Wormwood (Don't Starve Together)

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Glommer's Flower.png Main article: Green Thumb Tab

Wormwood's main perk is access to the exclusive Green Thumb Tab. This gives him the ability to craft 4 items that cannot be crafted by any other character.

The Green Thumb Tab items are:

  • Living Log - When crafted, Wormwood will lose 20 Health Meter.png.
  • Bramble Husk - Provides protection when worn, causes all Mobs around Wormwood to take damage when he is hit, and prevents damage from Bramble Traps. Wearing it also makes Cactus and Spiky Bushes totally harmless so that picking them deals no damage the player, or wear to the husk.
  • Bramble Trap - Behaves similarly to a Tooth Trap, dealing less damage but in a radius around the trap rather than to one target.
  • Compost Wrap - Restores 40 Health Meter.png (8 instantly and 32 over 32 seconds).

With an addition of Insight Skills:

Wormwood also has a number of other perks, chief of which is the ability to plant Seeds and Plant Seeds without the need of a Garden Digamajig or Garden Hoe. These seeds can be planted on most turfs, excluding things such as Rocky Turf. Plants planted by Wormwood (either using his perk or just planting seeds into hoe holes) stay fresh in the ground 1.5 times longer than planted by anyone else.

Wormwood also gains 10 Sanity Meter.png from planting. This includes Seeds and Crop Seeds planted on the ground or on a Farm Plant planting Grass Tufts, Saplings, Spiky Bushes, Mushrooms in a Mushroom Planter, or Tree seeds.

Eyeplants are neutral towards him. Harvesting Sea Weeds won't make them wake up and attack him. Wormwood is also immune to effects of Fire Nettles and Spiny Bindweed.

No Food item will change his health in any way, so items such as Monster Lasagna can be consumed without taking any damage.

Wormwood doesn't suffer a sanity drain for being Wet or for equipping wet items, but the temperature loss induced by wetness remains unchanged.

Wormwood can also fertilize himself with Fertilizers. It gains instant heal based on Manure Nutrient value, it gains heal over time based on Compost nutrient value. The Growth Formula nutrient triggers blooming, applying more formula fertilizer will increase rate at which Bloomness is accumulated and extend the duration when fully bloomed.


There are three stages of growth, before blooming, followed by the three stages again in reverse as blooming subsides

Wormwood starts at Stage 0, with an empty bloomness pool and no bloomness gain. However, once Spring starts or Growth Formula fertilizers are applied (such as Glommer's Goop), Wormwood enters Stage 1. Here, he begins gaining bloomness at a particular rate, which is influenced by both the current season and the accumulated fertilizer.

In Stage 1, Wormwood's default bloomness gain is 1 bloomness per 1 second. The exact bloomness gain formula is as follows:

rate = season_multiplier x (1 + (fertilizer_storage x 1/128))

The season_multiplier represents the season's influence on bloomness gain, with different seasons having varying multipliers:

  • Autumn: 1x
  • Winter: 0.75x
  • Spring: 1.5x
  • Summer: 1x

The fertilizer_storage refers to the cumulative amount of growth formula nutrient that have been applied thus far. Their values are as follows:

  • Growth Formula Starter: 8
  • Fermenting Growth Formula: 16
  • Fermented Growth Formula: 32
  • Super Growth Formula: 32
  • Spoiled Fish: 16
  • Spoiled Fish Morsel: 8
  • Compost Wrap: 24
  • Glommer's Goop: 8

To move from Stage 1 to Stage 2, Wormwood needs to accumulate a total of 480 Bloomness (432 with Growth Spurt I.pngGrowth Spurt I, 360 with Growth Spurt II.pngGrowth Spurt II). With the rate of 1 this translates to the number of seconds, 480 equals one full in game day. Once he reaches Stage 2, both his rate and bloomness are reset, and the process starts anew.

Upon entering Stage 3, which is the final stage, Wormwood's bloomness amount is immediately set to 1440, equivalent to 3 full in-game days at rate of 1 (2160 or 4.5 days with Flower Power.pngFlower Power). The rate no longer increases with fertilizer application. In fact, the rate is set to -1, meaning that bloomness is actually lost over time. However during spring, the rate becomes 0, effectively pausing the bloomness counter, while in winter, the rate turns to -2, resulting in even more bloomness loss.

