Wendy (Don't Starve Together)

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Ui button variant 1 off.png
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Glommer's Flower.png See also: Abigail and Abigail's Flower

Wendy's main special power is her ability to summon her dead twin sister, Abigail. Wendy starts with Abigail's Flower in her inventory. She will be able to summon Abigail immediately and gain 15 Sanity Meter.png. Wendy can ask Abigail to stay close to her or roam more free via Abigail's flower. In the Sooth state Abigail follows Wendy and will attack Mobs that either attack Wendy or that Wendy herself attacks. In the Rile up state Abigail attacks every Mob near Wendy, enemy or neutral. Wendy can decide to retire Abigail by attacking her (using force attack) or clicking on her while dragging an Abigail's Flower, losing 15 Sanity Meter.png in the process.

Abigail starts with a health pool of 150 Abigail's health. Her health changes to 300 health after 1 day and goes to 600 health after 1 additional day. The process is 4 times faster if there is a fully decorated Sisturn in the World. Abigail goes back to her initial health when she is destroyed by an enemy or when Wendy is revived after death. Abigail has a protective shield. When attacked, a protective shield surrounds her and absorbs all other damage within a small window of time after the first attack.

Wendy can assist Pipspooks to recover their lost toys and gain Mourning Glories as a reward. Wendy does not lose sanity due to Ghosts, Pipspooks and Ghost Characters. Ghosts are neutral towards Wendy, but will attack if provoked.

Wendy can craft 6 Ghostly Elixirs:

Icon Name Recipe To Abigail To Player Character
Effect Duration Effect Duration
Revenant Restorative.png Revenant Restorative Mourning Glory.pngx1 Spider Gland.pngx1 +2Health Meter.png/s 1 day +2Health Meter.png/s 20 seconds
Spectral Cure-All.png Spectral Cure-All Mourning Glory.pngx3 Telltale Heart.pngx1 +20Health Meter.png/s 30 seconds +5Health Meter.png/s 20 seconds
Unyielding Draught.png Unyielding Draught Mourning Glory.pngx1 Log.pngx1 Doubles the duration of Abigail's protective shield from 0.5 to 1 second

(the shield absorbs all damage after the initial attack)

1 day When health reduce, reduce 50Health Meter.png less
End effect time immediately when being hit.
120 seconds
Distilled Vengeance.png Distilled Vengeance Mourning Glory.pngx3 Living Log.pngx1 Doubles the duration of Abigail's protective shield from 0.5 to 1 seconds

In addition to absorbing damage, all Mobs attacking a shield take 20 damage.

1 day When health reduce, reduce 50Health Meter.png less
End effect time immediately and deal 20 damage to mob around when being hit.
120 seconds
Nightshade Nostrum.png Nightshade Nostrum Mourning Glory.pngx3 Stinger.pngx1 Makes Abigail's attacks have nighttime damage (40) regardless of the time of the day 1 day Night vision. 360 seconds
Vigor Mortis.png Vigor Mortis Mourning Glory.pngx1 Honey.pngx1 Increases Abigail's movement speed by 75% 1 day Offset up to 25% of slowdown form Equipped Item.
Wouldn't slowdown by Web Tile and Honey Trail.
1 day
Ghastly Experience.png Ghastly Experience Template:DSTRecipe
need Template:Skill
Upgrade Abigail to Level 3 immediately. 2 seconds +5Sanity Meter.png and +12.5Hunger Meter.png immediately.
remove 25% of Max Health Penalty immediately.
0.3 seconds
Cursed Vexation.png Cursed Vexation Template:DSTRecipe
need Template:Skill
Super Elixir, can be used with regular Elixir at same time.
Abigail inflicting foes with a 30% vulnerability, Wendy's attacks deal an extra 60% damage to these foes.
1 day Can't Drink
Luminous Wrath.png Luminous Wrath Template:DSTRecipe
need Template:Skill
Super Elixir, can be used with regular Elixir at same time.
Abigail's attack deal extra 10 Planar Damage.
100 Planar Damage when she is Gestalt
120 seconds

Wendy can also exclusively craft the Sisturn through the Structures Filter. The Sisturn can be decorated with petals to generate a sanity aura of +25 Sanity Meter.png/min.

Abigail's attacks beset her opponents with ghostly petals for a short period of time, increasing the damage they receive by 10% for 2 seconds. Wendy players will also deal an additional 40% damage. Combined with Wendy's 0.75x multiplier this results in a net 15.5% extra damage. Beefalo ridden by Wendy benefit from both vex damage multipliers but will not suffer from Wendy's 0.75x mult, resulting in a 54% boost to their damage.

