of the best food sources for Wigfrid.
  • Players should try to find the Pig King for infinite amounts of Gold Nuggets for Wigfrid’s gear.
  • In DST Wigfrid's favorite food is Turkey Dinner, meaning she gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when eating it.
  • Wigfrid can attack Slurtles while they are in their shells using a hambat or walking cane to safely regenerate her health and sanity.