Stage 3 brings the possibility of accumulating more bloomness than ever before. The meter can hold up to 2400 bloomness, equivalent to 5 full in-game days at rate of 1 (3600 or 7.5 days with Flower Power.pngFlower Power). Fertilizer application no longer influences the rate, instead it adds flat amount to the total bloomness as per following formula:

flat_bloomness = growth_formula_nutrient x 7.5

Meaning 5 uses Super Growth Formula will provide 1200 bloomness in total (7.5 x 32= 240 bloomness per use)

In Stage 3, the accumulation of fertilizers halts. Each time you apply a new one, only the amount of that specific fertilizer is included in the calculations. No longer are the previous amounts accumulated.

Wormwood also increases Bloomness gain rate (and flat Bloomness in stage 3) when exposed to Acid Rain. To calculate gain, value of damage caused by Acid Rain is used as fertilizer_storage and growth_formula_nutrient in the formulas mentioned above.

Each stages gives a movement speed multiplier and hunger drain multiplier, linearly scaling from 1 to 1.2

Stage Duration Movement speed &

Hunger drain

0 ongoing +0%
1 1 day +6%
2 1 day +13%
3 3 days +20%

When in full bloom (Stage 3), Wormwood tends all Farm Plant within a 1 tile radius around him.

During the third stage of blooming, Wormwood's flower will open up and a small particle effect of pollen will begin to fall from his head. In addition to this, everywhere he steps in this form will begin to grow small tufts of grass and flowers. This trail of flowers and grass is more than cosmetic, however, and will attract Bees, Grumble Bees, and Bee Queens. Bees and Killer Bees are neutral to Wormwood unless provoked, while he is blooming. Caution should still be taken in close proximity to other players. The bees may play the animation as though pollinating these flowers, but they will not generate honey using them. It should be noted that while the flowers are only visible during the peak of Wormwood's blooming phase, Bees are attracted to him throughout all of Spring season. Wormwood gains 60 Overheating protection while fully blooming (180 with Shade Plant.pngShade Plant).


As said above, Food items will neither increase nor decrease Wormwood's health. This limits the usefulness of items such as Dragonpie and Pierogi, restricting him to non-edible healing items such as (only more potent items shown here):

Item Healing Time Extra
Bat Bat 510 +6.8 health per hit Deals Damage, Drains sanity
Life Giving Amulet 100 Over 10 minutes Trades 5 hunger for 5 health every 30 seconds. Resurrection. Sanity effects.
Siesta Lean-to 60 (variable) +2/second Each second: sanity +1, wetness -1, hunger +1, body temperature -1 (down to 40). Daytime only.
Tent 60 (variable) +2/second Each second: sanity +1, wetness -1, hunger +0.33, body temperature +1 (up to 40). Dusk and night only.
Compost Wrap 40 Over 32 seconds Initiates bloom. Fertilizer
Tree Jam 34 Over 32 seconds Initiates bloom. Boat repair. Fertilizer
Honey Poultice 30 Instant Heals mobs
Healing Salve 20 Instant

See Nutrient Fertilizer section for additional (less-potent) healing options.

In addition, Wormwood loses Sanity Meter.png when killing plants:

  • -5 Sanity Meter.png from chopping a tree or picking a Flower.
  • -5 Sanity Meter.png from digging up tree stumps, Grass Tufts, Saplings, or Farm Plants

Burning trees, chopping burned trees, harvesting plants, or pulling carrots carries no penalty in DST.

Wormwood takes 25% more damage from fire, and burns for 1 second longer (4.4 seconds in total).

Insight.png Skill Tree

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Insight

Seed Sleuth.pngSeed Sleuth

  • Learn to identify seeds that have just been planted, to determine what they will grow into.
    • Wormwood will say the name of the plant when examining a planted unspecified seed.

This Skill has no requirement to unlock.

Growth Spurt II.pngGrowth Spurt

  • Growth Spurt I: Reach full bloom a bit quicker.
    • Wormwood requires 10% less Bloomness to advance to the next stage (432 instead of 480).
  • Growth Spurt II: Reach full bloom much quicker.
    • Wormwood requires 25% less Bloomness to advance to the next stage (360 instead of 480).