Wendy suffers 25% less Sanity drain from Darkness and from being near insanity auras. The effect only extends to those two cases though, meaning that other things that drain Sanity (e.g. Rain, Dark Sword, Monster Meat etc.) will drain at the normal rate.


Wendy's attacks are 25% weaker than most other Characters' in order to balance out the ability to summon Abigail and the lowered sanity drain.

Wendy loses 30 Sanity Meter.png when Abigail is destroyed by an enemy and her power level is reset.

Insight.png Skill Tree

Parrot Pirate.png

This content is not available in the main game
The content on this page contains spoilers from the beta version of the game. All or some of the things listed on this page will most likely be added to the game later. Here you can see all articles related to beta content.

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

Pipspook Quest

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Pipspook Quest I.png
Pipspook Quest I
Available from start Pipspook lost toys aren't quite so far away. Lost Toys are now sometimes closer to each other.
Pipspook Quest II.png
Pipspook Quest II
Unlock "Pipspook Quest I" Pipspooks remember more lost toys to find. Pipspook can locate 1-2 more lost toys.
Pipspook Quest III.png
Pipspook Quest III
Unlock "Pipspook Quest II" Pipspooks produce more Mourning Glories. Pipspook rewards Wendy with 2 Mourning Glories ( instead of 1 ) for each lost toy found and 6 Mourning Glories for the last one ( instead of 4 ).


Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Picnic Casket (Skill).png
Picnic Casket
Available from start Wendy can craft a Basket to carry all of Abigail's Elixirs. Unlock a new crafting recipe for Wendy:




Interface arrow right.png
Picnic Casket.png
Ghastly Experience (Skill).png
Ghastly Experience
Unlock "Picnic Casket" Wendy learns to brew a new Ghostly Elixir which helps Abigail quickly remember her potential. Unlock a new Elixir recipe for Wendy:
Mourning Glory.png


Interface arrow right.png
Ghastly Experience.png
When used on Abigail, she will instantly go up to level 3. Abigail's health when leveled up scales by the percentage of the previous level.
Strong Brew.png
Strong Brew
Unlock "Ghastly Experience" Elixirs with one day duration will now last two. Revenant Restoration, Unyielding Draught, Distilled Vengeance, Nightshade Nostrum, and Vigor Mortis will have their effect extended from 8 minutes to 16 minutes.
Extra Yield.png
Extra Yield
Unlock "Strong Brew" Sometimes, Wendy is able to squeeze extra Elixirs out of the same ingredients. Wendy has a chance to craft 1-2 more Elixirs of the same ingredients for free.

Blessed Sisturn

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Blessed Sisturn I.png
Blessed Sisturn I
Available from start The chilling aura of death preserves the petals placed in the sisturn longer. Petals put inside the Sisturn will stay fresh for longer.
Blessed Sisturn II.png
Blessed Sisturn II
Unlock "Blessed Sisturn I" Wendy's resistance to scary things is increased, and she grants some of that confidence to others nearby. Being near the Sisturn lowers Wendy's sanity loss while also sharing the effect with other players.
Blessed Sisturn III.png
Blessed Sisturn III
Unlock "Blessed Sisturn II" Wendy learns a unique property of Lune Tree Blossoms, thinning the veil between worlds.
Abigail's presence becomes stronger, giving her more resistance to the Giants of the Constant like the rest of the survivors.
Filling up 4 Lune Tree Blossoms into the Sisturn gives Abigail 50% protection against Bosses. Does not work with normal creatures or mini-bosses.

Mourning Glory

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Mourning Glory I.png
Mourning Glory I
Available from start Begin the journey of revival with Butterflies. Unlock a new recipe to revive Butterflies for Wendy:
Mourning Glory.png
Mourning Glory.png
Butterfly Wings.png
Interface arrow right.png
Mourning Glory II.png
Mourning Glory II
Unlock "Mourning Glory I" Surround yourself in ghostly nature and taste the power of the elixirs even if not fully. Unlock a new head-gear recipe for Wendy:
Mourning Glory.png


Interface arrow right.png
Wraith's Wreath.png
When worn, players are now able to drink Wendy's elixirs ( except Super Elixirs) by hovering the Elixir onto Wrath's Wreath and right click; gaining some of its weaker effect. It also makes Ghost neutral to other players.

