Wolfgang (Don't Starve Together)

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In Don't Starve Together, all 3 of Wolfgang's stats (Health, Hunger, and Sanity) have a maximum of 200. Wolfgang has a new "Mighty Meter" which slowly decreases over time and needs to be filled via lifting weights. Wolfgang is in his Wimpy form from 0-25 mightiness, Normal form from 25-75, and Mighty form from 75-100. Regardless of his form, Wolfgang's Mighty Meter decreases faster with lower hunger, according to the table below.

Hunger Might Drain Rate(% in 480 seconds)
150-200 -48
100-149 -96
50-99 -192
1-49 -288
0 -768
Might Meter.png

When Mighty, Wolfgang deals 2× damage. Mighty Wolfgang can carry heavy items like Chess Pieces at full movement speed and does not lose Mightiness while carrying them. Mighty Wolfgang also does not receive a walking speed penalty from equipping items like Piggyback, Ice Cube, and Marble Suit. In addition, Mighty Wolfgang freezes slower, with 30 more cold insulation but at the cost of -30 heat insulation. Each action of chopping wood, mining, or hammering things while Mighty is at 150% effectiveness with a 1% chance to one-shot making it complete instantly. Mighty Wolfgang also rows at 133% effectiveness. In contrast to his pre-rework character version, Wolfgang's speed no longer changes when changing forms.

Wolfgang can build the Mighty Gym and his various Dumbbells. Players can use the gym to gain Mightiness, losing hunger in the process. The gym starts loaded with two Potato Sacks, but players can load the gym with better weights to change its effectiveness, such as with Statues or Giant Crops. To use the gym, a minigame is played where the player must lift the weights in a steady rhythm to gain mightiness. A bell slides back and forth below the gym in a slider bar, and the player must keep rhythm by ringing the bell when it comes within the center of the slider. The slider bar, when loaded with heavy objects, is white in the center, surrounded by yellow in the middle, and lastly black on the edges. Loading heavier items onto the gym will increase the white and yellow areas, thus increasing the chances for the player to complete the minigame of lifting correctly. The Mighty Gym consumes hunger as players work out, even if the player does not attempt to ring the bell.

Lifting Dumbbells on the other hand does not consume hunger and is essential to maintaining Mightiness while on the move. Wolfgang can craft four types of Dumbbells; in order of increasing effectiveness they are: regular Dumbbells made of Rocks, Golden Dumbbells made of Gold, Marbells made of Marble, and Gembells made of Thulecite and Purple Gems. Dumbbells will lose durability as they are used, unlike the Mighty Gym. Dumbbells can also be thrown as a ranged weapon or used in melee, losing durability in the process. Running with dumbbells will pause mightiness drain, as will raising an anchor.

Besides using dumbbells and the gym, Wolfgang also gains small amounts of Mightiness when doing chores such as mining and chopping trees, as well as when attacking. Wolfgang also doesn't lose Mightiness while sleeping.

Wimpy Wolfgang has a 25% slower hunger drain and has an easier time staying cool with 30 overheat insulation, but at the cost of -30 cold insulation.

Tools Might Meter.png Tools Might Meter.png Tools Might Meter.png
Mighty Gym Build.png +4-+10 Gembell.png +5 Marbell.png +3-+5
Golden Dumbbell.png +1.5-+5 Dumbbell.png +1.5-+3 Mast Build.pngWinged Sail Build.pngShovel.png +2
Pitchfork.png +1.5 Garden Hoe.pngPickaxe.png +1 Axe.pngOar.png +0.5
Hammer.png +0.25


When in Wimpy form, Wolfgang deals 75% damage. Wimpy form is also 25% less effective with tools, but they last 25% longer.

The main drawback of Wolfgang is his increased sanity drain. Darkness will cause him to lose 6.25 sanity/min instead 5/min for normal characters, and if there is any follower or other player within 16 meters, the sanity drain becomes 5.5/min. Insanity aura is 10% more effective to Wolfgang, this effect can change from 10% to additional 100% depending on the number of friends and enemies that are within the area.

Insight.png Skill Tree

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

Chore Workout I.pngChore Workout

Chore Workout I: Chance to one-shot while working improved to 5%.

  • Available initially

Chore Workout II: Chance to one-shot while working improved to 10%.

  • Require Chore Workout I to unlock.

Chore Workout III: Chance to one-shot while working improved to 15%.

  • Require Chore Workout II to unlock.

Chance to one-shot while working improved to 5% (level 1), 10% (level 2) or 15% (level 3). This Skill refers to the one-shot possibility when chopping, mining, or hammering something while Mighty.

Gym Mastery.pngGym Mastery

Gym Mastery: Perfect your gym workout. Mini game will complete automatically.

  • Available initially

Gym Mini game will complete automatically. This does not complete the mini game any faster than normally possible.

Coach Wolfgang.png Coach Wolfgang

Coach Wolfgang: Learn to craft a Coaching Whistle. While coaching, Normal Wolfgang will raise friends' sanity and boost followers' damage.

  • Available initially
Interface arrow right.png
Coaching Whistle.png

Leg Day.png Leg Day

Leg Day: +10% speed boost when Normal.

  • Require Coach Wolfgang to unlock.

+10% speed boost when Wolfgang is in normal form. his Skill is very helpful for players that want to use the Piggyback, as having it means Wolfgang can eliminate its speed penalty both when Mighty and Normal.