Growth Spurt I requires having learned Seed Sleuth to unlock. Growth Spurt II requires Growth Spurt I.

Shade Plant.pngShade Plant

  • Gain increased protection from overheating when in full bloom.
    • Wormwood gains a bonus 120 Overheating resistance while in full bloom (180 instead of 60).

This Skill requires having learned Growth Spurt II to unlock.

Flower Power.pngFlower Power

  • Fertilization of Wormwood is boosted 30%.

This Skill requires having learned Growth Spurt II to unlock.


  • Slowly regenerate health when exposed to daylight in full bloom.
    • Wormwood will heal 1 Health every 10 seconds during daytime or when near a Dwarf Star or “Fireball” summoned by Willow.

This Skill requires having learned Flower Power to unlock.


  • Tend farm plants within a larger range while full bloom. Harvest farm plants faster.
    • Range increased by 50% (6 units instead of 4).

This Skill requires having learned Seed Sleuth to unlock.

Compost Care.pngCompost Care

  • Heal faster with Compost Wraps.
    • The self-fertilizing animation is approximately 60% shorter.

This skill requires having learned Farmhand to unlock.

Bee Kind.pngBee Kind

  • Bees and Butterflies will tolerate Wormwood, unless provoked.
    • Butterflies will not actively fly away from Wormwood.
    • Bees will not attack Wormwood when he harvests a Bee Box.
    • Killer Bees will not come out of their Hive or be aggressive towards Wormwood unless he attacks first.

This Skill requires having learned Compost Care to unlock.

Bramble Trap Specialist.pngBramble Specialist

  • Bramble Trap Specialist: Reset nearby Bramble Traps while in full bloom.
    • Wormwood resets nearby traps every 3 seconds.
  • Bramble Husk Specialist: Bramble Husk will release spikes when you hit your target 3 times without being attacked.
    • Deals 22.6 average damage. The effect does not deal damage to followers and works while riding a Beefalo.

Bramble Trap Specialist requires having learned Compost Care to unlock. Bramble Husk Specialist requires Bramble Trap Specialist.

Lureplant Crafting.pngPlants Crafting

  • Sapling Crafting: Sacrifice health to craft Lunar Saplings.


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Sapling (Moon).png
  • Berry Bush Crafting: Sacrifice health to craft Berry Bushes.
    • This allows Wormwood to craft both the classic and leafy variants of the Berry Bush.
Juicy Berries.png


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Berry Bush Item.png
Juicy Berries.png


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Berry Bush 2.png
  • Juicy Berry Bush Crafting: Sacrifice health to craft Juicy Berry Bushes.


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Dug Juicy Berry Bush.png
  • Monkeytail Crafting: Sacrifice health to craft Monkeytails.
Cave Banana.png
Cave Banana.png
Cave Banana.png
Cut Reeds.png


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Monkeytails Dug.png
  • Lureplant Crafting: Sacrifice health to craft Lureplants.
Compost Wrap.png
Compost Wrap.png
Leafy Meat.png


Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Fleshy Bulb.png

Sapling Crafting requires having learned Seed Sleuth to unlock.
Berry Bush Crafting requires Sapling Crafting.
Juicy Berry Bush Crafting requires Berry Bush Crafting.
Monkeytail Crafting requires Berry Bush Crafting.
Lureplant Crafting requires Monkeytail Crafting.

Mushroom Mastery II.pngMushroom Mastery

  • Mushroom Mastery: Mushrooms planted in a Mushroom Planter grow a little faster.
    • Mushrooms Wormwood plants require 10% less time to fully grow (3.38 days instead of 3.75 days).
  • Mushroom Mastery II: Mushrooms planted in a Mushroom Planter grow much faster.
    • Mushrooms Wormwood plants require 20% less time to fully grow (3 days instead of 3.75 days).

Mushroom Mastery requires having learned Seed Sleuth to unlock. Mushroom Mastery II requires Mushroom Mastery.

Poor Sap.png Poor Sap

Red Cap.png
Interface arrow right.png
Syrup of Ipecaca.png

This Skill requires having learned Mushroom Mastery II to unlock.