The list of Ghostly Elixirs that are drinkable and its effects:

● Revenant Restorative: Regenerate 40 Health Meter.png

● Spectral Cure-All: Regenerate 100 Health Meter.png

● Unyielding Draught: Create a shield that blocks 50 damage

● Distilled Vengeance: Create a shield that blocks 50 damage, and inflicts back 20 damage.

● Nightshade Nostrum: Night vision for almost a day.

● Vigor Mortis: Removes 25% of movement penalty.

● Ghastly Experience: Restore maximum health penalty loss and some Hunger Meter.png and Sanity Meter.png.

Mourning Glory III.png
Mourning Glory III
Unlock "Mourning Glory II" You can bring back friends, but only if they've entered the Constant it seems. Unlock a new recipe for Wendy:
Mourning Glory.png


Cut Stone.png


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Perennial Altar.png
Wendy and other players can attune the Perennial Altar similar to Meat Effigy.

Vengeful Ghost

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Vengeful Ghost.png
Vengeful Ghost
Available from start When Wendy or her friends are killed, their spirit is vengeful and able to wreak havoc on the living world for a short time. When a teammate dies near Wendy, their Ghost form can now attack back similar to Abigail without inflicting vex; dealing 11.3 damage for 15 seconds. The damage is affected by the character's damage multiplier ( Wigfrid with x1.25 damage and Wendy or Wes with x0.75 damage )


Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Grave Beautification.png
Grave Beautification
Available from start Wendy can adorn graves with flowers to delight their resident spirits.
Wendy can relocate graves to bring lonely spirits together.

Evil Flowers no longer hold fear for Wendy.

● Wendy can now decorate Headstone with Petals. Giving 4 Petals will spawn a Bigspook from the ground up regardless of the day/moon cycle. Wendy can only have a limited of 4 Bigspooks at a time.

● Wendy can now dig up Graves to relocate them anywhere.

Evil Flowers no longer take -5 Sanity Meter.png when picked up by Wendy ( it doesn't remove the insanity aura ).

Gravestones By Wendy.png
Gravestones By Wendy
Unlock "Grave Beautification" Wendy can put to rest the spirits of skeletons with a gravestone. Unlock a new crafting recipe for Wendy:
Cut Stone.png
Dark Petals.png


Interface arrow right.png
Headstone DST.png

● Wendy can build up a grave from the Skeleton of fallen survivors.

Team Spirit

Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Team Spirit I.png
Team Spirit I
Available from start Wendy can remind Abigail she's a ghost, able to be unseen by her enemies to escape bad situations.
Unlock a new ghost command for Abigail's Flower:

● The "Escape" command makes Abigail turn invisible to avoid damage and de-aggro enemies who previously attacked Abigail and return to Wendy.

Team Spirit II.png
Team Spirit II
Unlock "Team Spirit I" Abigail can dash to anywhere Wendy needs reinforcement.
Unlock a new ghost command for Abigail's Flower:

● The "Attack At" command makes Abigail dash to where Wendy calls her. While dashing, Abigail will pierce through enemies and deal damage based on the day cycle.

Team Spirit III.png
Team Spirit III
Unlock "Team Spirit II" Abigail can use her powers as a spooky ghost to scare and haunt things.
Unlock two new ghost commands for Abigail's Flower:

● The "Scare" command allows Abigail to spook other creatures, sending them into a panic state similar to Wigfrid's Startling Soliloquy.

● The "Haunt At" command makes Abigail haunt to where Wendy suggests her. Her haunting mechanic is similar to Ghost Survivors.


Skill Prerequisites Description Notes
Lunar Sisterhood I.png
Lunar Sisterhood I
● Defeat Celestial Champion

● Have no Shadow Affinity

Abigail attunes with lunar energies and earns some Planar Defense. ● Abigail gains 15 Planar Defense.

● Wendy also gains +10% damage against Shadow Aligned creatures and +10% damage protection against Lunar Aligned creatures.

Lunar Sisterhood II.png
Lunar Sisterhood II
Unlock "Lunar Sisterhood I" Wendy can craft a Super Elixir infused with lunar energy that gives Abigail a boost of Planar Damage for its duration.
Super Elixirs work in parallel to regular Elixirs.
Unlock a new Lunar Elixir recipe for Wendy:
Pure Brilliance.png
Mourning Glory.png
Mourning Glory.png
Mourning Glory.png
Interface arrow right.png
Luminous Wrath.png
Luminous Wrath applies +10 Planar Damage to Abigail.
Lunar Sisterhood III.png
Lunar Sisterhood III
Unlock "Lunar Sisterhood II" Wendy can use the Moon Dial during a full moon to fill Abigail with lunar energy, turning her into a Gestalt. The Moon Dial can restore her ghost status during a new moon. ● On a full moon, Wendy can mutate Abigail at the Moon Dial to transform her into Gestalt Abigail. Gestalt Abigail does heavy single-target damage.