Dumbbell Developer.png Dumbbell Developer

Dumbbell Developer: Learn to craft several new dumbbells.

  • Available initially




Interface arrow right.png
Red Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png
Blue Gem.png
Interface arrow right.png

Heavy Hitter I.png Heavy Hitter

Heavy Hitter I: Increase the damage of thrown dumbbells by 50%.

  • Require Dumbbell Developer to unlock.

Heavy Hitter II: Increase the damage of thrown dumbbells by 100%.

  • Require Heavy Hitter I to unlock.

Increase the damage of thrown dumbbells by 50% (level 1) or 100% (level 2).

Push the Limits I.png Push the Limits

  • Push the Limits I: Use the gym to push your Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 110.
  • Available initially
  • Push the Limits II: Use the gym to push your Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 120.
  • Require Push the Limits I to unlock.
  • Push the Limits III: Use the gym to push your Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 130.
  • Require Push the Limits II to unlock.
  • Push the Limits IV: Use the gym to push your Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 140.
  • Require Push the Limits III to unlock.
  • Push the Limits V: Use the gym to push your Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 150.
  • Require Push the Limits IV to unlock.

Using the gym to push Mighty Meter past its limit. Mighty Meter can go up to 110 (level 1), 120 (level 2), 130 (level 3), 140 (level 4) or 150 (level 5). Working or fighting while the meter is above 100 will pause it, but not increase it.

Mighty Weapons V.png Mighty Weapons

Mighty Weapons I: Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +5 Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

  • Available initially

Mighty Weapons II: Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +10 Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

  • Require Mighty Weapons I to unlock.

Mighty Weapons III: Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +15 Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

  • Require Mighty Weapons II to unlock.

Mighty Weapons IV: Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +20 Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

  • Require Mighty Weapons III to unlock.

Mighty Weapons V: Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +25 Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

  • Require Mighty Weapons IV to unlock.

Bring out the full strength of planar weapons. Add +5 (level 1), +10 (level 2), +15 (level 3), +20 (level 4) or +25 (level 5) Planar Damage to planar weapons when Mighty.

Shadow Guard III.png Shadow Guard

Shadow Guard I: The Queen will reward your loyalty with devastating strength. Add +10% of total damage fighting Lunar-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Find and defeat the Ancient Fuelweaver.
  • Have no lunar affinity.

Shadow Guard II: The Queen will reward your loyalty with devastating strength. Add +20% of total damage fighting Lunar-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Require Shadow Guard I to unlock.

Shadow Guard III: The Queen will reward your loyalty with devastating strength. Add +30% of total damage fighting Lunar-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Require Shadow Guard II to unlock.

Add +10% (level 1), +20% (level 2) or +30% (level 3) of total damage fighting Lunar Aligned creatures when Mighty. "Total damage" includes physical and planar damage. The Shadow Affinity also includes 10% damage protection against Shadow Aligned creatures.

Lunar Strategist III.png Lunar Strategist

Lunar Strategist I: The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity by revealing the enemy's weaknesses. Add +10% of total damage fighting Shadow-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Find and defeat the Celestial Champion.
  • Have no shadow affinity.

Lunar Strategist II: The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity by revealing the enemy's weaknesses. Add +20% of total damage fighting Shadow-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Require Lunar Strategist I to unlock.

Lunar Strategist III: The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity by revealing the enemy's weaknesses. Add +30% of total damage fighting Shadow-aligned creatures when Mighty.

  • Require Lunar Strategist II to unlock.

Add +10% (level 1), +20% (level 2) or +30% (level 3) of total damage fighting Shadow Aligned creatures when Mighty. "Total damage" includes physical and planar damage. The Lunar Affinity also includes 10% damage protection against Lunar Aligned creatures.

Prototype.png Tips

Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Guides/Character guide - Wolfgang, The Strongman

  • Since Wolfgang's Sanity drain penalty only applies to the dark and Monsters and is so small, it's fairly easy to overcome. Even in a "Light's Out" world, picking a Flower a day will even out the Sanity drain with other Characters. When fighting Monsters in Mighty form, Wolfgang will actually lose less Sanity than other Characters, due to the fights being shorter, resulting in less exposure to the insanity aura.
    • A Tam o' Shanter provides 6.7 Sanity Meter.png/min, being a great Item to manage Wolfgang's Sanity. It not only stops Sanity drain at Night even for him, but it lasts very long and even provides insulation against the cold. Sleeping in a Tent or eating Taffy, Cooked Green Caps, Jerky or Pumpkin Cookies is also desirable when trying to get big amounts of Sanity back quickly.
      • A Hibearnation Vest is also a good Sanity item with its 4.5 Sanity Meter.png/min. What little sanity is lost at night will be regained back during the day in no time. This will be useful when the player wants to equip something else other than the Tam in the head slot.
  • Apart from various traps and Gunpowder, the Weather Pain and the Fire Staff are the only weapons not affected by Wolfgang's damage multipliers, making them effective even when Wolfgang is Wimpy.
  • Due to the way the bonus damage is calculated on Planar Damage, they don't do as much damage as they normally would with Mighty Wolfgang, but on the other hand they won't do as low as they would with Wimpy Wolfgang making them still very good when used with him.
  • Wolfgang's favorite food is Roasted Potato, meaning that he gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when consuming the food.


  • While wearing some of the hats while in Normal form, Wolfgang's mustache will disappear when the player moves towards the top of the screen.