Woodie (Don't Starve Together)

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Woodie starts off with an Axe named Lucy. Lucy is sentient and talks to Woodie, egging him on while chopping down Trees, and warning him about the curse. Lucy talks in red text to differentiate from Woodie's white text. Lucy has infinite durability and reduces the amount of chops required to chop a tree but deals less damage compared to a normal Axe.

In DST, Woodie has three transformations: The Werebeaver, the Weremoose, and the Weregoose. The Wereness Meter has a value of 100 points and will decay at a rate that depends on the moon phase and on the actions being performed. A full moon will halve the decay rate.

Woodie can transform into one of his Were forms by eating one of the Kitschy Idols.

The Wereness Meter's drain rate has three levels. Slowest at -25/minute (-12.5/minute during full moon), faster at -40/minute (-20/minute during full moon), and fastest at -400/minute (-200/minute during full moon). The drain rate is initially at the slowest level, getting to a faster level after every certain seconds on a timer (4 seconds for Werebeaver, 6 seconds for Weremoose, 2 seconds for Weregoose).

Performing certain actions (gnawing for Werebeaver, fighting for Weremoose, running for Weregoose) resets the timer and the drain rate back to the slowest level. This results in a total transformation time between 22/26/19 seconds (37/41/34 seconds during full moon) and 4 minutes (8 minutes during full moon).

When the Wereness reaches 0, Woodie will go back to his normal human form with 0 Hunger Meter.png.

All Wereforms will deplete Sanity at -6.0 Sanity Meter.png/minute.

Dying when transformed will cause Woodie to drop everything (as usual for all Characters) and turn into a Ghost that resembles the current Wereform instead of Woodie. If he is resurrected, he'll revive into the same Wereform with 50 Health, and 100 Sanity and the same Wereness.

Weremeter Beaver.png Werebeaver

In the Werebeaver form, Woodie can chop quickly and effectively. His form can also dig, mine and hammer objects. Gnawing (chopping, digging, mining, hammering, and attacking) resets his Wereness drain rate. The Werebeaver cannot spawn a Treeguard or Poison Birchnut Tree.

  • The Werebeaver can gnaw at a rate of 3.75 gnaws per second. One gnaw counts as chopping 4 times, mining 0.5 times, digging 0.5 times, or hammering 0.25 times.
  • It takes 1.033 seconds to gnaw down a large tree (5.167 - 7.0 seconds with an Axe), 3.1 seconds to gnaw down a Boulder (2.167 - 2.867 seconds with a Pickaxe), 0.467 seconds to gnaw up a stump (0.867 seconds with a Shovel), and 4.2 seconds to gnaw down a structure (1.3 - 1.933 seconds with a Hammer).
  • The Werebeaver's melee attack deals 27.2 damage with an attack interval of 0.433 seconds. He deals 44.2 damage instead to Treeguards and Birchnutters.
  • The Werebeaver reduces 25% of any damage taken. This includes physical damage, fire damage, freezing damage, overheating damage, and every other kind of damage.
  • The Werebeaver moves at 110% of normal speed.

Weremeter Moose.png Weremoose

The Weremoose deals a high amount of damage and has a high damage reduction. The cursed form can perform a tackle, charging in a straight line at high speed. Attacking or being attacked resets his Wereness drain rate.

  • The Weremoose's melee attack deals 59.5 damage, but has a slightly longer attack interval (0.5 seconds) than regular melee weapons (0.433 seconds). This results in about a 15% lower DPS than a fresh Ham Bat.
  • The Weremoose has 90% Damage Reduction. This works on physical damage, planar damage, fire damage, freezing damage, overheating damage, and every other kind of damage.
  • The Weremoose moves at 90% of normal speed.
  • The Weremoose's charge covers a distance of up to approximately 20 units (length of 5 turf tiles). He moves at 12 units/second (200% of normal speed) while charging. He charges in a straight line and cannot change direction or manually stop.
  • Mobs hit by the charge will take 59.5 damage. If the charge collides with a solid obstacle, the charge is halted and the Weremoose is slowed down for 10 seconds. The obstacle will also be chopped 8 times, mined 4 times, hammered 2 times, or damaged by -119 health.
  • The Weremoose has complete stun immunity (cannot be interrupted or stunlocked) while charging, except for 0.233 seconds at the start of the charge and 0.067 seconds at the end of the charge. He can only be interrupted mid-charge by crashing into a solid obstacle, by being frozen, by being put to sleep, or by being attacked with knock-back.

Weremeter Goose.png Weregoose

The Weregoose moves 40% faster than Woodie in his normal form, and can run over water. The Weregoose can't perform any other action than running. Running resets his Wereness drain rate. Woodie immediately drowns if he transforms back to normal while on water.


When his Wereness Meter reaches 0, the Hunger meter is set at 0.