● Applying Luminous Wrath onto Gestalt Abigail adds +100 Planar Damage, effective against enemies with Planar Entity Protection.

● Gestalt Abigail also deals +10% damage against Shadow Aligned creatures.

Shadow Sisterhood I.png
Shadow Sisterhood I
● Defeat Ancient Fuelweaver

● Have no Lunar Affinity

Abigail attunes with the shadows and earns some Planar Defense. ● Abigail gains 15 Planar Defense.

● Wendy also gains +10% damage against Lunar Aligned creatures and +10% damage protection against Shadow Aligned creatures.

Shadow Sisterhood II.png
Shadow Sisterhood II
Unlock "Shadow Sisterhood I" Wendy can craft a Super Elixir infused with shadow magic that increases Abigail's Vex damage.
Super Elixirs work in parallel to regular Elixirs.
Unlock a new Shadow Elixir recipe for Wendy:
Pure Horror.png
Mourning Glory.png
Mourning Glory.png
Mourning Glory.png
Interface arrow right.png
Cursed Vexation.png
Cursed Vexation causes Abigail's vex to deal 20% more damage to both her own and Wendy's damage.
Shadow Sisterhood III.png
Shadow Sisterhood III
Unlock "Shadow Sisterhood II" Dark Magic is released whenever Wendy uses the Murder action filling Abigail with more power for a short time. Performing the Murder action on small creatures such as Butterfly, Spider, Bee, Rabbit, etc... temporarily changes Abigail into Shadow Abigail. Shadow Abigail boosts her attacks with Planar Damage when fighting enemies. The effect can be stacked with an additional 8 seconds for each creature murdered.

Shadow Abigail also deals +10% damage against Lunar Aligned creatures.

Prototype.png Tips

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Guides/Character guides-Wendy

  • Abigail won't keep fighting Mobs forever and sometimes needs to be ordered to do so mid-fight. Keep an eye on the battle so to keep her focused on the task.
  • Since she can outrun Rabbits, Abigail is a source of easy Morsels.
    • Although it is always dark in Caves, there's a day-night system in place, meaning Abigail will not always do 40 damage per hit. In the Ruins though it's always considered Night.
  • Abigail can tank and damage Pengulls rather easily, and can take the full camp with Wendy's help at Dusk without too much risk. This means Wendy has a fairly reliable source of Food in the Winter.
  • While Abigail is great against groups of weaker foes, fighting stronger Mobs will result in her death unless she's helped by Wendy. Great support weapons are the Ice Staff and Fire Staff. The Ice Staff can be used to stun enemies before they land a hit on Abigail, preventing her from taking damage. The Fire Staff can stun Mobs for longer while also damaging them but comes at the cost of possibly burning the dropped loot upon the enemy's death.
  • Despite the Sanity icon not displaying an arrow, the Top Hat will not completely keep Sanity from draining in the dark.
  • Weapons that deal indirect damage (Fire Dart, Gunpowder, etc.) are not affected by Wendy's damage multiplier making them excellent choices for her.
    • A good melee Weapon for Wendy is the Ham Bat, since it has unlimited uses while fresh, effectively erasing one of the drawbacks of the reduced damage.
  • With a Garland and a Pretty Parasol equipped, Wendy suffers almost no sanity drain at night, meaning gathering 18 Petals can keep her sanity up during both night and day during the early days when other sanity-restoring alternatives are unavailable.
  • Care should be taken when fighting alongside Abigail, as a single hit from Wendy dismisses her. This is particularly important on the console versions of the game, as the automatic targeting can accidentally attack her instead of an enemy.
  • Taming an Ornery Beefalo can be very advantageous for Wendy, taking away her damage reduction and giving her a reliable method of combat when Abigail is unavailable. Whilst attacking with Abigail on a beefalo, Wendy has an effective damage multiplier of 1.54x
  • Wendy's favorite food is Banana Pop, meaning she gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when consuming the item.
  • Wendy can order Abigail to attack and kill monsters and innocent creatures that increase Naughtiness without causing Krampus to spawn.

Mosquito.png Bugs

  • While wearing some of the hats, Wendy's flower and the top of her hair will disappear when the player moves towards the top of the screen, and will appear again when she stops moving.