Mushroom Multiplier.png Mushroom Multiplier

  • Mushrooms planted in a Mushroom Planter produce a higher yield.
    • Yield is increased to 6 caps rather than 4.

This Skill requires having learned Mushroom Mastery II to unlock.

Moon Shroom Cloud.png Moon Shroom Cloud

  • Learn how to plant Moon Shrooms in Mushroom Planters, and release sleep-inducing spores when eating them.
    • Eating a raw Moon Shroom will cause a sleep cloud (similar to one made by the Napsack) to appear where Wormwood stands. Beware eating a raw Moon Shroom will still apply Grogginess to Wormwood.
    • Wormwood no longer gets drowsy when releasing Moon Shroom Clouds.

This Skill requires having learned Mushroom Multiplier to unlock.

Lunar Cultivator I.png Lunar Cultivator

  • Lunar Cultivator I: Tap into your lunar roots to transform Carrots into Carrats. Carrats you've created will retrieve food they find on the ground.
    • The Carrats only bring you food if your inventory has available slots.
Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Carrat Item.png
  • Lunar Cultivator II: Tap into your lunar roots to transform Light Bulbs into Bulbous Lightbugs. Bulbous Lightbugs you've created will follow you around.
    • One Bulbous Lightbug is enough to ward off Charlie, but two are needed to negate the sanity drain from Darkness. Summoning more Lightbugs increases each bug’s light radius.
Light Bulb.png
Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Bulbous Lightbug Item.png
  • Lunar Cultivator III: Tap into your lunar roots to transform Dragon Fruit into Saladmanders. Saladmanders you've created will attack things you do.
    • Summoning 2 Saladmanders will give them a health boost.
Dragon Fruit.png
Health Decrease.png


Interface arrow right.png
Saladmander Item.png

The requirement to unlock Lunar Cultivator I is to have learned at least 5 Left-Branch Skills and to have defeated the Celestial Champion.

Unlike other "leveled" Skills, both Lunar Cultivator II and Lunar Cultivator III only require Lunar Cultivator I (the third level does not require the second).

Lunar Guardian I.png Lunar Guardian

Lunar Binding Root.png
  • Lunar Guardian I: Seize foes and keep them rooted in place while wearing Brightshade Armor. Fuse Bramble Husks with Brightshade armor to create Brambleshade armor.
Brightshade Armor.png
Bramble Husk.png
Interface arrow right.png
Brambleshade Armor.png

The requirement to Unlock Lunar Guardian I is to have learned at least 5 Right-Branch Skills and to have defeated the Celestial Champion. Lunar Guardian II requires Lunar Guardian I.

Prototype.png Tips

  • In DST Wormwood's favorite food is Cooked Banana, meaning he gains 15 bonus Hunger Meter.png when consuming the food.
  • Using his ability to grow large amounts of food, Wormwood can sleep in a Tent or Siesta Lean-to to regenerate large amounts of health all while still having food to spare.
  • Wormwood's abilities can greatly aid Warly. Wormwood's ability to plant seeds allow Warly to access powerful items & Dishes like Grim Galette or Garlic Powder. Said items can compensate for Wormwood's inability to heal from food.
  • Because of his high sanity variability, Wormwood can easily use equipment like the Dark Sword, Bat Bat and especially the Night Armor. Lost Sanity can easily be re-obtained. Otherwise, Wormwood can quickly induce himself high insanity if need be.
  • In DST, Wormwood works well with Wortox, as souls can heal him.
  • Although Eyeplants are neutral to him using force attack still targets them. Caution is advised.
  • You can craft a Bucket-O-Poop and use it to heal more than you would with the initial 3 Manure.
  • In DST, blooming effect by growth formula can be stacked up to 4 days.
  • Since Saplings don't need to be fertilized, and planting them gives +10 Sanity while digging them up only gives -5 Sanity, Wormwood can easily gain Sanity by repeatedly digging up and re-planting the same Sapling for a net +5 each time.
  • Though Wormwood can control his sanity completely through planting and chopping/digging/picking things, he can end up in situations without sufficient seeds/shovels. It is still sometimes more practical or even necessary to restore sanity with food or other standard means.