Wigfrid (Don't Starve Together)

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In DST, Wigfrid has all the abilities from Don't Starve alongside additional abilities exclusive to DST.

Wigfrid is now able to eat food items classified as "goodies", such as Taffy, Jellybeans, and Volt Goat Chaud-Froid, not counting special event food.

She gains Health and Sanity from attacking mobs based on the damage before the 25% bonus (instead of killing), Health & sanity gain = Mob's damage × 0.25 × (original damage ÷ Mob's Health). For example, if she attacks a Spider with the Battle Spear, she gains 2.125 Health and Sanity per hit (20 × 0.25 × (42.5 ÷ 100) = 2.125).

Full inspiration meter.

Wigfrid has a unique Inspiration meter, which allows her to perform her Battle Songs. Wigfrid's Inspiration level rises when fighting foes, giving up to 2.4 Inspiration points for every 100 damage inflicted. Fighting bosses grants triple that amount, up to 7.2 Inspiration for every 100 points of damage. The amount of gained Inspiration lowers depending on the current amount of Inspiration, scaling down the higher the current Inspiration percentage is.

Inspiration gain = damage × 0.024 × (1 - current percentage of inspiration) (×3 if Boss)

It is important to note that the damage variable in the above equation is the actual damage inflicted. This means that all damage modifiers such as her own 25% damage bonus, Volt Goat Chaud-Froid, spicy foods or even damage reduction from enemies will affect the amount of inspiration she gains.

Wigfrid also gains Inspiration when receiving damage from mobs

Inspiration gain = health loss × 0.024 × (1 - percentage of inspiration)

After 7.5 seconds without gaining Inspiration, Wigfrid loses 2 Inspiration every second.

Wigfrid has exclusive access to the Stagecraft Tab to craft the Battle Songs. She can sing up to 3 Battle Songs at a time (unlocked at 16.6, 50 and 83.3 Inspiration respectively) to apply various buffs to her and all surrounding players. Each battle song remains active until the Inspiration falls below the corresponding unlock threshold. There are five battle songs:

There are also two instant Battle Songs that apply a one-time effect at the cost of 16.6 Inspiration:

Neither of these effects impact bosses.

Insight.png Skill Tree

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

Fighting Words.png Fighting Words

Fighting Words: Battle Stingers will no longer consume Inspiration, and instead have a cooldown.

  • Performe Battle Stingers 10 times to unlock.

While inspiration is not consumed, it is still required to be able to use the song. The cooldown is 10 seconds, or 360 seconds depending on the song.

Battle Call Canister (Skill).png Battle Call Canister

Battle Call Canister: Learn to craft the Battle Call Canister, a storage solution for Battle Songs and Battle Stingers.

  • Have 6 different Battle Calls in your inventory to unlock.
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Azure Feather.png
Azure Feather.png
Interface arrow right.png
Battle Call Canister.png

Encore.png Encore

Encore: Learn to craft the Warrior's Reprise: Bring your allies back to life for an encore performance.

  • Play a Beefalo Horn to unlock.
Feather Pencil.png
Down Feather.png
Down Feather.png
Down Feather.png
Interface arrow right.png
Warrior's Reprise.png

Mystic Resilience.png Mystic Resilience

Mystic Resilience: Receive a divine blessing that will provide you with +5 Planar Defense.

  • Available initially

Provide you with +5 Planar Defense.

Bragi's Blessing I.png Bragi's Blessing

Bragi's Blessing I: Inspiration gain rate will increase a little when attacking using Battle Spears.

  • Available initially

Bragi's Blessing II: Inspiration gain rate will increase a fair amount when attacking using Battle Spears.

  • Require Bragi's Blessing I to unlock.

Grants a 25% (level 1) or 50% (level 2) increase in Inspiration gained.

Elding Spear (Skill).png Elding Spear

Elding Spear: Learn to craft the Elding Spear: an electric weapon that does more damage to wet targets.