During a Full Moon, Woodie will instantly turn into a random transformation, and for the duration of the Full Moon his Wereness will drain half as fast.

Insight.png Skill Tree

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

Transformation Timer I.pngTransformation Timer

Transformation Timer I: Were-forms last a little longer.

  • Available initially.

Transformation Timer II: Were-forms last a fair amount longer.

  • Require Transformation Timer I to unlock.

Transformation Timer III: Were-forms last much longer.

  • Require Transformation Timer II to unlock.

Were-forms last 20% (level 1), 40% (level 2) or 80% (level 3) longer (48/96/192 seconds added if performing the required action for full duration). Transformation Timer I has no requirement to unlock. Each subsequent level requires the previous level. If Woodie is standing still while transformed, the Skill does not apply. This is useful if you want to leave the wereform as soon as possible.

Werebeaver Mastery.pngThe Werebeaver

The Werebeaver I: Mine faster in your Werebeaver form.

  • Available initially.

A Boulder can be mined in 5 gnaws rather than 11.

The Werebeaver II: Chop faster in your Werebeaver form.

  • Require The Werebeaver I to unlock.

Each gnaw is equivalent to 7 chops from an Axe rather than 4.

The Werebeaver III: Chop, mine and break hard materials in your Werebeaver form.

  • Require The Werebeaver II to unlock.

Currently, this applies to vibrating the Cracked Pillar, and mining Ryftstals and Dreadstone Outcrops.

Werebeaver Mastery: The Werebeaver learns to smack the ground with his tail, destroying everything around him.

  • Require The Werebeaver III to unlock.
  • Only one were-form can be fully mastered. Choose wisely.

Woodie in The Werebeaver form can smack the ground with his tail, destroying everything around him.

Weremoose Mastery.pngThe Weremoose

The Weremoose I: Your Weremoose form is more resistant to hitting obstacles and walks a little faster.

  • Available initially.

Hitting an object while charging will slow you down for less than a second. The Weremoose moves at a normal speed rather than 90%.

The Weremoose II: Gain slow health regeneration in your Weremoose form.

  • Require The Weremoose I to unlock.

The Weremoose heals 1.5 Health every 5 seconds.

The Weremoose III: You can stop mid-charge in your Weremoose form.

  • Require The Weremoose I to unlock.

Manually stop the charge by hitting any movement key.

Weremoose Mastery: The Weremoose learns to throw a strong planar punch on every 3rd hit, and gains a natural defense against planar damage.

  • Require The Weremoose II to unlock.
  • Only one were-form can be fully mastered. Choose wisely.

The planar punch has a small area of effect and deals 136 physical damage, as well as an extra 80 planar damage which is only dealt to mobs with Planar Entity Protection. The Weremoose gains 15 Planar Defense.

Weregoose Mastery.pngThe Weregoose

The Weregoose I: Run faster in your Weregoose form.

  • Available initially.

The Weregoose moves 66% faster than Woodie in his normal form (compared to 40% without the Skill).

The Weregoose II: Become completely waterproof in Weregoose form.

  • Require The Weregoose I to unlock.

The Weregoose's Wetness protection changes from 70% to 100%.

The Weregoose III: Occasionally dodge an incoming attack in Weregoose form.

  • Require The Weregoose II to unlock.

The Weregoose fully blocks one instance of attack damage, with a cooldown of 5 seconds.

Weregoose Mastery: The Weregoose learns to fly around to explore the world, but it's a little out of control.

  • Require The Weregoose III to unlock.
  • Only one were-form can be fully mastered. Choose wisely.

The Weregoose can teleport to a random walkable tile on the map. This costs 20 werepoints.

Curse Embracer.pngCurse Embracer

Curse Embracer: Suffer no health or sanity penalties for eating Kitschy Idols. Return to human form without having an empty stomach.

  • Learn 6 Curse skills to unlock.

You return to human form with 22.5 Hunger Meter.png.

Quick Picker III.pngQuick Picker

Quick Picker I: Collect stuff a little faster.

  • Available initially

Quick Picker II: Collect stuff a fair amount faster.

  • Require Quick Picker I to unlock.

Quick Picker III: Collect stuff much faster.

  • Require Quick Picker II to unlock.

Pick resources such as Saplings and Grass Tufts 10% (level 1), 20% (level 2), 33% (level 3) faster.


Woodworker: Use Lucy to carve Boards more efficiently.

  • Available initially
Lucy the Axe.png
Interface arrow right.png

Hat Carving: Use Lucy to carve a nice Hardwood Hat for protection.

  • Require Woodworker to unlock.
Lucy the Axe.png


Pine Cone.png
Interface arrow right.png
Hardwood Hat.png

Cane Carving: Use Lucy to carve a Wooden Walking Stick for easy mobility.