  • Require Bragi's Blessing II to unlock.
Volt Goat Horn.png
Volt Goat Horn.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Interface arrow right.png
Elding Spear.png

Elding Spear Enhancement II.png Elding Spear Enhancement

Elding Spear Enhancement I: The Elding Spear can perform a special attack. This attack repairs Charged Elding Spears if it hits a target.

  • Require Elding Spear to unlock.

Elding Spear can perform a special attack. This attack repairs Charged Elding Spears if it hits a target.

Elding Spear Enhancement II: Upgrade the Elding Spear using Restrained Static to deal +20 Planar Damage.

  • Require Elding Spear to unlock.

Makes an existing Elding Spear into a Charged Elding Spear. The Restrained Static is used like socketing a gem into a Moonlens rather than being used in crafting, therefore the Spear remains at the same durability as it was before being upgraded.

Elding Spear.png
Restrained Static.png
Charged Elding Spear.png

Hard Helm I.png Hard Helm

Hard Helm I: Battle Helms will be a little more durable when worn by Wigfrid.

  • Available initially

Hard Helm II: Battle Helms will be a fair amount more durable when worn by Wigfrid.

  • Require Hard Helm I to unlock.

Battle Helms are 10% (level 1) or 20% (level 2) more durable.

Commander's Helm (Skill).png Commander's Helm

Commander's Helm: Learn to craft the Commander's Helm: a helm that protects against knockback attacks.

  • Require Hard Helm II to unlock.
Gold Nugget.png
Gold Nugget.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Interface arrow right.png
Commander's Helm.png

Commander's Helm Enhancement I.png Commander's Helm Enhancement

Commander's Helm Enhancement I: The Commander's Helm now has protection against planar damage.

  • Require Commander's Helm to unlock.

The Commander's Helm gains 8 Planar Defense.

Commander's Helm Enhancement II: Wigfrid's natural healing ability will repair her Commander's Helm when she continues to fight at maximum health.

  • Require Commander's Helm to unlock.

Wigfrid's natural healing ability will repair her Commander's Helm when she continues to fight at maximum health.

Battle Rönd (Skill).png Battle Rönd

Battle Rönd: Learn to craft the Battle Rönd. This shield can be used to attack, block attacks, and provide extra protection while equipped.

  • Require Lightning Spear Skill or Commander's Helm Skill to unlock.
Gold Nugget.png


Beefalo Wool.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Beefalo Wool.png
Interface arrow right.png
Battle Rönd.png

Battle Rönd Enhancement I.png Battle Rönd Enhancement

Battle Rönd Enhancement I: The duration of the Battle Rönd's ability to block attacks will be increased.

  • Require Battle Rönd Skill to unlock.

The duration is increased from 1 second to 2.5 seconds. Battle Rönd Enhancement II: After blocking an attack with the Battle Rönd, your next attack within 5 seconds will deal +15-30 damage based on the damage blocked.

  • Require Battle Rönd Skill to unlock.

After blocking an attack with the Battle Rönd, your next attack within 5 seconds will deal +15-30 damage based on the damage blocked.

Noble Mount I.png Noble Mount

Noble Mount I: Beefalos will be domesticated 15% faster.

  • Available initially

Beefalos will be domesticated 15% faster.

Noble Mount II: Beefalos will allow you to ride them for 30% longer.

  • Require Noble Mount I to unlock.

Beefalos will allow you to ride them for 30% longer.

Noble Mount III: Riding a beefalo will make your inspiration slowly rise until it reaches the halfway mark.

  • Require Noble Mount II to unlock.

Riding a beefalo will make your inspiration slowly rise until it reaches the halfway mark.

Battle Saddle (Skill).png Battle Saddle

Battle Saddle: Learn to craft a new Beefalo Saddle that protects your Beefalo.

  • Require Noble Mount III to unlock.
Gold Nugget.png




Azure Feather.png


Interface arrow right.png
Battle Saddle.png

Shadow Chanteuse.png Shadow Chanteuse

Shadow Chanteuse: The Queen will reward your loyalty with the ability to craft the Dark Lament. Allies take less damage from Shadow Aligned enemies and deal bonus damage to Lunar Aligned enemies.