  • Require Woodworker to unlock.
Lucy the Axe.png
Interface arrow right.png
Wooden Walking Stick.png

Woodworker has no requirement to unlock. Both Hat Carving and Cane Carving require having Woodworker unlocked.

Treeguard Feller II.pngTreeguard Feller

Treeguard Feller I: Deal a fair amount more damage to Treeguards.

  • Available initially

Deal 41% more damage to Treeguards.

Treeguard Feller II: Deal much more damage to Treeguards.

  • Require Treeguard Feller I to unlock.

Deal 100% more damage to Treeguards.

Treeguard Feller III: Learn to craft the Treeguard Idol, an extremely burnable effigy. Attracts Treeguards when burned.

  • Require Treeguard Feller II to unlock.
Cut Grass.png
Cut Grass.png
Cut Grass.png
Living Log.png
Living Log.png
Nightmare Fuel.png


Interface arrow right.png
Treeguard Idol.png

Shadow Courtier.pngShadow Wrangler

Shadow Wrangler: The Queen will reward your loyalty by calling off her shadow creatures (But only when you're in a were-form).

Shadow Creatures still appear when Woodie is insane in a were-form, but they become neutral, much like the effect of the Bone Helm. The Weremoose's charge attack and planar punch will not hit passive shadow creatures when you have this Skill. The Shadow Affinity also grants a 10% damage modifier against Lunar Aligned creatures, and 10% damage protection from Shadow Aligned creatures.

Lunar Innovator.pngLunar Renegade

Lunar Renegade: The Cryptic Founder will reward your curiosity by blocking the moon's ability to trigger your curse.

If you are transformed, your weremeter still refreshes to 100% at the start of a full moon and drains slower during one. The Lunar Affinity also grants a 10% damage modifier against Shadow Aligned creatures, and 10% damage protection from Lunar Aligned creatures.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Due to Lucy's infinite durability it's a waste to craft other axes (Axe and Luxury Axe) unless the player desperately needs a better weapon in the early days.
  • Players are advised to calculate beforehand the days in which it will be a Full Moon and prepare accordingly for the transformation.
  • If possible, players should try to transform near their camp or another safe place fitted with supplies to help regain the lost stats.
  • A way to simultaneously benefit from the full moon and get around the full-moon random transformation effect is to use as much of a chosen transformation as possible without reverting back to human form when the full moon hits. If the player is currently transformed when the full moon hits, the only thing that happens is the were-meter is refreshed. This way, one avoids being randomly transformed against its will and benefit from the refilled were-meter.
  • Woodie's favorite food is Honey Nuggets, meaning he gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when consuming the meal.
  • During his transformations, Woodie is immune to the slowness caused by Sandstorms in the Oasis Desert in Summer or Moonstorm. This means that while transformed, the player can fight Antlion without the need for Desert Goggles.
  • Woodie will drop his equipped items, except for backpacks, when transforming. Players should prepare some empty slots for his equipped items and be ready to unequip them before transforming.
  • Players should avoid transforming at a high hunger meter since Woodie loses all of his hunger when he transforms back to normal. Try keeping his hunger around 37.5 before transforming in order to conserve food.
  • Because Woodie loses all hunger during a Wereform, it is advised to do it at 0 hunger to minimize the hunger lost. Frequent and careful use of transformations lets Woodie have a practically slower hunger rate than normal.
  • The Weremoose can use his charge over and over against large groups of mobs. Players can take advantage of his unique ability to dispatch multiple enemies at once.
  • The Weremoose's charge ability allows him to defeat groups of Spiders and Spider Warriors faster and more effectively than Abigail. Used properly, he can quite easily clear several Tier 3 Spider Dens on his own. The Weremoose is generally great for clearing crowds such as Beefalo herds, massive Hound waves, Chess Monsters found in Chess biomes or the Ruins, Nightmare Creatures, and Frog Rains.
  • As Weremoose, it's faster to travel by charging repeatedly than by walking. Be careful not to crash into solid objects on the way. The charge can also be used to escape dangerous situations, such as when the Weremoose is low on health.
  • Make sure to keep Woodie's health full before transforming, especially with the Weremoose, since he cannot heal himself during a transformation. Players should keep in mind that transforming using a Kitschy Idol leaves Woodie with 130 health at most.
  • The Weregoose is excellent for quickly exploring the map early in the game, especially because of its ability to cross ocean gaps between biomes.
  • Woodie does not suffer from the Piggyback's speed penalty when transformed, and so it is suggested to at least consider using a Piggyback when going out to gather many items at once, such as logs and Spider drops since the speed penalty will not affect the Wereforms efficiency.
  • During a transformation, Woodie can still raise his "naughtiness" rating and cause Krampus to arrive.
  • In DST, Woodie has additional 45 insulation from his beard.