The song causes Wigfrid and her allies to take 5% less damage from Shadow Aligned creatures and deal 5% more damage to Lunar Aligned creatures. Wigfrid also gains an innate 10% damage resistance to Shadow Aligned creatures and 10% damage bonus against Lunar Aligned creatures.

Feather Pencil.png
Pure Horror.png
Pure Horror.png
Pure Horror.png
Interface arrow right.png
Dark Lament.png

Lunar Melodist.png Lunar Melodist

Lunar Melodist: The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity with the ability to craft the Enlightened Lullaby. Allies take less damage from Lunar Aligned enemies and deal bonus damage to Shadow Aligned enemies.

The song causes Wigfrid and her allies to take 5% less damage from Lunar Aligned creatures and deal 5% more damage to Shadow Aligned creatures. Wigfrid also gains an innate 10% damage resistance to Lunar Aligned creatures and 10% damage bonus against Shadow Aligned creatures.

Feather Pencil.png
Pure Brilliance.png
Pure Brilliance.png
Pure Brilliance.png
Interface arrow right.png
Enlightened Lullaby.png

Prototype.png Tips

  • Wigfrid can eat all Meat type foods, even those that are not entirely meat, such as meatballs. Eggs are an animal product and thus count as meat.
  • Wigfrid's diet can be detrimental in a few ways:
    1. She is unable to fully take advantage of beneficial food, such as Berries, Carrots and Butterfly Wings during early exploration, Green Mushrooms and Cooked Cacti Flesh for Sanity management.
      • Once a Crock Pot is crafted she can use these foods as filler.
    2. Her options using a Crock Pot become limited, as she misses out on some useful recipes like Dragonpie, Butter Muffin and Taffy. Taffy is edible in DST.
    3. In the Shipwrecked DLC, she is unable to drink Coffee and thus misses out on the massive speed bonus.
  • Carrying Meat while exploring Caves can be dangerous, because it will automatically trigger Bunnymen to attack, though this can be avoided by storing Meat items in Chester, or its Don't Starve Together counterpart, Hutch.
  • As a temporary measure, eating Monster Meat can be used as a means of survival, especially since she can regain lost Health and Sanity from killing mobs.
  • Farms and some other structures can still be beneficial to Wigfrid. Crops from Farms can make good filler and are sometimes essential in some Meat-based recipes. Carrots can be used to befriend Bunnymen. Berry Bushes can be used to hunt Gobblers. Berries can be used as filler or turned into Manure/Rot for easy fire fuel. A Bird Cage can be used to turn rotting meat into Eggs. Honey from Bee Boxes can be used to make Honey Ham and Honey Nuggets or Honey Poultice. Seeds can be used to bait Bird Traps.
  • A base/camp near a Sinkhole allows Wigfrid to kill the Batilisks that spawn at Dusk for some easy Health and Sanity.
    • A base/camp near Spider Dens can be used in a similar way. This will also provide a lot of monster meat, which can be cooked and fed to an imprisoned bird in a Bird Cage to obtain eggs.
  • Meatballs may be the best Crock Pot dish for Wigfrid, as it's the most cost effective Hunger-wise.
  • Wigfrid's Battle Helm and Battle Spear are stronger (and cheaper to make) than the Spear and Football Helmet. Her items will be outclassed by Ham Bats, Shelmets and anything better though.
  • A Pig Village can be a good resource for Meat early in the game, and it's possible to kill the Pigs with little to no trouble. This can be further improved by feeding the pigs four (4) Monster Meats, which will transform them into Werepigs (resulting in more Meat and Pig Skin).
  • During the early days of the game, it can be a good idea to keep a pet Catcoon and use it to get the aggro of Koalefants for easy meat.
  • Pig Villages, Spider Dens and Ponds are some of the best food sources for Wigfrid.
  • Players should try to find the Pig King for infinite amounts of Gold Nuggets for Wigfrid’s gear.
  • In DST Wigfrid's favorite food is Turkey Dinner, meaning she gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when eating it.
  • Wigfrid can attack Slurtles while they are in their shells using a hambat or walking cane to safely regenerate her health and sanity.